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        노인장기요양보험제도의 개선과제

        백효영 한국사회법학회 2012 社會法硏究 Vol.18·19 No.-

        Korea is in the rapid aging process and has increasing number of households of elderly singles and couples due to increase in number of nuclear family. Since the social environment of women has changed, economically active female population has increased, and caregiver for the elderly population has decreased. Accordingly, thoughts that protection of traditional family and the caregiver has reached its limits arose, and in July 2008, “Long Term Care Insurance for The Elderly” was enacted to emphasize social responsibility for the elderly problems as a new system. Enactment of this Act was expected to improve the quality of life of the people by stabilizing the elderly life and reducing the burden of their families. However, the current long term care insurance for the elderly has not retrieved much success, after five years of its enactment. In this paper, the following improvements were suggested. First, the limited range of subjects aged 65 or over or under 65 with elderly specific disease such as dementia or cerebrovascular disease was considered to be expanded step-by-step, and whether to concentrate on serious cases or to provide service to large number of patients with mild symptoms must be considered as well. Second, expansion of the current long-term care benefits and payments that are limited to home salary, facility reimbursement, and special cash benefits method is suggested. Instead of having set reimbursement for each grade, having set payment considering degree of disability within each grade and a method such as the preventive benefit plans Furthermore, improvements of inequity between users of long term care facilities that are regulated by the Long Term Care Hospital care fee regulations and those who do not due to problems in inequity by paying fees equally or similarly. Also, care provider in family relationships were not being treated fair financially, so the need of improvement was called. Third, the need of mitigation of validate period for the operation and the use of long term care insurance for the elderly, which is too short for those who has the care grade of 1, strengthen the authority of National Health Insurance Corporation to resolve problems caused by absence of power to designate, cancel, question, and inspect, and the need of permissions to create the long term care institutions to prevent installation of institutions that cannot guarantee the quality, which has been a problem since many facilities were built carelessly to initiate the enactment, have been suggested. Additionally, providing more specific information about long term care institution since the care receivers do not have enough information for institution selection, and securing expertise on visiting investigators from grade decision committee to ensure reliability and objectivity of them since their lack of expertise have brought their reliability into question have been pointed out. And provision which requires either one of physician or doctor to rule the grade may needs to be stricter as needed. Also, certain legal basis are needed to be set for the care service in order to improve treatment of care workers, secure expertise of care workers, and regulate the quality of service of care facilities. On the other hand, reviewing introduction of independent evaluation task force might be necessary since the evaluation of long term care facilities is exclusively entrusted on National Health Insurance Corporation, calling problems due to excessive control. Increasing quality of care workers instead of quantity should be in priority, along with strict and specific standards on their curriculum. Forth, most of elders who does not have financial support will hesitate to use the long term care insurance if the burden is high. Thus, individual deductibles. Long Term Care Insurance for the Elderly has performed its role for four years in the Republic of Korea, and might not be right time to evaluate and judge the system yet. However, continual improvement and fixation to problems occurred thus far will certainly accelerate settlement of the long term care insurance for the elderly.

