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      • KCI등재


        사위국 영남중국어문학회 2017 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.76

        Qi Min Yao Shu has a high reference value for Chinese grammar research. There are a lot of “A-V” structures which are composed of a monosyllable adjective and a monosyllable verb in this book. These structures have syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features adapted to the development of the times as one of the typical structure in Qi Min Yao Shu. Syntactically, there are no Two-syllable adjectives or verbs that can enter the AV structure, but two of the coordinate monosyllable adjectives or verbs can enter the AV structure at once, and this kind of structure has no essential difference to the AV structure. But AV structure as a whole can match with the number of structure freely, or add a new adjective or a new verb after it. And this kind of structure will change the internal combination form of the original AV structure fundamentally. Semantically, through comparative analysis between the AV structure and the Serial Verb Structure shown in Qi Min Yao Shu, we can find under the guidance of the Time Sequence principle, there have two semantic relations - “modifying and restricting - action” and “supplement and explanation - action” between adjective and verb of the AV structure. It shows that the AV structure is still not a mature structure in this period, because a stable structure can express only one meaning. Pragmatically, in the actual context, no matter which semantic relation the AV structure shows, there also is a “expression focus - structural focus” pragmatic structure between the adjective and the verb.

      • KCI등재


        사위국 한국중국언어학회 2018 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.76

        The Serial Verb Construction and the Adverbial Centred Construction co-existing in the Qi Min Yao Shu are interrelated but different from each other. Syntactically, the Serial Verb Construction and the Adverbial Centred Construction expressing the same meaning all consist of two associated components which have time order. The syntactic position of these two constructions are opposite. Just the opposite constructions are the origin of this thesis. Semantically, the Adverbial Centred Construction can express two different kinds of semantic relations - ‘result-action’ and ‘manner-action’ under the constraint of context of time. Through it, we can find that the Adverbial Centred Construction’s semantic function is not singular, so its syntax and semantics are all imperfect. Correspondingly, in pragmatics the function is inadequate. Conversely, the Serial Verb Construction that is discussed here has a semantic simplicity, the “action-result” meaning relationship is realized through the stable syntactic structure, and brings specific pragmatic function under the dynamic context. All of these features can provide the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic conditions for the Adverbial Centred Construction with a “result-action” when it develops into the Serial Verb Construction. Furthermore, from the principle of Chinese Time Development Sequence, the “action-result” meaning and the “manner-action” meaning are all in accordance with the time principle in semantic and syntactic conditions. It demonstrates that the developing directions of these time meaning constructions are positive, but the construction with “result-action” meaning is out of the time principle in syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Therefore, it gradually develops into the Serial Verb Construction.

      • KCI등재


        사위국 영남중국어문학회 2016 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.71

        In the ShangGu Chinese Age the Serial Verb Construction with the “action-effect” semantic relation is the direct source of the Verbcomplement Structure, just the “action-effect” semantic relation let us find the fact that there is a close relation between the Serial Verb Construction and the Descriptive Structure. The Serial Verb Construction with the “action-effect” semantic relation is a result of the development of the Descriptive Structure with “action-effect” semantic relation. So just the internal semantic relation provides the meaning condition when the Descriptive Structure changes to the Serial Verb Construction. The internal semantic relation contained in the two simple sentences of the Descriptive Structure is different, the syntax structure is different too. These different syntax structure provides the syntax condition when the Descriptive Structure changes to the Serial Verb Construction. Even if the semantic relation is the same, but the syntax construction is different, so the pragmatic function of the Descriptive Structure and the Serial Verb Construction is different. So the syntax construction has no influence on the “action-effect” semantic relation, as a semantic clue the internal semantic relation penetrates the whole development process of the Verb-complement Structure constantly.

