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        입지계층분석을 활용한 산업단지 유치 업종 결정에 관한 연구

        소진광,이현주,김선우,So, Jin-Kwang,Lee, Hyeon-Joo,Kim, Sun-Woo 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2011 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.2 No.4

        이 연구는 입지계층 분석을 활용하여 특정 산업단지에 유치 가능한 업종을 도출하는 과정을 제시하고자 한다. 입지계층분석은 경제활동별 입지분포 특성을 도시인구의 순위규모 분포산식을 원용하여 경제활동의 입지변화 추세를 파악하는 것이다. 입지계층분석의 결과를 바탕으로 입지계층의 유형을 구분하고 유형별로 유치가 적절한 지역을 소개한다. 분석의 공간단위는 기초지방자치단체(시 군)를 사용하고, 분석의 업종단위는 산업 중분류에 따른다. 분석에 활용된 업종별 입지분포는 1990년부터 최근까지로, 분석대상은 광업 제조업통계조사의 종사자수 통계자료이다. 입지계층분석의 결과를 바탕으로 지역특성에 적합한 산업단지 유치업종을 결정하는 방법을 소개한다. 성장형 추세를 보이는 업종은 전자부품 영상음향 통신장비제조업, 의료 정밀 광학기기 및 시계제조업, 자동차제조업이다. 이런 업종은 적절한 관련 기반시설만 주어진다면 대부분의 지역에서 유치가 가능한 업종이다. 쇠퇴형 입지계층 업종은 담배제조업, 비금속광물제품 제조업, 의복 악세서리 모피제조업, 목제 및 나무제품 제조업 등이다. 그러나 성장형이냐 쇠퇴형이냐는 지역의 특성에 따라 다르며 시간이 지나면서 그 경향이 달라진다. 분산형 입지계층의 업종은 식료품제조업, 화학제품제조업, 비금속광품제조업, 금속가공제조업, 전자부품 영상 통신장비제조업, 석유제품제조업이다. 이런 특성의 업종은 적절한 관련 기반시설의 제공 없이도 비숙련 노동력의 제공이 가능한 지역이라면 유치가 가능한 업종이다. 재집중형 입지계층으로 간주되는 업종은 섬유제품제조업, 의복제조업, 기타 운송장비 제조업이다. 전반적으로 이런 업종은 기존 집적지를 중심을 선호하는 특성을 보이며 주로 대도시 재집중형 경향을 보이고 있으므로 중소도시나 낙후지역에서는 정책적 유인책을 제시하더라도 비효율적이며 유치가능성이 낮은 업종이다. 이러한 입지계층의 특성을 반영하여 유치 업종을 선별하고 산업단지의 개발계획을 수립할 경우, 사업용지 공급정책의 효율성과 효과성을 높일 수 있다. This study aims at listing up those manufacturing activities sensitive to regional characteristics by analyzing locational hierarchy designed on the urban rank-size rule. This locational hierarchy by manufacturing activities is expected to provide a ground for the proper supply of an industrial complex. The analysis of the locational hierarchy by manufacturing activities can work as a method of observing the characteristics of the distribution of location for each economic activity by analyzing the trend in the change of manufacturing location. Consequently, it can be used to determine the appropriate manufacturing activities for the industrial complex of a particular region. Here, the locational hierarchy is analyzed depending on the base of the basic local government such as Gun(district level) and Si(city level), and manufacturing activities are categorized by Korea Standard Industry Code. Those activities demonstrating growth pattern are Manufacture of Electronic Equipment(KSIC 26), Manufacture of Medical Precision Optical Instruments Watch(KSIC 27), Manufacture of Motor Vehicles (KSIC 30, 31), etc. With proper infrastructures, these activities can be located everywhere. Those sectors on the decline pattern in the locational hierarchy can be summarized as Manufacture of Tobacco Products(KSIC 12), Manufacture of wearing apparel Fur Articles(KSIC 14), etc. Those sectors scattered widely in the locational hierarchy are Manufacture of Food Products(KSIC 10), Manufacture of Coke Petroleum Products(KSIC 19), Manufacture of Chemical Products(KSIC 20), Manufacture of Electronic Equipment(KSIC 26). These particular manufacturing activities can be operated in those regions in a sufficient supply of unskilled workers regardless of proper infrastructures. Those activities that have a tendency to reconcentrate on larger cities are Manufacture of Textiles(KSIC 13), Manufacture of Wearing Apparel Clothing Fur Articles(KSIC 14), Manufacture of Other Transport Equiptmen(KSIC 31). In most cases, these sectors tend to favor their existing agglomerated areas and concentrate around large cities. Therefore, it is inefficient to promote these sectors in small or medium-sized cities or underdeveloped regions. The establishment of developmental strategies of an industrial complex can gain greater competitiveness by observing such characteristics of the locational hierarchy.

