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      • KCI등재후보

        4차 산업혁명과 항공무인무기체계 발전 전망

        설현주 ( Hyeonju Seol ),이수훈 ( Soo Hun Lee ),길병옥 ( Byung-ok Kil ) 미래군사학회 2017 한국군사학논총 Vol.6 No.2

        Today, the 4th industrial revolution has become a major issue in all areas of the world, and the defense sector is no exception. In particular, the characteristics of the future battlefields will be further expanded through the main technologies that will lead the 4th industrial revolution. The CPS(Cyber-Physical System) will strengthen the network characteristics and the IoT(Internet of Things) will expand the information gathering ability. In addition, big data technology will contribute to providing quality information, and artificial intelligence will make the best judgment based on the information provided through big data analysis. Finally, the robot performs an operational mission on behalf of human beings. Robots are expected to affect the future weapon system more specifically. UAVs(Unmanned aerial vehicles) are already in the process of being deployed and newly developed. UCAV(Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) is expected to be used in combination with manned aerial vehicle due to technical limitations, but UAV is expected to replace all existing aircraft. The rate at which the 4th industrial revolution affects our daily lives and national defense is different from that of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd industrial revolutions. Therefore, it is necessary to hasten the investment in research and development of the weapon system. In addition, we must hasten establishment of operational concept based on combined UAV and manned aerial vehicle operations. In the future, it will be necessary to prepare an air operations mission using only UAV.

      • KCI등재

        이동형 장거리 레이더 연구개발 사업의 경제적 파급효과 분석

        설현주(Hyeonju Seol),이길영(Gil-Young Lee),엄정식(Jungsik Um) 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2017 한국군사학논집 Vol.73 No.1

        This paper presents the spillover effects for mobile long-range radar Research and Development(R&D) program to improve Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance(ISR) capability on the national economy. To evaluate the effects using inter-industry analysis, we estimate that the R&D cost of mobile long-range radar system is about 54.2 billion won, assuming the development period to be 5 years from 2017 to 2021. The analysis results show that the inducement effects for production, value added, and employment are 55.7 billion won, 16.6 billion won, and 171 people, respectively. This study provides the good example of how to evaluate the economic spillover effects of developing weapon systems domestically, showing importance and benefits of it.

      • KCI등재

        KF-X 양산 사업의 경제적 파급효과 분석

        설현주,Seol, Hyeonju 한국시스템엔지니어링학회 2013 시스템엔지니어링학술지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study aims to analyze how much KF-X production impacts on national economy by measuring economic spread effect based on inter-industry analysis. In order to evaluate the economic impact of KF-X production, we used input-output table of year 2007 of Korea. The results shows that KF-X production induces the production of 3,129 billon won and the value added of 1,206 billon won respectively. Also there are the creation of about 13,208 employment in the industry. The results from this study can be used as a basis for the further research on whether or not KF-X production could be processed.

      • KCI등재

        실해역 환경을 고려한 선박의 최적항해계획 알고리즘 연구

        김동준,설현주,김진주,Kim, Dongjun,Seol, Hyeonju,Kim, Jinju 한국군사과학기술학회 2016 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Unlike terrestrial transportation, marine transportation should consider environment factors in order to optimize path planning. This is because, ship's path planning is greatly influenced by real-time ocean environment-sea currents, wave and wind. Therefore, in this study, we suggest a ship path planning algorithm based on real-time ocean environment using not only $A^*$ algorithm but also path smoothing method. Moreover, in order to improve objective function value, we also consider ship's moving distance based on ship's location and real-time ocean environment data on grid map. The efficiency of the suggested algorithm is proved by comparing with $A^*$ algorithm only. This algorithm can be used as a reasonable automatics control system algorithm for unmaned ship.