      • KCI등재


        사위국 한국중국언어학회 2023 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.105

        The Co-occurrence Structure from the combining of Serial Verb Construction and Causative Verb ‘令/使’ in <Qi Min Yao Shu> is a grammatical phenomenon with a very distinct epoch and function, which appeared in response to the demand for the grammaticalization of Complement. It has unique syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic characteristics in the disclosure plane. Look at the Serial Verb Construction, which is the basic element of the Co-occurrence Structure. Its syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic functions in the initial stage of Complement Grammaticalization are completely consistent with the needs of Complement Grammaticalization. Because of the insertion elements, for example, adverbs of degree, adverbs of frequency, connectives, etc, the syntactic distance between V1 and V2 increases, and the grammaticalization environment is destroyed. At this time, the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic relationship between V1 and V2 can be closely connected again through the Causative Verb with the pragmatic function of the times. Also, look at the Causal Verb, the other basic element of the Co-occurrence structure. The characteristics of the Serial Verb Constructions that can be combined with a Causative Verb, the distribution ratio of the Co-occurrence structure, the exclusivity of the Causal Verb to other intervening elements in the Co-occurrence Structure, etc, all of this can tell us that the role of the Causative Verb in the Co-occurrence Structure is not the same as that of other insertion elements. 《齐民要术》连谓结构与使役动词的共现不是偶然的,二者的结合顺应了补语语法化的时代要求。连谓结构与使役动词的共现结构其句法、语义和语用特征都符合补语语法化对句法、语义和语用的要求。虽然各共现结构的内部组合成分不同,组合顺序也有所不同,但交代行为的“V1”其句法位置始终在前,是结构中心,补充说明结果的“V2”其句法位置始终在后,是表达重心。 在补语语法化的推动下,除了句法和语义都相对稳定的连谓结构“V1V2O”,连谓结构“V1V2”、“V1OV2”、“V1(O1)V2O2”都需要介入使役动词,拉紧因其它各种插入成分的存在而显得闲散、不严密的句法、语义和语用结构。随着“V2”的语法化,使役动词逐渐脱落,“V1V2”凝结为一个整体带宾语“O”,共现结构最终发展演变为述补宾结构“VCO”。

      • KCI등재


        사위국 동아인문학회 2020 동아인문학 Vol.51 No.-

        ≪齐民要术≫中出现了大量的“V+来/去”结构和“V+V8”结构,通过分析可知,无论是用例数量上还是结构的成熟度上,“V+来/去”结构都超过了“V+V8”结构。 从用例数量上看,“V去”结构用例最多,其次是“V+出”、“V+起”,这是由“V”、“来/去”和“V8”各自的语义特征决定的。从结构成熟度上看,“V+来/去”结构比较成熟,主要以述补结构形式出现。句法上,带插入成分的现象很少,“V+来/去”作为一个整体带受事宾语的情况较多;语义上,“行为-结果”语义关系比较紧密,根据“去”的虚化与否,以及虚化的程度,可具体归纳整理出“行为-趋向义补语”和“行为-结果义补语”两种语义结构。“V+V8”结构中,连谓型“V+V8”与述补型“V+V8”并存,这体现了中古汉语初期语法的承前启后性时代特征。这些共时平面上的特征的形成受补语语法化进程、各结构直接组成成分的语义特征等不同因素的共同影响。 There are a lot of ‘V+lai/qu’ and ‘V+V8’ structures in Qi Min Yao Shu. Whether the number of used cases or the maturity of the structure, “V+lai/qu” structure is beyond “V+V8” structure. From the number of used cases, “Vqu” structure has the largest number, following are “V+出”、“V+起” structure. This distribution ratio relates to the semantic features of “V”、“lai/qu” and “V8”. From the maturity of the structure, “V+lai/qu” structure is more mature, and occures in the form of predicate complement structure. Syntactic, there are just a little “V+lai/qu” structures with parenthesis, but there are many “V+lai/qu” structures with object. Semantically, the semantic relation of “action-result” is relatively tight. According to the grammaticalization or not, and the degrees of grammaticalization of “qu”, we can sum up two kinds of semantic structure, “action - directional complement” and “action- resultative complement”. In the “V+V8” structure, Serial Verb Construction “V+V8” consists with predicate complement structure “V+V8”, this phenomenon expresses the feature of early middle ancient Chinese which serves as a link between past and future. Generally, “V+lai/qu” and “V+V8” structures are all developing structures under grammaticalization.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재


