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      • KCI등재

        한국의 재정공금융법 운용과 중앙은행의 역할

        성승제 ( Seong Seoung Je. ) 한국법정책학회 2017 법과 정책연구 Vol.17 No.1

        한국은 가계부채를 포함한 국가총부채가 계속 증가하고 있다. 국가부채는 조심스럽게 관리되어야 함에도 그러했다. 더 문제되는 것은 부채확대가 정책의 잘 못으로써 조장되었다는 점이다. 필자가 중시하는 것은 그러한 정책의 잘못은 사회구조의 평형성이 무너져 있기 때문에 유발된 것이라고 본다. 인플레이션이나 부채 확대로 이익을 얻는 집단이 누구인가. 한국은 수출주도형 경제성장 정책으로 말미암아 인상적인 경제성장을 성취해낸 경험을 갖고 있다. 과거에 유효하였던 정책들이 오늘날 한국경제의 건전성을 위협할 수 있는 이유는, 과거의 성공에 집착하기 때문이다. 더 나아가 과거의 성공으로 혜택을 본 자들이, 강력한 영향력을 발휘할 정도로 사회적 지분을 차지하였다. 이들은 그 영향력으로써 자신 들의 이익을 높일 수 있는 정책을 추진하라고 압력을 넣는다. 가령 한국의 중앙 은행은 과거에 수출지향적 경제성장을 뒷받침하는 정부정책에 종속되어 왔다. 오늘날 수출 우선주의와 재벌의 독과점의 폐해는 극복되어야 할 과거의 유산인 것이지만, 실상은 점점 더 지분을 늘리고 있다. 한국은행법 조문에서 발견될 수 있는 독소조항 개선문제를 제기하였다. 국채를 인수할 수 있다는 조항은 선진국 에서 있을 수 없는 조항이다. 중앙은행의 독립성을 침해하기 때문이다. In Korea, the total national debt, including household debt, continues to increase Even though the national total debt has to be managed carefully. What is more problematic is that debt expansion is pormoted as a policy mistake. What I do emphasize is that such a policy mistake is caused by the collapse of the balance of social structure. Who is the group that benefits from inflation or debt expansion? Korea is an export-led country that achieved impressinve economic growth. The policies that were effective in the past may threaten the health of the Korean economy today because they are obsessed with past successes. Furthermore, groups that have benefited from past successes have taken so much of their social stakes to exert a strong influence. They put pressure on their influence to push for a policy to boost their profits. For example, the central bank of Korea has been subject to government policies that supported export-oriented economic growth in the past. Today, the abolition of the export preference and the monopoly of the Chaebol is a legacy of the past to be overcome. In the regard, it argued that the necessity of amending the law about central bank was high.

      • KCI등재

        경제위기 분석과 상사법적 대응방안에 대한 검토

        성승제 ( Seoung Je Seong ) 한국법정책학회 2012 법과 정책연구 Vol.12 No.4

        Global financial crisis occurred in 2008 and in 2010, fiscal crisis hit southern European countries. In the past, financial and fiscal crisis seemed to be independent from each other, but nowadays, financial and fiscal crisisoccur simultaneously like two sides of coin. From such incidents, fiscal deficit problem which has been revealed by financial crisis has been exposed, once again. U.S. and other advanced countries, in effort to resolve fiscal deficit and support inactive economy, enforced monetary expansion regime. This aimed to inflict Korean policy which focused on maintaining weak Korean Won and the enforcement of the regime expected to raise the worth of Korean won. Of course, Korean economy recession started long before with collection of capitals by exorbitant stock market, foreign holding equity in comparison to total market value and etc. In every cases, the upsurge of the level of economic crisis is caused by excessive inflow and outflow of foreign currency. And the fact that variability of foreign currency inflow and outflow is peril of Korean economy, is perceived by the government and government has acknowledged this problem on press release regarding adoption of bank levy. Countermeasures according to mercantile law, would be found by reforming financial supervisory system. However, that may be the immediate cause but I believe in the background of this problem, lies on structural problem which is variability of foreign currency. Therefore, I suggest the methods to minimize foreign holding equity in comparison to total market value and exorbitant stock market, reviewing measures to prevent investing in risky derivatives and establishment of independent institution which protects financial consumers. I have already introduced the adoption of bank levy, an effort of government to restrict inflow and outflow of capital. But I have pointed out that bank levy system does not draw a significant effect. Fundamentally, basic outline needs to be established by strengthening competence of institutional investors through domestic conversion of capital market, and we should keep in mind the cases of Canada and Australia, which prohibits the investment public to invest in risky derivatives.

