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      • KCI등재

        강우발생 시 해안지역 대장균 유출에 관한 연구

        변성준,최계운,조형근,Byeon,Seong-Joon,Choi,Gye-Woon,Jo,Hyoung-Geun 한국방재학회 2011 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.11 No.5

        해안지역은 해수욕, 어패류의 수집 등의 각종 레크레이션에 있어 많은 사람들이 이용하는 공간이며, 해수는 해안지역에서 각종 활동 중 섭취할 가능성이 있으므로, 수질이 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 실제 해수욕장의 수치 모의(수리, 수문, 수질)를 통하여 우수 및 오수가 지표를 통해 해안으로 유입될 경우의 해안지역에서 수질의 영향에 관하여 연구하였다. 지표에서의 우수 유출 및 오수의 흐름 수치해석은 MOUSE 모델을 사용하였으며 해안지역의 수치해석은 MIKE 3 모델을 사용하였다. 또한 수질 분석을 위하여 대장균의 증감에 영향을 주는 해당 지역의 기온, 수온, 일조량 등의 각종 인자를 구성하여 MIKE 3의 ECOLAB 모듈을 통하여 생물학적 분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 해수의 오염이 발생하면, 해수욕이 가능한 기간을 위주로 확인하였을 시, 대장균이 해수에 존재하는 시간은 연간 총 200시간 가량인 것으로 나타났으며, 강우 시 해수의 오염이 발생하면 강우가 그친 뒤에도 대장균이 완전히 사멸할 때 까지 4~6시간의 정화기간이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 첨두 오염 부하량은 비가 그친 직후에 나타나는 것으로 나타났으며 대장균의 해수 유입은 5 mm 이상의 강우일 경우에 기준치 이상의 대장균이 발생하고, 해당 지역에 합류식 하수관거가 있을 시에 더욱 많이 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. Coastal areas are excellent venues for tourism and recreational activities promoting health and therapeutic benefits for its users. Thus, needless to say, it is very important to ensure good water quality in these bathing areas to protect people`s health. Various guidelines regarding beach water quality exist throughout the world. However, proper monitoring systems for efficient collection and analysis of water quality and up-to-date dissemination of information are yet to be widely implemented. In this study, bathing water quality modeling and analysis is performed through the conjunctive use of several powerful modeling softwares. MOUSE, a physically-based model, was used to represent a one-dimensional pipe network model simulating the hydrodynamic and water quality behavior of the urban drainage system of Gentofte, Denmark. MIKE 3 FM was also applied to simulate coastal hydraulics and bacterial advection.dispersion considering biological decay. For the simulated rain events, checking exceedance (where concentration is greater than 500 counts per 100 ml) in defined bathing points identified a maximum total duration of 58 hours in Bellevue beach. However, checking for the entire coastal area revealed a maximum exceedance duration of 212.5 hours. This indicates the importance of comprehensive determination of bathing water quality in the area.

      • KCI등재

        QUAL2K 모형을 이용한 도시하천의 효율적 수질관리방안 - 인천광역시 심곡천을 중심으로 -

        김소연 ( So Yeon Kim ),변성준 ( Seong Joon Byeon ),김주원 ( Joo Won Kim ) 한국수처리학회 2020 한국수처리학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Urban rivers have generally been maintained in order to prevent flooding, but there is a need to establish sustainable plans for both conservation and management. In this study, the effects of water quality improvement were analyzed using scenarios of water quality assesment and the diagnosis of pollution causes. The study focused on Shimgok Stream in which the improvement of odor and green algae is a major issue as it is in other urban rivers. Where as the upstream portion of the stram was clean and had low flow, the middle portion of the stream was contaminated with sewage source water that flowed into both the reservoir and the stream. In contrast, the discharged water from the sewage treatment plant met water quality standards, and it is thought that increasing discharge is needed to improve stream maintenance. In addition, non-point sources were thought to be the main cause of poor water quality because a decrease in water quality and an increase in contamination was found from upstream to downstream. Through the application of the QUAL2K model, three potential water quality improvements were plotted: increasing discharge water from the sewage treatment, reducing contaminants in the reservoir, and reducing non-point source. The results show the reducing non-point sources by 75% had the greatest effect, decreasing BOD below 8.0 mg/L in all sections. Yet, it was difficult to achieve a 5.0 mg/L which suggests that a number of measures should be considered comprehensively to achieve the target water quality.

