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      • 조선 태종대 미곡 확보 정책과 호급둔전제(戶給屯田制)의 시행

        소순규 ( So Soonkyu ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2021 사총 Vol.104 No.-

        조선 건국 이후 10여년이 흐른 시점에서 재위한 태종은 집권 기간 동안 강력한 미곡 확보 정책을 시행하였다. 그 과정에서 고려 말 시행되었던 여러 조치들을 다시금 시행하기도 하였는데, 본고에서 주목하고자 한 호급둔전법도 그러한 제도 중 하나였다. 본래 둔전은 변경 지역에서 군인들을 사역하여 경작하고, 그 수확물을 군량으로 활용하는 것이었다. 호급둔전은 이와 달리 일반 민호에게 종자곡만을 대여해 주고, 가을에 종자곡에 비례하여 수확물을 거두는 제도로서 사실상 증세와 다름없는 것이었다. 전제개혁의 시행만으로는 재정의 안정성을 기할 수 없었던 상황에서 대외적인 위기의식이 고양되면서 군량확보의 필요가 높아지자 태종은 이러한 호급둔전제를 전격 도입하기에 이르렀다. 호급둔전제의 시행 양상은 크게 두 부분으로 나누어 살펴볼 수 있다. 일반 민호를 대상으로 한 것은 연간 4만 5천석 정도의 미곡을 수취하였다. 반면 공노비를 대상으로 한 호급둔전은 연간 30만석 내외로 추산된다. 이들 공노비들의 경우 1호당 종자곡을 분급한 것이 아니라 노비 1구마다 종자곡을 대여하였고, 수확곡의 상환 비율도 일반 민호에 비하여 매우 높았다. 이로 인하여 호급둔전제 시행 몇 년 만에 상당한 미곡 재고를 확보할 수 있게 되었다. 호급둔전제는 150만석 가까운 미곡을 확보할 수 있는 계기로 작동하였으나, 이에 따른 민호의 부담 역시 상당하였기에 안정적인 재고곡 확보 이후에는 제도의 유지가 불필요해졌다. 이에 따라 태종 9년부터 14년에 이르는 짧은 기간에 한해서 시행되었다. 그러나 이 제도로 인한 미곡 확보는 향후 조선전기 재정운영의 기틀을 닦는데 무척 중요한 기여를 했던 것으로 생각된다. King Taejong who was on the throne in about ten years after the Joseon Dynasty was founded, enforced the strong policy to secure the rice during the seizure of power. In this process, many measures that were enforced in the end of the Goryeo Dynasty were carried out again, and the Hogeupdunjeonje this thesis aims to pay attention to was one of those systems. Originally, the Dunjeon was to make the soldiers cultivate the land in the frontier area, and to utilize the harvest as military provisions. Contrary to this, the Hogeupdunjeon was a system of lending seed grains to general households and then collecting the harvest in proportion to the seed grains in autumn, which was not different from tax increase in reality. The enforcement of land reform was not good enough to guarantee the financial stability. With the increased necessity to secure the military provisions after the consciousness of foreign crisis was raised, King Taejong introduced this Hogeupdunjeonje. The enforcement aspect of Hogeupdunjeonje could be largely divided into two parts. The Hogeupdunjeon targeting the general households collected about 45,000 seoks a year. On the other hand, the Hogeupdunjeon targeting the public slaves collected around 300,000 seoks a year. In case of those public slaves, the seed grains were distributed not to each household, but to each slave while the repayment ratio of harvested grain was very high compared to general households. For this reason, a considerable amount of rice in stock could be secured within several years after enforcing the Hogeupdunjeonje. Even though the Hogeupdunjeonje was working as a chance to secure the rice close to 1.5 million seoks, it was such a big burden to general households, so it was unnecessary to maintain the system after securing the stable amount of rice in stock. Thus, it was enforced for a short period of time from the 9th year to 14th year of King Taejong’s reign. However, the securement of rice by this system must be importantly contributing to strengthening the foundation of financial operation in the early days of the Joseon Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        사회경제사로 윤색된 뉴라이트 ‘유교망국론’ - 이영훈, 『세종은 과연 성군인가』의 노비제론 비판

        소순규(So, Soonkyu) 역사비평사 2021 역사비평 Vol.- No.136

        This thesis aimed to criticize the contents of slavery in the Joseon Dynasty, mentioned in Lee Yeong-Hoon’s book 『Is Sejong Truly a Great King?』 published in 2018. As one of the reasons why Sejong cannot be a ‘great king’, Lee Yeong-Hoon’s book above points out that he largely contributed to the development of slavery system. Also, in Korean history, the slavery system was the most developed in the Joseon Dynasty, and during the 15th~17th century, the number of slaves was almost 40% of whole population. Moreover, the slaves in the Joseon Dynasty were described as the ‘socially-dead’ state after losing the dignity of man. And the ruling class defended the social order based on the Confucian justification. The characteristics of slavery system in the Joseon Dynasty mentioned in this book, are originally based on his research performance. Even though his researches on the slavery system in the Joseon Dynasty include very important contents in the research history, they have not been seriously reviewed or criticized in the academia. Moreover, this book includes many things that deny his academic argument or sensationally highlight the contents. Thus, this thesis first reviewed the critical points and significance in the research history by reviewing his academic argument. Next, this thesis also reviewed the contents of slavery system mentioned in 『Is Sejong Truly a Great King?』. Lastly, this thesis mentioned the ultimate contents that Lee Yeong-Hoon’s description of slavery system aimed for, shown in the book above. Eventually, he just added the socioeconomic interpretation to the old frame of the theory of national ruin by Confucianism through the slavery system.

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