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      • KCI등재

        간암의 동맥색전술 -I. 단기 추적조사-

        서흥석 대한영상의학회 1985 대한영상의학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        Anticancer effect and complications were evaluated after transcatheter arterial embolization(TAE) in 12 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma until 2 weeks and 4 weeks after TAE, respectively. The results were as follows; 1. Serum alpha-fetoprotein value decreased in 7 out of 9 patients with high value prior to TAE. 2. Loss of enhancement and better definition on enhanced computed tomography(CT) were seen in the tumors in all cases, and low-density areas in 9/10. Gas bubbles were seen in low-density areas in 4/10 and high-density areas caused by lipidol in 6/10. 3. Post-embolization syndrome was developed in most patients but improved clinically within a week after TAE. 4. On laboratory examination, impairment of liver function was developed in most patients but improved within 4 weeks after TAE. 5. Complications on CT included splenic infarction and thickening of wall of the gallbladder, which didn't require specific treatment. The authors conclude that TAE for hepatocellula carcioma reveals apparent anticancer effect on short-term evaluation, and resultant complications are transient and improved by conservative treatment.

      • KCI등재

        승모판부전증의 방사선학적 소견

        서흥석 대한영상의학회 1978 대한영상의학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        The author intended in this study to evaluate radiographically sizes of the heart and left atrium and angiographic grades of regurgitation in relation to the duration of illness as well as pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) in mitral insufficiency. Total twenty patients including eight males and twelve females who exhibited mitral regurgitation clinically were analyzed. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The duration of illness ranged from 6 months to 16 years. Mean duration according to grades of regurgitation was 7.3, 6.9 and 4.5 years in grades I-II, III and IV, respectively. It was revealed that the greater the extent of regurgitation shorter the duration of illness. 2. CT ratio was 63, 69 and 67 percents and diameter of left atrium was 5.3, 6.0 and 5.8cm in the grades I-II, III and IV, respectively. 3. No correlation between the extent of regurgitation and PCWP than in the patients with high PCWP. In contrast with the duration of illness, CT ratio and left a rial diameter were smaller in the patients with low PCWP than in the patients with high PCWP. 4. In the low PCWP group, CT ratio and left atrial diameter were greater in grades III-IV than grades I-II. On the other hand, no correlation between extent of regurgitation and CT ratio as well as left atrial diameter was evident in the high PCWP group.

      • KCI등재후보

        충남역사박물관 소장『신미통신일록』의 특징과 역사적 의의

        서흥석 (재)충청남도역사문화연구원 2021 충청학과 충청문화 Vol.31 No.-

        The 『ShinMiTongShinIlRoc』 was created by Kim Yi-kyo, a collection of documents related to ShinmiTongshinsha, which he visited as a representative of the envoy. Records of 190 days starting with Gangjeong negotiations on August 27, 1809, just before dispatch, until the Tongshinsha incident delivered the credentials to Tsushima Island and returned are included by subject. It contains Mayor of Dongnaebusa's Janggye document, which is related to negotiations on the dispatch of Tongshinsha companies, as well as diplomatic documents such as credentials, and letters exchanged between Joseon and Japan. It also contains all the official details of ShinmiTongshinsha, including the quota setting and appointment process of speculative groups, the allocation of various items and things in between, the burden of expenses while moving from Hanyang to Busan, and the number and allocation process of predictions exchanged with Japan. Based on the comparison of ShinmiTongshinsha with Kyujanggak's 『Tongsinsadeungroc』 compiled by Yejo Jeongaeksa during the Joseon Dynasty, it was speculated that the 『ShinMiTongShinIlRoc』 compiled by Kim Yi-kyo contained more than three times more information, so its historical value would be higher. If a translation of the 『ShinMiTongShinIlRoc』 is published in the fall of 2022, I think research on ShinmiTongshinsha will gain further momentum in the future. 본고는 김이교가 정사로 다녀온 신미통신사에 관련한 문서를 모아 편찬한 『신미통신일록』에 대한 해제 성격의 글이다. 신미통신사 파견 직전 단계인 1809년 8월 27일자의 강정(講定) 교섭부터 시작하여 통신사행이 대마도에 가 국서를 전달하고 돌아올 때까지의 190여 일에 대한 기록이 주제별 총 3책에 걸쳐 기록되어 있다. 여기에는 통신사 파견에 대한 교섭과 관련된 동래부사의 장계와 중앙에서 내려온 문서를 비롯하여, 실제로 국서와 같은 외교문서, 조선 측과 일본 측 사이에 주고받은 서한들이 함께 실려 있다. 또한 통신사행을 준비하는 과정에서 발생하는 사행단의 정원 설정과 임명과정, 각종 물건의 배정과 그 사이에서 일어나는 일들, 한양에서 부산까지 이동하는 중의 경비부담, 일본과 주고받는 예단의 수량과 배정과정 등 신미통신사행의 공식적인 모든 것들이 담겨져 있다. 신미통신사에 관해 조선시대 예조 전객사에서 편찬한 규장각 소장 『통신사등록』과의 비교를 통해서는 김이교가 편찬한 『신미통신일록』이 3배 이상 많은 정보를 수록하고 있어 사료적 가치가 더 높을 것이라는 추측해 보았다. 2022년 가을 『신미통신일록』 번역본이 발간된다면 향후 신미통신사에 대한 연구가 한층 탄력 받을 것으로 생각한다.

