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        한국과 독일의 기업생태계 분석

        서옥순 ( Ok Sun Seo ),정남기 ( Nam Ki Chung ) 한독경상학회 2015 經商論叢 Vol.33 No.4

        이 연구에서는 우리나라가 대기업의 비중이 상대적으로 낮다는 점을 인지하고, 이에 대한 원인 규명을 시도하여 보았다. 연구는 먼저 대기업으로 성장할 수 있는 중기업의 경쟁력을 분석하고, 이후 정부의 정책과 관련된 기업의 경영환경을 살펴보았다. 기업 재무제표를 기반으로 경쟁력을 분석한 결과 우리나라 중기업은 성장성과 안정성은 상대적으로 높으나, 노동생산성과 수익성은 독일에 비해 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 노동생산성과 수익성은 독일보다 낮은 것도 문제지만, 대기업과 비교해도 현저하게 낮게 나타났다. 이는 중소기업, 특히 중기업이 대기업으로 성장하는데 큰 문턱으로 작용한다. 중기업에서 대기업으로 성장하기 위해서는 먼저 대·중 소기업간 노동생산성 격차를 극복해야 한다. 이는 끊임없는 경영혁신과 기술개발을 통해 가능할수 있을 것이다. 그리고 상대적으로 낮은 수익성도 중기업이 대기업으로 성장하는데 걸림돌이된다. 그리고 중기업의 성장성이 높은데 대기업의 비율이 낮은 것은 기업들이 대기업으로 성장하려는 동기부여를 갖지 못하기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 이는 중소기업으로 남아있으면 다양한 정부지원의 혜택을 누릴 수 있기 때문에 대기업으로 성장하지 않고 분사하는 방법을 택하는 것으로 사료된다. 실제로 우리나라의 많은 중소기업들은 계열사를 거느리고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 정부의 중소기업 지원정책이 일정 규모 이상이 되는 중소기업은 지원을 축소하고 창업 및 소기업 위주로 진행되어야 한다. 정부의 지원이 축소되면 더 이상중소기업으로 남아 있을 유인이 사라지기 때문이다. 참고로 독일의 경우 정책적 지원, 특히 자금지원은 소기업 위주로 수행되며, 중기업의 경우 자기신용으로 민간기금관을 통해 자금을 조달하는 것이 유리하다. In dieser Studie wurde die Ursache dafur versucht zu identifizieren, daß die Zahl der Großunternehmem in Korea relativ niedriger als in vergleichbaren Landern ist. Zuerst wurde die Wettbewerbsfahigkeit der mittelstandischen Unternehmen, die in Zukunft zu großen Unternehmen wachsen konnen, analysiert. Und dann wurde die Umstande um die Unternehmenstatigkeiten untersucht, die mit Unternemensforderungspolitik der Regierung im Zusammenhang stehen. Die Wettbewerbsfahigkeitsanalyse der Unternehmen wurde auf dem Basis von Jahresabschluss durchgefuhrt. Das Ergebnis zeigt, daß die Wachstumsfahigkeit und Stabilitat der koreanischen Mittelstands relativ hoch sind. Aber Arbeitsproduktivitat und Rentabilitat zeigen sich relativ niedrig. Niedrige Arbeitsproduktivitat und Rentabilitat sind selbst problematisch. Aber was noch schlechter ist, Arbeitsproduktivitat und Rentabilitat der koreanischen Mittelstands deutlich niedriger im Vergleich zu Großunternehmen. Dies wirkt als ein Hindernis, wenn die Mittelstands zu Großunternehmen waschen wollen. Daher muss zunachst die Lucke der Arbeitsproduktivitat zwischen Mittelstands und Großunternehmen gedeckt werden. Dies wird durch kontinuierliche Managementinnovation und Technologieentwicklung moglich sein. Und geringe Rentabilitat ist auch ein Hindernis fur Wachstum der Mittelstands zu Großunternehmen. Der Wachstumspotenzial des koreanischen Mittelstands ist relative hoch. Trotzdem ist der Anteil Großunternehmen in Korea niedrig. Dies Phanomen erscheint, weil die koreanischen Mittelstands keine Motivation zum Wachsen in großen Unternehmen haben. Die koreanischen Mittelstands konnen die Vorteile einer Vielzahl von staatlicher Unterstutzung geniessen, wenn sie als Mittelstands bleiben. Sie wahlen damit eine Vertileung ihre Geschafte in kleinen Unternemen, wenn sie groß werden. Sie wachsen nicht in Großunternehmen, damit sie weiter die Vorteile von staatlicher Unterstutzung ausnutzen konnen. Viele Mittelstands haben in der Tat mehre Tochtergesellschaten. Um diese Probleme zu losen, sollte sich die Regierung die KMU-Forderpolitik auf die Start-Ups und kleine Unternehmen konzentrieren. Wenn staatliche Unterstutzung reduziert werden, haben die Mittelstands keinen Anreiz mehr, daß sie als KMU bleiben.

