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        <임경업전>의 비극성에 대한 표현 문화론적 고찰

        서유경 ( Yu Kyung Seo ) 한국문학교육학회 2004 문학교육학 Vol.13 No.-

        This paper aims that it is necessary to approach the work culturally in the classical literature education. Because through the classical literature education, we pursue that our learner should reach the level of cultural creation as well as understanding the work essentially. So in this paper it is examined how tragic characteristic is expressed and how it can be applicated in to the literature education. Lim Kyung-up Cheon shows positively that how the fact of the specific history as called Lim Kyung-up merges with the expression-culture. Accordingly when we receive Lim Kyung-up Cheon as the literary work, we should consider the specialty of contemporary culture. Especially, in the field of literature education, this specialty such as tragic characteristic and expression culture is the primary factor of education. At the same time, the universality of Lim Kyung-up Chon as the literary work can be a means to the more abstract and general goal. Because both the sameness and the difference furnish the important framework of education from the viewpoint of the literature education. In the side of the discussion on the expression, it is significant that a certain convention of the expression continues from old times to now and the current audience can reproduce in different way. In the side of the discussion on the reception, it is suggestive that audience can recognize by regarding the culture of enjoying literature as the object and take pleasure in reading again. Consequently, this viewpoint of culture offer the audience not only learning the expression and reception of the work but also the experience of the empathy and appropriation.

      • KCI등재

        사고와 표현 원리로서의 ' 유추 ' 에 대한 고찰 - 장유의 「 필설 (筆說) 」 「 풍죽설증최자겸 ( 風竹說贈崔子鎌 ) 」「 곡목설 (曲木雪) 」)

        서유경(Yu Kyung Seo) 한국문학교육학회 1998 문학교육학 Vol.2 No.-

        They say that process of thought and of expression are necessary for writing. But in reality, we fail to teach the process of thinking. In this paper analogy will be studied among various principles of thought. This paper will chase backward and construct the process of thinking from a completed composition. The subjects of this study are Chang Yu`s <A Weasel Brush Story>, <A Wind and Bamboo Story for Choi Ja-kyum> and <A Crooked Tree Story>. It is interesting to find that these works are made up of same analogy logic, but they show different aspects. This different aspect of analogy can be a principle of thinking and be used practically. <A Weasel Brush Story> is `the extension of similar structure` type. This regards brush and man in the same light, and extend the structure of brush to the structure of man`s world. This type conducts a new conclusion from the similarity of two subjects. <A Wind and Bamboo Story for Choi Ja-kyum> is `the circulation structure` type. This pursues the man`s moral nature in view of the case of bamboo. This type is same at `the extension of similar structure` type in having a base of similarity of two subjects, but it is different because it finds a needed nature from the original source. This type is a form of abstraction of a needed condition or an essential element for the sake of the alikeness. <A Crooked Tree Story> is `the duplex structure` type. In this type, analogy is developed twice. At first, crooked trees and men are regarded in the same light. Then the focus moves to the difference between two subjects. Finally, on the basis of the difference between trees and men, it is concluded that men`s world is much more wrong and crooked. This type is developed in similarity first. Secondarily, it conducts a new view on the basis of difference. According to the types of analogy, the mechanism of analogy is divided into three patterns. In the `the extension of similar structure` type, the mechanism is relating. In the `the circulation structure` type, the mechanism is making up for. In the `the duplex structure`, the mechanism is discriminating. As a result, it seems the study on the type and mechanism of analogy is significant in creative writing. Analogical inference can be used as the method for not only to get a new view on knowledge, but also to express them.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고전소설교육 패러다임의 점검과 전망

