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        북한의 수사구조 연구

        손영조 경찰대학교 2008 경찰학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        With beginning of 21C, North Korea is no longer a prohibited land. South Korean people can go on a trip to Mt. Kumgang by their cars or go to work at Gaesong Industrial Complex. Before long, we can see some climbing clubs will upload their special plans of climbing Mt. Paecdu at their personal site in the Internet. As North Korea becomes closer to us, it is possible that N.K’s judicial system can have an direct effect on South citizens, for example when they visit North Korea. In this regards, the necessity of the study on the North Korea criminal investigation structure get increased as much. These kinds of studies have been rare because of the shortage of useful materials and the limit of outer viewpoint. I studied North Korean criminal investigation procedure and structure by reading original books from N.K and interviewing with the escaped people. North Korean criminal investigation system is composed of investigation and preliminary investigation. Investigation is to find crimes and criminals before preliminary investigation and preliminary investigation is to collect evidences. Public prosecutors can indict criminals on basis of those investigations. Especially, prosecutors’ duties and rights in surveillance are checking the law enforcement of investigative unit, preliminary investigation, and trial. When public prosecutors find the violation of law in the way of investigation or preliminary investigation, they can correct it by means of the decision and instruction. The decision means the acceptance or rejection about investigators or preliminary judges’ conclusions. It has the written form and plays a role as the post controlling measure to those conclusions. And also the instruction is almost same with the decision. It is just different from the decision in the point of the participation in (preliminary) investigation. In conclusion, (preliminary)investigation of N.K is independent function. Public prosecutor cannot command (preliminary) investigators and must guarantee their independent actions at law. Also (preliminary)investigators can protest against prosecutor’s decision and instruction. This point is very suggestive to us preparing the period of union of the Korean Peninsula.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        검사의 수사지휘, 용어에 대한 연혁적 비교 연구

        손영조(Son, Young Jo) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2017 경찰학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        우리나라 형사소송법은 사법경찰관의 모든 수사에 대해 검사의 지휘를 따르도록 규정하고 있다. 지휘는 검사와 사법경찰관을 수직적 명령복종 관계로 설정하고 있는데, 이를 수평적 대등협력 관계로 재설정할 필요가 있다는 개혁요구가 계속되고 있다. 우리나라 법률용어 상당수는 일제강점기를 거치면서 일본식 용어 그대로 사용되어 온 역사적 배경을 가지고 있다. 수사에 대한 검사의 지휘는 현재 같은 한자문화권 국가인 중국과 북한의 형사절차에서 이미 사라진 용어이다. 일본 법제에 영향을 미친 유럽국가중에서 프랑스 형사소송법에 ‘direction’과 ‘diriger’ 라는 용어가 남아 있는데, 이것은 1957년 개정 법률에 등장한 것이다. 이 연구는 일본 최초의 형사절차법인 메이지 치죄법(1880)에서 사용된 검사의 지휘라는 용어가 어떤 역사적 형성과정을 거쳐 오늘에 이르고 있는지 고찰하였다. 검찰개혁 과제중 하나인 수사권조정 논의와 관련하여, 검사의 지휘라는 용어의 폐지와 대체 필요성에 대해 용어의 기원을 연혁적으로 접근하는 방법으로 연구하였다. The Criminal Procedure Act of Republic of Korea requires that all investigations of judicial police officers should be subject to prosecutor’s direction. That is setting up the prosecutor and judicial police officer as a vertical and order-obeying relationship. The reform request continues to require the need to reset a horizontal and equal partnership. Many of the legal terms in Republic of Korea have historical backgrounds that have been used in Japanese terminology throughout the period of Japanese colonialism. The prosecutor’s direction to police officer on the investigation is a term that has already disappeared from criminal procedure of China and North Korea, which are the same Chinese cultural sphere in East Asia. Among the european countries that have influenced the legal system in Japanese law, the terms ‘direction’ and ‘diriger’ remain in the Criminal Procedure Act of France, which came into effect in 1958. This study look at what the term of ‘Prosecutor’s Direction’ used in the Mieji law of punishment of crime(1880) which was the first Criminal Procedure Law in Japan was how to reach today by the historical method. In order to emphasize the need to abolish and replace the term of ‘Prosecutor’s Direction’, I used a historical approach to the origin of the term.

