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        ‘불완전한 몸’의 질곡을 넘어

        성정숙(Sung, Jung-Suk) 한국사회복지학회 2012 한국사회복지학 Vol.64 No.2

        본 연구는 50대 레즈비언의 생애사연구로서, 연구참여자가 ‘지식의 주체’라는 페미니스트 인식론적 입장으로부터 ‘레즈비언 정체성’과 ‘레즈비언의 삶’에 관한 지식을 생산하고자 하였다. 구술자는 동성애 섹슈얼리티가 본질적이고 태생적인 것이 아니라 “만들어진 것”이라는 생애사적 관점을 견지했으며, 구술자가 들려준 생애이야기는 동성애에 할당된 사회적 의미를 체현하고 ‘순응하는 몸’인 동시에 억압과 차별을 인식하고 타개하고자 실천하는 ‘저항하는 몸’에 관한 것이었다. 이 생애이야기에는 섹스-젠더-섹슈얼리티의 자연화된 고리를 끊어낼 만큼 고통스러웠던 화상과 ‘불완전한 몸’이라는 자의식으로부터 상처받은 삶의 굴곡뿐만 아니라, 이를 넘어 타자에게 진정으로 공감하고 위로하는 “복받은 몸”으로 의미를 재구성하는 놀라운 탄력성까지 오롯이 담겨져 있었다. 이렇게 연구참여자를 비정상과 병리 등의 의미가 부착된 이분법적 구분의 ‘성적 소수자’가 아니라, 사회적 불평등과 억압에서도 자신의 삶을 탄력적으로 살아가며 일상의 실천으로 변화를 만들어내는 주체적인 행위자로서 이해하는 것은 사회복지이론과 실천에서 전혀 다른 전망을 요구한다. “젠더와 섹슈얼리티를 어떻게 배치해할 것인가?”에 대한 전환적인 모색은 새로운 시대에 당면한 사회복지학이 제시해야 하는 중대한 전망이며, 이는 ‘성적 소수자’에게만 할당된 이슈가 아니라, 사회의 권력관계와 위계구조를 조직하고 억압과 불평등을 영속화하는 섹슈얼리티와 이에 연동하는 젠더에 관한 ‘우리 모두’의 아젠다인 것이다. This qualitative study explored a middle-aged lesbian’s life and her identities by the oral life history approach in feminist epistemology, where the participant is not the object but the subject of knowledge. The participant kept her own perspective that her homosexuality was not intrinsic but constructed. In her life’s history, she was a “docile body” accepting socially constructed historical meaning of homosexuality, as well as a “resistant body” protesting against social discrimination and oppression for homosexual population. She overcame an embedded negative recognition of her scaled injured body and her sexuality as “deficient”. Finally, she showed an amazing resilience and an indomitable spirit for reconstructing the meaning of her body as “blessed.” Beyond the deficient body, as an active agent not the pathologic sexual minority, she could cultivate compassion and empathy for others. From the results, it is important how to place gender and sexuality in the context of social work theory and practice. Sexuality, not sexual orientation, is ‘our’ collective agenda to address the social problems which were associated with social hierarchy, inequality, and injustice.

      • KCI등재

        동성애자인권활동가의 청소년기 경험과 탄력성에 관한 질적 연구

        성정숙(Jung Suk Sung),이현주(Hyun Ju Lee) 한국아동복지학회 2010 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.31

        본 연구는 동성애자인권활동가의 청소년기 경험과 탄력성에 관한 질적 연구이다. 10명의 인권활동가들을 만나 집단인터뷰를 하고, 그 축어록을 분석한 결과 총 7개의 주제가 나타났다. "두 개의 나"와 "독특한 나"의 주제는 동성애 정체성으로 인한 갈등과 긍정의 경험을 드러내며, "성장의 긴 터널을 지나"의 주제는 모든 청소년이 겪게 되는 성장통의 경험들을 말해준다. 위험스런 환경에서도 성공적으로 성장하여 동성애자 인권을 위한 활동가가 되기까지 탄력성에 관한 맥락은 "그래도 뭔가 가졌다면", "자연스럽게 내 일이 우리 일이 되는", "긍정적인 분노"의 주제로 확인되었다. 그리고 모순어법으로 동성애자 커뮤니티에 부여된, "따뜻한 무덤"이라는 의미를 통해서 탄력성의 증거가 눈부시게 드러났다. 이 연구는 동성애자를 병리적으로 바라보는 관점에 대한 대안적 관점과 결과를 제시하는 것으로, 동성애와 동성애자에 대한 사회적 편견을 교정하고 차이와 차별에 대한 바른 이해와 사회구조적인 변화를 위한 사회복지실천이 이루어지도록 촉구한다. A qualitative research was conducted to understand the experiences and resilience of gay rights activists. This study introduces findings from focus group interviews of Lesbians and gays, who are working in the gay community for L/G rights. As a result, their experiences and resilience are categorized into seven themes as follows. The themes of "unique I" and "two kinds of self" are about the adolescent experiences on conflict and acceptance for homosexual identity. The theme of "through a long tunnel of growth" highlights participants` painful experiences of growth as youths. The contexts of their resilience are revealed in the themes of "If I had something", "My work becomes naturally ours", and "affirmative indignation". The evidence of their resilience is included sufficiently in the theme "warm tomb," an expression that participants used to express what the gay community means to them. This study suggests an alternative perspective to the conventional deficit perspective and reports findings about gays and lesbians. The study contributes to social work practice by developing an issue for social-structural change, by readdressing the issue of prejudice against the gay community, and by providing a clear understanding on the distinction between difference and discrimination.