        서유경(Seo, Yu-kyung) 국어교육학회 2017 국어교육연구 Vol.63 No.-

        This study reviews development of Korean classical novel paradigm based on the public education through the stream of Korean language and literature education. It also recommends where Korean classical novel education should go in the future. It is an urgent issue to establish positive value of classical novel education to people, including students as Korean language and literature education changes as well as is important for Korean people to pass down our own traditional and precious language. Therefore, this study can be helpful that worth and benefits of Korean classical novel is acknowledged as canon. Furthermore, practice and study of Korean classical novel education can get more active. Through the history of Korean language and literature education, Korean classical novel education has been changed as belows: 1) the value in the stream of Korean language and literature education has got unstable, 2) Korean classical novel education has been merged with literature domain, 3) compulsory rationals of Korean classical novel education has been uncertain. Consequently, Korean classical novel education should find out clear identity in Korean language and literature education. In addition, this education should prepare for good contents as human cultural education. Lastly, it is necessary to acquire the significance of Korean language and literature education in the range of both public education and social use.

      • KCI등재

        ‘공무도하가’에 대한 표현 교육론적 연구

        서유경 ( Seo Yu-kyung ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2007 고전문학과 교육 Vol.14 No.-

        This study aims that Kongmudohaga can be read variously because of different subject, so in the viewpoint of literature education we can instruct the expression education through the empathic appropriation applying these phenomenon. The problem of examination who is the author of Kongmudohaga can't have one conclusion, but the possibility of different subject in relation to Kongmudohaga is the chances of the various approach to the literature education. The characters regarded as the different subject of Kongmudohaga is inferred from the background narration about Kongmudohaga are four person, that is, the wife of the white-haired man consumed mad, Kwaklizago, Yuok who was the wife of Kwaklizago and Yuyong the neighborhood woman of Yuok. Such divers possibility of the different subject of Kongmudohaga offers the diversity approach to the structure, the significance and the emotion of Kongmudohaga. And this means Kongmudohaga was enjoyed through the empathic appropriation. The significance and the emotion of Kongmudohaga from the background narration is deduce as follow; the poetic arrangement of the scene, the expression of the complicated emotion, the change of the meaning arising from the transfer of the subject. Finally, we can instruct the expression education; the empathic appropriation on the sadness, the expression as performance, rewriting Kongmudohaga.

