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        자유주제 : 표현예술로서의 무용과 문학의 통합적 연구

        서숙희 ( Suk Hui Seo ),신수연 ( Soo Youn Shin ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2012 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.38

        문학과 무용의 통합적 심리치료 분야는 표현예술치료 기법으로 새로운 개척분야이다. 개별적 장르별 예술치료 연구는 그 동안 임상연구에서도 상당한 실적이 있었으나, 두 장르에 대한 통합적 학제간 연구는 부각되지 못했다. 본고는 ``인간중심 표현예술치료``를 근본으로 삼고 ``긍정적 개념의 심리치료 기법``으로서 창조적 예술과 치료적 작업을 통합한 무용심리치료와 문학심리치료의 통합적 연구를 시도하였다. 표현예술치료에는 무용치료, 미술치료, 음악치료, 연극치료, 글쓰기(시. 편지, 수필 등), 시낭송 이미지를 포함한 모든 예술형태가 가능하기에 각종 예술의 종합적 활용으로 심리치료의 효과는 극대화 될 수 있다. 개인의 창조성을 일깨우는 표현예술을 적극적으로 활용하는 치료는 내적 갈등을 해소하고 정서적 치료의 촉진에 기여하기 때문이다. 무용심리치료는 외형적 표출의 해소방법으로써, 문학심리치료는 내면적 고백의 해방감의 도구로써 효과적인 활용이 가능하다. 무용심리치료의 방법인 춤-동작을 통하여 자아를 되찾을 수 있고, 문학심리치료의 방법인 글쓰기를 통한 내면의 자아인식을 각성해 나갈 수 있다. 글쓰기와 동시에 책읽기는 스스로 그 주인공에 동질화 되어감으로써 현실을 인식할 수 있고, 극복과정에 자극을 줌으로써 각성 효과를 낳게 한다.무용과 문학, 그 통합적 표현예술치료의 대안으로 ``긍정적 심리치료``기법의 적용은 내담자들을 위한 또 하나의 치료적 프로그램이다. 이러한 예술치료의 학제간 접근방법은 이제 폭넓게 응용되어야 할 것이다. 이를 통하여 그 동안 단편적으로만 실시해 오던 심리치료 문제는 각 장르별 예술가들의 적극적인 참여로 보다 다양해 질 수 있을 것이며, 나아가 심층적으로도 확대 및 재생산 될 수 있을 것이다. 또한, 최근에 사회복지 차원에서 대중화 되고 있는 MTBT, 또는 NLP의 메커니즘도 활용한다면 그 효과를 더욱 극대화 시킬 수 있을 것이다. 최종적으로 이 논문의 한계로는 이러한 이론적 접근방법이 실제적으로 응용될 때 예상되는 일정 시행착오를 들 수 있다. 그러나 지속적인 임상실험을 거친다면 충분히 발전적인 결과가 나올 것으로 기대한다. As a expressive arts therapy, combination of literature and dance as a field of integrative psychotherapy is an entirely new frontier. Individual art therapy in clinical studies to study each of literature and dance were conducted before, but for the interdisciplinary study of two genres rarely. This work aims to study the positive idea of psychotherapy in each dance psychotherapy and literature psychotherapy based on human-centered expressive arts therapy by Natalie Rogers. Creative arts and treatment operations will be integrated. Expressive arts therapy includes; dance therapy, art therapy. Music therapy, Writing, short drama ect. It is more efficient by mobilizing the various arts to maximize the effectiveness of treatment. expressive arts can be used to resolve inner conflicts, and to awaken individual creativity. Dance psychotherapy can be used for the outward expression of depression and literature psychotherapy can be used as a instrument to release inner consciousness of redemption. dance psychotherapy is searching oneself through dance-like motion and writing is exploring the inner self-awareness through writing. It helps patient to overcome difficulties in reality by being somebody in the story. Integrated treatment of literature, dance and expressive arts as a ``positive psychological treatment`` technique is another therapeutic program for clients (patients). This kind of Art Therapy should be widely applied now. Dance psychotherapy can be used for the outward expression and literature psychotherapy can be used as a way to relieve the inner consciousness of redemption. In addition, theater, art, music and other arts fighters along with psychotherapy may be more effective. As well as the mechanism of NLP will be more effective. Finally, the limitations of this study are expected some trial. Via ongoing clinical trials will be followed by the development. In the meantime, if various genre of artists joins combined arts therapy of dance and literature, it would make even more diverse and expanded reproduction of therapy.

      • KCI등재

        학점은행제 무용학사 표준교육과정 현황과 교육기관 실태

        안귀호 ( Ahn Gui-ho ),서숙희 ( Seo Suk-hui ) 한국무용예술학회 2014 무용예술학연구 Vol.46 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the standard curriculum for bachelor’s degree in art run by the academic credit bank system of the National Institute for Lifelong Education and the operating state of major courses offered by educational institutions of dance studies in an effort to determine whether there would anything wrong with the curriculum and the operating state of educational institutions. The standard curriculum of the Academic Credit Bank System was analyzed in association with the major fields of study offered by educational institutions that educated learners to win a bachelor’s degree in art. The findings of the study were as follows: The standard curriculum for a bachelor’s degree in art run by the Academic Credit Bank System of the National Institute for Lifelong Education was designed to focus on pure art of dancing in compliance with the educational systems of dance studies of four-year universities that were under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education. In fact, however, 71 percent of the educational institutions that offered bachelor-degree courses of art under the academic credit bank system mainly taught learners who majored in practical dance(jazz dance, belly dance, etc.), street dance or broadcasting dance that belonged to the genre of the popular arts. Given the state of the educational institutions, it could hardly be said that substantial, efficient education was provided. There are some suggestions on how to resolve the problems with art education of the Academic Credit Bank System of the National Institute for Lifelong Education: First, the Ministry of Education and the National Institute for Lifelong Education should have the right understanding of current cultural environments characterized by coexistence of popular art and pure art, and they also should have an accurate understanding of each genre of dance. Second, an academic educational system that connects dance with various disciplines such as history, social studies and culture should be built, because practical dance(jazz dance, belly dance, etc.), street dance and broadcasting dance that are taught under the Academic Credit Bank System should keep abreast with the shifts of popular culture. Third, every educational institution should share information and make a concerted effort to let dance learners take useful bachelor-degree courses. Finally, the course description of the standard dance curriculum for a bachelor’s degree should be analyzed and modified in a constructive manner.

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