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        지도자-선수 간의 관계 변인이 성폭력 피해에 미치는 영향

        선보영(Bo Young Sun),황정임(Jung Im Hwang),허현미(Hyun Mi Heo) 한국여성체육학회 2010 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        The structural factors, as like the power differences and relationships between a physical instructor and professional female athletes, have drawn much attention as they have been pointed out a key factor of sexual harrassment and abuse for female athletes. Nonetheless, systematic studies on the structural factors have been quite limited. This study, using recent nationwide survey on sexual harrassment and abuse for professional female athletes, attempts to explain whether and how the ratio of sexual harassment and abuse experience would differ with the structural factors. The logit regression analysis reveals that likelihood of sexual harassment and abuse for professional female athletes are significantly affected by age, the power differences and relationships between a physical instructor and professional female athletes even after controlling demographic characteristics. For instance, The younger female athletes are more likely to experience the sexual harrassment and abuse. And the group that feels greater power differences between physical instructors and athletes, and the group that doesn`t feels physical instructor as a reliable person are more likely to experience the sexual harrassment and abuse. Such result suggests that sexual harrassment and abuse for female athletes is structural problems arose from power differences and relationship between physical instructors and athletes.

      • KCI등재후보

        여성의 만혼화와 결혼의향 -결정요인을 중심으로-

        김혜영 ( Hye Young Kim ),선보영 ( Bo Young Sun ) 고려대학교 한국사회연구소 2011 한국사회 Vol.12 No.2

        이 연구는 최근 최저출산의 주요인으로 지목되어온 만혼화 경향에 주목하여 여성의 결혼지체 요인과 결혼의향의 결정요인을 살펴보고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 평균결혼연령을 넘긴 미혼여성들을 대상으로 결혼연령규범으로부터 결혼 및 가족가치관, 직업세계와 향후 전망, 일-가족양립에 대한 기대 등을 검토하고, 이들의 현재결혼의향에 영향을 주는 다양한 요인들이 무엇인가를 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 과반수이상의 미혼여성들은 결혼에 있어 적령기가 존재하지 않는다고 응답하고 있지만, 결혼이나 출산에 대해서는 매우 긍정적인 가치와 의미를 부여하고 있는 것으로 타났다. 또한 미혼여성의 결혼의향에 관한 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과, 미혼여성의 결혼의향에는 결혼과 가족에 대한 여성의 태도 및 의식과 함께 개인의 결혼자원이나 일-가정양립에 대한 인식, 직장만족도와 같은 결혼비용구조에 대한 인식이 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 즉 평균적인 결혼연령을 초과한 미혼여성들의 경우, 결혼이나 가족구성이 갖는 매력요인을 명확하게 인식하고 있음에도 불구하고 정작 결혼으로 인해 여성이 포기하거나 부담해야 하는 기회비용으로 결혼이행을 망설이거나 포기하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. This study, giving attention to the late marriages of women(the main cause of low birth rate), aims to explore the living world of unmarried womens along with the reason behind late marriages while looking at the main determinants of marriage decisions. Specifically, this study examines not only what single females think of marriage and their value and attitude of family, but also the living world around them, future prospects and expectations of labor environment and one`s occupation, perception on work-family balance, and the order of priority regarding work, marriage, and childbirth. More than half of single women responded that there is no such thing as a marriageable age. But, unmarried women in general are showing positive inclination and attitude toward marriage and childbirth. The reason they are not married yet despite such high inclination of marriage and childbirth can be attributed to their awareness of change in occupational status related to marriage. In other words, more than few single females are mentioning the burdensome nature of giving birth and nurturing while recognizing the difficulty of balancing work-family balance, workplace discrimination, and the pressure of becoming a parent. This explanation is also supported by the logistic regression analysis of the inclination of marriage. That is, for unmarried females, the sense and attitude toward family and marriage, how they perceive of marital resources and work-family balance, and the perception of marital opportunity costs are all affecting the inclination on getting married negatively. This result shows how opportunity costs women have to either give up or be burdened with are making single females be more hesitant of getting married.

      • 지속가능한 돌봄정책 재정립방안 연구(Ⅰ)