      • KCI등재

        '지속가능한 발전'과 '기업의 사회적 책임'의 통합과 법적 쟁점

        성승제(Seong, Seoung Je) 한국증권법학회 2013 증권법연구 Vol.14 No.2

        지속가능한 발전과 기업의 사회적 책임은 1970년 이후 본격적으로 논의되기 시작 하였고, 1990년대에 이론적ㆍ경험적 논의가 집중되면서 2000년대 이후 각국에서 법적 제도화의 길을 걷고 있다. 지속가능한 발전은 당초 환경보전에 주목하던 것이 경제적 발전을 소홀히 할 수 없다는 남북 대립의 산물로서 그 개념이 형상화되기 시작하였다. 1987년 브룬트란트 보고서에서 경제발전과 환경보전의 조화를 선언하기 위한 용어로 사용되면서 각광받기 시작하였으며, 환경으로부터 각 분야로 지평을 넓히고 있다. 기업의 사회적 책임도 법적?제도적 장치로서 편입되는 과정을 거치고 있다. 아직 우리나라 상법은 아직 편입하고 있지 않지만 제법 여러 법령에서 기업의 사회적 책임과 지속가능한 발전이라는 관념을 편입하고 있다. 이는 우연의 산물이 아니라, 기업이 막대한 역할을 수행하는 현대 산업사회에서 필연의 소산이라 할 수 있다. 연성규범(soft law) 형태를 선행시키면서 자율규제적 형태로 발전하였던 것이었으나, 오늘날 법적 제도화의 길로까지 나아가는 것이 (이 글이 비교법적 연구를 보여주지는 않지만) 일반화된 경향이란 점에 비추어, 우리나라도 그에 대한 대응을 요하고 있다는 점을 검토하였다. A debate on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility started in 1970s, then in 1990s, it started to focus on theories and experiences, and in 2000s, each countries are in the phase of institutionalizing such concepts. These two concepts, which are internally different, has become a united concept. For example, the concept of sustainable development started off with harmonizing environment preservation and economic development. But today, it also includes social equity. Corporate social responsibility held religious color in the past, and it existed in the form of depending on individuals’ kindness. Today’s concept of corporate social responsibility is totally different. In 1970s, when the issue of corporate social responsibility started to rise, on top of ethical responsibility, legal and economical responsibility existed independently in different forms. However, nowadays, corporate social responsibility combines all three. It can be summarized into that it should all consider economic feasibility, sociality, and environment (Triple Bottom Line: TBL). Both sustainable development and corporate social responsibility has developed into a new concept either by concentrating different sorts of concepts into one (sustainable development) or exist in form of group of different concepts(corporate social responsibility). And these two concepts can be explained by identical component, TBL. Eventually, these two concepts are being combined. Currently, Korea is still not regulating corporate social responsibility by commercial law or corporate law. However, as stated in the body, even though it was not purposely legislated to regulated corporate social responsibility, regulations that can be interpreted to regulated corporate social responsibility exists, acts which reflect corporate social responsibility are emerging, with addition to Sustainable Development Act, which purposes on promoting sustainable development, and an attempt to revise Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act to adduce standards for social responsibility investment is continuing. As above, we can classify effects on legislation regarding sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. On the other hand, as for commercial law, which does not reflect corporate social responsibility, it is advisable to subjoin a phrase ‘Corporations in its management act which purposes on earning profit, one should consider its social responsibility to interested parties such as employees, clients, customers, communities and etc.,’ on article 169. Even in leading countries, there are examples where commercial law regulates corporate social responsibility. This may be convincing argument in revising current commercial law. It is expected for corporate social responsibility, with its development, will be settled by the legislation. Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility does not seem to force such moral phrases, which disregard earning profit, to be included in legislation. It is expected to play a significant role in guiding corporations to take necessary actions to be taken as corporate citizens.

