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      • 最近 急增한 早期梅毒에 對하여

        徐抬均,卞東吉,宋俊榮,扑聖圭,徐永旭,徐舜鳳 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 논문집 Vol.S No.-

        The increasing prevalence of infectious syphilis during the past few years, which had declined marked1y from the immediate postwar peaks after the advent of the era of the penicillin treatment for syphi1is, has been reported from many other countries. The most probab1e causes of the increasing syphilis reported by many authors were ma1e homosexua1s, teenagers, the greater 1iberty of seyual behavior, danger of penicillin reaction, reduction of V.D. control program; neg1ect the dangers of V.D. noton1y by the genera1 popu1ation but a1so by physicians, the mixing of socia1 classes, more rapid travel , etc. It was said that secondary syphilis is outnumbering primary chancre because there are so many cases of atypical chancres which remain unrecognized. For many years cases of early syphilis have been extremely rare in our clinic until 1962 but 1963 (May) the early cases of symptomatic syphilis have been increasing suddenly. The authors already reported the resurgence of syphilis at the 16th Korean Dermatologic Annual Meeting in Oct. 1963 firstly in Korea, 54 cases of early symtomatic syphilis were observed subsequently till June 1964 and studied by clinical histories, symptoms, therapy, and the causes of the recrudescences. 1) Out of total 54 cases, 6 cases were primary chancre, 1 case roseola,7 cases mculo-papular syphilids, 7 cases condyloma latum, 23 cases alopecia syphilitica, 3 cases condyloma latum with alopecia, 1 case of condylomata lata with maculo-papular syphilid, 2 cases of maculo-papular syphilids with alopecia syphilitica, 1 case of alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre,1 case of maculc-papular syphilid and alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre, 1 case of roseola with primary chancre, and 1 case of condy lomata lata and alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre. 2) Almost a11 the cases belonged to thesecondary stage and alpecia syphilitica was predominant. among them. 3) As to sex, 52 cases were male and 2 were female. The age distribution showed 3 cases below age of 20 and 38 below 30. 4) 1n the contradiction to the American and Europian reports, the infectious sources in our patients were prostitutes in 43 cases, with whom they had frequent contact, while homosexual seen in only 1 case. 5) A11 cases had no prophylaxis and were ignorant of venereal diseases. 6) of secondary cases, 28 did not recognize the previous. chancres and 20 recognized the previous> eruptions on the genitalia but did not think of V.D. and neglected treatment. 7) The lesions of primary chancres were an atypical form, multiple, superficial erosions in most cases .. Those of maculo-papular syphilids were localized and grouped in distribution. Of 31 cases of alopecia syphilitica, 27 showed a moth-eaten appearance but the remaining 4 cases-‘ were diffuse in character like a post-febrile alopecia. The eye brow loss was seen in 5 cases out. of 31 cases of alopecia syphilitica. 8) Lymphadenopathy was noted in ipsilateral side of the primary chancre in 4 cases out of 6. 1n secondary syphilis, inguinal adenopathy was noted in 100% of the cases, axillary adenopathy in 66~7%, epitrochlear adenopathy in 37.5%, cervical adenopathy in 31. 3%, and occipitaladenopathy in 16.7% ,in order. Supraclavicular lymphnode was palpable in only 1 case. 9) 4 cases of primary chancre and a11 cases of secondary syphilis had positive VDRL. The incu-bation periods of 2 cases with negative VDRL in primary chancre was less than 5 weeks 10) Treponema pallidum was demonstrable in 4 cases of primary chancre and a11 cases of condyloma latum on dark-field examination. 11) 52 cases were treated with penicillin and the remaining 2 cases who showed transient penicillin hypersensitivity were treated with erythromycin and aureomycin respectively. The lesions of all cases of primary chancre, reseola, maculo-papular syphilids, and condyloma latam were cleared within 1 week of the treatment, while in alopecia syphilitica hair growth was noted after 4 to 5 weeks of the treatment. Jarish-Herxheimer reaction was observed in only 2 cases of roseola syphilitica. 12) The estimated incubation periods averaged 4 weeks in primary chancre, 12 weeks in roseola, 9 weeks inmaculo-papular syphilid, 10 to 25 weeks in condyloma latum, and 8 to 50 weeks in alopecia syphilitica. 13) Active V.D. control program is necessary and also education for venereal diseases.

      • 最近 急增한 早期梅毒에 對하여

        徐抬均,卞東吉,宋俊榮,扑聖圭,徐永旭,徐舜鳳 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 仁耕 宋俊榮 敎授 華甲紀念 論文集 Vol.S No.-