      • KCI등재

        비행교관과 학생조종사의 DiSC 행동유형이 훈련성취도에 미치는 영향 - 육군 헬리콥터 조종사 양성교육을 중심으로 -

        김종필,설현주,Kim, Jong-Pil,Seol, Hyeonju 한국항공운항학회 2021 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        This study wanted to confirm whether the DiSC behavior types of student pilots and instructors in the training course of Helicopter pilots affect the flight training achievement. The results of the study are as follows. First, in the distribution of DiSC behavior types of student pilots and instructors, student pilots had the largest number of Dominance with 40.2 percent, while Instructors had the highest number of conscientiousness with 46.5 percent. Second, it was analyzed that the flight training achievement was influenced by the behavior type of student pilots. In basic flight and aircraft type conversion flight, Steadiness had the highest achievement in flight training, and in tactical flight, conscientiousness was the highest. Third, the behavior patterns of student pilots and instructors have been confirmed to have interaction effects in tactical flight.

      • KCI등재

        토픽모델링과 인용 분석에 기반한 의료기기 산업의 기술융합 유형 연구

        이선재,이성주,설현주,Lee, Seonjae,Lee, Sungjoo,Seol, Hyeonju 한국융합학회 2021 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.12 No.7

        4차 산업혁명의 변화 속에서 새로운 성장 동력을 확보하기 위해 융합기술의 중요성이 강조되면서 다양한 형태로의 산업 융합이 이루어지고 있다. 산업 융합은 다수 동인에 의해 여러 형태로 발현되기 때문에 이러한 융합의 특성을 파악하고 흐름을 이해한다면 효과적인 융합 정책을 수립하고 추진할 수 있을 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 특허정보를 활용하여 이종 분야 간 지식의 흐름을 분석하여 기술의 융합 형태를 유형화하고 유형별 특성을 파악하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 첫째, 특허문서의 토픽모델링을 통해 핵심 융합 기술분야를 도출한다. 둘째, 해당 기술분야를 구성하는 이종기술별 특허 건수와 이들 간 특허 인용 분석을 통해 융합과정에서의 지식의 규모와 흐름을 파악한다. 마지막으로, 지식의 규모와 흐름에 따라 융합의 유형을 상생융합, 부분융합, 흡수융합으로 구분하고, 해당 기술분야가 어떠한 유형에 속하는지 판단하고자 한다. 제안된 접근법은 이종 기술간 융합이 활발한 의료기기 산업을 대상으로 사례연구를 수행하여 활용 가능성을 검토하였다. 연구 결과는 향후 기업에서 융합 기반의 신사업 기회 창출이나 정부 등 여러 기관에서 융합을 토대로 한 정책 마련 시 기초자료로서 유용하게 활용될 것으로 기대한다. Industrial convergence is manifested in various forms by various drivers, and understanding and categorizing the direction of convergence according to the factors in which the convergence occurs is an essential requirement for the establishment of a company's customized convergence strategy and the government's corporate support policy. In this study, the type of convergence is analyzed from the perspective of knowledge flow between heterogeneous technologies, and for this purpose, the result of topic modeling of the text information of the patent and the citation information of the corresponding patent allocated for each topic are used. The methodology presented through case studies in the medical device field is verified. Through the proposed methodology, companies can predict the flow of convergence and use it as decision-making data to create new business opportunities. It is expected that the government and research institutions will be usefully used as basic data for policy preparation.