      • KCI등재

        부산지역 대졸자의 지역이동에 관한 연구

        서옥순 ( Ok-sun Seo ),오민홍 ( Min-hong Oh ) 한국질서경제학회 2012 질서경제저널 Vol.15 No.4

        The main reason of low employment rate of the youth in Busan is that there is lack of decent jobs in the region. In the respect of supply side, relatively many university graduates are supplied and the curriculums of universities in Busan cannot reflect the needs of regional companies. Because of these reasons, there exists the mismatch between jobseekers and employers, and the youth in Busan experience high rate of unemployment and regional mobility. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between regional mobility of university graduates and interregional achievements in the labor market, focusing on Busan area. With a negative relation, university graduates from Busan have higher propensity to move out of the area especially when they confront better outcomes from the regional mobility: job stability and wage level are very important for them to decide whether they move out. The wage gap between the university graduates moved to other regions to get their first job and those who got the first job in Busan is about 511,000won per month. 73 percentage of the wage gap can be explained by the differences of human resources and occupational characteristics between the two groups, such as gender, age, university credit, company size, industry category and so on. However, 27 percentage of the wage gap is existed simply because of the regional mobility. Under the consideration that regional development requires accumulation of human capital as complements of physical capital, these findings suggest that an active policy intervention, such as creating decent jobs, needs to be implemented.

      • KCI등재

        부산지역 중소기업 고용창출에 관한 연구

        서옥순 ( Ok-sun Seo ),정남기 ( Namki Chung ) 한국질서경제학회 2013 질서경제저널 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore characteristics of SMEs in Busan area and to evaluate their performance in creating jobs. Based on those analysis, this paper suggests appropriate goals of employment policies and detailed strategies to boost regional employment. The results show that the Busan regional labor market would be characterized with relatively higher unemployment rate while the area suffer from excess demand of labor as a result of job mismatch. However, employment performance of the area could be improved through introduction of employment friendly policies. These results indicate the role of SMEs to create more jobs in Busan as followings. First, it is necessary to attract more enterprises and to promote new businesses so as to expand demand side of the labor market. Second, concentrated supports for technical colleges and high schools are also needed to meet the needs of businesses that seek to hire the unemployed. Third, it is unavoidable to strengthen job training especially for science engineering fields: mechanical and material engineering, computer sciences, civil engineering and construction. The job training would work better when it is provided to women whose employment performance has been steadily low. It is, finally emphasized the necessities of active government intervention to dissolve job mismatch in the area. Based on our analysis, job mismatch between job seekers and businesses causes 23,365 vacancies which means dissolving the mismatch possibly creates that number of jobs. Effective measure to clear the market would be hosting more and frequent job fairs by diminishing asymmetric information in the labor market.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지역간 노동시장 성과격차에 관한 연구

        오민홍 ( Min-hong Oh ),서옥순 ( Ok-sun Seo ) 한국질서경제학회 2015 질서경제저널 Vol.18 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to find out the possible factors that cause differences in labor market performances across regions. It is well known that the factors such as industrial structure and its human capital accumulation affect labor market performances so far. Based on the review of the previous literature, we investigate structures of both labor demand and supply in each region and discuss on the short and long-run strategies that the local governments need to implement. We first estimates the wage curve which shows a negative correlation between regional unemployment rate and wage level. The estimated results indicate that interregional labor market performances are spreading out rather than being convergent. That is, qualitative measures such as wage level gets better as quantitative performances in the labor market improve over time. These findings suggest urgent governmental interruption into the labor market in order to reduce the inter-regional distortion. Next, we scrutinize the possible causes leading to such regional gaps and figure out that most of the differentials across regions could be explained by the industrial concentration or its specialization. These facts means that differences in industrial specialization induce asymmetric distribution of workers’ skill level and then leads to differentials both in employment and wage level. Due to these reasons, the regional and local governments so far compete to attract strategic industries that might improve the regional labor market performances. However, it is necessary that the governments supplement various productivityboosting policies like vacational training and other public employment services besides such an effort to attract the industries. Therefore, these policy actions would result in the positive feedback between the quantitative and qualitative measures of the regional labor markets.

      • KCI등재

        취업자 직접지원 고용보조금의 고용 효과성 분석

        오민홍 ( Min Hong Oh ),서옥순 ( Ok Sun Seo ) 한국질서경제학회 2016 질서경제저널 Vol.19 No.4

        This paper analyses the employment subsidy program to job vacancies that is hardly filled with job seekers. The employment subsidy program had implemented in 2009 and undertaken until 2011 in order to overcome the financial crisis. Once a job seeker decide to work for the vacant job, the government provide employment subsidy to that job seekers but not to employers. The noticeable difference between the employment subsidy in 2009 and those in previous years was that the wage subsidy in 2009 had been given to job seekers but not to employers. In order to get better outcomes, we make use of Work-net DB as well as the Korean Employment Subsidies DB. Merging these two DB enables us to sort out comparison group that has almost same characteristics with the treatment group. Furthermore, this paper also use 1-to-1 matching technic and PSM (Propensity Score Matching) method. 1-to-1 matching technic has significant advantages to overcome unbalance problem of sample size for each group. Our results show that the employment subsidies to employees enhance job matches, making job seekers who were reluctant to work for the vacant job to match with such jobs. Especially, it is noticeable that job seekers accepted 107.2m won for a job, which is compared to 121.3m won of comparison group. Furthermore, our result seem to fit better when the labor market is of monopsonic structure. These outcome suggests that employment subsidies to job seekers would be a decent policy measure to cure job mismatches that caused by asymmetric expectation on work conditions. Under these findings, employment subsidies implemented in 2009 seem to work better for young workers who have higher schooling attainment and thus higher reservation wages, compared with other cohorts.

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