      • KCI등재

        검사의 신문조서 작성권한에 관한 연혁적 비교연구

        손영조(Son, Young Jo) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2018 경찰학연구 Vol.18 No.2

        우리나라 형사소송법상 공적 소추자인 검사는 수사단계에서 피의자를 직접 대면하여 신문하고, 그 내용을 조서로 작성할 수 있다. 검사가 작성한 피의자신문조서는 법정에서 증거로 현출될 수도 있다. 우리나라 형사소송법에 직․간접으로 영향을 미친 대륙법계 국가인 프랑스와 독일의 경우, 검사는 피의자를 신문할 법적 권한이 없거나, 검사가 피의자를 신문하지 않고 경찰이 작성한 피의자신문조서를 증거의 일환으로 사용하는 실무관행이 형성되어 있다. 원래 프랑스로부터 근대적인 사법제도를 받아들인 일본의 메이지 형사소송법 체계에서도 검사는 직접 피의자를 신문할 권한이 없었다. 그러나 사법체계에서 자신의 위상과 권한을 강화하려던 당시 일본 검사의 위법적이고 편법적인 시도와 노력이 거듭되고, 판사의 통제력이 이에 미치지 못하게 되면서, 결국 일본 검사들은 수사단계에서 피의자를 직접 신문하여 작성한 조서를 법정에 증거로 현출시키는 실무관행을 만들었다. 이러한 당시 일본 검사의 수사권한은 검사를 ‘제4의 정치세력’으로 등장시킬 만큼 강력한 힘을 발휘하게 되었다. 이러한 일본 검사의 권한과 위상은 당시 식민통치를 받고 있던 우리나라 사법제도에도 그대로 영향을 미치게 되었고, 현재까지 계속되고 있다. South Korean prosecutors have the legal power to interrogate a suspect on the crime and present a protocol of examination to a court as the documentary evidence. The similar provisions are contained the Japanese code of criminal procedure too. Actually, they interrogate every suspect and witness in each case. So they exert the authority strongly in the process of investigation and in court. In addition, In France or Germany, the countries where had influenced to form the modern judicial system in Japan, prosecutors do not have the authority to interrogate suspect or do hardly so. Police or other investigators generally interrogate suspect in criminal case. It was same in the original Japanese Meiji Criminal Procedure Act. But, during that time, Japanese prosecutors had tried to get the power and strengthen their status in judicial system again and again through committing illegal acts and cutting corners. The judicature could not check them properly. Finally, Japanese prosecutors could secure their own legal power as so-called the ‘4th political power group’. Such historial formation on Japanese prosecutor’s authority to draw up a protocol of examination influenced to legal system of Republic of Korea, that had been a Japanese colony for sometime. These days, Korean people strongly demand to reform the prosecution system. This study will be expected to meet the demands of the times.

      • KCI등재

        유치장 감찰제도의 역사적 형성에 관한 연구

        손영조(Son Young Jo) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2009 경찰학연구 Vol.9 No.3

        In accordance with the Korea Criminal Procedure Law, public prosecutors supervise regularly, at least once a month, the arrest and detention facilities operated by the Korean National Police. Public prosecutors are required to inspect whether there has been any severe mistreatment such as torture as well as any illegal arrest and detention by police through examining the documents concerned and interviewing directly criminal suspects. If they uncover anything illegal, they are then obliged to redress them or a criminal case must be referred to the prosecutors’ office. This supervising system was introduced as Article 21, revision of Korea Criminal Procedure Law, laws and ordinances of South Chosun interim government no. 176 which was instituted by the U.S. Armed government in 1948. It aimed at removing the human rights-violating judicial process which had been implemented in Korea during the Japanese colonial period. And it was enacted as Article 198-2, Korea Criminal Procedure Law by paraconstitutional organization called the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction which was established by the military government after its coup in 1961. In terms of the legislative origin, this supervising system sets the goal of respecting and protecting the human rights of criminal suspects. However, this system is being operated anomalously by public prosecutors as a way to strengthen their rights to command criminal investigation over the police. In reality, the supervising prosecutors examine or demand police administrative documents which are irrelevant to any illegal arrest and detention. Even, prosecutors are known to not interview the criminal suspects. This can cause unnecessary conflict between the police and the public prosecutors. This study critically examines the historical formation and the actual operation of this supervising system. The research also argues that it is time to remove or reform this system. In addition, there is a need to detain and manage criminal suspects at a place run by the judicial organization not by the police.

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