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충청지역 주요 수종의 수고-흉고직경 생장모델에 관한 연구
서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),노대균 ( Dai Kyun Rho ),김성호 ( Sung Ho Kim ),최정기 ( Jung Kee Cho ),이우균 ( Woo Kyun Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.1
Six commonly used non-linear growth functions were fitted to individual tree height-dbh data of eight major tree species measured by the 5th National Forest Inventory in Chungcheong province. A total of 2,681 trees were collected from permanent sample plots across Chungcheong province. The available data for each species were randomly splitted into two sets: the majority (90%) was used to estimate model parameters and the remaining data (10%) were reserved to validate the models. The performance of the models was compared and evaluated by R2, RMSE, mean difference (MD), absolute mean difference (AMD) and mean difference(MD) for diameter classes. The combined data (100%) were used for final model fitting. The results showed that these six sigmoidal models were able to capture the height-diameter relationships and fit the data equally well, but produced different asymptote estimates. Sigmoidal growth models such as Chapman-Richards, Weibull functions provided the most satisfactory height predictions. The effect of model performance on stem volume estimation was also investigated. Tree volumes of different species were computed by the Forest Resources Evaluation and Prediction Program using observed range of diameter and the predicted tree total height from the six models. For trees with diameter less than 30 cm, the six height-dbh models produced very similar results for all species, while more differentiation among the models was observed for large-sized trees.
리기다소나무림의 줄기밀도와 바이오매스 확장계수에 대한 불확실성 평가
서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),표정기 ( Jung Kee Pyo ),김래현 ( Rae Hyun Kim ),손영모 ( Yeong Mo Son ),이경학 ( Kyeong Hak Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.2
This study was conducted to examine the uncertainty analysis of the stem density and biomass expansion factor for Pinus rigida in Korea. A total of 57 representative sample trees were harvested. The age class in Pinus rigida forests was divided into two, which were stands with less than 20 years and more than 21 years. The influence of stand ages on biomass expansion factor showed that it was statistically significant (p=0.0001), but it was not significant on stem density (p=0.8070). The results of this study based on the uncertainty evaluation method which were suggested by IPCC guide line indicated that stem density of the stand with less than 20 years were 30.92%, while were 25.12% the stands with more than 21years. The uncertainty in biomass expansion factor of less than 20 years and more than 21 years were 60.32% and 22.42%, respectively. The uncertainty of less than 20 years was higher compared to those stands with more than 21 years. In the case of old stand, it showed the lowest uncertainty results but younger stands showed the highest uncertainty results. This study could be applied to our country`s emission factor by using stem density and biomass expansion factors which were less than 20 years and more than 21 years for Pinus rigida in Korea.
부트스트랩 시뮬레이션을 이용한 리기다소나무림의 줄기밀도와 바이오매스 확장계수 평가
서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),표정기 ( Jung Kee Pyo ),김래현 ( Rae Hyun Kim ),손영모 ( Yeong Mo Son ),이경학 ( Kyeong Hak Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.4
This study was conducted to examine the bootstrap evaluation of the stem density and biomass expansion factor for Pinus rigida plantations in Korea. The stem density (g/cm3) in less than 20 tree years were 0.460 while more than 21 tree years were 0.456 respectively. Biomass expansion factor of less than 20 years and more than 21 years were 2.013, 1.171, respectively. The results of 100 and 500 bootstrap iterations, stem density (g/cm3) in less than 20 years were 0.456~0.462 while more than 21 years were 0.457~0.456 respectively. Biomass expansion factor of less than 20 years and more than 21 years were 1.990~2.039, 1.173~1.170, respectively. The mean differences between observed biomass factor and average parameter estimates showed within 5 percent differences. The split datasets of younger stands and old stands were compared to the results of bootstrap simulations. The stem density in less than 20 years of mean difference were 0.441~1.049% while more than 21years were 0.123~0.206% respectively. Biomass expansion factor in less than 20 years and more than 21 years were -1.102~1.340%, -0.024~0.215% respectively. Younger stand had relatively higher errors compared to the old stand. The results of stem density and biomass expansion factor using the bootstrap simulation method indicated approximately 1.1% and 1.4%, respectively.
충남 청양, 보령지역 소나무림의 지상부와 지하부 바이오매스 및 순생산량에 관한 연구
서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),표정기 ( Jung Kee Pyo ),김래현 ( Rae Hyun Kim ),손영모 ( Yeong Mo Son ),이경학 ( Kyeong Hak Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2010 한국산림과학회지 Vol.99 No.6
This study analyzed the above-and belowground biomass, net primary production, stem density, and biomass expansion factors for Pinus densiflora stands of Cheongyang and Boryeong regions in Chungnam. The total dry weights in Cheongyang and Boryeong regions were 122.36 kg/tree and 137.68 kg/tree while the aboveground biomass for these two regions were 72.23 Mg/ha and 143.27 Mg/ha, respectively. Total(above-and belowground) biomass were 91.77 Mg/ha and 178.98 Mg/ha, respectively. Net primary production of above-and belowground biomass in Cheongyang and Boryeong regions were 8.69 Mg/ha, 10.03 Mg/ha, 16.00 Mg/ha and 18.66 Mg/ha, respectively. Stem density (g/cm3) was 0.457 and 0.421 while the above and total biomass expansion factors were 1.394~1.662 and 1.324~1.639, respectively. These results suggested that stand density and site quality could be influenced on the biomass and net primary production of the two regions. In addition, the results of this study could be very useful to calculate carbon sequestrations by applying stem density values and biomass expansion factors for Pinus densiflora in these two regions.