      • KCI등재

        개별 논문 : <전우치전> 읽기의 문화적 확장 탐색 -<전우치전>과 <브루스 올마이티>의 관련성을 중심으로-

        서유경 ( Yu Kyung Seo ) 한국독서학회 2008 독서연구 Vol.0 No.20

        이 연구는<전우치전>의 도술적 성격과 삽화 나열적 구성이 이야기 향유에서 나온 특성이라 보고, 이를 문화적으로 확장하여<브루스 올마이티>읽기로 나아가 보고자 하였다. 이는 <전우치전>을 하나의 완결적 구조로 창작된 예술 작품이라기보다는 당시 향유층의 취향과 요구에 의해 집단적으로 만들어지고 향유된 이야기로, 향유자에 따라 새로운 이야기 요소의 추가나 변형이 가능한 열린 구조로 보는 관점이다. 고전소설<전우치전>을 영화<브루스 올마이티>와 관련지어 보고자 한 것은<전우치전>의 특성이 고전소설 읽기의 의미를 현대 대중문화로서의 영화 읽기로 확장할 수 있는 계기를 준다고 보았기 때문이다. <전우치전>과<브루스 올마이티>는 고전소설과 영화, 고전과 현대라는 차이가 있지만 비교해 볼 만한 공통점을 갖고 있다. 이 두 작품은 인물 이야기로서 소망 성취 구조를 공통적으로 보여주는 특성을 갖고 있다. 그리고 서로 다른 시대에 만들어지고 향유되었지만 대중적으로 향유되는 이야기의 구조를 갖고 있다는 점에서 고전 소설과 영화라는 서로 다른 시대의 다른 매체, 다른 양식임에도 불구하고 비교하여 볼 수 있는 의미가 있다고 하겠다. 이를 위해 우선<전우치전>에서 전우치의 도술 행위, 즉 영웅적 행위가 어떠한 목적으로 실현되는지, 그래서 전우치라는 인물이 어떻게 형상화되는지를 분석함으로써 그 의미를 향유 문화적으로 해석하고, 현재의 문화와 관련지어<브루스 올마이티>와 비교해 보았다. 그 결과 <전우치전>과 <브루스 올마이티>는 도술적 능력과 전능성, 주관적 정의 실현과 개인적 욕구 충족, 한계 인식과 깨달음을 통한 자아 성장으로 대비할 수 있었다. 이러한 탐색이 고전소설 읽기를 현대적으로 확장할 수 있는 보편적 향유 방식을 도출하고 고전과 현대를 더욱 활발히 관련짓는 계기가 되기를 기대한다. This study aims that the characteristics of CheonUchi-Cheon is Taoist magic and the arrangement of various episodes, so it is possible to read CheonUchi-Cheon in relation to Bruce Almighty with culturally expanded view. This viewpoint is regarding CheonUchi-Cheon as the open structure narrative enjoyed collectively by the taste and demand of the reading group rather than the created work of art. The reason of reading Korean classical story CheonUchi-Cheon in relation to the movie Bruce Almighty is that the characteristics of CheonUchi-Cheon has the opportunity of expanding Korean classical novel to the contemporary popular culture. CheonUchi-Cheon and Bruce Almighty have something in common as well as the differences. These two works have the similarity that is one person`s story and showing the structure of accomplishing his desire. And these are enjoyed collectively narrative as same although produced and accepted in different age, so it is meaningful to compare these two works. For this purpose, it was analyzed that why CheonUchi act Taoist magic, what is puorpose of CheonUchi and how CheonUchi figured to the hero, and next researched the meaning of them with cultural view. And finally, it was compared CheonUchi-Cheon and Bruce Almighty and the result is as follow; power of Taoist magic to almightiness, enforcement of the subjective justice to sufficiency of the personal desire, and recognizing the limitation of the power to growing by the illumination. It is expected that the research like this should expand the boundary of reading Korean classical novel and relate Korean classics and our present age more actively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <숙향전>의 정서 연구

        서유경 ( Seo Yu-kyung ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2011 고전문학과 교육 Vol.22 No.-

