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      • KCI등재

        국가교육과정 총론의 교육목표의 위계적 타당성 검토

        백혜조 ( Hei-jo Baik ) 한국교육과정학회 2018 교육과정연구 Vol.36 No.1

        This study examined whether the process for deriving the specific objectives of education from the abstract philosophy of education in the national curriculum is hierarchically valid and makes suggestions regarding how this should be present in the future. This revealed four problems : the concepts related to the derived objectives are unclear; the contents of each stage are unconnected to the next stage; upper stages and lower stages are not mutually hierarchical or relevant; and there are logical leaps in the contents. This suggests that, there is no hierarchical validity in the national curriculum platforms, making reconstruction and restatement necessary. This study suggests improving the process follow. “philosophy of education → educational visions → summative objectives → objectives of education for each grade group → objectives of education for each domain.” Educationa visions should include images of the desired society educated, hopeful humans. Summative objectives for 15 years’ - of preschool, elementary, and secondary courses and the objectives of education for each of 6 6 3 grade groups are necessary, and these should be set for each domain. When hierarchical validity is assured, we may expect consistent, effective implementation of school level curriculums in line with the national curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        공통필수 교육과정기의 교과 분화 기준 개발

        백혜조 ( Hei-jo Baik ),홍후조 ( Hoo-jo Hong ) 한국교육과정학회 2015 교육과정연구 Vol.33 No.3

        This study designed the criteria for the differentiation of subjects valid in the period of common compulsory curricula. Criteria for the differentiation of the subjects were developed for measuring specific values. Eighteen criteria in the form of evaluation questions were derived from specific evaluation factors. Experts verified these criteria. While this study traced the process of curriculum differentiation through the upward transition from the elementary to the secondary course, it did not cover the process of curriculum integration moving downward from the secondary to the elementary course. Subsequent research needs to trace the process of curriculum downward from the secondary to the elementary course.

      • KCI등재

        국가교육과정기준의 "추구하는 인간상"에 나타난 가치 분석

        백혜조 ( Hei Jo Baik ),박지혜 ( Jee Hae Park ) 안암교육학회 2014 한국교육학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        본 연구는 교육이념으로서 ‘홍익인간’과 국가교육과정기준의 ‘추구하는 인간상’ 간의 관계를 밝히고, 국가교육과정기준의 ‘추구하는 인간상’에 시대별로 어떠한 가치들이 제시되어 왔는지 파악해 보는 데 목적이 있다. 연구결과, 교육이념으로서 ‘홍익인간’은 국가교육과정기준의 ‘추구하는 인간상’의 상위개념이며, ‘추구하는 인간상’을 통해 현실 교육에서 구현된다. 국가 교육과정기준의 추구하는 인간상에 나타난 가치의 분석결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 추구하는 인간상에 ‘애국적 인간’이 시대의 변화에도 불구하고 계속해서 강조되고 있다. 둘째, 시대의 흐름과 사회의 변화에 따라 추구하는 인간상에 담기는 ‘가치’도 변화한다. 셋째, 우리가 보편적으로 알고 있는 다양한 가치들의 사전적 의미가 국가교육과정기준의 ‘추구하는 인간상’에서는 맥락상 다른 의미가 되기도 한다. 넷째, 공동체에 봉사 및 헌신하는 개인으로서 ‘교양적 인간’, ‘노작적 인간’, ‘봉사적 인간’은 이 시대가 추구해야 하는 중요한 가치임에도 불구하고 그 비중이 매우 낮다. 따라서 앞으로 국가교육과정기준 개정시 ‘추구하는 인간상’을 설정할 때에는 시대적으로 필요한 가치들이 골고루 포함되어야 한다. 또한 교육을 통해 기르려는 인간상과 함께 ‘그 인재들이 구현해낼 사회상’이 포함되는 것을 고려해 보아야 할 것이다. There are two purposes in this study. One is to make clear the relationship between the ideal of education and the ideal of educated person in Korean national curriculum standards. As a result, we declare that ‘the ideal of education’ is placed above ‘the ideal of educated person’ acting as a guide. In other words, the ideal of education is embodied through pursuing the ideal of educated person in real educational contexts. Another purpose is to examine what kinds of ‘educational values’ have been manifested in Korean national curriculum standards related with the ideal of educated person. The results are as follows; First, ‘the patriotic person’ has been emphasized transcending time. Second, the educational values have been changed according to the passing of time and the change of society. Third, lexical meaning of a word is subject to be changed when indicating the educational values in Korean national curriculum standards. Forth, ‘the cultured person’, ‘the laborious person’, and ‘the serving person’ is barely emphasized as the characteristics of educated person although these are really needed in this day and age. Therefore, setting up the ideal of educated person, the values worthwhile to seek must be included in the ideal of educated person in national curriculum standards. Moreover, ‘the ideal of society’ must be manifested in the Korean national curriculum standards to clearly present what the educational values and educated person mean.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교의 백워드 교육과정 적용을 위한 현장 지원 방안 탐색