      • KCI등재

        블록체인 활성화의 법적 과제

        성승제(Seoung-Je Seong) 한국기업법학회 2017 企業法硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        블록 체인은 2009 년 Nakamoto Satoshi라는 익명의 개발자가 구현했는데, 실제 인물은 2016년 크레이그 라이트라는 호주인인 것으로 밝혀졌다고 한다. 블록체인은 주로 비트코인(bit coin)의 기반기술로 알려져 있다. 하지만 블록체인의 효용성은 비트코인 한가지에 국한되지 않고 다양한 분야에 수많은 장점을 발휘할 수 있다는 것이 널리 알려지고 있다. 물론 개인정보가 중요한 금융분야에서, 분산원장 특징상 모든 참여자의 개인정보도 흘러나갈 가능성이 있다는 단점이 지적되기도 한다. 이처럼 분권화 된 소위 분산원장 방식을 채택하고 있는 덕에, 이 기반기술은 향후 다원적 사회를 지향하고 또 IT결합 방식으로 말미암아 무한한 잠재력이 기대되고 있다. 한편 블록체인을 실제로 사용할 경우, 각종 위험성이 적지 않다는 비판론도 끊이지 않는다. 아무튼 블록체인 기반 기술은 상호분산된 방식으로써, 종래 중앙집중식 네트워크 기반 인프라를 초월할 높은 보안성, 확장성 그리고 투명성이 보장된다는 점에서, 블록체인은 계속 주목받고 있다. 블록체인을 자유로이 활용할 안정적인 금융시스템이 현실에 구현된다면, 수다한 영역에서 혁신적 활용성을 얻을 수 있다. 현실에서는 적지 않은 보완을 요하고 있으며, 지속적인 연구가 필요하다. 비트코인은 가상 화폐라고 하지만 사실상 화폐는 그 스스로 태생부터 가상적이라는 점을 상기하여야 할 것이다. 본래 화폐란 우리들의 믿음으로써만 정의되는 신뢰로 형성되는 시스템이다. 블록체인 기반기술로 인하여, 형성될 화폐제도 즉 대표적으로 비트코인은 중요한 시사점을 줄 수 있다. 비트코인은 정부 통화량 집계에 잡히지도 않는다. 전자금융거래법 적용상 곤란한 점도 있다. 가령 한국은행의 자료제출요구권을 블록체인 업자에게 요구할 수 있는 것인지 논란이 될 수 있다. 최근 전자금융거래법에 대하여, 개인정보 유출 등을 우려하여 거래인가제를 채택하자는 논의도 나타나고 있지만, 블록체인 기술에 대한 보완은 자연적으로 시장에서 생성되어야 하는 것인데, 정부가 성급하게 개입하는 것은 옳지 않다고 본다. The block chain is said to have been implemented by an anonymous developer named Nakamoto Satoshi in 2009. In 2016, Craig Write turns out to be an Australian. It is mainly known as bit coin, but it is pointed out that it has many advantages over various areas without being limited thereto. The main reason for such a remarkable role is expected to be the so-called decentralized decentralized ruling system, so that by combining with the future pluralistic society and IT, It has been criticized that application may be dangerous. Block-chain technology is attracting attention because it is known to be able to guarantee high security, scalability, and transparency beyond the existing centralized network-based infrastructure through the mutual distributed branch. if a stable system that can take advantage of the block chain can be implemented, it will be able to exploit many areas, but it still needs to be supplemented considerably. Therefore, continuous research is needed. The bit coin is called virtual currency, but in fact it should be remembered that money itself is a forgetting that it is flexible because the existence itself defines the virtual conditions and creates a system of trust. In short, the block chain is a means of achieving significant innovation and technology, but it is not something that goes beyond all the past systems, but another means of supplementing and improving the past system. It is an existence that can be seen as something accelerated. As such, the block chain and its associated systems are insufficient to be imperfect and settled yet. Since there are not many legal reviews and many references are not enough, it is necessary to examine the direction of the more active legal issues.

