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      • KCI등재

        장애인인 근로자의 산업재해보상보험급여청구권의 범위

        손미정(Son, Mi-Joung) 한국법학회 2013 법학연구 Vol.51 No.-

        본 논문은 장애인인 근로자가 업무상 재해로 인하여 근로제공 당시 사용하고 있었던 장애인보조기구의 파손이라고 하는 피해를 당한 경우 현행 산업재해보상보험법상 이에 대한 보험급여청구권이 인정되는지의 여부에 관하여 논의한다. 근로자의 사용자에 대한 근로의 제공은 근로자의 노동력에 기초한 것이고 산업재해보상보험제도는 이러한 근로자의 생존유지를 위한 생활유지수단으로서의 노동력을 회복시킴으로써 궁극적으로 근로자를 보호하는데 그 목적이 있다. 장애인인 근로자가 근로를 제공함에 있어 발휘하는 노동력은 완전하지 못한 신체기능을 보조하기 위하여 사용하는 장애인보조기구로부터의 보완력을 포함하는 경우가 대다수이고, 특히 의지(義肢)는 인간의 신체활동에 있어서 가장 필수적이고 중요한 기능을 담당하는 팔 · 다리의 장애를 보조하기 위한 기구로써 이는 ‘신체에 준하는’ 것으로 파악되어 요양급여의 대상으로 인정될 필요가 있다. This paper discusses the right of workers on the Industrial Accident Insurance Act when workers with disability are damaged by the industrial accident, as a breakdown of handicapped aids. Providing labor of workers for employer is based on the workers’ labor ability and Industrial Accident Insurance System is ultimately aimed at workers’ protection by pulling round to earn their living. The workers’ labor ability using by workers with disability mostly includes labor power from the handicapped aids for assisting their physical capabilities, and especially artificial hand and leg is used in helping a handicap on the hand and leg taking charge of the most essential and important function in the activities of the human body. Therefore, artificial leg is considered coming close to the body and the right on the Industrial Accident Insurance of the plaintiff must get recognition in this case.

      • KCI등재

        근로자 감시의 허용 기준 설정에 관한 법적 연구 - 이른바 ‘전자근로감시’를 중심으로 -

        손미정 ( Son Mi-joung ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2021 法과 政策 Vol.27 No.3

        Workers surveillance in labor-management relations refers to the actions performed by the employer within the two-sided structure of the management duty to protect workers through occupational safety and the right to direct and supervise work. However, worker surveillance that is not for the purpose of labor surveillance loses its legitimacy. It is possible to collect personal information that exceeds the required level for labor surveillance, and the employer uses the collected information as a tool for workers surveillance that goes beyond the limits of labor surveillance, it can lead to the violation of the worker’s moral rights. In order to protect workers, this problem is resolved through agreement and institutionalization on the scope of the acceptable standards for workers surveillance to derive the effect of fair labor surveillance. Currently, the legal system restricting worker surveillance includes the labor-management council system in the 「Act on the Promotion of Worker Participation and Cooperation」. At the same time, it is available for use to the method of handling personal information works, and the employer collects workers’ personal information on the premise of the worker’s prior consent, considering the worker and the employer as the information subject and the information processor, according to the 「Personal Information Protection Act」. However, the problem of worker surveillance will still remain since the concern that the level of worker protection may be determined according to the bargaining ability of the workers side or the possibility of free will inherent in the worker’s prior consent is excluded. Therefore, the installation and operation of labor surveillance means are restricted, and the installation and operation of labor surveillance means due to the employer’s management obligations under the Labor Act are permitted as surveillance for justifiable purposes. This is considered a desirable way to end the conflict between labor and management due to worker surveillance.

      • KCI등재

        미성년자 또는 재학중인 자의 일·학습 병행에 관한 법적 연구 - 이른바 ‘현장실습제도'를 중심으로 -

        손미정 ( Son Mi Joung ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2020 法과 政策 Vol.26 No.3

