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        바이오 센서 적용을 위한 수직형 이중게이트 InGaAs TFET의 게이트 열화 현상 분석

        백지민 ( Ji-min Baek ),김대현 ( Dae-hyun Kim ) 한국센서학회 2022 센서학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        In this study, we have fabricated and characterized vertical double-gate (DG) InGaAs tunnel field-effect-transistors (TFETs) with Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/HfO<sub>2</sub> = 1/5 nm bi-layer gate dielectric by employing a top-down approach. The device exhibited excellent characteristics including a minimum subthreshold swing of 60 mV/decade, a maximum transconductance of 141 μS/μm, and an on/off current ratio of over 10<sup>3</sup> at 20℃. Although the TFETs were fabricated using a dry etch-based top-down approach, the values of DIBL and hysteresis were as low as 40mV/V and below 10mV, respectively. By evaluating the effects of constant voltage and hot carrier injection stress on the vertical DG InGaAs TFET, we have identified the dominant charge trapping mechanism in TFETs.

      • KCI등재후보

        동종 접합 InGaAs 수직형 Fin TFET의 온도 의존 DC 특성에 대한 연구

        백지민 ( Ji-min Baek ),김대현 ( Dae-hyun Kim ) 한국센서학회 2020 센서학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        In this study, we evaluated the temperature-dependent characteristics of homojunction InGaAs vertical Fin-shaped Tunnel Field- Effect Transistors (Fin TFETs), which were fabricated using a novel nano-fin patterning technique in which the Au electroplating and the high-temperature InGaAs dry-etching processes were combined. The fabricated homojunction InGaAs vertical Fin TFETs, with a fin width and gate length of 60 nm and 100 nm, respectively, exhibited excellent device characteristics, such as a minimum subthreshold swing of 80 mV/decade for drain voltage (V<sub>DS</sub>) = 0.3 V at 300 K. We also analyzed the temperature-dependent characteristics of the fabricated TFETs and confirmed that the on-state characteristics were insensitive to temperature variations. From 77 K to 300 K, the subthreshold swing at gate voltage (V<sub>GS</sub>) = threshold voltage (VT), and it was constant at 115 mV/decade, thereby indicating that the conduction mechanism through band-to-band tunneling influenced the on-state characteristics of the devices.

      • KCI등재

        「운영전」의 악인 형상과 그 의미

        백지민(Baek, Ji-min) 중앙어문학회 2017 語文論集 Vol.69 No.-

        「운영전」에서 주인공과 대결 구도를 이루고 있는 ‘특’이라는 인물에 주목하여 악인 형상과 그 의미를 살펴보았다. 기존 연구에서는 「운영전」의 악인 형상을 논의할 때, 안평대군과 노비 특을 인간의 자연스러운 애정 욕망을 억압한 주요 인물로 다루고 있다. 필자는 운영의 애정 욕망을 좌절시킨 결정적 인물이 끝내 운영의 일탈을 용서한 안평대군이 아닌 스스로의 욕심을 위해 주인을 배신하고, 살인 계획까지 도모하는 것을 마다하지 않았던 특이었음을 주목하여, 이를 악인 형상이라고 보았다. 이를 위해 먼저, 조선의 성리학적 세계관에서 운영의 애정 욕망을 선으로 볼 수 있는지 검토해보았다. 본래 인간의 애정 욕망은 자연스러운 것이지만, 궁녀인 운영의 애정 욕망은 현실 세계의 질서를 깨트려야만 이루어질 수 있는 불온한 것이었다. 이를 미화시키기 위해 운영과 대립하는 악인 형상 특을 등장시키는 것은 독자로 하여금 악과 대결 구도에 있는 것은 선이라는 선입관을 갖도록 하여, 운영의 애정 욕망을 긍정하도록 한 것으로 보인다. 또한 악인 형상으로 그려지는 특이 노비 신분인 것은, 조선 중기 이후의 당대 노비들의 신분변화과정을 반영한 것이기도 하다. 「운영전」은 애정전기소설의 전통 속에서 악인 형상의 등장을 통해 애정전기소설의 새로운 면모를 보인다. This study examines the character of Teuk in Unyeongjeon, focusing on this evil character and its significance. When discussing the evil character in Unyeongjeon, previous studies have paid attention to the slave Teuk, who betrays Prince Anpyeong, and the official, Kim, who suppresses humans" natural desire for love. This study argues that the character who intentionally thwarts Unyeong"s love is not Prince Anpyeong, who ultimately forgives Unyeong"s moral deviation, but the character of Teuk, who betrays his master for his own gain, even plotting to kill him; Teuk is thus seen as the evil character. In this regard, the present study considered whether or not Unyeong"s romantic desire could be regarded as a virtue, according to Joseon"s Neo-Confucian worldview. Humans" romantic desire was traditionally seen as natural, but the court lady Unyeong"s desire for love was perceived as an immoral one that could be only be achieved by disrupting the existing world order. To beautify her immorality, the evil character Teuk is introduced to confront Unyeong, allowing readers a prejudiced position from which to consider the conflict between good and evil, in an attempt to affirm Unyeong"s romantic desire. In addition, Teuk, described as an evil character, has a slave status; this reflects the changing perception of slave status in the mid-Joseon period. Unyeongjeon was created in the tradition of romance novel; however, the presentation of an evil character adds a new dimension to the romance novel.