        김은지(Eun-Ji Kim),김소영(So-Young Kim),선보영(Bo-Young Sun),서영(Kyung Sung),양난주(Nan-joo Yang),김수정(Su-Jeong Kim),김혜영(Hye-Young Kim) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2017 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        The impending crisis of the low fertility and aging population was addressed and heralded about ten years ago, and the care policy has been expanded in the Korean society for the past decade as a countermeasure. However, each of the care policy-related policies was developed within its area, resulting in confusion over policy objectives and absence of future directions for supporting ‘care’ of families as a ‘care policy.’ The objective of this study is not to establish goals of individual policies, but to examine the current status of the Korean ‘families’ and ‘family policy’ from a sustainability perspective, to investigate the extent to which care can become socialized and public goods, and to suggest future directions for the ‘package’ of care policy. This study defines ‘sustainable care policy’ as ‘a policy system designed to continuously provide secure and sufficient care support,’ and also defines sustainability from the following three perspectives. The first perspective is established with service users’ standpoints regarding whether the users are provided with sustainable high-quality services. The second perspective is developed with the standpoint of service providers (service providing organizations and service workers) in terms of whether high quality services can be provided sustainably. The third perspective, with the standpoint of public finance, considers whether the finances for services can sustainably be secured. That is, sustainability is composed of these important elements: comprehensiveness of support target populations, kinds of benefit types, service delivery systems, and finance structures. This study aims to suggest policy directions of which target populations should receive what types of benefits, of which working conditions and ecosystem are to be comprised for service delivery systems, and of how to share responsibility for financing in order to establish a sustainable care policy. The policy implications are as follows. First, it is important to strengthen national responsibility and publicness. The most fundamental and critical policy alternative is needed to provide sustainable services for service users and sustainable and secure jobs for service providers. To achieve this, it requires the expansion of state-run organizations and the reinforcement on entrusting private services to public organizations and switching public care service centers, most of which are entrusted to private organizations, into state-run management. Second, for the care service organizations managed by private sectors, it is imperative to strengthen service quality control. Although this will not come up with an option better than the first policy alternative for service users and service providers, the care service market in Korea needs to be improved due to its private-sector-oriented system. It is needed to raise entry barriers by tightening a restriction on debt ratio concerning the establishment of care service institutions, and to fundamentally exclude the entry of for-profit businesses and individuals. Also, there is much concern about small institutions with financial hardships that tend to pursue unreasonable profitability; therefore, it needs to induce and adjust gradual reduction of those institutions. Furthermore, it is critical to strengthen the management and evaluation of care service institutions such as assessment of accounting audit and financial management, and to exterminate the inappropriate use of national finance. Third, with the reorganizations of structure of delivery systems, it needs to increase an amount of payroll costs for service workers and to improve takeoff criteria for payroll costs. Especially, care service workers who are part-time on-call workers not only receive low wage but also unstable living expenses due to part-time employment. Child care service workers for children and home care service workers for the elderly may experience this difficulty Ⅰ. 서론 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 저출산의 지속, ‘삼포세대’를 넘어 ‘오포세대’의 등장, 아동학대와 노인자살의 심각성은 한국사회의 ‘가족’이 지속불가능한 한계에 도달하고 있음. 저출산·고령화로 위기감은 이미 십여년전부터 예고되어 왔고, 그 대응책으로 실제로 한국사회에서 지난 10년간 돌봄정책은 지속적으로 확대되어 왔으나, 각 정책들은 각각의 영역내에서 확장되어 정책목표와 지향점이 혼재되어 가족의 ‘돌봄’을 지원하기 위한 ‘돌봄정책’으로서의 지향점이 부재함. □ 특히 새 정부가 출현하여, 전반적인 돌봄정책의 기조를 점검해보는 연구가 필요한 시점으로, ‘저출산·고령화’ 정책의 추동 속에서 지난 10년간의 정책이 적절한 방향으로 진행되었는지에 대한 점검이 필요함. 개별 정책목표가 아니라 한국의 ‘가족’과 ‘가족정책’의 지속가능성 측면에서 정책의 현 지점을 진단하고, 한국사회의 사회적, 제도적 한계 내에서 돌봄은 어디까지 어떤 방식으로 사회화·공공화(‘going public’) 될 수 있을 것인가의 현 지점을 확인하고, 향후 나아가야 할 정책방향을 제시하고자 함. 2. 연구내용 및 연구방법 □ 본 연구는 2차년도로 기획된 연구로서, 1차년도인 본 연구에서는 돌봄노동의 탈가족화 현황을 진단하고 한국형 돌봄정책으로 나아가기 위한 정책방향을 제시함. 2차년도에는 1차년도에 제시된 정책방향을 근거로, 돌봄정책 영역별 장단기 추진전략을 개발할 예정임. □ 본 연구의 구체적인 연구내용은 다음과 같음. 첫째, 한국사회에서 돌봄정책의 개념을 점검해보고, 한국사회 돌봄 프로파일을 확인함. 둘째, 돌봄노동의 탈가족화·공식화 수준에 따라 분석틀을 개발하고, 한국의 돌봄정책을 대상과 정책의 성격에 따라 분석틀에 맵핑함. 셋째, 돌봄정책 유형별 정책현황을 분석하고 제도 유형에 따른 제도사 분석을 실시함. 넷째, 개별 돌봄정책들의 정책현황을 진단하고, 이를 취합하여 돌봄정책 유형별로 정책제언을 발굴함. 이를 통해 ‘지속가능한 돌봄정책’이 한국사회에 자리매김할 수 있는 방향을 제시함. □ 본 연구는 생애주기에 따라 보편적으로 발생하게 되는 돌봄욕구인 아동돌봄과 노인돌봄에 대한 정책으로 연구범위를 한정하였으며, 돌봄서비스와 대체적 관계에 있는 현금보상제도(양육수당, 가족요양보호사 등)는 연구범위에 포함하였고, 휴가나 휴직, 노동시간과 관련된 정책들은 분석범위가 다르기 때문에 직접적인 분석범위에 포함하지는 않음. 아동돌봄의 경우 입소시설을 포함하지 않았으나, 노인돌봄의 경우 중요한 돌봄의 한 형태이기 때문에 본 연구의 연구범위에 포함함. 구체적으로 본 연구에 포함된 돌봄정책은 다음과 같음. □ 본 연구는 문헌연구를 통한 제도사 분석을 가장 중요한 방법론으로 삼고 있으며, 그 외 2015년 양성평등실태조사를 활용한 2차 자료 분석, 전문가들의 의견을 수렴하기 위해 전문가 라운드테이블과 전문가 델파이조사를 실시하였음. Ⅱ. 선행연구 검토 및 돌봄정책 개관 1. 선행연구 검토 및 개념정의 □ 달리(Daly, 2002)에 따르면, ‘돌봄(care)’은 페미니즘에 기원을 가진 개념으로, ‘돌봄’의 개념은 여성이 가족 내의 권력관계에 따라 돌봄자의 역할을 떠맡게 되는 사회적 과정에 대한 논의에서 시작됨. 보다 최근의 연구에서 ‘돌봄’은 가족관계를 넘어 공동체를 구성하는 원리로서 윤리적, 도덕적 지향점으로 논의되기도 함. 마지막으로 ‘돌봄’은 사회정책 차원에서 돌봄의 수요와 공급을 조정하는 복지국가의 역할을 일컫는 개념으로 사용됨(Daly, 2002: 252-254). 본 연구에서 ‘돌봄’은 특히 세 번째 차원인 사회정책적 차원으로 주로 사용함. 이와 같이 사회정책적 차원에서 ‘돌봄’의 개념을 보다 명확히 사용하기 위해, ‘사회적 돌봄(social care)’이라는 용어가 사용되기도 함(Daly & Lewis, 2000).

