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      • 류성룡의 실학사상과 그 실천에 관한 연구

        백권호 ( Paik Gwon Ho ) 서애학회 2020 서애연구 Vol.1 No.-

        이 논문은 서애 류성룡을 실학사상의 원조라는 논지를 주장하고 증명하는 것이 연구 목적이다. 기존의 한국 실학연구에서 그를 경세가로 부르면서도 정작 실학자로 인정하는데 궁색한 것은 350년 후의 후학들이 실학이라는 학문을 세우면서 학문적 사조로서 실학자 계보를 구축함에 있어 엄격성을 담보하지 못한 태생적 한계에서 비롯된 것으로 본다. 본 연구에서는 기존 실학 연구에서 성리학적 가치의 배경과 뿌리를 확인한 연구들의 기초위에 징비록에 나타난 구체적인 실학적 요소와 에피소드 들을 찾아서 정리한다. 서애 류성룡의 성리학에 바탕을 둔 실학적 정치 경륜은 그의 징비록에서 수많은 업적과 에피소드로 나타나 있다. 징비록이야 말로 류성룡의 실학적인 실사구시적 정치구현을 그대로 보여주는 저술이자, 국가적 위기의 전란 속에서 그가 실천한 정치 현장 현장보고서이다. 서애 류성룡은 임진왜란이라는 국난의 비상시기 중에도 이미 무너져 내린 국가 체제와 정부 시스템을 작동 가능하도록 혼신을 다하고 있다. 그는 경제는 흐름이고 순환이며 시스템이라는 것을 명확히 이해하고 있었고, 국경무역을 포함한 시장 메커니즘의 작동에 대하여 정확하게 이해하고, 이것이 작동하도록 정책적 조치들을 취하고 있다는 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 면천법(免賤法)을 제정하여 천민도 전공을 세우면 양인(良人)은 물론 벼슬까지 얻을 수 있는 길을 터주어, 비록 전시에 그쳤지만 ‘국민국가’의 초기적 형태라 할 수 있는 제도적 개혁이자 혁신을 시도하였다. Ryu Seong-ryong, one of the most renowned premiers in the Chosun Dynasty, empirically developed the real-world policy of action. Toward the end of the 16th century, the world had already witnessed the emergence of the modern mercantile state. Based on Confucianism, Ryu Seong-ryong tried not only to study with a convergent model but also to take a consilience approach with an intense curiosity of other relevant fields of learning. This point shows most clearly in Ryu Sung-ryong’s attempt to complete his own philosophical theory of realism which emphasizes self-guided learning for practicability. His philosophy is based on the Neo-Confucian theory. In specific terms, this article inquires into practical elements and episodes found in the Jingbirok with a view to identifying the roots of traditional Neo-Confucian values in the existing studies on Silhak. This article will show that Ryus practical political theory rooted in traditional Confucianism informed his practical policies in the real world. In this light, the Jingbirok can be considered a field report on the actual political settings he had experienced during the Imjin War. Ryu was devoted to re-making the national system as well as the government system in a highly innovative way during the crisis of the Imjin War. Ryu clearly understood that the economy is a flow, a circulation, and a system. In addition, he had an accurate understanding of the operation of market mechanisms including the cross-border trade. He implemented policy measures to make this work. In addition, by enacting the law of manumission from slavery (myoncheonbeop, 免賤法); according to this law, slaves could elevate their status as commoners, and were even granted opportunities to enter public office. Although such policies were abolished toward the end of the war, Ryu’s innovative attempt at’ institutional reforms presaged an early phase of the “national state”.