      • KCI등재후보

        소권역 물환경관리의 현황 및 전망 - 인천광역시를 중심으로

        이경수 ( Kyung-su Lee ),변성준 ( Seong-joon Byeon ),정재광 ( Jae-kwang Jung ),안상진 ( Sang-jin Ahn ) 한국환경기술학회 2013 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        인천광역시 관할 소권역 물환경개선을 위하여 대권역 및 중권역 계획과 연계하여 구체적이고 실천적인 소권역 계획을 수립함으로써 인천지역의 수질개선 및 물환경관리에 대한 수질보전계획을 수립하고자 하천오염도조사, 유역내 오염원조사, 수질모델링 선정, 소권역 물환경관리계획의 목표와 주요내용을 수립하였다. 수질예측모델을 이용한 장래수질예측 결과 오염물질 삭감계획에 따른 오염부하량은 BOD기준 기준년도(2010)에 5등급 이하 또는 4등급에서 최종년도(2017)에 4등급에서 3등급으로 개선되었다. 인천광역시 관할 소권역은 굴포천 유역과 계양천 유역으로 행정구역 별로는 계양구, 부평구, 서구, 남동구가 해당되지만 남동구의 경우 해당 면적이 작아 별도 수립이 곤란할 것으로 판단되어 전체적인 관리계획을 계양구, 부평구를 중심으로 유역별로 구분될 필요가 있을 것으로 사료된다. 인천광역시 소권역 물환경관리계획의 목표는 “물과 생태계가 살아 숨쉬는 하천 조성”으로 2013년부터 2017년까지 5개년 계획을 수립하였으며, 발원지부터 하류까지 살아숨쉬는 하천의 생태공간 조성, 오염원관리를 통한 사전예방적 하천관리 체계 구축 및 지속가능한 유역관리 중심의 물환경 관리, 수변생태 공간 조성을 통한 물환경 확보 등이 체계적으로 수행되어 수질 및 수생태계가 지속가능하게 유지할 수 있도록 관리해야 할 것이다. In this study, we tried to make plans of Incheon district` air and water quality preservations. In order to do is plans, we make concrete and practical small ranged plans which are related to medium and large ranged plans. We made river pollutions and pollution sauce research plans. And also we made the main objects and contents of small ranged air and water quality. The results of water quality prediction using water quality simulation, the pollutant loads will be 5 degree (2010), and 4 or 3 degree (2017) in BOD levels. The Goolpho and Gyeyang stream is under Incheon Metropolitan city control. And according to an administrative district, Gyeyang-gu, Boopyung-gu, Seo-gu, Namdong-gu is also under Incheon Metropolitan city control. But in case of Namdong-gu, the covered area is too small. So the overall plans should be made Gyeyang-gu, and Boopyung-gu centered. The goal of Incheon Metropolitan city`s Water and Environmental Management is "Making the stream breathing water and ecosystem". To achieve this goal, we made 5 year plans from 2013 to 2017. We should manage preclusive and sustainable water management system. In order to achieve our goals we should make water ecological space, and systematic maintenance projects. And also We should be care to main Contamination control Water policy.

      • KCI등재

        몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 이용한 하수처리장의 사후 경제성 분석

        김원규 ( Won Kyu Kim ),김주원 ( Joo Won Kim ),변성준 ( Seong Joon Byeon ) 한국수처리학회 2018 한국수처리학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        The sewage treatment plant expansion and the new installation project were carried out before and after construction for reasonable business execution. B/C analysis method is used for general economic analysis. However, B/C analysis by single value may cause policy maker's wrongness due to lack of distribution characteristic. In this study, the Monte Carlo simulation is used in the economic analysis to overcome these shortcomings. The results of the general B/C analysis were 1.5305 for A sewage treatment plant (extension) and 0.5040 for B sewage treatment plant (new construction). The B/C results using Monte Carlo simulation showed 1.50 ~ 1.56 (70.5%) of A sewage treatment plant and 0.50 ~ 0.56 (66.2%) of B sewage treatment plant. The results of the economic analysis suggested by this probability distribution will be able to more flexibly determine the policies related to the sewage treatment plant.