      • KCI등재

        한반도에서 재래식 무기의 군비통제 방안 -운용적 군비통제 방안을 중심으로-

        이장호 ( Lee Jangho ),설현주 ( Seol Hyeonju ) 미래군사학회 2024 한국군사학논총 Vol.13 No.1

        본 논문은 한반도의 재래식 무기의 운용적 군비통제 추진 방안을 모색하는 것이다. 국제사회는 냉전종식 이후 군비통제에 대한 관심과 노력, 대상과 영역 확대를 추진하고 있다. 반면, 한반도는 군비통제보다는 군비증강이라는 심각한 상황으로 전개되고 있어서 이에 대한 진단과 해결방안 모색이 시급하다. 현재 북한은 대한민국을 북한의 주적이라고 공개적 선포와 군비통제에 대한 진정성 부재 그리고 정치적 노선이 극명하게 갈리고 있는 현 상황에서 북한을 믿고 정치적 대화가 가능하겠는가 등의 의구심을 떨칠 수가 없는 실정이다. 더구나 남북한간 위협 인식상의 상호 불균형과 보유 전력과 군사력 운용의 상이성 등의 비대칭성도 단계적·기능적 군비통제 접근방식의 한반도 적용을 어렵게 하는 요인임을 분명히 인식해야 한다. 나아가 이에 대한 포괄적인 대책강구가 한반도 비핵화와 안보를 유지함에 있어 무엇보다도 중요함을 주장하고자 한다. 따라서 세계적인 군비통제 추세에 부응하는 측면에서 한반도군비통제 실현은 군사력을 약화시키는 것이 아니다. 오히려 남북한 양측의 신뢰회복과 교류 및 협력을 통한 위협 감소는 물론 국가이익을 제고할 수 있는 ‘윈-윈 패러다임’이라는 논리를 제공하는 것이다. 이러한 현실적 문제점을 해소하기 위한 군비통제는 선택이 아니라 필연적 사안임을 강조하고 한반도에서 재래식 무기의 군비통제 추진 여건을 분석한 다음 이를 토대로 신뢰회복과 관계개선 등을 통한 운용적 군비통제 추진방안을 중심으로 간략히 제시하고자 한다. This paper aims to explore operational arms control measures for conventional weapons on the Korean Peninsula. In the wake of the Cold War's end, the international community has intensified its focus and efforts on arms control, expanding its scope and objectives. However, the Korean Peninsula is witnessing a concerning trend towards arms buildup rather than arms control, necessitating urgent diagnosis and solutions. Currently, North Korea's political stance, including its public declaration of the Republic of Korea as its main enemy, raises doubts about the feasibility of political dialogue and trust-building. Additionally, asymmetries in threat perception and military capabilities between the two Koreas present challenges in applying a step-by-step arms control approach. Emphasizing the paramount importance of a comprehensive plan for maintaining denuclearization and security on the Korean Peninsula, this paper argues that arms control is not merely an option but an inevitable necessity. By analyzing the conditions for arms control of conventional weapons on the Korean Peninsula, this paper proposes operational arms control promotion plans centered on trust-building and relationship improvement, aligning with global arms control trends.

      • KCI등재

        한일 GSOMIA의 군사적 함의 고찰

        이강경 ( Lee Kangkyong ),설현주 ( Seol Hyeonju ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2020 국방연구 Vol.63 No.1