      • KCI등재

        금융위기와 자본시장법 : 금융소비자보호를 중심으로

        성승제(Seoung-Je Seong) 한국비교사법학회 2010 비교사법 Vol.17 No.1

        Financial crisis which started in 2007 is being continued for several years. In the effect of crisis, there are many debates on its cause and solutions. However, traders of financial products who are known as investors are divided into professional investors and normal investors under Financial Investment Services Provider Act. Normal investors have characters of consumers. These consumers equip characteristics such as weak position in the market, lack of information and professionalism and reliance to professional financier. Then normal investors may belong to consumers who are protected under Constitution Law Article 124. Including financial consumers into subject of consumer protection, this can be one of the methods to confront with financial crisis such as strengthening financial network. Protection of investors under Capital Market and Financial Investment Services Provider Act has critical defect that it was incompetent in its role as protection of individuals’ property and social financial network, due to too much emphasis on contract principle, which was proven during international financial crisis. In order to supplement this weakness, if we adopt the concept of ‘financial consumer protection’, and strengthen the area which is covered by it, this can be the backbone of prevention of transaction of toxic assets which is the evident of failure of financial market which is caused by market failure of individual with lack of information (for example, subprime mortagage situation) or market failure due to cut-throat competition of financial companies. This theory can be proven by the case in Canada where Financial Agency of Canada has limited the transaction of subprime by large banks to financial consumers, was able to avoid the Canada financial crisis. There foreth is paper will suggest on several things as a solution for financial crisis: first, the adoption of concept of financial consumer, second, a demand for supplemental system which concentrates on protection of investors’ assets by applying the concept of financial consumer under Capital Market and Financial Investment Services Provider Act rather than protecting the rights of investors’, third, there is a need to build an exclusive responsible organization for financial consumer protection.

      • KCI등재

        사업수행능력 공시제도에 대한 경쟁법적 검토

        성승제 ( Seoung Je Seong ) 한국상사판례학회 2012 상사판례연구 Vol.25 No.2

        An individual who promotes engineering business, which is a subject to evaluation of business performance ability, has to announce his business plan 60 days prior to expected date of the tender. A person who wishes to participate in the notified engineering business has to submit an application for business participation 30 days prior to expected date of tender. If persons more than 2 wants to participate together, then they have to submit the joint application. Minister of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs has to notify the result of construction ability evaluation which is assessed by performance record, capital of the company, and safety, environmental and quality management level of the construction, so that the ordering body can appoint the reasonable worker. Construction ability notified by the ministry signifies the maximum amount of 1 construction that such company can operate. Since there are a lot of parties that are involved with business performance ability notification system, and the fact that there are not much difference in ability to construct, the prior task is to make sure that participants can only obtain transparent information about the market, so that supplier and consumer both have same knowledge about the market. Eventually, the effectiveness of notification system has its core on making sure that each participants of the market has complete knowledge of the market and the product.