      • KCI등재

        순절 담론의 서사화, <강도몽유록>

        백지민 ( Baek Ji-min ) 전남대학교 인문학연구소 2016 용봉인문논총 Vol.- No.49

        This study sought to shed light on the epic narrative of discourse of death for loyalty in < Gangdomongyurok > which features the stories of women dying for defending their loyalty during Byeongjahoran War. Existing studies criticized the incompetent ruling powers, meritorious service powers, and men or the women``s excuses on self-defense shown in < Gangdomongyurok > in a bid to interpret the work as expressing a consistent attitude. This study, however, saw diverse voices, instead of one voice, in < Gangdomongyurok >, as well as the diverse situations and positions surrounding death for loyalty, depicting the then reality. It thus examined the official and private records on death for loyalty during Byeongjahoran War. Loyalty is historically a praiseworthy deed, but is individually a sad sacrifice. However, such records of death for loyalty after Byeongjahoran War only describe death for loyalty as a virtue. Furthermore, those who failed to die for loyalty were harshly criticized, and had to defend their survival which was unavoidable for them. The fourteen women, who spoke in dreams in < Gangdomongyurok >, all died for loyalty, but their positions on death for loyalty varied. < Gangdomongyurok > presents the victims`` voices about the diverse situations and positions surrounding death for loyalty - which were not written in official and private records -. < Gangdomongyurok > saw the spirit of death for loyalty as positive. However, the work indicated the negative aspects of death for loyalty when it was officially discussed beyond the boundary of individual matter, describing the horrible and miserable situations of the 17th century Byeongjahoran War as well as the post-war public discussion of the issue.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 전계소설(傳系小說)의 창작 동인과 서사 전략

        백지민(Baek Ji min) 한국고전연구학회 2016 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.34

        본고는 17세기 전계소설의 창작 동인과 서사 전략을 통해 전계소설의 태동과 전개 양상을 살펴보았다. 17세기 전계소설(傳系小說)이 경험적 사실을 소재로 삼는 전의 형식을 따르면서도 소설적 허구성을 띠는 것은 작자의 사회적 입장이 반영된 창작 동인, 이에 따른 효과적인 주제 형상화를 위한 서사 전략에서 비롯된다. 17세기 전계소설의 주요한 창작 동인은 정치적 담론의 우위 확보를 위한 도덕성을 강조하기 위한 것으로, 역사적 사건이나 사회적 상황과 맞물린 작자의 이념적‧정치적 입장에 대한 변호 혹은 대변이며, 서사 전략으로 입전 대상의 선정과 실제 사건의 선택적 재현, 독자의 감정 유도 방식 등을 살폈다. 이항복의 <유연전>은 훈구파에 대한 고발과 비판을 위해 유연의 옥사 및 신원이라는 실제 사건을 그리고 있으며, 권칙의 <강로전>은 서인 세력과 자신의 입장 변호를 위해 역사적 사건을 다루면서 강홍립을 부정적 인물 형상으로 부각시키고 있다. 17세기 전계소설에서 나타나는 창작 동인과 서사 전략의 흐름은 18세기에도 이어지고 있으며, 고소설사에서의 사실주의 도정에 주목거리로 여겨진다. This thesis examined the fetal movement and variableness of Jeongye novels through the creative motivation and narration strategies of the 17th century Jeongye novels. Lee Hang-bok’s <Yuyeonjeon> describes the real-life events of Yuyeon’s imprisonment and taking revenge in order to accuse and criticize Hugupa, and Gwonchik’s <Ganrojeon> deals with historical events to justify the Seoin group and the writer’s own position and highlights Ganghonglip as negative character embodiment. The trend of the creative motivation and narration strategies represented in the 17th century Jeongye novels continues in the 18th century as well and is regarded as what is noteworthy in the path of realism in the history of ancient novels.