        백혜조 ( Hei Jo Baik ),임혜진 ( Hye Jin Lim ),홍후조 ( Hoo Jo Hong ) 한국초등교육학회 2013 초등교육연구 Vol.26 No.1

        Having been devised by Wiggins and McTighe, the design model of Backward curriculum was originated from education reform movement with achievement criteria as center. The model is as follows; prior to starting classes, teachers pick out big ideas and core questions which are bases of all the units and then, they develop tasks to perform in order to initiate learning activities. Such Backward curriculum is able to maintain consistency between educational contents-evaluation -learning activities and also able to promote students` ``understanding`` so that it gives some implications to our education field. This study started from recognition that it is difficult for the Backward curriculum to settle down on our education field only through efforts of several teachers or schools. Therefore, the researcher attended and observed a plan of history realm class of social affairs division; the researcher also looked into problems and the causes arising from application of the design model of Backward curriculum to education field; and, on the basis of this, the researcher searched field support measures. As a result, the researcher proposed such field support measures as change in curriculum suggestion method, support of curriculum consulting and training as per regional education office, execution of training and differentiated classes based on tasks to be performed, change of perception on evaluation and preparation of evaluation criteria. The researcher also pointed out that the design model of Backward curriculum should be maintained as a big frame for curriculum balance and then, suggested that measures should be prepared to utilize specialty of teachers.

      • KCI등재

        학부모교육과정기준 개발 연구

        홍후조 ( Hoo Jo Hong ),백혜조 ( Hei Jo Baik ),민부자 ( Bu Ja Min ),변자정 ( Ja Jung Byun ),조호제 ( Ho Je Cho ),하화주 ( Hwa Ju Ha ),장소영 ( So Young Jang ),이혜정 ( Hye Jung Lee ) 한국교육과정학회 2013 교육과정연구 Vol.31 No.2

        The research for this report was conducted to establish curriculum standards for educational programs for students` parents. This report addresses the entire process of “who” (R&D committee, consulting group, lay group, approval council) and “how” the curriculum standards should developed adequately (draft-proposal version-approval version), based on reflective notes. We presided over the principal development of curriculum standards by educational researchers, a consulting group and a lay group for curriculum development, and a curriculum standards approval council. The researchers gathered preliminary opinions from the consulting and lay groups. These standards were then compiled a written draft, which was then revised as a proposal version and finally as an approval version. The finalization, through deliberation and examination, of the approval version referred to the approval council concretized the final curriculum standards for students` parents. The curriculum standards were composed of three designated parts: platforms for purposes and characteristics of the curriculum, content frameworks for achieving the stated purposes, and practical guidelines for carrying out the first two parts.

