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      • KCI등재

        한국기업이 인식하는 중국 시장분할에 대한 분석

        성시일 한중사회과학학회 2012 한중사회과학연구 Vol.10 No.1


      • KCI등재

        종합군수지원에서 통합체계지원으로 전환됨에 따른 신뢰성 공학의 역할

        성시일 한국신뢰성학회 2022 신뢰성응용연구 Vol.22 No.4

        Purpose: To improve the efficiency of operational availability, the methods of reliability engineering are effectively applied to the fields of integrated logistics support and integrated product support. Methods: A comparison is performed between integrated logistics support and integrated product support using the elements and consequently, the differences are observed. Results: The reliability elements from the transition are constructively applied to develop the appropriate logistics elements. Conclusion: The transition from integrated logistics support to integrated product support increases the operational availability via the effective logistics elements developed using the reliability information extracted at the field.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국 대학생의 국적별, 성별 인터넷 쇼핑 성향 비교 분석

        성시일 한국동북아경제학회 2013 동북아경제연구 Vol.25 No.3

        By nationality, gender, Internet Shopping propensity of university students in Korea and China were analyzed. Visit the Internet shopping mall and purchase, Internet Shopping reason, and internet shopping mall selection decision factors, such as satisfaction survey items were organized into three categories. Visit the Internet shopping mall, first from purchase, and experience visit the Internet shopping mall, there was a significant difference by nationality, gender comparative analysis. Female students were many in both South Korea, China South Korea and gender By nationality. Second, the purchase channel of consumer goods, there was a significant difference in nationality. South Korean students was higher than Chinese students may be purchased through the online channel. Third, the settlement method, there was a significant difference in nationality. Not used at all in Korea 'cash payment "after the shipment has been used in China. First, why purchase of Internet shopping, was found a significant difference by nationality, gender in China in the determinants of choice and shopping malls purchase reason of Internet shopping. Low price, saving time, the various articles, product information of many, the difference between the two countries is not large, but the fun of shopping was higher in China. The recognized as an important factor low price as compared to men, Chinese women was low fun of shopping relatively. Second, there was a significant difference by nationality, China gender factor of selection of Internet shopping mall. South Korean students were recognized as important expertise to product information, but expertise, Chinese students, to recognize you the lowest value the visibility to product information. First, we are not satisfied with the price, you are satisfied with security of personal information, by nationality of satisfaction, a significant difference was observed in Korea gender product information in satisfaction of Internet shopping. Satisfaction was lower Chinese students as compared to students in South Korea. Satisfaction of women was higher than Korean men. Both satisfaction and dissatisfaction Korean students was higher than Chinese students in the arrival relief satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        중국 분세제 전후 지역경제 변화 분석

        성시일 한국동북아경제학회 2016 동북아경제연구 Vol.28 No.2

        Since 1979 started reform and opening policy, the Chinese economy had been underdeveloped and developed. However, excessive competition going on between the regional was a need for macro policy implementation. In the tax distribution it was carried out accordingly. In this study, the revenue, expenditure, fiscal balance, regional output value, output value per person, fixed assets investment of China’s 31 regions were analyzed using Cubic B-Spline Regression Model. The tax distribution was analyzed before and after the change of regional economic indicators. The results did not confirm the significant differences in changes in the financial indicators in other sectors. In financial terms it was initially favorable to the upper area that holds the growth. Over time, the index can be estimated that the change in the sub-region. The effect of reducing regional disparities in the initial implementation is minimal. But over time, it receives a meaningful change in the sub-region.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 재정정책의 변화가 지역 간 격차에 미친 영향 -분세제 시행을 기점으로-

        성시일 한중사회과학학회 2007 한중사회과학연구 Vol.5 No.2

        本硏究的焦点放在改善地域差距而施行的中國財政政策。中國的財政政策在改革開放初期, 扮演誘導經濟發展角色, 成爲地域差距發生的原因之一, 而1949年分稅制實施以後, 開始强化中央的角色與減少地域差距。本文以分稅制實際如何影響地域差距爲分析重点, 進一步探討其功能與成效。各地方分稅制施行後, 顯示各種指數上比以前有相當大的成長。但是一般預算收入則是在各個地方之間有懸殊的差異。雖增値稅項目幷无明顯差異, 而一般收入方面先發展地域都比後發展地域有比率上懸殊的增加。原本以分稅制來支援後發展地域而減少地域差距, 但是出現相異的結果。財政收入雖不是評价地域發展的絶對指數, 而確實是其地域發展結果的代表指數之一, 由此看來分稅制的作用幷沒有達成預期效果。地域差距幷不完全起因於財政政策單一因素, 各地域發展動力本相異, 无法以此論斷地域差距, 但是透過財政政策力圖均衡發展的戰略目標, 則從數据上發現无法達成目標的事實。

      • KCI등재

        중국기업이 인식하는 중국 시장분할에 대한 분석

        성시일 한중사회과학학회 2013 한중사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.3

        本文是中國市場重要特性中之一中國企業如何針對市場分割的認識的分析.市場分割是指認知市場的特性,不管是相對應的企業還是從企業的層面來說,對市場分割討論的硏究幷不多,因此本文對此進行了硏究.2012年7月1日到9月30日,對黑龍江省,吉林省,遼寧省的企業進行了問卷調査。通過先行硏究認識進出中國的韓國企業的市場分割確認了實際上經營活動收到影響。上述內容對于中國企業同樣适合,爲了調査中國企業對于本國市場分割的認識,進行了同樣的問卷調査。爲了分析基本資料,進行了Frequency analysis;爲了分析市場分割要因,進行了x2-test。硏究結果,中國有51%的企業經歷過市場分割的不利或者差別.差別內容是出現關于租稅,投標限制,法律措施等多種部門.在這樣的不利及差別下,在所屬地區中斷經營活動較嚴重的企業也有11.8%.中國企業受到差別及不利的所有的原因是經營活動的形態,銷수規模以及業種.比起以出口和銷수爲主的企業,在中國以生産和流通爲主的企業等和關聯的流通企業們也受到了差別和不利.幷且銷수規模大的企業受到的差別和不利就越多.特別是銷수額在1億元以上的企業全部都經歷過差別及不利.這是隨着銷수規模越大企業進出地區的影響就越大,當地政府想保護産業和重複的情況흔多,對此可以分析是企業受到的不利的影響.對業種來說,像服裝類的輕工業,像机械電子類的裝備産業里受到差別和不利的情況也흔多.這是産業們在各地區受到保護的代表産業,對此相應的企業們受到的差別及不利的幾率就相對較高.本文的硏究結果是對于市場分割,中國企業的認識對比韓國企業的認識,不論是否經歷了差別及不利,韓國企業的比例更高.市場分割是中國市場的特性之一,也是中國企業認知中存在差異的重要原因之一.統計分析的結果是從韓國企業的角度來講,經營活動的形態和事業期間差別及不利是影響韓國企業的原因,從中國企業的角度來講,經營活動形態,銷수規模,業種的差異是影響中國企業的全部因素市場分割是對在中國市場活動的企業來說最重要的外部因素,是和韓國企業一樣,不是只有外國企業才适應的特殊性,而是中國現在企業也正在經歷的普遍性原因,幷且是通過兩國企業相比之后得出的結論.

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