      • KCI등재

        지역균형발전 정책대상으로서의 지역격차인식과 개별 기업의 공간선택 한계

        소진광(So, Jin Kwang) 한국지역개발학회 2006 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.18 No.4

        This study has three goals: CD to explain the regional disparity from the viewpoint of the diffusion of innovation, which has been known to cause the economic tides, (2) to analyze locational behaviour of private enterprise from the viewpoint of production organization, production system and locational stratum, and Q) to visualize those constraints which private enterprises are to face when selecting sites. Regional disparity in economic results can be considered as the equation of time, because economic innovation diffuses from large cities to smaller ones, bringing about distance decay economic growth. On the other hand, regional disparity can be considered as the outcome made by the flow of production factors such as labour force, capita1, information, decision making etc. These factors prefer spatial innovative environment, which tends to be accumulated by agglomeration effects. Even though an enterprise feels dis-agglomeration economies with growing population in its site, it will not move to other cities without compensating for the loss of extemal economies. It' s the reason why the Capital Region of Korea continues to outgrow. Locational stratum of each industry in Korea can be figured out depending on its production organization and system. Especially locational stratum calculated by linkage pattems between firms including vertical integration or horizontal networking, shows that the accumulation of localized economies will be more efficient to realize balanced regional development.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 자본의 측정지표에 관한 연구

        소진광(So, Jin-Kwang) 한국지역개발학회 2004 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        Social capi떠1 can be approached differently according to various fields such as spatial, social, and cultural dimensions of community. This study aims to develop social capital indicators. Social capital has so many multi faceted aspects that cannot be defin어 or measured easily. In addition, there might be some confusion with the terminology haunted by "capital". Social capital can be differentiated from the σation capital such as financi capital, physical capital, hum capital, etc. in that it is primarily inclusive, whereas traditional capital is mainly exclusive. The main difference betwæn social capital and traditional capital is that σaditional capital can be measured by ownership, whereas social capital be used only by the networks on trust, and cannot be measured by ownership. Therefore, it would be neted to resolve social capital into several tangible conceptual components, so that social capital can be identified or measured. But the relevant conceptual components and expressional factors of social capital be varied according to the purpose of defining social capital and the usefulness of social capital. In this context, study is trying to identify the purpose of defining social capital, outline the usefulness of social capital and relate that to the conceptual components and expressional factors of soci capi. Those linkage processes betwæn the usefulness and the conceptual com∞nents and expressional factors of social capital are ex야cted to contain some tangible indicators to measure social capital. Sever머 indicators to measure social capital can be suggested depending on the linkage processes betwæn the usefulness and the conceptual components of social capital: trust to share commona1ity, citizens’ participation to set up common goals or objectives, network to maintain neighborhαx:l or community, institution building to mobilize resources or secure safety nets, and altruism to create common benefits.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지방분권의 명분과 실익 : 민주주의와 지역발전

        소진광(So, Jin Kwang) 서울행정학회 2019 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.30 No.2