      • KCI등재

        <주생전>의 비극성 재고

        백지민 ( Ji Min Baek ) 택민국학연구원 2015 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.15

        본 논문은 비극성을 전제로 한 <주생전>의 주도적 연구 방향이 작품 해석의 다양한 가능성에 제약이 된다고 판단하여 이에 대해 새로운 시각에서 고찰하고자 하였다. <주생전>을 비극으로 이해하고자 하는 이유는 ‘사회적·현실적 질곡 때문에 욕망을 실현하지 못하고 좌절하는 인물 형상을 비극적으로 그려내는 것’이 비판적 지식인이 창작하는 전기소설의 양식적 특성이라는 입장에서 작품을 해석하고자 하는 데서 찾을 수 있다고 보았다. 기존 논의에 따르면, <주생전>의 비극성은 주인공 세 남녀의 삼각연애가 실현되지 못한 채 작품이 결말을 맺은 데에서 비롯된다. 이에 대한 면밀한 검토를 위해 애정 실현의 주체와 대상을 재조명하고, 열린 결말을 통해 애정 실현의 가능성을 탐색했다. 그 결과, 작품 내에서 배도는 주생과 선화의 애정을 실현시켜주는 매개자적 역할을 담당하고 있는 것으로 삼각연애의 한 구성원이 아니며, 애정 실현 주체인 주생의 유일한 애정 실현 대상은 선화임을 확인할 수 있었다. 이들의 애정이 실현될 수 있을 것으로 보여지는 실마리도 찾을 수 있었다. 애정 실현의 주체와 대상이 모두 ‘살아있는 인간’이며, 작품이 끝날 때까지 생존해있고, 서로에 대한 애정이 변하지 않았다. 결정적으로 전쟁의 상황이 끝나감을 나타내는 후일담을 통해 애정 실현의 열린 가능성을 도출해 낼 수 있었다. <주생전>에서 주생의 애정 실현의 열린 가능성은, 작품의 결말을 애정 실현의 실패로 간주하고 비극성을 읽어내던 기존 연구와는 다른 새로운 작품 해석의 가능성을 열어주었다. 바로 개인적 욕망의 추구가 현실적으로 억압받고 좌절되기만 하는 것은 아니라는 것이다. 욕망의 실현 가능성을 열어보임으로써 개인의 욕망을 추구하는 인간 형상에 대한 긍정적 시선을 읽어낼 수 있다. 이는 보편적으로 용인되던 혹은 욕망하기를 부추겨지기까지하던 -이를테면 공명의 추구와 같은- ‘사회가 바라는 인물 형상으로의 욕망’이 아닌, ‘개인 자신의 안위 또는 행복을 추구하는 욕망’ 또한 부정한 가치가 아니라는 인식의 전환을 보여준다. <주생전>에서 주생이 추구하고 있는 애정 실현 욕망은 욕망에 대한 가치평가적 관점의 불균형을 중화시켰다. 이는 후대의 소설에서 ‘사회적 욕망’과 결합하거나 개인적 욕망의 다양한 양상을 보여주며 통속적 성향으로 이어진다. This study decided that the focus on the tragic aspect of Jusaengjeon limits the diverse understanding of the work, and examined it from new angles. The reason for understanding Jusaengjeon as a tragedy was thought to be that "describing the character - who failed to realize his desires due to social and realistic hardships and was frustrated - as a tragedy" should be linked with the viewpoint of a critical intellectual writer``s of a Jeonkisoseol(傳奇小說). According to existing discussions, the tragedy of Jusaengjeon came from the triangle love story involving three male and female characters ending up a failed love. To closely examine such discussions, the lovers were shed with new light, and the possibility of love fulfillment through open ending was explored. As a result, in the work, Baedo played a mediating role in helping Jusaeng and Seonhwa realize their love, so he was not a part of the members in the triangle-love, and only Jusaeng tried to love Seonhwa. Clues for the possibility of their love being realized were found. The lovers were all living humans, survived until the end of the work, and did not change their minds to each other. Through the later talk which hinted at the war being ending, the possibility of their love being realized was derived. In Jusaengjeon, the open possibility of Jusaeng realizing his love opened the possibility to interpreting the work differently unlike existing studies which regarded the ending of the work as a failure to realize the character``s love and thus as a tragedy. Pursuit of personal desires was not necessarily suppressed and frustrated. Opening the possibility of desires being realized could lead to deriving the positive aspect of a character who pursued his personal desires. This suggests not the desire of a character who was the normally accepted or desire-driven - success-pursued- socially ideal character, but the desire for pursuing the personal well-being or happiness or a shift of recognition not involving improper values. In Jusaengjeon, Jusaeng``s desire to pursue the realization of love neutralized the unbalance of the viewpoint on desire value evaluation. In later-on novels, this develops into the combination with social desires or into the diversity of personal desires, leading to worldly propensities.