      • 충현서원 『심원록(尋院錄)』 분석

        서흥석 韓南大學敎中央博物館 2010 考古와 民俗 Vol.13 No.-

        충현서원은 그동안 여러 학자들이 연구한 결과에서 보듯이 충남지역에서는 가장 먼저 사액을 받은 서원으로 17세기 초중반 충청지역 사림의 여론이 모이는 장소였고, 다른 서원의 건립이나 운영에 있어서도 막대한 영향을 끼쳤던 서원이었다. 이번 『심원록』 분석은 필자로서도 매우 부족하다고 느껴지는 조사였다고 생각하지만 이 글을 통해 당시 충현서원의 위상을 조명하는데 조금이나마 보탬이 되는 마음이다. 추후에 충현서원의 『심원록』과 함께 『청금록』의 분석이 상세히 이루어져 당시 충현서원의 위상과 역할이 어떠하였는지 연구되는 것을 숙제로 남 긴다.

      • KCI등재

        임상간호사 업무손실에 관한 업무환경 예측요인

        서흥석 한국생활환경학회 2008 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        This study was conducted to measure the severity of health problems by clinical nurses and to find out some variables which affect their work impairments. The self-reported questionnaire survey was peformed at a university hospital in Seoul from January 1 to 30, 2008. Total 460 data were collected and analyzed using SPSS 12.0. The average age of nurses was 33.52. Their average carrier and salary was 9.80 years and 2,938,200 respectively. Most frequent problems were back pain (75.0%) and gastrointestinal problem (52.0%). 42.39% of clinical nurses got experienced both and 15.43% of them got experienced neither. The average of nurses' work impairments was 26.84 out of 50.0 points. It could be explained 31.4% by 5 variables(number of night duty, severity level of health problems1, social environment, age, satisfaction level of salary). In conclusion, it is desirable that work impairment of clinical nurses should be managed efficiently on the basis of the results of assessing the number of night duty, the severity of health problems and perception level of social environment among clinical staffs.

      • GPS 초기 동기를 위한 탐색 후보 축소

        서흥석,강설묵,이상정 한국군사과학기술학회 2003 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        A 2-dimensional search process in the time and frequency domain is required to acquire the GPS signal, when the code phase and the carrier Doppler for the specified GPS satellite signal are unknown. This paper proposes a new scheme, called Squared-D Searching Method, which can reduce the number of carrier frequency candidates, and a new scheme, named extended Multiple Correlator(XMC), which can reduce the number of code phase candidates. The Squared-D Searching Method can take the twice of Doppler frequency, therefore it can find carrier frequency candidates. The XMC is different from the general multiple correlator in that a combined form of the locally generated codes is used for despreading. Also, this paper tries to analyze a signal detection probability of a GPS receiver under more realistic environments. The result shows that lower detection probability can be obtained when the phase differences among the codes are larger in the correlation arms of a multiple correlator. This phenomenon is not easy to explain with the previous results. And besides, the result shows that proposed acquisition schemes give better performance than a conventional acquisition scheme.

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