      • KCI등재

        연기금자본주의론의 서론적 고찰

        성승제(Seong, Seoung Je) 한국증권법학회 2016 증권법연구 Vol.17 No.3

        P. 드러커의 『보이지 않는 혁명』은, 오래 전에 미국이 연기금자본주의의 길에 올라섰음을 알려 주었다. 오직 미국에서 엄정한 의미로서 성립한 연기금자본주의는, 대부분의 전국민이 참가하여 연금 등을 위하여 갹출한 투자금을 운용하는 연기금들이 자본시장을 주도하는 것이다. 연기금들이 대부분 공개기업을 지배하는 현상을 가리킴으로써 드러커가 표현한 국민의 자본주의(Peoples’ Capitalism)를 완성하였다. 이는 곧 국민에 의한 국내 기업의 지배를, 중간자인 연기금들이 국민들의 권한을 위임받아 간접적으로 수행한다는 점에서 간접민주정치와 상통한다. 연기금자본주의는 연기금의 경영자들이 그들이 투자한 회사들에 대하여, 그 회사들의 사외이사로서 경영에 참가하여 모니터링한다. 이것이야말로 드러커가 표현한 Peoples’ Capitalism에 해당하며, 우리 표현 중 경제민주화에 상응되는 것이다. 검토와 같이 미국 자본시장만이 유일하게, 관료조직이나 경제적 tycoon들에 의한 낭비나 경제력집중을 최소화하는 효율적인 제도라고 본다. 전국민이 적립하는 연기금의 투자이익이 낭비되거나 사라지지 아니하고, 국민들에게 직접 귀속되는 자본시장구조를 갖춘 것이다. 반면 한국과 같은 전국 유일의 연금기금은, 그 나라의 모든 회사의 주식을 상당부분 소유할 수밖에 없게 한다. 이 경우 그 연기금들은 소유한 주식들을 사고 팔 길이 봉쇄되기 때문에 효율적이지 못하다는 점을 드러커는 이미 지적하였다. R. 클라크는, 필자가 생각건대 드러커의 연기금사회주의론에 영향받아, 미국의 자본주의 4단계설을 구상하였을 것 같다. 클라크의 자본주의 4단계설 중 1단계는 회사법의 제도 정비가 기틀을 갖추는 때이다. 미국은 산업화 초기부터 대표소송의 단독주주권 원칙을 갖추고 소수주주권의 권익을 옹호할 수 있었다. 미국 자본시장은 초기부터 누구도 투하자본의 비정상적인 손실을 방관하지 않을 수 있었고, 안심하고 모여드는 투자자들을 모아 자본시장을 발전시킬 수 있었다. 기업 규모가 보다 대형화한 2단계에서는 개인투자자들의 권익을 옹호하기 위한 연방 증권법상의 여러 제도를 발전시켰다. 한국 자본주의는 클라크의 4단계설 중 미국이 초기에 거쳤던 1단계와 2단계도 제대로 이행하고 있는지 반성하여야 할 것이다. P. Drucker’s Unseen Revolution explains that America is on the path of pension capitalism. Pension Fund Capitalism refers to the phenomenon that the pension funds that manage the investment that the entire people have participated in dominate most of the enterprises. Pension Funds Socialism theory is that pension funds carry out the domination of domestic corporations by the people. Pension funds Capitalism monitors the pension fund managers as their outside directors. This is equivalent to the Peoples’ Capitalism expressed by Drucker. Capital markets in the United States can minimize waste or concentration of economic power by bureaucratic organizations or economic tycoons. I do not lose the investment profit of pension funds that the whole people earn. The profit structure has a capital market structure directly attributed to the people. The only pension fund in the nation is forced to own a substantial share of all the companies in the country. In this case, the pension funds are not efficient because they are blocked from buying their own shares. R. Clark, I think, might have been influenced by Drucker’s Pension Fund Socialism and conceived of America’s 4 stages of capitalism. Clarke’s first stage of 4 Stages of Capitalism theory is when institutional arrangements for the corporation law are in place. From the beginning of the industrial revolution, the United States was able to defend the interests of minority shareholders with the principle of single shareholders’ right of derivative suit. As a result, the US capital market could not avoid the unusual loss of invested capital from the outset, and the United States was able to gather more reliably and gathered investors to further develop its capital markets. In the second stage, when the size of the company became larger, it developed various schemes under the federal securities law to defend the interests of individual investors.

      • KCI등재

        FTA 시대의 외환거래와 과세

        성승제(Seong Seoung-Je) 한국국제조세협회 2012 조세학술논집 Vol.28 No.2

        EU established UCITS Directive: Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities(referred as Directive in the following) in 1985. This directive applies to UCITS established within the area of EU. UCITS refers to an investment which is managed accordingly to the principle of diversification with the purpose of investing assets collected by suscribed capital in transferable securities, and liquidable financial assets, and allows resale and repayment both directly and indirectly under the instruction of the share owner. Fund passport refers to a system which allows funds to be sold in different country if the fund sale is authorized in another country. Asian countries which are considering such system are Australia and South Korea. Capital Market Consolidation Act is already established in Korea, which enables to adopt fund passport system without any regulatory amendment. However if the fund is adopted without the test which examine the sound of the fund, the doubt towards its risk may increase. Furthermore, there are worries that domestic capital may be abused by foreign capital. This is the reason why more delicate examination and consideration must be carried out before adopting fund passport system.