      • Effects of Divalent Cations on the Spicing of Phage T4 Thymidylate Synthase Intron RNA

        박인국,성정숙,신숙,Park, In-Kook,Sung, Jung-Suk,Shin, Sook The Korean Society for Integrative Biology 1997 Korean journal of biological sciences Vol.1 No.1

        Effects of divalent cations such as $Mg^{2+}$, $Mn^{2+}$, $Ca^{2+}$, and $Zn^2$ on splicing activity of phage T4 thymidylate synthase intron RNA have been investigated. At the concentration of 0.5 mM, $Mn^{2+}$ in the absence of $Mg^{2+}$, a very small amount of pre-RNA was cleaved into ligation products (El-E2) but no circular or linear intron was produced. As the concentration of $Mn^{2+}$ was increased from 1 to 5 mM the pre-RNA was completely hydrolyzed. In the presence of 5 mM $Mg^{2+}$, both the linear intron and circular intron were produced but no El-E2 ligation product was produced. At both 3 and 5 mM $Mn^{2+}$ the RNA was hydrolyzed completely as observed with no $Mg^2+$ being present. In the case of $Zn^{2+}$, even at 0.5 mM concentration, the pre-RNA was completely hydrolyzed. This observation suggested that $Zn^{2+}$ facilitates RNA hydrolysis more rapidly than $Mn^{2+}$ does. at 5mM $Ca^{2+}$, the RNA was not hydrolyzed and remained intact as a primary transcript.

      • KCI등재

        사회복지연구를 위한 페미니스트 인식론의 비평과 함의

        이나영(Lee Na-Young),성정숙(Sung Jung-Suk) 한국사회복지학회 2010 한국사회복지학 Vol.62 No.2

        본 연구는 사회복지 연구의 주요 경향을 비판적으로 고찰하면서 페미니스트 인식론과 사회복지 연구의 절합을 모색하고자 한다. 구체적으로는『한국사회복지학』에 게재된 양적·질적 연구의 주요 경향과 여성에 관한 연구를 분석하고, 방법론 및 인식론적 쟁점을 논의하면서 페미니스트 인식론의 내용과 사회복지적 함의를 살펴보았다. 페미니스트 인식론으로부터 출발하는 연구는 실증주의적 전통에서 출발하는 객관성의 개념을 재고하고, 지식구축 과정에 작용하는 권력관계와 주체-타자와의 관계를 성찰하게 하여 연구자와 연구참여자와의 민주적이고 변증법적인 관계를 새롭게 정립시킨다는 점에서 사회복지 연구에 대안적 전망을 제시할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구자들은 페미니스트 인식론과의 조우가 억압받는 사람들의 삶으로부터 사고를 시작하는 사회복지(학)의 비판적 이론과 실천적 전망을 회복시켜 줄 것이라 기대한다. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the way of knowledge production in social welfare and to graft feminist epistemology to the discipline of social welfare. To put it more concretely, as analyzing the epistemological and methodological issues appeared in the articles in『Korean Journal of Social Welfare』, this study examines the meanings of feminist epistemology and its implications to research and practice in social welfare. From its onset, feminist research criticized the 'mainstream' ways of conceptualizing knowledge construction via research conducted upon a positivist epistemological position. Particularly, western feminists have problematized the androcentric bias embedded within the so-called 'social sciences' that we have taken for granted as 'scientific,' 'objective,' and 'neutral,' and attempted to redirect and reformulate the way of knowledge production with new concepts of 'strong objectivity,' 'partial/situated knowledge,' and 'strong reflection.' We believe that the implications of feminist epistemology to enable us to reflect the power relationship between subject and object, I and Other, and the researcher and the researched will contribute to recover the original vision of social welfare as critical theory and liberating practice in social work.