        이 논문은 <숙향전>에 나타난 정서를 탐색하고자 하였다. <숙향전>은 대부분의 서사가 숙향이 고난을 겪고 극복해 가는 과정으로 이루어져 있고, 그러한 과정에 정서가 표현되고 있다고 보았다. 그래서 숙향이 겪는 고난의 경험과 해소 과정에서 어떠한 정서가 어떻게 구조화되고 있는지를 경판본을 대상으로 분석하였다. <숙향전>에서 정서는 숙향을 중심으로 한 슬픔이 전체 서사 내에서 고난의 연결 관계로, 대비적 공간의 교차로, 관계의 단절로 표현, 심화되어 나타나면서 결말에 이르는 동안 해소되는 방식으로 표현되고 있다. <숙향전>에서 고난은 연쇄적으로 일어나면서 숙향이 반복적으로 슬픔에 빠지게 하고 다시 고난을 겪었던 공간을 확인하면서 치유하게 하는 방식으로 구조화되어 있다. 그리고 <숙향전>에서 지상계와 천상계라는 서로 단절되어 있으면서도 연결되어 있는 공간의 교차에서, 또한 숙향과 다른 인물들이 맺었던 관계가 끊어졌다가 회복되는 과정에 숙향의 정서가 표현되고 있다. 이러한 정서 표현은 슬픔의 정서가 지닌 다양한 맥락을 아우르면서 보편성을 지니고 있다는 데에서, 인간이라는 존재가 지닌 근원적 한계에 대한 통찰을 보인다는 것에서, 슬픔의 경험과 해소 과정이 구원을 향한 노정으로 구조화되어 있는 것에서 의미를 찾을 수 있다. <숙향전>은 결말 구조로 볼 때에는 행복한 이야기일 수 있지만, 그 행복한 결말에 이르는 과정이 매우 험난하고 서사의 대부분이 그러한 고난이라는 점에서 슬픔을 중심으로 정서를 다루는 것이 가능하다고 보았다. 고전소설과 같은 서사문학 작품에서 정서의 표현을 분석하는 것은 독자와의 소통, 나아가 고전소설교육의 기초를 제공하는 의의를 지니리라 기대한다. This thesis aims to research the emotion in < Sukhyangcheon >. In this thesis, the majority of the narrative in < Sukhyangcheon > is composed that Sukhyang undergoes the hardships and overcomes the difficulty, so the emotion is represented in such process. Therefore it is analyzed that what kind of emotion is organized through Sukhyang's hardships and overcoming process on Kyungpan version. The emotion expressed in < Sukhyangcheon > is Sukhyang's grief from the hardships connected relation, crossing of the comparative space, and the rupture of the relationship with Sukhyang, and then the grief is gotten rid of passing through the narrative. As the hardships in < Sukhyangcheon > occurs in chain, Sukhyang falls into grief repeatedly, and finally Sukhyang is cured from grief. Secondly, the emotion of Sukhyang is expressed in crossing of the disparate and connected space. And Sukhyang's emotion is revealed in the process of the recovery from separated relation with other people. We can find the meanings of this expressed emotion as follow; the emotion of the grief has the universality putting together various context in < Sukhyangcheon >, the emotion of grief is the discernment about the fundamental limits that human has, the emotion of grief is represented as the route to the relief. Although < Sukhyangcheon > has the happy ending, but the process to the happy ending is very rough, so it is possible to find the emotion of the grief in < Sukhyangcheon >.

      • KCI등재

        <심청전>의 근대적 변용 연구

        서유경 ( Seo Yu-kyung ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2015 고전문학과 교육 Vol.30 No.-

        <심청전>은 오랜 전승 과정에서 근대를 맞이하면서 큰 변화를 보인다. 갑오경장 이후 근대를 맞이하며 새롭게 변용되어 만들어진 고전문학작품은 바뀐 환경에 최적화하기 위해 시도된 변모로 읽을 수 있다. 이러한 점에서 이 시기 재생산된 <심청전> 역시 새로운 시대를 맞아 변화하고자 한 노력의 흔적으로 볼 수 있다. 이에 이 연구에서는 근대에 시도된 <심청전>의 변용, 재생산 양상에 주목하여 그 의미를 살펴보고자 하였다. 그리하여 <심청전> 개작 양상에서 고전의 의미 찾기가 보여준 의의를 고구하고, 늘 새로운 시대와 문화를 만나야 하는 우리 고전 작품을 어떻게 의미화 할 것인지를 탐색하였다. 여기서 다룬 <심청전>의 근대적 변용 작품들은 呂圭亨의 <雜劇沈靑王后傳>, 박문서관의 <신정 심청전(몽금도전)>, 웅천 김규택의 만문만화 <모던 沈淸傳>, 만극 <모던 沈淸傳>, 채만식의 희곡 <심봉사> 2편, 소설 <심봉사> 등이다. 이들 작품에서 <심청전>은 매체와 양식이 다양화되고, 서사적 변용이 이루어짐을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 변용의 의미는 한국적 전통을 새로운 문화 환경인 근대로 수용하고자 하는 노력이자 개작자가 가진 근대적 의식을 실현하는 것이며, 고전소설이 원래 갖고 있던 대중성을 확장하는 것에서 찾을 수 있다. ShimChungJeon showed a huge change in modern times as a result of passing it down for a long time. Works of classical literature had been newly created or transformed in order to adapt to new circumstances since modern times after The Political Reform in 1894 - called GapOhKyungJang in Korean. Along with this change, ShimChungJeon also could be made different for contemporary people. It is evident that recreated ShimChungJeon in modern times made an effort to change the contents in the light of the new era. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out meanings of ShimChungJeon by focusing on transformation and reproduction of ShimChungJeon in modern times. In addition, this study examines significance of researching the classical literature's meanings from the adapted ShimChungJeon so that it reviews how to make our classical literature meaningful every time the classical literature has to encounter new eras and cultures. In this study, there are transformed works of ShimChungJeon in modern times. The works are JobGeuk ShimChungWangWhoJeon by GyuHyung Ryeo; SinJung ShimChungJeon(MongGeumDoJeon) by BarkMoonSeoGwan publishing; MahnMoon Cartoon Modern ShimChungJeon by GyuTaek Kim; MahnGeuk Modern ShimChungJeon; and ShimBongSa by ManShik Chae - two volumes of play and a work of fiction respectively. Through those works, media and style of ShimChungJeon had been getting diversified and there was narrative transformation in ShimChungJeon. This transformation is meaningful that ShimChungJeon not only tried to accept modern Korean tradition to modern times as new cultural circumstance but also expanded publicity which classical literature originally has. Furthermore, it is significant that adapters of ShimChungJeon expressed their awareness of modern times.