      • KCI등재

        의결권신탁에 대한 고찰

        성승제(Seoung-Je Seong) 한국기업법학회 2014 企業法硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        주식회사는 그 법률관계가, 주식회사의 주주를 비롯하여 회사의 이해관계자 모두에게 공통의 혹은 상호충돌하는 법적 이해를 가져온다. 가령 주식회사의 재산은 주주들의 출자를 기초로 형성되므로 주주들이 자유롭게 처분할 수 있을 듯하지만, 그와 같이 한다면 회사채권자들의 손실이 부당하게 방치된다. 이해를 달리하는 당사자들이 회사조직의 상이한 지위에 놓임으로써 회사의 정보와 재산에 대한 접근의 기회를 달리한다. 그러므로 개인간의 대등한 지위를 전제로 하여 원칙적으로 당사자의 자유로운 처분을 허용하는 개인법과는 달리 회사법률관계는 단체법 원리가 지배한다. 그리하여 개인법상의 계약자유의 원칙이 크게 수정된 상태에서 적용될 수밖에 없고, 다수결원칙, 사원평등의 원칙 등과 같은 획일적이고 통일적인 원리에 의하여 법률관계가 이루어진다. 따라서 이러한 범위에서 회사법은 대부분 강행법적 성격을 띠게 된다. 물론 회사법도 회사와 제3자의 거래, 사원과 회사채권자의 관계와 같은 거래법적 성질을 띠는 규정이 적지 않아서, 이러한 법률관계는 개인법상의 거래와 마찬가지로 사적자치, 거래안전의 보호와 같은 개인법상의 법원리가 지배한다. 의결권신탁은 초창기 폐쇄회사 또는 소규모회사의 법리로부터 출발한 것이라 볼 수 있다. 향후 깊이 연구하겠다는 유보를 달아야만 하겠지만, 현재로서는 회사법 해석상 전통적인 부정설의 견해를 벗어나면 곤란할 수 있다고 본다. 다만 이것이 의결권신탁의 효력을 입법론으로도 부정하는 것은 결코 아니며, 다양한 회사제도 이용의 기회를 넓히고 증진시키기 위하여, 의결권신탁을 이용할 새로운 규정을 상법에 편입하도록 시도하는 입법적 노력이 바람직하다고 본다. Corporate Law composes of legal relationship of corporations. For example, management of corporations’ property, composition of corporations’ management organization, decision-making, foreign responsibility, and rights and duties of corporations and shareholders are regulated by Corporate Law. Since these legal relationships develop over diverse contracts or agreements, Corporate Law is also known as nexus of contracts. Meanwhile, there are differences of opinion regarding contracts between shareholders, that it should be considered as mandatory principle under Corporate Law, and that it should be considered as voluntary law since it is enabling law. However, legal relationships regarding corporations bring out legal interest between person concerned, including shareholders. For example, since corporations’ properties are built based on shareholders’ investment, it may seem fair for shareholders to have free rights to dispose the properties of corporations, but then it results in loss of creditors. Persons concerned are placed in different positions of the company, which may discriminate each other on chances to accessing company’s information and properties. Therefore unlike individual laws which premise on freedom of disposition of individuals, corporate law is governed by group law principle. Hence, modification of liberty of contract principle of individual law is unavoidable and unificative principles such as majority rule, and equality between employees is applied. In that sense, corporate law usually shows traits of imperative law. However since corporate law includes regulations which are applied on transactions such as transactions between company and third person and relationship between creditors and employees, these legal relationships are still governed by principles of individual laws such as principles of private autonomy and protection of transactions. Voting trust first started from legal principle of small or closed companies. Although I have to add reserve that it needs deeper research, for now, I believe that we should comply with negative opinion. However this does not mean that I deny the effect of voting right trust, and I believe that it is advisable to adopt new regulations which utilize voting right trust in order to expand and enhance diverse usage of corporation system.

      • KCI등재

        체육단체 공정성 개선을 위한 법적 고찰 - 주식회사 기업지배구조론 적용의 필요성 검토 -

        성승제 ( Seoung Je Seong ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2014 법학논총 Vol.31 No.3

        Traditionally, Korea concentrated on elite sports which allow investing in few outstanding sportsmen and prioritize on obtaining a medal from international competitions. But today as physical activity became essential daily activity, Korea is focusing on building a fundamental for sports, as long as the right to pursue happiness, most significant right guaranteed under the constitution, is promised to the citizens. As discussed in the following, physical activities used to be considered similarly with military drill before modern times. This may be in connection with nurturing of a good society by abiding by fair regulations. However, I have thought that conditions of ‘perfect competition market’ which deemed to be an ideal model of capitalism, such as ‘equality in access of information’, ‘high yielding participants of market’ coincide with conditions of democracy (equality, one man one vote principle, etc) from perspective of modes of production. Physical activity, from modes of production`s perspective, the fact that it requires the fairness, it coincides with transparency of information. Under the market system of capitalism, promoting fairness in physical activity seems to be inevitable. If we focus solely on obtaining medal or winning/losing, then qualities such as ‘fairness’, ‘equality’, ‘transparency’ is unnecessary. Even for athletic organizations, promoting fairness is a trait that is unavoidable. And that fairness needs to function under the principle of law. Legal study on sports law is significant since sport law includes several autonomous regulations. Especially, since there are cases where athletic organizations fails to fulfill fairness due to an individual`s superior ability, this matter needs to be reviewed from legal perspective. This paper will examine on methods to promote fairness of athletic organization by referring to diverse legal references since references which only relate to sports law seems to be insufficient to examine this matter specifically.

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