        The industry field training system on the 「Vocational Education and Training Act」 refers to the contents of education conducted in industry among vocational education and training courses. In nature, social law requires protection for their minority because field trainees are often considered minors enrolled in vocational high schools. By the way, the industry field training system was originally designed in the field of education. So, the nature of field training was defined as ‘work experience’ rather than ‘work’. For that, Social issues such as labor exploitation and industrial accidents have also been raised. However, as field training is buried under the premise of education, not labor, the labor law exploitation of field trainees that occurs in field training companies has not been fundamentally resolved, causing constant similar social problems. On the other hand, 「Vocational Education and Training Act」 applies some of the 「Labor Standards Act」 for the industry field training and it is to protected on the industry field training through special provisions of the 「Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act」, it is due to the necessity to guarantee the workers of the students despite the institutional nature of the industry field training in the area of labor law. In view of the fact that training at a field training industry includes the institutional purpose of linking to employment in the relevant industry beyond simple vocational education, the protection of minors or persons in school is recognized through the legal and institutional determination of the scope of the rights as a socially weak person.

      • KCI등재

        사회보장행정상 권리보호에 관한 법적 고찰

        손미정(Son Mi-Joung) 한국노동법학회 2009 노동법학 Vol.0 No.30

        In this society, the country is demanded that accepts a social security by a nation and is realized by the rights protection, no questions asked. A legal problem is that the subject of a administration and the object of it on the legal relation is hard to is kept up clearly and it is not simple to set up a limit of the discretion on a administration in social security administration. In conclusion, this problem can be solved through the establishment of the principle of a legislation for a protection of the substantive and adjective rights in the concrete. Unlike a principle of legislation on social security administration existed, this is the characteristic principle of a payment administration. Through this process, the rights protection in social security administration comes true in the long run. A protection of the substantive right can be completed by the spread of an administration interference and an administration participation, in addition a rule of law is reflected a cardinal principle on the general administration with that premise of an idea on a country the present age, that is a realization of a social welfare country. For a protection of the adjective right, it is needed that increase of the concerned participation, efficient administration and connectivity of the contestation come off. Together, it must be accomplished to rig up a system of the administration contestation for a protection of the right within the framework of the general administration, towards the intensification of a real possibility on the social security right.

      • KCI등재

        직업교육법제의 내용 및 체계에 관한 사회법적 논의

        손미정(Son, Mi-Joung) 한국법학회 2018 법학연구 Vol.72 No.-

        직업교육은 자본주의사회에서 개인의 생계유지를 위한 노동력의 계발 및 향상의 목적에서 이루어지므로 이는 헌법상 교육권의 측면 뿐만 아니라 근로권의 측면에서도 중요한 의의를 지닌다. 본 연구는 지금까지 부재했던 사회법적 차원에서의 직업교육관계법에 대한 연구의 초석적 작업으로 주요 직업교육관계법의 내용과 체계를 검토하고 사회법적 관점에서 직업교육법제 정비의 향후 방향성을 제시한다. 직업교육은 교육기본법 제21조에 의하여 학교교육 및 사회교육을 통해서 이루어지는 바, 학교직업교육의 영역에서는 ‘학생’을 교육객체로 하여 초중등교육법, 고등교육법 및 산학협력법 등이 규정되고 있고 사회직업교육의 영역에서는 ‘근로자’를 교육객체로 하는 근로자직업능력개발법 및 ‘모든 국민’을 교육객체로 하는 평생교육법으로 그 내용이 구성되고 있다. 한편, 직업교육훈련촉진법은 현행 직업교육관계법들을 포섭할 수 있는 기본법적 성격의 법이라기 보다는 현장실습을 중심으로 한 직업실무교육내용을 규정하고 있다. 요컨대, 향후 직업교육의 주체에 대한 교육권 및 근로권의 내용을 법리적으로 명확히 구성하기 위해서는 직업교육법제의 정비가 요구되며, 이의 전제로서 직업교육에 관한 기본법 제정이 필요하다. Since vocational education is aimed at the development and improvement of the labor for the maintenance of the individual s livelihood in the capitalist society, it has important significance not only in terms of the right to education but also in the right to work. This study examines contents and system of the main vocational education related acts and presents the future direction of the vocational education act system from the viewpoint of social law. Vocational education is provided through school education and social education pursuant to Article 21 of the Basic Education Act. In the field of vocational education in the school, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Higher Education Act and Industry-University Cooperation Act is prescribed for students. Also in the field of social vocational education, the content is composed of Workforce Development Act for workers as educational objects and Lifelong Education Act for all nations as educational objects. On the other hand, Industry Field Training Promotion Act prescribes contents of vocational training based on field training rather than a basic act that can compose all the vocational education related laws. In short, it is necessary to modify vocational education acts for the subject of the right to education and the right to work and it is necessary to legislate a basic law on vocational education as a precondition.