      • KCI등재

        사회복지(학)에서의“성적 소수자”연구의 동향과 인식론적 전망: 페미니스트 섹슈얼리티 이론의 가능

        이나영 ( Na Young Lee ),성정숙 ( Jung Suk Sung ) 한국사회복지연구회 2010 사회복지연구 Vol.41 No.4

        The main purpose of this study is to critically examine the existing theoretical as well as analytical scope of `sexual minority` in Social Welfare, and to (re)construct and expand it incorporating feminist theories on sexuality. The body of literature on sexual minority or homosexuality in social welfare in Korea as well as in the West can be characterized as two distinct features: first, medical discourse leaning on pathological perspective which perceives homosexuality as a disease or defect, homosexual as a pervert; and second, human rights perspective premised upon the idea of diversity and multi-culturalism, both which are anchoring at `essentialism.` Based upon the understanding of sexuality as a social construct, we argue that feminist insight on sexuality can lead to reconceptualizing homosexuality and reorienting theories and practices in social welfare. From radical feminism to postmodern queer theories, feminists have developed diverse ideas and complex theories on sexuality and homosexuality, including the concept of `compulsory heterosexuality,` `lesbianism as political resistance,` and `performative gender.` For feminists, particularly, sexuality which is constructed in the complex power matrix of dominations to producing and maintaining inequalities and discriminations is not merely a distinctive variable, but one of the important organizational principles such as gender, class, race, age, and nationality. This epistemological principle will hopefully shed lights on alternative `knowledge` on homosexuality in social welfare, and lead to significant contribution to its critical expansion in theory and practice.

      • KCI우수등재

        어떤 지역사회가 자살에 취약한가? - 일 지방대도시 자살다발지역에 관한 지역사회 프로파일링 -

        최명민(Choi, Myung Min),성정숙(Sung, Jung Suk),이현주(Lee, Hyun Ju) 한국사회복지학회 2019 한국사회복지학 Vol.71 No.2

        본 연구는 자살위험에 취약한 지역사회의 특성과 유형을 규명하고 주민들의 삶을 조명함으로써 효과적인 자살예방대책을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 최근 2~3년 간 자살률과 자살빈도를 고려하여 인구 65만 규모의 한 지방대도시 내 자살다발지역 3곳을 도출하고 해당 사회지표 분석과 현지관찰 및 주민면접조사를 활용한 지역사회프로파일링을 수행하였다. 그 결과 세 지역은 각기 ‘도시개발에 밀려 슬럼화 된 구도심’, ‘민영임대로 시작한 도시외곽의 삭막한 대규모 아파트 단지’, ‘단기간에 난개발로 주거안정성이 위협받는 신도심’으로 서로 성격을 달리함에도 불구하고, ‘궁지로 내몰린 주변화 된 사람들이 피폐하고 고립된 삶을 불안정하게 이어가고 있는 지역’이라는 특성을 공유하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 기존의 개인 차원에 초점을 둔 자살예방사업을 보다 사회적 차원으로 확장하여 지역주도형으로 수행해야 하는 근거와, 이를 위한 정책적, 실천적 대안들을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to suggest the more effective suicide prevention measure by identifying the characteristics and the types of the community which is vulnerable to suicide risk and by looking into the lives of the residents. For this purpose, three suicidal areas in a local city were derived by considering suicide rate and suicide frequency. After that, the community profiling was carried out by using social index analysis, community observation and resident interview in this area. As a result, the three areas were identified as ‘slumped old town by urban redevelopment’, ‘huge and desolate apartment complex that was begun with civil leasing for the poor in the outskirts of the city’, ‘new downtown where housing stability is threatened by reckless short-term development’. Despite their different characteristics, these three regions shared the commonality of ‘the areas in which the marginalized people, driven into a quandary, unsteady way of life, are leading a impoverished isolated life’. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out suicide prevention as a community-based policy and program beyond the traditional psychopathic focus. We have put forward the necessary policy and practical alternatives for this.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 인도네시아의 유전자원관리에 관한 법령과 정책