        The increasing prevalence of infectious syphilis during the past few years, which had declined marked1y from the immediate postwar peaks after the advent of the era of the penicillin treatment for syphi1is, has been reported from many other countries. The most probab1e causes of the increasing syphilis reported by many authors were ma1e homosexua1s, teenagers, the greater 1iberty of seyual behavior, danger of penicillin reaction, reduction of V.D. control program; neg1ect the dangers of V.D. noton1y by the genera1 popu1ation but a1so by physicians, the mixing of socia1 classes, more rapid travel , etc. It was said that secondary syphilis is outnumbering primary chancre because there are so many cases of atypical chancres which remain unrecognized. For many years cases of early syphilis have been extremely rare in our clinic until 1962 but 1963 (May) the early cases of symptomatic syphilis have been increasing suddenly. The authors already reported the resurgence of syphilis at the 16th Korean Dermatologic Annual Meeting in Oct. 1963 firstly in Korea, 54 cases of early symtomatic syphilis were observed subsequently till June 1964 and studied by clinical histories, symptoms, therapy, and the causes of the recrudescences. 1) Out of total 54 cases, 6 cases were primary chancre, 1 case roseola,7 cases mculo-papular syphilids, 7 cases condyloma latum, 23 cases alopecia syphilitica, 3 cases condyloma latum with alopecia, 1 case of condylomata lata with maculo-papular syphilid, 2 cases of maculo-papular syphilids with alopecia syphilitica, 1 case of alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre,1 case of maculc-papular syphilid and alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre, 1 case of roseola with primary chancre, and 1 case of condy lomata lata and alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre. 2) Almost a11 the cases belonged to thesecondary stage and alpecia syphilitica was predominant. among them. 3) As to sex, 52 cases were male and 2 were female. The age distribution showed 3 cases below age of 20 and 38 below 30. 4) 1n the contradiction to the American and Europian reports, the infectious sources in our patients were prostitutes in 43 cases, with whom they had frequent contact, while homosexual seen in only 1 case. 5) A11 cases had no prophylaxis and were ignorant of venereal diseases. 6) of secondary cases, 28 did not recognize the previous. chancres and 20 recognized the previous> eruptions on the genitalia but did not think of V.D. and neglected treatment. 7) The lesions of primary chancres were an atypical form, multiple, superficial erosions in most cases .. Those of maculo-papular syphilids were localized and grouped in distribution. Of 31 cases of alopecia syphilitica, 27 showed a moth-eaten appearance but the remaining 4 cases-‘ were diffuse in character like a post-febrile alopecia. The eye brow loss was seen in 5 cases out. of 31 cases of alopecia syphilitica. 8) Lymphadenopathy was noted in ipsilateral side of the primary chancre in 4 cases out of 6. 1n secondary syphilis, inguinal adenopathy was noted in 100% of the cases, axillary adenopathy in 66~7%, epitrochlear adenopathy in 37.5%, cervical adenopathy in 31. 3%, and occipitaladenopathy in 16.7% ,in order. Supraclavicular lymphnode was palpable in only 1 case. 9) 4 cases of primary chancre and a11 cases of secondary syphilis had positive VDRL. The incu-bation periods of 2 cases with negative VDRL in primary chancre was less than 5 weeks 10) Treponema pallidum was demonstrable in 4 cases of primary chancre and a11 cases of condyloma latum on dark-field examination. 11) 52 cases were treated with penicillin and the remaining 2 cases who showed transient penicillin hypersensitivity were treated with erythromycin and aureomycin respectively. The lesions of all cases of primary chancre, reseola, maculo-papular syphilids, and condyloma latam were cleared within 1 week of the treatment, while in alopecia syphilitica hair growth was noted after 4 to 5 weeks of the treatment. Jarish-Herxheimer reaction was observed in only 2 cases of roseola syphilitica. 12) The estimated incubation periods averaged 4 weeks in primary chancre, 12 weeks in roseola, 9 weeks inmaculo-papular syphilid, 10 to 25 weeks in condyloma latum, and 8 to 50 weeks in alopecia syphilitica. 13) Active V.D. control program is necessary and also education for venereal diseases.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        내장동맥류의 임상적 경험

        조백환,유희철,서균 대한혈관외과학회 1998 Vascular Specialist International Vol.14 No.1

        Aneurysm of the splanchnic arteries are an uncommon form of vascular disease that have a significant potential for rupture or erosion into an adjacent viscera, resulting in life-threatening hemorrhage. Nearly 22% of these aneurysms present as surgical emergencies, including 8.5% that result in death. The major splanchnic vessels affected, in descending order of frequency, include the splenic(60%), hepatic(20%), superior mesenteric, celiac, gastric and gastroepiploic, jejunal-ileal-colic, pancreaticoduodenal and pancreatic, gastroduodenal arteries. Although in most instances these aneurysms are asymptomatic, their propensity for catastrophic exsanguinating rupture has long been recognized. Surgical and nonsurgical intervention has paralleled advances in angiography and vascular surgical technique. Currently, the increased use of percutaneous catheter-based therapy in the management of that disease. We report our experiences with surgical intervention and transcatheter arterial embolization(TAE) in 7 patients with splanchnic artery aneurysms. These consisted of 2 splenic, 3 hepatic, and 2 gastroduodenal artery aneurysms. Two splenic artery aneurysm patients were treated surgically with ligation of the proximal and distal aneurysm and splenectomy; one died of a ruptured splenic artery aneurysm before surgery was initiated and another was no further treatment. Other 5 patients were treated by TAE; no complications and no further treatments during follow-up. TAE is a safe and highly successful technique for the effective identification and treatment of splanchnic artery aneurysm.

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