      • 류성룡 주도의 임진왜란 대응전략 -시스템 다이내믹스를 중심으로

        백권호 ( Paik Gwonho ) 서애학회 2021 서애연구 Vol.3 No.-

        이 논문은 임진왜란 발발에서 정유재란까지 전쟁 전 기간을 통해서 왜군과 조선군(의병 포함) 및 명 지원군 등 전쟁 주체들 간의 승전을 둘러싼 상호작용을 시스템 다이내믹스로 풀어낸 연구이다. 이와 함께 환경 및 여건 등 상황 요인들이 시스템 다이나믹스(System Dynamics, 이하 SD) 속에 어떻게 맞물려 들어갔는지를 음과 양의 균형적 관점에서 추가로 분석하였다. 그리고 그 속에서 조선에 유리하게 SD가 돌아갈 수 있도록 서애 류성룡이 어떤 메커니즘을 작동시켰는지를 규명하고자 하였다. 먼저 전쟁 전 기간에 걸쳐서 SD를 지배한 변수들을 중심으로 전세가 어떻게 변해갔는지를 분석하였고, 이 과정에서 서애 류성룡의 메커니즘적 개입이 전세 전환 및 반전에 어떻게 영향을 미쳤는지를 규명하였다. 분석 결과 왜군의 절대적 우세는 전쟁 발발 초반 2개월에 국한되었고, 그 이후부터는 의병과 승병의 활발한 유격전과 그리고 이순신 수군의 연전연승으로 조선군의 대응이 강화되면서 전력이 대등해지기 시작했고, 전세가 반전될 기회가 나타나기 시작하였다. 다만, 실질적인 전세의 반전으로까지 전환되기에는 역부족이었다. 명 지원군의 참전을 계기로 확실한 반전의 기회를 맞게 되었고, 그 결과 약 1년 만에 한양성 수복이 이루어졌다. 이와 함께 명ㆍ왜 강화협상이 진행되면서 왜군은 경상도 남부 해안지역으로 퇴각하게 되었다. 이 기회를 이용하여 서애 류성룡 주도하에 전시 국가체제 개혁 및 군사력의 체계적 조직화와 자원 동원체제의 구축이 추진되기 시작하였다. 명ㆍ왜 강화협상이 결렬되자 정유재란이 발발하였으며, 초기 원균의 칠천량 해전 패전으로 전라도가 왜의 수중에 들어가는 등 위기를 맞았다. 하지만, 직산 전투에서 명 지원군 기마병이 왜군의 북진을 막아냈고, 이순신이 명량해전에서 승리하면서, 서남해 해안의 제해권을 되찾아 왔고, 왜군은 다시 경상도 연해 지대로 퇴각하였다. 이후 명 지원군과 연합한 조선군 주도하에 사로 병진이라는 공세적 전략으로 울산, 사천, 순천에 있던 왜성을 공격하였다. 승패를 보지는 못했으나, 제대로 된 공세적 전투를 전개하였고, 전세가 불리해진 왜군이 도요토미의 사망을 기화로 완전히 퇴각함으로써 전략적으로 전쟁에서 승리하였다. 이 과정에서 서애 류성룡은 군량 조달, 병력모집 및 전술 배치 등 전투 현장에서의 지휘를 비롯하여 의병ㆍ승병의 궐기 독려, 전시 국방 체제개혁 및 조직화와 자원동원 체제 구축 관련 메커니즘을 작동시켜 SD에 영향을 미침으로써 조선에 유리하도록 전세를 반전시키는데 절대적으로 기여하고 있음을 확인하였다. This article studies the interactions between the Japanese troops and the Joseon troops during the Imjin War and the Jeong-yoo War with the conceptual framework of system dynamics (SD). Noting the balance of yin and yang, this article further shows how situational factors such as environment and conditions were closely inter-locked in SD. We have analyzed how the war situation changed, focusing on the variables that governed SD over the entire war period. Our analysis shows that the absolute superiority of the Japanese army was limited to the first two months since the outbreak of the war; as the response of the Joseon army strengthened with the active guerrilla battles of militiaman, the uprising of monk soldiers, and the successive victories of Yi Sun-sin, the Korean forces began to match the Japanese forces. As a result, the opportunities began to present themselves to reverse the war situation although it was not enough to reverse the situation of war. However, the arrival of the Ming troops in Joseon made it possible to reserve the war situation. As a result, the Hanyang Castle was restored in about a year. As the Ming and the Wae began to negotiate the terms for peace treaty, the Japanese retreated to the southern coastal areas of Gyeongsang Province. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ryu Seong-ryong took initiatives to reform the wartime state system, to systematize the military organization, and to establish a resource mobilization system. When the Myeong-Wae negotiations were aborted, the Jeong-yoo War broke out, and Jeolla Province fell into the hands of Japanese army due to Won Gyun’s defeat in the Chilcheon-ryang battle. Japanese army retreated to the coastal area of Gyeongsang Province again as the Japanese army lost in the Battles of Jiksan and Myongryang. After that, the Ming troops and the Joseon army led a coalition and attacked the Japanese fortresses in Ulsan, Sacheon, and Suncheon with a four-way joint attack strategy. Neither side won as the Japanese troops left Korea after Toyotomi's death, ending the seven-year war. In this process, Ryu Seong-ryong influenced SD by operating mechanisms related to military procurement, troop recruitment, and tactical deployment, as well as encouraging the uprising of guerrillas, reforming and organizing the wartime defense system, and establishing a resource mobilization system.

