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        근로자 일반건강진단에 대한 태도 조사연구 -건강진단기관과 대상 사업체를 중심으로-

        서동윤,송동빈,Seo, Dong-Yoon,Song, Dong-Bin 대한예방의학회 1987 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.20 No.2

        In all enterprises of Korea employing workers more than five, employeers have a duty of conducting a periodic health screening for improvement and maintaining healthful living and working conditions of employees. The health screening is performed annually in line workers and biennially in table workers under the supervision of the government. But there are some argument to the health screening programme in view of effectiveness, efficiency, reliability and etc. In order to obtain basic reference materials for increasing the efficiency of peridoic health screening programme for workers and understand the attitude of health screening institutions and enterprises toward the periodic health screening, mail questionnaire survey was conducted in July 1987. The questionnaire sent to 950 health screening institutions. and 700 enterprises in whole land but they were returned from 254 health istitutions and 187 enterprises, which were analyzed. The results were as follows: 1) The attitude of the respondents toward the necessity and benefit of the periodic health screening was showed highly positive responses in both of screening institutions and enterprises, and it was more positive in screening institutions. The attitude toward the affirmative and the contentment was showed less positive than that of the necessity and benefit. 2) The respondent recognized may problems on regard to the screening programme. The health screening institutions lie in the state of competition with other institutions for undertaking the screening programme. 3) One of major complaints from enterprises was the lack of sincerity in performing the screening programme. They wanted more practical and reliable health screening examination rather than showy one. 4) Health screening institutions and enterprises showed some mutual contradictions in the matter of screening fee, and so the screening fee should be adjusted to the appropriate cost.

      • 한·양방동시개설 의료기관의 협진실태 분석

        서동윤,문옥륜,이윤현 남서울대학교 2001 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was carried out to find out the current status of the cooperative medical practices of the oriental and western medicine in Korea. The structured questionnaires were mailed to 93 oriental medical doctors(OMDs) and 93 western medical doctors(MDs) working in cooperative institutions of oriental & western medicine and 29 OMDs working in oriental medical hospital from September 16 to October 31, 1999. The response rate is 47(50.5%) cases from OMDs and 20(21.5%) cases from MDs working in cooperative institutions of oriental & western medicine and 10 cases (34.5%) from OMDs working in oriental medical hospital. These data were analyzed by χ^2 test, T-test, ANOVA and multiple regression by using SAS package. The major findings were as follows: There were 122 oriental hospitals in August 1999. The 76.2% of oriental hospitals was doing cooperative practices. The number of cooperative institutions was increasing rapidly in recent years and there were many OMDs who intend to open cooperative practices in the near future. Only 15% of the cooperative institutions had guidelines to do cooperative practices. The majority of the cooperative institutions is combination of oriental hospital and western clinics. It was turned out that both side of MDs and OMDs recognized necessity of cooperative practices keenly and it would be effective for control of diseases. Many MDs and OMDs answered that cooperative practices was practically helpful for patients. the OMDs feel decrease in emotional stress but MDs feel increase in emotional stress in case of cooperative practices. The OMDs were not satisfied with the government medical policies on legal matters. Three disease categories such as cerebrovascular accidents, back pain and musculoskeletal disease occupied majority of disease. It is recommended that western medical students study oriental medicine. MDs and OMDs should have seminars and workshops to exchange knowledge and experiences. It is most urgent that the guidelines for cooperative practices should be provided. And more cooperative relation between OMDs and MDs should be provided.