        백형진 ( Hyung Jin Baek ),조규택 ( Gyu Taek Cho ),성정숙 ( Jung Suk Sung ),정종욱 ( Jong Wook Jeong ),박종현 ( Jong Hyun Park ),윤문섭 ( Moon Sup Yoon ),김정곤 ( Jung Kon Kim ),정응기 ( Eung Gi Jeong ),조양희 ( Yang Hee Cho ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        본 논문은 인도네시아의 유전자원 이용에 관련된 정책과 규정, 유전자원의 지속가능한 이용에 관련된 전통 지식과 이익의 분배에 대해 분석하였다. 인도네시아는 식물유전자원의 부국으로 일찍부터 자원의 중요성과 가치에 대해 인식하고 자국 의 자원을 보호하고 활용하기 위한 법령제정 및 정책수행을 통하여 자원주권을 지키기 위해 심혈을 기울이고 있다. 부존 자원이 많지 않은 우리나라는 외국의 유용자원을 도입하여 활용함과 아울러 우리의 고유자원을 보전해야 하는 과제를 안고 있다. 작금의 종자전쟁의 시대에 살고 있는 우리는 농업유전자원에 대한 국제적인 논의동향과 쟁점들을 파악하고 대응하기 위한 노력의 일환으로 식물유전자원 부국중의 하나인 인도네시아의 자원관련 법령과 정책을 정리/분석하는 것이 매우 의 미있는 실행이라고 할 수 있겠다. 더불어 유전자원 관리의 선진국들과 G77 등 개도국들의 입법 및 정책방향을 파악하고 분석을 통하여 앞으로 우리나라의 농업유전자원 관련한 국제 논의 및 쟁점대응, 법령제정 및 정책수립 등을 위한 구체적인 기본자료의 확보가 전제되어야 한다. Indonesia is a country with a mega biodiversity and an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands straddling the equator in Southeast Asia. About six thousands of the islands are inhabited. Indonesia has at least 47 district natural ecosystems which are rich in plant and animal resources and large number of islands endemics, with the total known species about 1.46 million. In addition to the richness of biological diversity, indonesia is also rich in cultural diversity. Traditional knowledge has been long established in order to utilize the existing genetic resources for the people welfare. To be able to be good competitor in the era of globalization, these genetic resources must be utilized sustainably and efficiently. To do this, strategic plan which is formally written in the form of law and regulation needs to be established. This study was carried out to discuss available legislations and policies related to access to genetic resources, traditional knowledge and benefit sharing in relation to sustainable use of genetic resources of Indonesia.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 건강증진행위와 건강상태

        성정숙,박재순 노인간호학회 2005 노인간호학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the health status and the health promotion behavior in the elderly. Method: The subject was 200 elderly person over 65 who lived in Seoul (65 males and 135 females). The data were obtained by the scale of Health promoting behavior by Choi Young Hee & Kim Soon Yi(1997) and Health status by Shin Ho Cheol et al(2002). For the data analysis, SPSS 12.0/PC+ program was utilized for descriptive statistics. Pearson correlation. t-test. ANOVA, Scheffe' test. Result: The average item score for the health promoting behavior was 3.32. The highest score on the subscale was preserve of physical strength. There were differences according to educational level, family member. The average item score for the Health status was 2.63. The highest score on the subscale was emotional function and the lowsest score on the subscale was sexual function. There were differences according tp gender. age, educational level, marital status, family member, monthly pocket money. The health promoting behavior were positively related to health status. Conclusion: Various health promoting programs should be planned according to characteristics of the elderly and should be studied for supporting socio-economic welfare policy with health care system.

      • 초등학교 교과서에 취급된 식물명에 대한 인지도 조사

        김상경,성정숙,문성기 慶星大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        We surveyed the degree of recognition about plants in 131 kinds of textbooks in elementary school of Korea and in learning garden of school. The results are as follows : 1. According to the number of occurrence recorded in textbook, 60 kinds of plants such as persimmon(Dyospiros kaki var. domestica), orange(Citrus unshiu), Korean cabbage(Brassica campestris var. pekinensis), unhulled rice(Oryza sativa) etc. were recorded very high frequency. Of these, rice and apple had very high occurrence frequency. 2. Plants which pupils had high recognition were 100 kinds(41.67%) including potato(Solanum tuberosum), 107(44.58%) including apple(Malus asiatica), 121(50.42%) including spindle tree(Euonymus japonicus), in 4, 5, 6 class respectively otherwise low recognition were 139(57.92%), 130(54.17%), 112 kinds(47.92%) in 4, 5, 6 class respectively. Therefore the degree of recognition about plants name was high by increasing of class grade. 3. The correlation between the degree of recognition and the frequency of occurrence recorded in textbooks was low. 4. Many pupils are concerned about learning garden but really they don't know about plant name. Therefore plants recorded frequently in textbooks must be cultured in learning garden and demonstrated to pupils for observation.

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