      • 류성룡의 시(詩)를 통해 본 수신(修身)과 정신세계

        백권호 ( Paik Gwon Ho ) 서애학회 2022 서애연구 Vol.5 No.-

        임진왜란이라는 국난의 위기 속에서 류성룡은 어떻게 전시 영의정으로서 조선조정을 이끌고 전란에 대체하면서 그 절체절명의 위기를 극복할 수 있었던 것인가? 과연 리더십으로만 설명할 수 없는 그 무엇은 없는 것인가? 본 연구는 이러한 본질적인 궁금증에서 시작되었다. 이 질문에 답하기 위하여 본 연구는 류성룡의 수신(修身)이 구체적으로 어떠한 과정을 거쳐 어떠한 경지에 도달했는지를 그의 시작을 통해서 규명하고자 하였다. 류성룡의 시에는 단전호흡 수련과 깨달음을 노래하는 내용이 많이 보인다. 그리고 잡저의 대학 연혁 편차에는 단전호흡이 일정한 경지에 도달했을 때 나타나는 ‘결성태(結聖胎)’에 관한 언급이 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 류성룡이 단전호흡 수련에서 일정한 경지에 도달했을 것이라는 가정 하에 단전호흡을 통한 기 수련에 대한 문헌리뷰를 정리하고, 이를 리더십 프레임워크 가운데 영성 리더십과 연결시켜 단전호흡 차원에서 류성룡의 수신 과정과 내용을 분석할 수 있는 틀을 제시하였다. 그리고 류성룡의 시작 가운데 호흡수련을 설명하는 작품과 고도의 깨달음의 경지에 도달하여 쓴 시를 중심으로 류성룡의 수신의 경지를 분석하고자 하였다. 그 결과 류성룡의 시에 나타난 수신의 경지와 내용은 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 우선 류성룡의 수신 1단계는 대학에서 제시하는 격물치지에 도달하기 위한 수신 차원에서 단전호흡을 수련하였고, 그 결과 30대 후반에서 40대 초반에 상당한 깨달음을 이루어 선유(仙遊)를 할 수 있는 경지에 도달하였음을 그의 시를 통해서 추정하였다. 다음 수신 2단계는 깨달음을 실천할 수 있는 방법론적 공부와 수련에 집중하여 마침내 주역에 통달하는 경지에 도달하였음을 역시 그의 시를 통해서 확인하였다. 그 후 전란 중에도 주역의 괘로 미래를 점치는 등의 내용이 류성룡의 시작 속에서 종종 발견되고 있다. 수신 3단계는 1598년 겨울 영의정에서 파직당하고 귀향하여 징비록을 완성하면서 변함없이 수신을 위한 자기 수련에 매진하면서 성리학자로서 마지막까지 회자정리 하는 군자다운 삶의 모습을 시작 속에서 보여주고 있다. During the national crisis of the Imjin War, how did Ryu Seong-ryong as wartime prime minister save the country from total destruction? Was there anything more in him beyond his leadership? In order to answer such genuine questions, this study seeks to show the level of achievement Ryu Seong-ryong gained through self-cultivation by closely analyzing his poetry. Ryu Seong-ryong wrote many poems on the enlightening experience he gained through danjeon (hypogastric) breathing. He wrote about “the formation of the sagely fetus (gyeol seongtae 結聖胎),” a high level achieved through dangjeon breathing. Therefore, under the assumption that Seongryong Ryu reached a high level in danjeon breathing, this study gives a literature review of existing studies on the cultivation of gi (氣, qi) through danjeon breathing; furthermore, in connection with the spiritual leadership, this study offers a analytical framework in which to view Ryu Seong-ryong’s self-cultivation, especially, danjeon breathing. In the poems of Ryu Seong-ryong, I tried to analyze the status of his self-cultivation by focusing on the works that explain the breathing practice and the poems that he wrote after reaching a high level of realization. As a result, the level and content of his self-cultivation as shown in his poetry can be summarized as follows. In the initial stage of self-cultiv ation, Ryu Seong-ryong practiced danjeon breathing in order to achieve the level of gewu zhizhi (格物致知, the investigation of things and the extension of knowledge) as suggested in the Great Learning. As a result, in his late thirties and early forties, as suggested in his poems, Ryu Seong-ryong achieved a high level of enlightenment. In the second stage of self-cultivation, his poems suggest that he finally reached the level of high enlightenment at which he mastered the Book of Change. During the tumultuous years of the Imjin War, as his poems show, Ryu Seong-ryong prognosticated with the hexagrams in the Book of Change. In the third stage of self-cultivation, Ryu Seong-ryong was ceaselessly devoted to self-cultivation as a Neo-Confucian scholar. In 1598, after he was cashiered as prime minister, Ryu Seong-ryong completed the Jingbo rok 懲毖錄.