      • KCI등재

        ADCP와 EFDC를 이용한 아라천 유역의 수리특성과 수질변화의 분석

        황지웅(Ji-Wong Hwang),조우성(Woo-Sung Cho),변성준(Seong-Joon Byeon) 융복합지식학회 2015 융복합지식학회논문지 Vol.3 No.2

        경인 아라뱃길은 기 운영된 사례가 없는 기수역 운하로서 유량 및 수환경 관리 등을 포함한 수질관리 상황을 종합적으로 평가하기 위한 대책이 필요하다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 도플러 효과를 이용하여 순간 유속을 측정하는 장비(ADCP), 전자파 표면유속계(ADV)와 수질모의가 가능한 EFDC를 사용하였다. 이는 첨단기술과 정보기술을 바탕으로 마련된 융복합 기술력으로서 굴포천이 아라천 유역에 미치는 수질영향을 평가하기 위해 ADCP와 ADV를 통해 유량 값을 산정하였으며, EFDC를 통해 수질변화를 분석하였다. 분석결과 굴포천이 아라천 유역에 미치는 영향과 굴포천으로 유입하는 지천의 수질변화 및 개선방안을 제시하였다. 또한 귤현보의 운영에 따른 오염원에 대한 수질 개선방안을 제시하였다. Gyeongin Ara Waterway in Korea is an artificial canal recently built and being operated with brackish water. Artificial canals with brackish water are not commonly operated throughout the world thus the management of a flow regime and an aquatic environment is compulsory. This study used Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler(ADCP) and Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (ADV) for investigation of hydraulic characteristics and used Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) for computer based modeling of aquatic environment. Within those tools, it has been possible to investigate the influence of inflow from the Gulpo stream as the major branch of the Ara Waterway, and this study also suggested improvement measurements for management of inflow from branches, In addition, this study also proposed improvement plan for water quality management through weir structure installed in the Ara Waterway.

      • KCI등재

        강화해협이 홍수 및 조석에 대하여 한강하류부에 미치는 영향 연구

        박효선 ( Hyo Seon Park ),최계윤 ( Gye Woon Choi ),변성준 ( Seong Joon Byeon ) 한국수처리학회 2011 한국수처리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        The Ganghwa Strait is located in Han river estuary, where the Han river, Imjin river and Yeseong river meet. And the velocity is so fast in the narrow strait. Moreover, a great deal of flow discharge into the Gyeonggi bay by the periodically repeated tides. A great deal of river sediment that inflow from the upstream of Han river can be accumulated there or discharged into the adjoining shore. In this study, the variation of flow characteristics is analyzed in the Han river and Imjin river located in the Han river estuary, with and without the consideration of the Ganghwa Strait`s existence. The analysis of steady flow and unsteady flow was made utilizing the MIKE 11 Model. The simulation result shows that the maximum water level rose 8.21% when the design rainfall is increased during the flood period simulation with the closure of Ganghwa strait. And in the state of steady flow analysis, the maximum change rate is 8.25% when the designed flood was simulated with a return period of 200-year.

      • KCI등재

        2차원 유한체적 모형을 이용한 한강하구의 흐름 특성 변화 연구

        박효선 ( Hyo Seon Park ),김우진 ( Woo Jin Kim ),정재광 ( Jae Kwang Jung ),변성준 ( Seong Joon Byeon ),최계운 ( Gye Woon Choi ) 한국수처리학회 2011 한국수처리학회지 Vol.19 No.6

        Han River estuary stretches from the land to marine wetlands, and is the only one among the four river estuaries in the country where no tidal barrage is being built. Recently, there have been discussions on the conservation of the Han River Basin. Due to the increasing heavy summer rainfall in recent years, there has been more erosion-sediment transport and flooding which not only play as an important factor in the direction of the Han River Basin but also in the status of the ecosystem of the Han River estuary. However, there lies a problem in the area of data collection. As the Han River estuary is located in the trans-boundary of North and South Korea, it is often difficult to have a collection of good observation data of the physical characteristics and tidal data under the influences like hurricanes and winter ice. In order to solve this problem, a two-dimensional flow analysis model is developed to investigate the hydraulic and sediment transport behaviors with variation of river bed, in the effort to analyze and predict the tidal levels. For the accuracy verification of the model, a direct integration and direct step calculation of the hydrograph will be computed and compared against the numerical simulation results where the acceptable error rate is within 1%. For the analysis, the discharge from the events of dry season and heavy rainfall in 2002 is fed into the calibrated model. The analysis results showsthat all the targeted regions were affected by tidal level and the low tides are shown to be the dominant factor for affecting the water level.

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