      • 남성의 부성경험과 갈등에 관한 연구

        김혜영(Kim, Hyeyoung),황정미(Hwang, Jung-Mee),선보영(Sun, Bo-Young),김동기(Kim, Dong-Ki) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2008 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2008 No.9

        Due to the structure simplification and downsizing of the families as well as the increase of married women employment, the demand on for fathers to participate in fathering is growing. However, the men's voice on the fatherhood experience and fathering is low, and the academic discussion on fatherhood is also insignificant. Therefore, this study will explore what the men think of themselves as being a father, what the sphere of caring that the fathers participate in is, what the fathers think about the ideal role of fathers and what role they are actually carrying on. To accomplish the purpose of this study, both qualitative and quantitative research were carried on. The qualitative research was done in ways of the FGI(Focused Group Interview) and depth interviews. These methods is to have more understanding on the men's life to develop the questionnaire based on their perspective. Also, this study carried on a questionnaire research to analyze the fatherhood experience and the fathering of the men who are raising or who have raised children. In point that the expectation and perception on the father's role within the family might vary according to the different expectations and thoughts of the family members as well as the men's socio-demographic characteristics, the research was conducted in household unit considering the family cycle. Moreover, to examine the men's fathering and their paternal patterns, the sampling was limited to a certain age group in which the children are not grown up, the demand for fathering is still high. To this end, 900 households with both parents and with children younger than 20 years old in Cities and Guns(a county) across the nation were randomly sampled, from which, a total of 2300 household members (both parents and their children) were chosen. The result of this study is as follow. Firstly, the majority of the fathers recognize financial support for their families as their major responsibility, but at the same time have idealized views of being attentive and friendly parents. Men regarded fatherhood as more abstract and ambiguous than motherhood, placing it in the same category as protection and support. Secondly, we were able to clearly verify the change in the ideal father model. The married men perceived their fathers as supporters, moral models, and strict trainers but considered themselves to be the emotional supporters and friends of their children, showing generational changes. Despite this understanding, the fathers still depended mostly on the mothers in the fostering of their children. Moreover, eventhough the fathers know that various father's roles are required, most of them don't practice much in other roles besides emotional and financial support. Thirdly, we looked over the different understanding of fatherhood among the family members. The most noteworthy part of the result was the significant difference between the fathers' and children's understanding of the role of fathers. That is, the fathers's recognition of how much they are doing the father role was higher than what the children thought they are receiving. This shows that there is a gap between the fathers' understanding of their children and what they actually do. Therefore, there is a problem that the conflict might grow between the fathers and the children, at the situation when the children's expectation is high, but the fathers can't reach it. The last is about the role conflict occurring when the men practice fathering. The more favorable their family relationships were, the more positive they assessed their paternal roles. Positive professionalism was observed to have weakened conflicts in work-family balance. Especially, the 5 day workweek system turned out to have effect on alleviating the work-family conflict, telling that the constant dissemination of this system is very important.

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