      • 류성룡에 대한 일부 부정적 실록 기록의 재해석에 관한 연구 - 협상전략의 관점으로

        백권호 ( Gwon Ho Paik ) 서애학회 2023 서애연구 Vol.8 No.-

        The Joseon Dynasty was a society with a ‘gentleman’ and ‘great man’ complex. The agents who propped up the governance structure of Neo-Confucian moral political system were the social elites. In order to implement moral politics, they had to be ‘gentlemen’ and ‘great men.’ The retroactive method of qualifying as a gentleman and a great man was a self-confirming action. As Joseon society failed to evolve or develop, the elites became more and more self-assertive, and factional struggles intensified. Joseon became a closed society which allowed for no compromise or cooperation with opposing groups. Joseon society was by a win-lose game in which self-assertiveness symmetry was unilaterally strengthened. As a result, political purge and factional struggle would become the only way to solve social problems in Joseon politics. Contrarily, Ryu Seong-ryong’s self-assertiveness was not in conflict with his cooperative spirit. He sought to construct a society where win-win solutions or successful compromises could be made. He pursued ‘empathy’ based on his self-assertiveness while simultaneously pursuing ‘fairness’ and cooperation. Therefore, when faced with a national crisis, he promoted national reform as a fundamental solution to the crisis. The only weakness of Ryu Seong-ryong would be that he remained absolutely loyal to the King Seonjo. If this is judged based on the appearance of a 'standard great man' at the time, who was recognized as a 'gentleman' to point out the king's mistakes with courage and strongly demand changes to the king's mistakes, this is the characteristic of a gentleman with spirit, and if we judge it as a standard, it lacks the character of a nobleman. However, from a modern negotiation perspective, Ryu Seong-ryong should be seen as a model of win- win leadership that aims for empathetic communication based on sincerity. The reason why he showed himself as a man who never compromises or makes any concessions with his abstract attitude is towards himself. In the end, as the war came to an end and the reforms he had implemented were aborted due to by the vested interests of rivaling factions, he seemed to have chosen the ‘BATNA’ strategy of giving up further negotiations with King Seonjo and retired. It seems that King Seonjo was highly disappointed that Ryu Seong-ryong refused to go on an envoy mission. Although he was criticized for having refused the King's request it was a humble request on his part. The Joseon was in a critical period, as Hideyoshi had died and the war with the Japanese army was nearing its end. The question is whether the government's decision to dispatch Ryu Seong- ryong, a wartime Yeonguijeong to the Ming Dynasty during this time was normal from today's perspective. For Ryu Seong-ryong, to end the war and drive out the Japanese army was of the highest priority. Ryu Seong-ryong refused King Seonjo’s order for the sake of serving the country and people. His enemies at the court saw this as a golden opportunity to impeach Ryu Seong-ryong and to exempt themselves from the accusation of misleading the country with a conciliatory foreign policy. To reevaluate some of the negatively evaluations of Ryu Seong-ryong in the Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty, this article argues that those evaluations stemmed from the limits of the Joseon era marked by the subservient respect toward Ming. By reinterpreting Ryu Seong-ryong’s position, this article argues that Ryu Seong-ryong embodied the leadership of coexistence, as demonstrated by his continuous efforts to cooperate with the opposing party with fairness and empathy in terms of political negotiation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이탈리아 패션산업 경쟁력 요소 분석에 관한 연구