      • KCI등재후보

        생태유아교육 연구 동향 분석

        김형미,백효영,나은숙 한국보육학회 2009 한국보육학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        There are lots of researches for eco-early childhood education recently for eco-early childhood education. However, some of those are duplicated as existing theses or attached too much importance to specific areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is focused on finding a research trend in eco-early childhood education by year through analyzing theses for a doctorate and a master published in early childhood education and general journal till August, 2008. For this research, eco-early childhood education theses are classified into the number of theses, research type, contents, method, and research group by year. The object of the study is analyzing 115 theses for a doctorate and master's degree and 101 academic journals published in the early childhood education and general scientific journal that includes eco-early childhood education till August, 2008. Standards for each content of the study are following; First, we categorized the criterion for analyzing into 5 areas; Analyses of the theory and characteristics of eco-early childhood education, practical methods for application, verification of effects, education for teachers and for parents. The criterion for analyzing each category is based on that of Ji, Ok Jeong(2002). In addition, we further divided the meaning of eco-early childhood education into 6 parts made by Lim, Jae Tack(2005 ). We polished the research method adequately using two criteria. One of our criteria is from that Hur, Woo Jeong and Hwang, Hae Ik used and the other is based on that of Chi, Sung Ae of and 5 more people. Secondly, we investigated the tendency of themes which are used in research. It was turned out that the most favored theme of research was concerned with the theory and characteristics of eco-early childhood education and the practical methods for application. The verification of effects and the education for teachers are also favored but less than it as mentioned above. The education for parents is unlikely chosen for a theme of research. Thirdly, the target of the study are young children, parents, pre-teacher, teacher, document and etc. Frequency and percentage are used as a data analysis. In case of contents which come under more than a subordinate item during the process of data analysis, this item is calculated as a overlapping question. The results from the study are following; First, the number of thesis for eco-early childhood education has been increased. Secondly, the contents of the study of eco-early childhood education have been inclined the theory and characteristics, methods for practical application, verifying effects, education for teachers and education for parents in order. Thirdly, the methods used in the study of eco-early childhood education are document study, examination study, example study, and experiment study in order. Fourthly, the target for this study of the eco-early childhood education is largely focused on documents, childhood, teachers, parents, pre-teachers in order. Fifthly, the methods of analyzing contents and doing interviews are usually used for gathering materials concerned with eco-early childhood education. 본 연구는 생태유아교육의 연구 동향을 알아보기 위해 2008년 8월까지 발표된 생태유아교육과 관련된 학위논문과 학술지 수록 논문의 편수, 연구 주제별 내용, 연구방법 등으로 나누어 분석하였다. 예비분석을 통해 수정된 연구 주제별 내용 분석 기준과 연구 방법 분석 기준을 근거로 선정된 101편의 학위논문과 학술지 수록 논문 115편 모두 216편을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 연구문제를 중심으로 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다.첫째, 생태유아교육 관련 학위논문 및 학술지 논문의 연도별 동향을 분석한 결과, 지속적으로 꾸준히 연구되어 오고 있다. 둘째, 생태유아교육에 대한 연구 주제별 내용 동향을 분석한 결과, 생태유아교육 이론 및 특성과 현장적용 방안, 효과검증, 교사교육, 부모교육 순으로 나타났다. 셋째, 생태유아교육에 대한 연구의 연구방법별 동향을 분석한 결과, 연구유형의 측면에서는 문헌연구가 가장 많이 나타났고, 조사연구, 사례연구와 실험연구 순으로 나타났다. 넷째, 생태유아교육에 대한 연구대상 측면에서는 문헌을 대상으로 한 연구가 가장 많이 나타났고, 다음으로 유아와 현직교사, 부모, 예비교사를 대상으로 한 연구 순으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 생태유아교육에 대한 자료수집방법은 내용분석법과 면접법이 많은 것으로 나타났다.

      • 유아놀이와 다문화놀이에 대한 부모 인식 조사 연구

        이영녀(Lee, Young Nye),이영만(Lee, Young Man),박영숙(Park, Young Sook),김형숙(Kim, Hyeong Suk),백효영(Beak, Hyo Young),문현지(Mun, Hyun Ji) 한국변형영유아교육학회 2009 변형영유아교육연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 유아놀이와 다문화 놀이에 대한 부모 인식을 부모연령, 부모교육수준, 부모직업, 자녀성별, 유아교육기관유형에 따라 인식과 차이를 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 유치원과 어린이집에 재원 중인 만 5세 유아 자녀를 둔 부모 400명이었다. 놀이인식 질문지는 400부를 배부하여 335부를 t검증과 일원변량분석으로 분석하였다. 연구결과는 부모의 연령에 따른 다문화 놀이에 대한 인식, 부모의 교육 수준에 따른 놀이의 교육적 가치에 대한 인식, 부모의 직업에 따른 놀이의 개념과 교육적 가치, 놀이자료, 실외놀이, 놀이시간에 대하여 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 교육수준이 높은 부모와 전문직에 종사하는 부모 일수록 유아놀이에 대한 신념과 실제 인식이 높고, 부모의 연령이 낮을수록 다문화 놀이에 대한 인식이 높기 때문에 부모의 일반적인 배경변인에 따라 놀이의 중요성을 알게 하기 위한 방법의 방향성을 찾을 수 있음을 시사한다. This study aims to analyze the awareness and differences of parental perceptions of children's play and multicultural play according to the parents' age, educational level, jobs, children's sex, and the type of children's educational institute. The subjects of the study were 400 parents with five-year-old children who were attending kindergartens or pre-kindergartens. I distributed 400 questionnaires about perceptions of playing, and analyzed 335 of them through t-tests and one-factor analysis of variances. The research results showed that there were meaningful differences in the perceptions of multicultural play according to the parents' age, awareness of the educational value of playing according to the parents' educational level, the concept and educational value of playing according to the parent's jobs, play materials, outdoor play, and playtime. Such results suggest that we can find the directions of the methods by which to increase the awareness of the importance of playing in accordance with the parents' background, because parents with higher educational backgrounds and parents who have professional jobs have more faith and higher awareness of children's play, and the younger the parents' age is, the higher the perceptions of multiculotural play.

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