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        住房私有化的社會後果 -經驗資料與理論論爭

        장돈복 ( Dunfu Zhang ),범국주 ( Guozhou Fan ) 한중사회과학학회 2015 한중사회과학연구 Vol.13 No.2

        關於中國社會轉型是市場還是權力發揮關鍵作用,在社會學界出現了理論論爭。這壹論爭在住房領域的討論和硏究甚爲貧乏,而且住房私有化引發的其他重要社會後果被嚴重忽略了。本文指出,近三十年來,住宅問題業已成爲中國目前最重大、最急切的社會問題,業已成爲社會風險、社會危機的重要源頭。依據諸多統計數據,以上海爲主的訪談、觀察資料,本文提出:在住房消費領域中,市場和權力병非此消彼長的兩種決定性力量,而是共同發揮關鍵的作用,甚至在흔多情況下是彼此强化、水漲船高的景象。從國際經驗看,住房屬於基本民生領域,而不應被看作經濟增長的支柱産業。馬克思的價値理論和恩格斯對歐洲工業化初期住房問題的觀察和分析,對反思中國現行住房政策和當前住房問題具有啓發意義。中國住房私有化的顯著特征在於,廣大民衆看重使用價値,房産商、開發商、炒房者、地方政府等看重交換價値。住房私有化過程中,房地産利益集團把本該作爲集體消費品提供的公共住房,變成了發展經濟、發財致富、借普羅大衆住房窘迫之苦大肆斂財的暴利産業。這樣的私有化進程在GDP優先、經濟增長壓倒壹切的政策環境和普遍做法下,嚴重忽視了社會公平和社會正義。結果,住房私有化的大規模推進過程中,健康平和的人際關系、道德觀念、價値體系和重要的社會情感受到損害和挫傷,社會後果十分堪憂。國家和政府병未盡到保障公民安居樂業、維系社會公正、營造和諧健康人際關系的責任。解決住房問題的根本之道在於把타作爲社會問題而非純經濟問題對待,以社會政策而非經濟政策應對,建設各階層、各群體利益共享的消費者社會。 Based on statistic data, interview and observation of urban housing privatization, this paper try to get involved in the theoretical disputes whether market or power plays key role in China’s social transformation and beyond. It argues that the housing problem have become the most urgent and significant source of social crisis, while market and power both works and even strengthen each other during the reform. Inspired by Karl Marx’s theory of use value and exchange value, F. Engel’s analysis of Europe’s early industrialization and housing, this paper insist that the real estate interest group (developers, local governments and brokers) make a fortune while the rural-urban migrants, the college graduates still suffer from harsh housing conditions and serious inequality of housing distribution. The dramatic privatization of housing reform also harms social solidarity, values and morals, etc. Take housing as a social problem other than an economic one, redress the housing reform as social policy other than economic policy, could lead to the final and fundamental solution.

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