      • KCI등재

        근로자 건강진단시 정신검진항목의 도입 여부에 관한 법적 연구Ⅱ: 산업안전보건법 제26조의2 “고객의 폭언 등으로 인한 건강장해 예방 조치” 규정에 대한 함의

        손미정(Son, Mi-Joung) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2019 東亞法學 Vol.- No.85

        지난해 「산업안전보건법」제26조의2 “고객의 폭언 등으로 인한 건강장해 예방 조치” 규정의 신설·시행으로 그동안 노동계에서 논의되어 왔던 이른바 ‘감정노동 근로자’에 대한 보호제도가 마련되었다. 업무의 특성상 감정통제를 수반하는 노동은 다른 노동의 형태와 비교하여 볼 때 당해 근로자의 정신적ㆍ육체적 건강 침해의 결과를 야기할 가능성이 현저히 크며, 심지어는 자살 등의 재해로 이어지기도 한다. 본 법상 사업주의 보호 조치는 건강장해가 발생하기 이전의 사전적 보호조치 및 건강장해 발생 이후의 사후적 보호조치로 구분되어 구체적으로 규정되고 있다. 그러나 본조문은 업무과정중 건강장해의 원인으로 작용하는 유해ㆍ위험 요인의 제거에 초점을 두고 있으므로 사업주의 보호 조치 의무에 의존할 수밖에 없다는 점, 고객응대 과정에서 사후적 근로자 보호에 치중할 수밖에 없다는 점, 감정노동을 행하는 모든 근로자의 보호를 포섭할 수 없다는 점 등의 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 법이 추구하는 근로자의 건강권 보장의 측면에서 볼 때, 사전적ㆍ사후적 건강보호의 제도로 자리메김하고 있는 「국민건강보험법」상 건강검진제도를 강화하고 이 제도를 「산업안전보건법」상 ‘근로자’의 정신건강 보호제도로 특성화하여 현행 감정노동근로자 보호법의 법적 한계를 보충할 필요가 있다. Last year, the establishment and enforcement of Article 26-2 「Occupational Safety and Health Act」 “Preventive measures against health hazards caused by verbal abuse by customers” provided the protection system for so-called “emotional labor workers,” which has been discussed in the labor industry. Due to the nature of work, labor with emotional control is significantly more likely to result in mental and physical health injuries of the worker compared to other forms of labor and even lead to disasters such as suicide. Under this Act, employers" protection measures are specifically defined as precautionary measures before the occurrence of a health disorder and ex post protection measures after the occurrence of a health disorder. However, this article focuses on the elimination of harmful and dangerous factors that cause health problems. So, there are limitations such as that we can only rely on the employer"s duty to protect the company and such as the inability to cover the protection of all workers who engage in emotional labor. Therefore, in terms of guaranteeing the right to health of workers pursuant to this Act, it is necessary to has strengthened the health screening system on the 「National Health Insurance Act」 and to characterize the ‘worker’ mental health protection system on the 「Occupational Safety and Health Act」 to supplement the legal limitations of the current emotional labor protection law.

      • KCI등재

        쟁의행위제한(爭議行爲制限)으로서 필수유지업무(必須維持業務)에 관한 논의(論議)

        손미정 ( Mi Joung Son ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2013 法과 政策 Vol.19 No.1

        The standards of the Labor Relations Act focus on the realization of the rights for the nonperson, laborer, but concurrently the rights have to be established as far as it doesn`t violate upon the constitutional rights of a general public. Essential minimum services system is scheme for minimizing the financial institutions for the rights of ordinary people at the same time for realizing workers` strikes as you can look at the institutional purpose. Thus, Essential minimum services system must develop through an detailed study for example a general agreement on the distinction between collective bargaining agreements, as well as a discussion on the justification for current regulations discussing alternative work permits, a discussion on the effects of essential minimum services agreement, and a discussion on a procedural error of essential minimum services system etc. Eventually, minimizing side effects through the conflict between workers` strike rights and fundamental rights of ordinary people for essential minimum services system will be influenced by the Establishment of Range of the justification of institutional effects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노동관계법상 외국인 여성 근로자의 권리에 관한 제론