국가산림자원조사 자료와 임상도를 활용한 리기다소나무림의 탄소 저장량에 대한 공간분포도 작성: 무주군의 사례로
서연옥 ( Yeonok Seo ),정성철 ( Sungcheol Jung ),이영진 ( Youngjin Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2017 한국산림과학회지 Vol.106 No.2
This study was conducted to develop a carbon storage distribution map of Pinus rigida stands in Muju-gun by using of the National Forest Inventory data and digital forest map. The relationships between the stand variables such as height, age, diameter at breast height (DBH), crown density and aboveground biomass of Pinus rigida were analyzed. The results showed that the crown density had the highest positive correlation with a value of 0.74 followed by the height variable with value of 0.61. The aboveground biomass regression models were developed to estimate biomass and carbon storage map. The results of this study showed that the average carbon storage was 58.2 ton C/ha while the total carbon stock of rigida pine forests in Muju area was estimated to be 430,963 C ton.
서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),박상문 ( Sang Moon Park ) 산림경영정보학회 2007 산림경영정보 Vol.10 No.0
This study was carried out to develop stem volume equations for Chamaecyparis obtusa trees which were widely planted from 1920s throughout the southern regions in south Korea. The 29 trees for stem analysis were selected in one sites in the southern and 23 available trees data were used for developing stem volume equation. The best equation in estimating Chamaecyparis obtusa stem volume was suggested as V=0.00l86+0.00003 D<sup>1.9232</sup> H <sup>1.2228</sup> The simultaneous F-test for this equation revealed that the estimated individual stem volume was not significant1y different(p=0.6414) from the observed stem volume for model evaluation. Therefore, this individual stem volume prediction equation could provide basic information for the construction of regional yield table and forest management.
Airborne Laser Scanning 기반 일본잎갈나무의 산림자원정보 추출
서연옥 ( Yeonok Seo ),박정묵 ( Jungmook Park ),강진택 ( Jintaek Kang ) 산림경영정보학회 2024 산림경영정보 Vol.14 No.2
본 연구는 ALS 기반 산림자원정보(개별 나무, 흉고직경, 수고)를 추출하기 위해 수행되었다. 대상지는 강원도 국립품종관리센터에 위치한 일본잎갈나무로 ALS 기반 점군 정보를 취득하였으며, 산림자원정보 비교·분석을 위해 현장조사를 수행하였다. CHM 모델은 보간방법 3개(IDW, Kriging, TIN)를 기준으로 개별 나무를 추출하고 수고를 추정하였다. 또한 추출된 개별 나무의 DBH를 추정하기 위해 4개 조사 자료(국가산림자원조사, 고정수확지, 지상라이다, 현장조사) 기반의 DBH 추정식을 도출하여 적용하였다. 분석 결과, 가장 적합한 개별 나무 추출 및 수고 추정의 보간방법은 Kriging-Radius variable에서 나타났고 DBH 추정식은 고정수확지에서 추정한 y=1.2829x + 0.6252 의 식이 가장 적합한 것으로 확인되었다. 개별 나무 추출 결과, Kriging (80본) > IDW (79본) > TIN (84본) 순으로 현장조사 개별 나무 개수인 82본과 유사하게 나타났고 수고는 Kriging (13.4m), IDW (13.5m), TIN (13.0m)로 나타났다. DBH 추정식은 고정수확지 (28.8cm), 라이다 (28.3cm), 현장조사 (33.9cm), 국가산림자원조사 (16.6cm)로 추정식에 따라 차이가 큰 것으로 확인되었다. 향후 ALS 기반 DBH 추정의 정확도를 향상시키기 위해서는 임종, 임상, 임령 등을 고려한 맞춤형 DBH 추정식의 개발이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. This study aimed to extract forest resource information―individual trees, tree height, and diameter at breast height (DBH)―using airborne laser scanning (ALS). The study site was Larix kaempferi forests in the National Forest Seed and Variety Center (NFSV) in Gangwon-do Province, South Korea. Point clouds for the three variables were obtained using ALS, and a field survey was conducted to compare the accuracy between the ALS method and field measurements. A canopy height model (CHM) based on three interpolation methods―IDW, Kriging, and TIN―was applied to identify the number of individual trees and estimate their heights. For DBH estimation, equations were derived using data from four different sources: the National Forest Inventory (NFI), Fixed Yield Experimental Forest (FYEF), LiDAR, and field surveys. The findings showed that the optimal interpolation method for extarcting individual trees and estimating their heights was Kriging-Radius Variable, while the optimal DBH estimation equation was y=1.2829x+0.6252 derived from FYEF data. The individual tree extraction results were as follows: Kriging (80 trees), IDW (79 trees), and TIN (84 trees), closely aligning with the field survey result (82 trees). The estimated heights were 13.4 m (Kriging), 13.5 m (IDW), and 13.0 m (TIN). For DBH, the results were 28.8 cm (FYEF), 28.3 cm (LiDAR), 33.9 cm (field survey), and 16.6 cm (NFI), showing significant differences among the equations. These results suggest that improving ALS-based DBH estimation requires the development of customized DBH estimation equations tailored to forest speices, forest type and age.
서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),김찬수 ( Chan-soo Kim ),송관필 ( Gwan Pil Song ),정성철 ( Sung Cheol Jung ) 한국환경과학회 2018 한국환경과학회지 Vol.27 No.7
This study conducted to analyze the growth characteristics of old Prunus yedoensis on Jeju island. The diameter growth per year was measured using a DTRS-2000 instrument. The DBH, ground DBH and height of the investigated P. yedoensis were 137 cm, 143 cm, and 15.5 m, respectively. Our analysis showed that the age of the old P. yedoensis was 93 years. An annual diameter growth of 2.85 mm±0.96 was observed. The result of age estimation, about 265±64 years in P. yedoensis on Jeju island. This information could be useful to understand the annual diameter growth characteristics the P. yedoensis distributed on Jeju island.