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        『유마힐소설경(維摩詰所說經)』을 통해 본 자아정체성 연구

        복주옥 보조사상연구원 2024 보조사상 Vol.68 No.-

        This study explores the understanding and application of self-identity in Buddhist counseling, focusing on the Vimalakirti Sutra(維摩詰所說經). Buddhist counseling can integratively view the fundamental identity of unconditioned dharma(無為法) and the secular self-identity of conditioned dharma(有為法). The Vimalakīrti Sutra explains the self-identity of unconditioned dharma as 'Dharmakāya(法身)' and 'Suchness(如)'. In Buddhist counseling, self-identity is understood from a non-dualistic perspective, suggesting the establishment and development of a healthy secular self-identity. This involves using identification and disidentification, and proposes the path of a Bodhisattva as a life purpose. Additionally, awakening the wisdom that afflictions are indeed enlightenment becomes an important principle of Buddhist counseling. This perspective enables clients to view their lives and sufferings in a new light, guiding them on the path to enlightenment. Such an approach demonstrates that the goal of Buddhist counseling goes beyond simple problem-solving, aiming for a profound understanding and transformation of human beings and their lives.

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