        손미정(Son Mi-Joung) 한국법학회 2012 법학연구 Vol.46 No.-

        다문화사회에 대한 논의가 사회각계에서 다양한 시각으로 논의되고 있다. 현 상황에서 국내 유입된 외국인 중 큰 비율을 차지하고 있는 외국인 근로자의 법적 보호에 관한 연구 또한 활발히 이루어져야 할 것으로 보인다. 특히, 외국인 여성 근로자는 외국인 근로자라는 측면과 여성 근로자라는 측면의 이중적인 사회적 취약점을 보유하고 있음으로 인하여 법적 권리성의 확보 및 권리의 보호가 제대로 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 현행 외국인 근로자 고용제도 하에서 외국인 여성 근로자의 권리가 보호되기 위해서는 이들이 국내에 유입되는 과정에서부터 본국으로 출국할 때까지의 일련의 과정에 대한 통합적 논의가 전제되어야 한다. 고용절차에 있어서 외국인 여성 근로자는 근로계약내용 결정에 관한 의사반영이 어렵고 사용자로부터 일방적으로 채용을 당하게 되는 구조 하에 고용되고 있으므로 이에 관한 입법적 보완이 요구된다. 근로과정에 있어서 외국인 여성 근로자는 외국인으로서의 언어적 문제 및 여성으로서의 신체적 약자로 인한 문제 등으로 인하여 직장내 차별대우, 모성보호의 미비, 성희롱 등에 노출되어 있으므로 이에 관한 교육프로그램 개발 및 교육의 의무화가 강조된다. In korea, we are making various arguments about a multicultural society. I think that the new discussion on legal protection of foreign worker should be studied in the current situation. Especially, foreign female worker don’t be protected for their legal rights because they have double holes, it is the point by foreign worker and by female worker. In order to protect on the rights of foreign female worker under the current foreign worker employment, we should discuss a series of course form the process of entering to the process of leaving the domestic country. It is required to do legislative supplement on this problem because the foreign female worker in employment don’t express their views on the labor contract and they are employed unilaterally. It must be stressed that make course of study and make indication of an education for discrimination in workplace, maternity protection and sexual harassment due to foreign female worker in labor relations have communication problems by foreigners and physical problems by the weak as the woman.

      • KCI등재

        성차별에 대한 근로자 보호 법리

        손미정(Son, Mi-Joung) 한국법학회 2013 법학연구 Vol.52 No.-

        본 연구는 헌법상 국민의 평등권 규정에서 열거하고 있는 차별의 사유 및 차별의 영역 가운데 차별의 사유로서의 ‘성별’과 차별의 영역으로서의 ‘노동영역’에 해당하는, 이른바 ‘근로관계에 있어서 근로자에 대한 성차별’에 관하여 논의한다. 근로관계에 있어서의 성차별은 피해자인 근로자가 가해자인 사용자와의 관계에서 상대적 약자의 지위에 있다고 하는 근로관계의 특수성과 노동영역에 있어서 고용절차 및 근로과정에 이르는 단계적 연속성 속에서 발생하므로 성차별 대상으로서의 근로자에 대한 사회법적 보호가 특별히 요구된다. 결국 이를 위하여, 여성근로자에 대한 성차별금지에 편향되어 있는 관련법규에 대한 재정비 및 구체적 사안에 있어서 성차별의 합리성 여부에 대한 판단 기준의 마련을 통하여 관련법이 궁극적으로 근로관계의 당사자가 성차별 사안에서 논리적으로 항변할 수 있는 근거로서 뿐만 아니라 재판부에서 보다 객관적 판단 기준으로 인용할 수 있는 근거로서 그 실효성을 발휘해야 할 것이다. This study discusses about ‘sex based discrimination on the workers in labor relationship’, of ‘gender’ by the reason for the discrimination and ‘labor territory’ as the ground for the discrimination, listed in the equal right of the people on the constitutional law. Because Sexual discrimination in the labor relation breaks out in the area of characteristics of the labor relationship that workers by the victim are in the status of the weak person and step-by-step continuity at the hiring process and the labor process in the labor area, it is demanded especially to protect the workers. For this purpose, after all, the National Labor Relations Act must put out the effectiveness not only by the logical basis of a plea but also by the grounds of a quotation on the objective judgment in the justice department via an arrangement of a standard of judgment about the rationality of sexual discrimination.

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