      • KCI등재

        < 주봉전 >을 읽는 시간

        서유경 ( Yu Kyung Seo ) 한국문학교육학회 2016 문학교육학 Vol.0 No.50

        < 주봉전 >은 작자나 향유 시기를 정확히 알 수 없는 고전소설 작품으로 < 주여득전 >, <주해선전 > 등으로 불리기도 한다. < 주봉전 >의 이본은 약 50여 종이 있는 것으로 가늠되는데, 아직까지 정확한 이본 현황이나 계열에 대한 연구는 이루어지지 못한 것으로 판단된다. < 주봉전 >은 이본의 종수나 서사전개상 유사성을 지니는 < 월봉기 >류나 < 강릉추월 >과 같은 작품과의 관련성으로 볼 때, 어느 정도 인기를 누렸던 작품으로 보인다. 이 글에서는 이번에 국립한글박물관에서 새로이 확보한 이본 < 주봉전 > 27장본, 32장본, 47장본 중에서 27장본을 중심으로 읽어보았다. < 주봉전 >의 주요 특징을 1) 가족 해원 서사, 2) 정치 현실 비판, 3) 가족 이산과 상봉의 서사, 4) 초현실성의 개입 방식, 5) 다른 고전문학 작품과의 관계 등의 측면에서 살펴보았다. 아울러 이러한 < 주봉전 >의 고찰에서 문학교육적 의미를 찾음으로써 고전소설교육의 대상 작품을 넓히고, 고전소설 연구와 고전소설교육 연구의 지평을 확산하고자 하였다. JooBongJeon is a classical literature and hard to find out who wrote it and when was the most popular period to readers. It is called as JooYeoDeukJeon or JooHaeSeonJeon as well. JooBongJeon has been created approximately 50 different versions. In fact, it is estimated that JooBongJeon has not had neither any accurate statistical data of how many different versions there has been nor any research related to it. However, JooBongJeon is connected with GangReungChooWall or kinds of WallBongGi because the number of different versions and storyline are similar among those literature. In the light of it, JooBongJeon could be quite popular among readers. This study looked through particularly 27 sheets version of JooBongJeon among 27 sheets version, 32 sheets version and 47 sheets version which HanGeul Museum newly obtained. Here are main characteristics found from 27 sheets version of JooBongJeon. 1) storyline of family history, 2) criticism of politics, 3) narrative of separation and reunion with family, 4) form of supernatural intervention, 5) link with another different literature etc. This study examined 27 sheets version from JooBongJeon, new HanGeul manuscript and found out narrative contents, characteristics of different versions and literature educational meanings. Through this, it can be an opportunity not only to broaden works for education of classical novels but also to develop prospects of research into classical novels and education of them.

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