      • KCI등재

        중,고생의 치아우식증과 구강건강행태와의 관련성 연구 : 제9차(2013년) 청소년 건강행태 온라인 조사

        이종화 ( Jong Hwa Lee ),백지민 ( Ji Min Baek ),유지영 ( Jin Yeong Yoo ) 한국치위생학회 2015 한국치위생학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between dental caries and oral health behaviors in middle and high school students by web-based survey of the ninth(2013) Korean youth risk behavior. Methods: The subjects were 75,149 students from 400 middle schools and 400 high schools. Finally, the survey participation rate was 96.4%(72,435 students from 799 schools) by complex sample design. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects, oral health behaviors, and oral health status. General characteristics included gender, types of schools, economic condition, and residential types. Oral health behaviors included subjective oral health condition, frequency of tooth brushing, tooth brushing after meal within recent 7 days, sealant within 12 months, fluoride application within 12 months, scaling within 12 months, and oral health education experience within 12 months. Oral health condition included dental caries incidence within 12 months. Results: Oral health behavior influenced on dental caries in the middle and high school students in Korea. This study showed the relationship between the sociodemographic characteristics, tooth brushing frequency, sealant experience, dental caries and halitosis experience, and scaling within 12 months. Scaling is the best prevention method for dental caries and halitosis in the students. Conclusions: The study showed the necessity for practical oral health education and the effect of fluoride application for dental caries prevention.

      • 독거 노인 공동체 주택의 시각에 의한 사생활 노출에 관한 연구 - 금천구 보린 주택 1호, 3호, 4호를 중심으로 -

        이수민(Lee, Su-Min),백지민(Baek, Ji-Min),푸원제(Fu, WenJie),김동식(Kim, DongSik) 한국주거학회 2021 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.33 No.2

        As the number of elderly people living alone increases, elderly community housing is suggested as a solution. The front door is opened as a lifestyle for the elderly living alone in a studio-type safe apartment. As a result, the degree of exposure to visual privacy in elderly community housing is intended to be understood by space area. As for the facilities subject to this study, online data were analyzed with Borin Housing Nos. 1, 3, and 4 located in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul. The arrangement of residential spaces according to the corridor type was examined and the degree of exposure of private spaces according to the viewing angle was identified. As a result of dividing the survey results by area, the exposure and frequency of private spaces in Borin House No. 1 were high, and the exposure and frequency of toilets in No. 3 were high. No. 4 is a normal elevator that has a high probability of exposure to private spaces, so it was investigated that the space that can be exposed in advance was blocked by walls or furniture in the residential space. Depending on the corridor type of community housing and the location of the front door, the privacy of the elderly living alone can be protected, which is believed to help create a residential model for the elderly living alone in the future.

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