      • KCI등재

        학습자 중심의 ‘참고서가 필요 없는’, ‘확장된’ 교과서의 의미와 구현 방안 탐색

        홍후조(Hoo-Jo Hong),백혜조(Hei-jo Baik),임혜진(Hye jin Lim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2013 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 18대 대통령선거에서 한나라당 박근혜 후보의 공약으로 제안된 참고서가 필요 없는 교과서상(像)을 규명하고, 그것이 어떤 특성을 지니고 있으며, 그것으로 인해 교육에서는 어떤 변화를 겪을 것인가를 탐색해본 연구이다. 학습자 입장에서 더 나은 교과서를 구안해보고, 교과서 출판의 방향을 제시하기 위한 것이다. 먼저, 공약의 내용을 분석하여, 그것이 의미하는 바를 “전통적인 탐구형 교과서 본문 + 참고서의 보완 자료 + 문제집의 양질의 문항”이 합본된 형태라고 보았다. 현재 교과서는 세 가지 특성을 아주 부분적으로 구현하는 어정쩡한 형태라고 할 수 있다. ‘좋은 교과서상’에 비추어보면 공약이 제시하는 교과서상은 그 부분집합임을 확인할 수 있다. 교과서의 기능과 모양이 확장되더라도 본래 수업용 교재가 가진 특성 과 기능인 교과교육과정기준의 반영, 교과별 특성 반영, 수업에서 교사와 학생 간 상호작용 촉진, 협동학습 중심 수업의 길잡이 역할 수행, 학생의 탐구심 호기심 집중력 등의 유발 등을 약화시킬 필요는 없다고 보았다. 즉, 공약이 제시하는 교과서상은 전통적인 교과서 본문을 탐구형으로 유지함으로써 수업에서 교사의 창의적 개입을 막아서는 안 될 것임을 지적하였다. 공약의 교과서는 학습자의 자기주도성이 강조된 교과서이다. 그러므로 학생의 학습에서 예습,복습, 보충 심화, 숙제 및 정보 제공 기능 등 길잡이 노릇을 하는 참고서의 기능을 수행하며, 각종 시험에 대비하되 정보 기억과 정답 확인 차원의 선택형 문항을 넘어 미래지향적인 서술형 논술형 수행평가를 지향하는 시험대비용이어야 할 것을 권고하였다. 끝으로, 이런 새로운 교과서를 제작 보급하기 위해서는 필연적으로 교과서 집필 및 편집의 제작 기간 연장, 새로운 집필지침, 두꺼워지는 교과서를 현재 별도 제작의 보완교재가 아닌 시계열적 분책, 디지털 교과서에 의한 보완, 가격의 인상 등에 대해서도 언급하였다. The purpose of this study was to identify the image of textbook that does not need supplementary materials that Park Geun Hye, Hannara’s Candidate of Presidential Election proposed in the 18th presidential election, to identify the characteristics of the textbook, and estimate changes that educational field will experience with new textbook. First of all, the presidential election’s pledges were analyzed to identify it. It was found that the comprehensive textbook would integrate ‘Main body of traditional investigative textbook + Supplementary materials in reference books + Good quality questions in workbooks”. When summarizing the images of good textbook, it was found that the textbook proposed by the pledge would be a subset of ‘good textbook’. Although functions and form of textbook may be expanded, it is not necessary to weaken the reflection of curriculum standards which is the original characteristic and the function of textbook, reflection of subject characteristics, facilitation of interactions between teacher and students in the classroom, the role to guide classes and stimulation of will to explore, curiosity and concentration of students. In other words, the textbook proposed by the pledge commented that creative intervention of teachers should not be interfered in classes by maintaining the body of textbook as investigative one. Additionally, it recommended that the new textbook should be for the examination preparation by including future‐oriented descriptive and essay type questions beyond the multiple choice questions checking memory and information performing the reference book guiding students in learning including preview, review, supplementary study, further study, homework and information provision. Finally, to produce and distribute this new concept textbook, there shall be extended period for writing and editing, new writing guidelines, supplement by digital textbook, time-serial division of textbook to reduce the thickness of a volume and consideration of price increase.

      • KCI등재

        학교교육에서 강조하는 자기주도학습과 인성교육에 대한 비판적 고찰

        홍후조(Hong Hoo-Jo),백혜조(Baik Hei-Jo),고영희(Ko Young-Hee) 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2013 敎育問題硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 학교교육에서 강조하는 자기주도학습과 인성교육을 비판적으로 고찰해 봄으로써, 현재 학교교육의 심각한 문제인 ‘학력 과잉경쟁과 사교육’, ‘학교폭력’, ‘청소년의 왕따와 자살’을 줄일 수 있는 보다 나은 학교교육의 방향을 탐색해 보고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 학교교육은 개인간 학력경쟁보다 공동체내 사회협동을 기조로, 교과학습에서 자기주도학습과 함께 협동학습을, 생활교육에서 인성교육과 함께 사회성교육을 강조해야 할 필요가 있다. This study aims to explore ways of better school education to decrease current issues such as ‘excessive competitions due to college entrance exam,’ ‘school violence’ and “adolescents’ outcast and suicide” by reviewing the side effects of self-directed learning and personal character education that school education focuses on. In conclusion, this study concentrates on the direction that school education requires social cooperation other than academic competition among students, collaborative learning other than self-directed learning, and social education other than individual character education.