        최근 한반도와 동북아의 안보상황은 북한 비핵화 협상의 교착, 남북관계 악화, 미중 무역전쟁, 중국과 러시아의 군사위협 등으로 불확실성이 더욱 증가하고 있다. 특히 2018년 강제징용 피해자에 대한 일본기업의 배상책임 판결 이후 일본 정부가 반도체, 디스플레이 핵심소재에 대한 수출규제에 나서면서 한국은 한일 군사비밀정보보호협정(GSOMIA) 종료를 결정했고, 파기직전 일본과 협의 후 조건부 연기에 합의했다. 일본의 경제보복과 한국의 GSOMIA 관련 대응에 따라 향후 한일관계는 냉각기가 지속될 전망이며 한미일 안보협력체제에도 부정적인 영향요인이 될 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구는 최근 신냉전체제가 심화하고 있는 동북아의 안보현실과 북한의 현실화된 핵·미사일 위협, 한일관계의 특수성을 바탕으로 한일 GSOMIA 유지의 필요성과 군사적 함의를 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 한일관계의 변화와 군사협력 관련 선행연구들을 검토하였고, 한일관계의 역사적 특수성과 구조적 변화과정, 제한적 수준에서의 군사협력 현황을 분석하였다. 또한 한일 GSOMIA 체결과정에서의 주요 쟁점을 평가하였고 국가안보와 군사적 실익, 동맹의 관점에서 협정의 필요성을 제시하였다. 現 안보리스크를 최소화하기 위해서는 한미동맹과 한미일 안보협력체제를 보다 공고히 함과 동시에 한국군의 독자적인 방어능력을 더욱 강화할 필요성이 있다. 결론적으로 한일 GSOMIA는 탈정치적으로 접근해야 할 의제이며 국가이익 및 안보적 관점에서 유지 필요성에 대한 심층적인 논의와 정책결정이 요구된다. The recent security situation on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia has been further raising uncertainties due to the deadlock in North Korea's denuclearization negotiations, worsening inter-Korean relations, the U.S.-China trade war and military threats from China and Russia. In particular, Korea decided to scrap the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) between Korea and Japan, and agreed to a conditional postponement after consultations with Japan shortly before it went into effect as the Japanese government started to restrict exports of key semiconductor and display materials after the ruling on compensation for victims of forced labor in 2018. With Japan's economic retaliation and Korea's GSOMIA-related response, the Korea-Japan relationship is expected to continue to cool down, and it is expected to be a negative factor for the Korea-U.S.-Japan security cooperation system. This study examined the necessity of maintaining the Korea-Japan GSOMIA and its military implications based on the security realities of Northeast Asia, the North Korean realization of nuclear and missile threats, and the special characteristics of the Korea-Japan relationship. To this end, prior research on military cooperation was reviewed, and the historical characteristics of the Korea-Japan relationship, the process of structural changes, and the status of military cooperation at a limited level were analyzed. It also evaluated the major issues in the process of signing the Korea-Japan GSOMIA and presented the necessity of an agreement in terms of national security, military benefits, alliance and security cooperation. In order to minimize current security risks, it is necessary to further strengthen the ROK-US alliance and the ROK-U.S.-Japan security cooperation system, and at the same time further strengthen the ROK's own defense capabilities. In conclusion, the Korea-Japan GSOMIA is an agenda that should be approached de-politically and requires in-depth discussions and policy decisions on the need to maintain it from a national interest and security perspective.

      • KCI등재

        미사일 방어를 위한 방공포대 최적 배치 문제

        김재권(Jae Kwon Kim),설현주(Hyeonju Seol) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2016 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        With the development of modern science and technology, weapon systems such as tanks, submarines, combat planes, radar are also dramatically advanced. Among these weapon systems, the ballistic missile, one of the asymmetric forces, could be considered as a very economical means to attack the core facilities of the other country in order to achieve the strategic goals of the country during the war. Because of the current ballistic missile threat from the North Korea, establishing a missile defense (MD) system becomes one of the major national defense issues. This study focused on the optimization of air defense artillery units’ deployment for effective ballistic missile defense. To optimize the deployment of the units, firstly this study examined the possibility of defense, according to the presence of orbital coordinates of ballistic missiles in the limited defense range of air defense artillery units. This constraint on the defense range is originated from the characteristics of anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs) such as PATRIOT. Secondly, this study proposed the optimized mathematical model considering the total covering problem of binary integer program-ming, as an optimal deployment of air defense artillery units for defending every core defense facility with the least number of such units. Finally, numerical experiments were conducted to show how the suggested approach works. Assuming the current state of the Korean peninsula, the study arbitrarily set ballistic missile bases of the North Korea and core defense facilities of the South Korea. Under these conditions, numerical experiments were executed by utilizing MATLAB R2010a of the MathWorks, Inc.

      • 만족도 및 적합성 기반 유망기술의 활용도 평가에 관한 연구

        장우석(Wooseok Jang),설현주(Hyeonju Seol) 대한산업공학회 2024 대한산업공학회지 Vol.50 No.4

        In the era of Big Blur, a significant number of emerging technologies, have promoted unexpected rapid changes in technological and social developments. However, with radical innovation and change, many potential users rarely estimate how to utilize emerging technologies and their applications. This study proposes a framework for evaluating potential users expectations of emerging technologies. To do this, we gathered various posts in online forums as new data. In addition, we defined and estimated the satisfaction and suitability of emerging technologies through several indices. Then, we evaluated the utilization of emerging technologies by constructing PROMETHEE model which could analyze two heterogeneous variables - satisfaction and suitability. These implications can be used as directions for applying emerging technologies that can bring high utility to potential users in the future.

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