        백권호(Gwon Ho Paik) 한국유럽학회 2000 유럽연구 Vol.11 No.-

        It is known that textile 8t apparel industry is a labour intensive one so that developing countries have their niche and be able to take advantage of their factor endowments to develop these industries at the early stage of their ecnnomic developments. And, it is quite interesting for people who have some interests on changes for international competitiveness structure of global textile & apparel industry. Among well-known developed countries in these industries for example the UK, the France, the USA and the Italy, only the Italy has had enjoyed substantiality of international competitiveness in her textile & apparel industry for 40 years. What factors make it possible for the Italian textile & apparel industry have remained enjoying her competitive niche in the global textile & apparel sector? This paper suggest that all four factors and two mechanisms have their own specificities which are very helpful for Italian textile & apparel industry to sustain her competitiveness. For example, sociocultural infrastructure together with highly qualified customers who can enjoy and consume high end products and industrial cluster which could give well-organised social infrastructure and service system. This paper also suggests that there is two key successive factors that make Italian textile & apparel industry be able to sustain her competitiveness, namely industrial clustering mechanism and integrated mechanism between textile and apparel sector in terms of production and information system. The latter is not only a well-organised sociocultural infrastructure as mentioned above but also a integrated network system of division of labour, the former is a efficient production flow system which is supported by information pooling system where collection system has pivoting role for the whole mechanism. Recently, Italian textile & apparel industry has starting the restructuring project for these two mechanisms confronting the threat from old competitor, US textile & apparel industry who is regaining her competitiveness by successful restructuring to quick response system. She now preparing new mechanism which adopts QR system in Italian manner while maintaining the backbone of old systems.

      • KCI등재

        중국 종업원의 정,리,법적 가치성향의 중재효과 분석- 합정,합리,합법적 관리와 조직성과의 관계를 중심으로-

        백권호 ( Gwon Ho Paik ) 한중사회과학학회 2012 한중사회과학연구 Vol.10 No.4

        This study has two main purposes of research. The first one is to do empirical test find out the relationship between management practices based on Qing-Li-Fa approach with organizational performances. The second one is to figure out the mediation effect of individual value of Qing-Li-Fa to The second one of ‘heqing-heli-hefa(合情ㆍ合理ㆍ合法)’ in relationship with organizational performances. Chapter Ⅱ is to describe how the evolution of social exchange has been developed at the level of three dimensions of social exchange in China. In Chapter Ⅲ, model building is to be made first for the empirical test to be done there after in Chapter. In Chapter Ⅴ some conclusions and implications are to be derived. In this research it is confirmed that management practice by ‘heqing’- ‘heli’- ‘hefa(合情ㆍ合理ㆍ合法)’ which based on Qing-Li-Fa(情ㆍ理ㆍ法) approach has positive correlation with organizational performance. And mediation effect of individual value of Qing-Li-Fa to management practice of ‘heqing’-‘heli’-‘hefa’ also has been confirmed partially. It means that the purpose of this research has been partially accomplished. Although there do exist some constraints of explanation, it is quite sure that management practice by ``heqing-heli-hefa`` which based on Qing-Li-Fa paradigm of Chinese specific character of social interaction in China together with management by formalization could be an effective way of management administration for Chinese firms including FIEs, which could possibly developed into one of global standard of management practice which originated from Asian culture of social interaction especially from China.

      • KCI등재

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