      • 주역(周易)의 사의(四義) 관점에서 분석한 창의성의 다원적 접근 방법

        신창호(Chang-ho, Shin),백혜조(Hei-jo Baik) 창조교육학회 2013 창조교육논총 Vol.15 No.-

        본 연구는 창의성과 주역(周易)을 연계하려는 시도이다. 특히, 창의성을 통합적으로 이해하려는 다원적 접근 방식을 주역의 변(變), 역(易), 질운(迭運)에 대비하여 분석한 것이다. 창의성을 다원적 방식으로 접근한 이론들을 역(易)의 사의(四義) 관점으로 분석한 결과, 교역(交易)과 변역(變易)의 차원이 잘 드러나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 창의성에 영향을 미치는 요인은 개인의 고유한 인지적, 정의적 특성과 상통하는 개인의 불역(不易)의 차원에 따라 차이가 있다. 하지만 불역(不易)은 개인의 경험과 상황, 환경, 영역 속에서 교역(交易)의 과정을 통해 정보를 변화ㆍ확장시키는 변역(變易)의 과정으로 나타나며, 결국 모든 요소들이 조화를 이루는 교역(交易)을 통해, 창의적일 가능성이 커지는 이간(易簡)으로 전환된다. 그러므로 창의성에 영향을 미치는 요인은 개인이 지닌 불역(不易)적 차원뿐만 아니라 개인을 둘러싼 사회ㆍ문화적 요인이 중요하다. 나아가 창의적 과제를 해결하는 맥락에서의 교역(交易)과 변역(變易)이 쉽게 나타날 수 있도록(易簡), 지원활동이 중요한 것임을 알 수 있다. This study analyzes works taking pluralist approaches in understanding creativity in an integrative way by comparing them with Bian, Yi, and Die Yun in Yi Jing. As a result of the analysis of the theories approaching creativity in pluralist methods from the perspective of Si Yi in Yi Jing, we can tell that Jiao Yi and Bian Yi in particular are well revealed. That is to say, though factors having influence on creativity can be different among individuals'Bu Yi as individuals have their own cognitive and affective characteristics, such Bu Yi further undergoes the course of Jiao Yi within individuals'experiences, situations, environments, and regions with the course of Bian Yi occurring that changes and extends information, and after all, Yi Jian occurs, in which the possibilityof creativity increases when Jiao Yi takes places, in which all elements are harmonized. Thus, we can tell that not only individuals falling within Bu Yi but also social and cultural factors surrounding the individuals are important among other factors having influence on creativity, and in particular that supporting activities are crucial in helping Jiao Yi and Bian Yi can easily occur in the context of resolving creative tasks.

      • 주역(周易)의 사의(四義) 관점에서 분석한 창의성의 다우너적 접근 방법 -창의성 요소 모형, 생태하적 모형, 상호작용 모델, 체계이론을 중심으로-

        신창호 ( Chang Ho Shin ),백혜조 ( Hei Jo Baik ) 창조교육학회 2013 창조교육논총 Vol.15 No.-

        This study analyzes works taking pluralist approaches in understanding creativity in an integrative way by comparing them with Bian, Yi. and Die Yun In Yi Jing. As a result of the analysis of the theories approach-ing creativity in pluralist methods form the perspective of Si Yi iN Yi Jing. we can tell that Jiao Yi and Bian Yi in particular are well revealed. That is to say, though factors having influence ion creativity can be different among individuals"Bu Yi as individuals have their own cognitive and affective characteristics, such Bu Yi further undergoes the course of Jiao Yi within individuals`experiences, situations, environments, and re-gions with the course of Bian Yi occurring that changes and extends information, and after all, Yi Jian occurs, in which the possibilityof creativity increases when Jiao Yi takes places, in which all lelments are harmonized. Thus, we can tell that not only individuals falling within Bu Yi but also social and cultural factors surrounding the individuals are important among other factors having influence on creativity, and in particular that supporting activities are crucial in helping Jiao Yi and Bian Yi can easily occur on the context of resolving creative tasks.

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