        이 논문은 민주주의와 지역발전 관점에서 중앙정부 권한의 지방분권을 다룬다. 지방분권에 관한 대부분의 연구가 중앙권한의 획기적인 지방이양을 강조하면서 다른 나라와의 비교 관점에서 접근했던 것과는 달리 이 연구는 지방자치 필요성 및 효과와 관련한 본질적인 관점에서 접근한다. 이제까지 지방자치는 민주주의 요건, 그리고 주민 삶의 질 향상을 위한 효율적인 기제(機制)로 논의되어 왔지만, 이의 작동체계는 설명되지 못했다. 따라서 이 논문은 지방분권이 민주주의와 지역발전에 기여하는 근거와 작동과정을 검토한다. 민주주의가 작동하려면 개인의 자유와 책임이 상응해야 한다. 아무리 잘 설계된 대의 민주주의라도 민주주의 이상을 실현하는데 한계를 지니고 있다. 그러나 읍, 면, 동과 같은 풀뿌리 단위에서의 지방자치는 직접 참여에 기초하여 주민의 주도권과 주인의식을 증진함으로써 대의 민주주의를 보완할 수 있다. 주민들의 필요성에 근거한 지역발전은 공공편익을 보다 정의롭게 분배함으로써 재생산된다. 작은 것은 아름답고, 큰 것을 구성할 수 있는 기초단위이다. 이러한 관점에서 이 논문은 궁극적으로 풀뿌리 지방정부가 중앙정부보다 인간사회의 정의를 보다 잘 실천할 수 있음을 설명한다. 또한 이 논문은 읍, 면, 동과 같은 풀뿌리 지방정부가 ‘지역사회 협치(거버넌스)’, ‘사회적 자본’, ‘지속가능성’과 같은 지역발전 패러다임의 핵심용어를 효과적으로 충족시킬 수 있음을 확인한다. 결론적으로 작고, 분산되어 있으며 분권화된 조직형태가 주민들의 주도권과 주인의식을 높이고, 실질적인 공공수요를 보다 잘 충족시킨다. 주민들의 주도권과 주인의식은 민주주의를 작동시키는 연료에 해당하고, 주민들의 실질적인 공공수요 충족은 지역발전과 연동되어 있다. This paper aims to explore the logic of devolving the authority or power from the central government to local governments through democracy and regional development perspectives. The novelty of this study is reviewing the devolution of the central power from the essential approach of designing local governments in contrast to previous studies’ comparative approaches with foreign countries. So far, local autonomy used to be viewed as the requirements of democracy, and as the efficient apparatus to raise people’s quality of life through regional development, but its operating mechanism would not be explained. This paper tries to explain how the devolution of the central authorities to local governments contributes to democracy and regional development. Individual freedom needs corresponding responsibility to make democracy work. Even the best designed representative democracy, if any, cannot realize the ideal goal of democracy. However, local autonomy at grass-root level, such as Maul(village), Myun(commune) and Eup(township), can complement representative democracy by promoting people’s initiatives and ownership, based on people’s direct participation. Regional development on people’s needs can be reproduced by distributing public benefits in the more fair way. Small is beautiful, and also forms the basis of big one by stratifying people’s demands in the public sector as well as in the private sector. This paper ultimately shows that justice in human society can be practiced better by local governments at the grass-roots level than by the centralized authority or bigger local governments. This paper also suggests local governments at the grass-roots level can satisfy the current paradigms of regional development such as ‘community governance’, ‘social capital’ and ‘sustainability’ effectively. In conclusion, small, dispersed and decentralized organizational entities can work better to meet people’s needs for public interests by promoting people’s initiatives and ownership. People’s initiatives and ownership can make democracy work better, and people’s needs for public interests are geared with quality of life, the final goal of regional development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제주특별자치도 행정계층구조개편 성과만족에 대한 평가 연구

        소진광 ( Jin Kwang So ),황경수 ( Kyung Soo Hwang ),현성욱 ( Sung Wook Hyun ) 한국지방행정연구원 2010 地方行政硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        In Korea, it has been argued that single-tier local government can improve efficiency in public sector and contribute to regional equity and so forth. But this expectation has never been clearly verified. However, Jeju-Special Self-Governing Province became the sole single-tier autonomous local government in Korea on July 1, 2006. So, it is very important to compare the outcomes before and after Jeju-Special Self-Governing Provinc`s birth. This study aims at investigating the degree of satisfaction (hereinafter the degree) of public officials working in Jeju-Special Self-Governing Province by questionnaire survey and drawing the factors affecting the degree under the single-tier local government system. The factor analysis is used to find out those factors concerned with the degree of public officials in Jeju-Special Self-Governing Province. The results can be summarized as followings. First, most local government officials are not contented with the single-tier local government system`s outcomes. Second, it`s verified that the efficiency based on the cost of public services, and the equity among smaller administrative units are playing the key roles to grade the satisfaction of public officials. Third, most public officials working in Jeju-Special Self-Governing Province desire to change the present single-tier local government system into multi-tier system.

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