        사위국 동아인문학회 2022 동아인문학 Vol.61 No.-

        ≪三国志≫中所有的“V1OV2”连谓结构都具有“行为-结果”语义关 系、“行为在前-结果在后”的句法关系,这些语义和句法关系都符合补语 语法化对句法和语义的要求。但因“V1”与“V2”的搭配关系不同,“V2”的 语义特征不同,“V2”与“O”的关系不同,“V1OVt”、“V1OVi”和“V1OVz” 结构的语法化途径也各不相同。“V1OVt”结构不甚成熟,可看作是叙述型 结构或宾语回指结构的变异结构,其语法化的重点体现在“Vt”从他动词到 自动词的发展变化。大量插入成分的介入,也表明“V1OVi”结构和 “V1OVz”结构还不成熟。在使动用法逐渐消失、汉语双音化发展趋势、非 使成式述补结构的大量出现等语法环境下,“V1OVi”结构中的“V1”与“V i”,“V1OVz”结构中的“V1”与“Vz”逐渐凝结成一个整体,共同带宾语“O”。 其语法化的重点体现在“Vi”和“Vz”从实义虚化为结果义的发展变化。

      • KCI등재


        사위국 한국중국언어학회 2017 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.72

        There are a lot of Serial Verb Constructions which are related to the historical development of the V-C-O Structure in < Qi Min Yao Shu >. Semantically, the V<sub>1</sub> telling the behavior locates the front, the V<sub>2</sub> as a supplementary note of some result or state locates the later, and a “action - result” semantic relation is formed between V<sub>1</sub> and V<sub>2</sub>. This semantic relation fulfills the principle of the Chinese Time Order. Syntactically, the proportion of the V<sub>1</sub>V<sub>2</sub> structure is most, the combination forms with O(object) include V<sub>1</sub>OV<sub>2</sub>、 V<sub>1</sub>V<sub>2</sub>O、V<sub>1</sub>O<sub>1</sub>V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. The location of the object in the combination forms and other insertion components can prove the density degree of the semantic relation, syntactic relation between V<sub>1</sub> and V<sub>2</sub>. It can fulfil the distribution principle of the sentence stems and the supplementary component. Pragmatically, V<sub>1</sub> lays particular stress on the structural focus, V<sub>2</sub> lays particular stress on the expression focus. And a pragmatic structure “Structural focus - Expression focus” can be formed between V<sub>1</sub> and V<sub>2</sub>, this structure can fulfill the arrangement principle of the Chinese information structure. So through the analysis of the existence characteristic of the Serial Verb Construction in semantic, syntactic and pragmatic, we can master the development feature of the V-C-O structure in the Medieval Chinese period.

      • KCI등재


        사위국 한국중국언어학회 2024 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.111

        《论衡》共现结构“V1之V2”属于“V1OV2”型连谓结构中的一种特殊结构,该结构的语义、句法和语用关系都不甚成熟。 语义上,交代行为的“V1”与补充说明结果的“V2”之间存在“行为-结果”语义关系,“V1”与“之”之间是动宾关系,但“V2”与“之”之间不存在“行为-受事”语义关系。句法上,“V1之”交代某个事件,与补充说明结果的“V2”之间可能出现各种插入成分。这些插入成分以及使役动词、叙述型结构的存在都说明“V1”与“之”之间是动宾组合关系。这就从语义、句法上说明“V1之V2”结构中表指代作用的“之”与现代汉语“写得之好”、“跑得之快”、“长得之漂亮”等结构中表程度的“之”具有不同的语法功能。而且,“V2”的语义特征不同,“V1”、“V2”、“之”三者之间的组合条件不同,“V1之V2”结构的发展演变方向也不同。 The co-occurrence structure “V1之V2” belongs to a special structure of “V1OV2” type Serial-Verb-Structure, which has little mature semantic, syntactic and pragmatic relationship. Semantically, there is a semantic relationship of “behavior – result” between “V1” of explanatory behavior and “V2” of supplementary explanatory results. There is a “verb – object” relationship between “V1” and “之”, but there is no semantic relationship of “behavior – subject” between “V2” and “之”. Syntactically, “V1之” refers to a certain event, and there may be various insertions between “V1之” and “V2” that supplement the explanation of the result. These insertions, the existence of the causative verbs and narrative structures indicate that the relationship between “V1” and “之” is an “active-object” combination. Whether it is semantic or syntactic, the “之” in the “V1之V2” structure is not the center of expression of the article, not the focus of expression. This means that the “之” in the “V1之V2” structure has different grammatical functions from the “之” in the “V1得之V2” structure in modern Chinese, such as “写得之好”, “跑得之快”, and “长得之漂亮”. Moreover, “V2” has different semantic features, so if the combination conditions among “V1”,“V2” and “之” are different, the development and evolution direction of “V1之V2” are also different.

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