      • KCI등재

        1637년 椵島전투를 둘러싼 기억의 전승에 관한 연구

        서동윤 진단학회 2015 진단학보 Vol.- No.123

        This study is a result of tracking the transmission process of related memory over the battle of Ga(椵)-island in 1637. In 1637, Choson surrendered to Qing as a result of the invasion of Manchu(丙子胡亂, in 1636~1637). Qing also called for the surrender of the Choson government, and planned to invade Ga-island, which served as a strategic base for Ming. Surrounded by Qing, Choson reluctantly decided to send the troops over. Surprisingly, the Choson army made a glorious success of the battle. At that time, the intellectuals of Choson internalized the Neo-Confucianism(性理學). And as a result, Choson had an obligation to remain loyal to Ming as it was the country of their fathers and was a suzerain state. Such idea created the notion that Choson had inherited Sino-centrism(中華), “Sino-centrismlate Choson (朝鮮中華主義, Choson-Junghwa Ideology)”. The battle of Ga-island by Choson was viewed as shameful in late Choson Sino-centrism perspective. Historically, the shameful memory had been often falsified(變造). The memories of the battle of Ga(椵)-island was not an exception. The ruling elite of Choson later falsified the historical accounts of the battle during the 17th and 18th centuries by claiming that Choson was loyal to Ming. In doing so, these falsified accounts transformed the history into a proud memory. Gradually these falsified accounts were eventually recognized as official by king’s words and national archives. As a result, the people involved with the battle were also re-evaluated. Im Gyeong- eop(林慶業) and the general Riw-rim(柳琳) of Choson army, became role models by staying loyal to Ming and as a result of the inaccuracies this particular history turned out to be positive for Choson. Falsification of these historical accounts eventually served as an example of the ideology and the role model in which the intellectuals pursued for. The intellectuals were able to use the falsification of the historical accounts to increase the self-esteem of Choson and restore the social order. The falsification of Ga-island battle memory was a prescription which was filled with agonies of the intellectuals during the 17th and 18th centuries. In short, the memories of the Ga(椵)-island battle was handed down all the while being falsified in accordance with the perspectives of the Choson intellectuals. 본 연구는 1637년 조․청 연합군이 수행한 椵島전투을 둘러싼 기억이 후대에 어떻게 전승되었는지를 추적한 결과물이다. 이를 통해 사실과는 다르게 전승되었던 가도전투 기억이 어떠한 계기로 변조되었는지, 또 그것은 어떠한 역사적 의미를 지니는지를 朝鮮中華主義라는 이념적 틀을 통해 규명해 보았다. 1637년 2월 조선을 굴복시킨 淸은 여세를 몰아 明의 군사기지가 자리하던 가도를 공략했다. 물론 조선에게도 싸움에 동참할 것을 요구했으며 항복 직후의 조선은 이 같은 요구를 거부할 여력이 없었다. 결국 조선은 5,000여명의 병력을 파견했고, 문제적 사건 ‘가도전투’는 이렇게 시작되었다. 잘 알려진 것처럼 이 무렵 조선의 지배엘리트인 지식인들은 명을 上國이자 君父의 나라로 여기고 있었다. 때문에 이 공격을 망극하며 의리상 차마 할 수 없는 행동으로 생각하는 한편 내심 공격이 실패로 돌아갈 것을 바라고 있었다. 문제는 조선군이 이러한 바람을 저버리고 전투에서 큰 공을 세웠다는 데서 시작되었다. 전투 참여 자체를 부끄럽게 여겼던 지식인들에게 조선군의 활약은 도무지 믿고 싶지도 기억하고 싶지도 않은 일이었다. 가도전투는 丁丑下城과 함께 호란의 패배로 조선인들이 감내해야 했던 정신적 상처 가운데 하나였던 셈이다. 그런데 시간이 흐름에 따라 지식인들은 부끄러운 기억을 과감하게 변조하려 시도했다. 그리고 그것은 대명의리론이 고양되고 조선중화주의가 성립하는 시대적 흐름과 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있었다. 조선중화주의의 이데올로그이자 임경업을 대명의리의 화신으로 추켜세웠던 宋時烈은 가도전투 기억 변조의 시작점에 서서 크나큰 영향력을 행사했던 인물 가운데 하나였다. 실제로 그의 학문적․정치적 위상을 고려할 때, 17세기 말에 지어진 『林將軍慶業傳』은 기억 변조의 가이드라인을 제시한 텍스트와도 같았다. 이렇게 변조가 시작된 가도전투 기억은 다른 지식인들의 기록물에 수록되며 창의적인 확대 재생산의 길을 걸었다. 비틀린 기억 속에는 조선군의 활약이 삭제되었고 조선군이 명군을 피신시키거나 청군을 공격했다는 만들어진 일화가 삽입되었다. 그리고 이 같은 작업은 18세기까지 꾸준히 지속되었다. 오랜 기간 변조된 기억은 이제 국왕의 어록이나 국가 기록물에 반영되기에 이르렀다. 자연스럽게 전투에 참가한 인물들은 추숭되었으며, 사건은 명을 향한 충정이 드러난 자랑스러운 일로 기억되었다. 변조된 가도전투 기억이 마침내 국가적으로 인정받았던 셈이다. 더 이상 가도전투는 부끄럽거나 참담한 기억이 아니었다. 대명의리를 지켰던 자랑스러운 기억이었다. 이렇게 기억이 변조됐다는 사실은 자신들이 추구하는 이념적 지향에 걸맞은 사례와, 본받을 만한 롤 모델을 조선 지식인들이 훌륭하게 만들어냈다는 것을 의미하기도 했다. 그들은 이러한 작업을 통해 문명국 조선의 자존심을 세우는 동시에, 주체적 문화강국으로서 국가발전을 이룩할 수도 있었지만, 한편으로 피지배계급인 민에게 충절을 지킨 표상을 제시하여─충절의 대상인─체제에 순응하라는 묵시적인 동의도 함께 얻어낼 수 있었다. 가도전투를 둘러싼 기억의 변조는 당대 지식인들의 치열한 고민이 담긴 17∼18세기적 처방이었던 것이다. 요컨대 1637년 가도전투를 둘러싼 기억은 17∼18세기 조선 지식인들의 이념적 지향에 걸맞게 변조되어 전승되었다고 할 수 있 ...

      • KCI등재
      • 모 중장비 제조 사업장의 유해작업요인 평가에 관한 연구

        장성훈,이원진,서창호,김종규,이영신,황천현,서동윤 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1996 건국의과학학술지 Vol.6 No.-

        We evaluated the types and the amount of hazards in a heavy equipment factory and a plant factory to improve workers' health and to determine the priority in occupational health programs. We first inspected the working processes to find hazardous agents, measured them in each process environment, and compare the results with their TLVs(Threshold Level Value). This study was carried out from December 26, 1995 to January 30, 1996. The results are as follows: 1. In two factories, we identified the following hazardous agents: noise, dust, heavy metal fume, organic solvents, illumination, gases and ultraviolet light. 2. In the heavy equipment factory, some agents were over their TLVs in the following departments. 1) Preparation Department: dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 2) Manufacture Department: noise, dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 3) Assembly Department: noise 4) Technique Department: NO₂ 3. In the plant factory, some agents were over their TLVs in the following departments: 1) 1 Bay: illumination, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃ 2) 2 Bay: dust, illumination, Cu 3) 3 Bay: illumination 4) 4 Bay: noise, dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 5) 5 Bay: noise, dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 6) 6 Bay: Pb, Mn, NO₂ We concluded that the hazardous agents such as heavy metal fume, noise and noxious gas were required to be controlled at first.

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