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      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 17세기 초 영국의 “여성논쟁”과 여성의 다른 목소리 -스웨트남 논쟁(Swetnam Controversy)을 중심으로-

        배혜정 ( Hye Jeong Bae ) 영국사학회 2013 영국연구 Vol.29 No.-

        근대 초 ‘여성논쟁’은 영국 페미니즘 역사의 시발점이었다. 1610년대 ‘스웨트남 논쟁’(Swetnam Controversy)에서는 여성혐오사상에 대한 여성의 항의가 최고조에 달했다. 논쟁 촉발자 스웨트남이 강도 높게 여성을 비난했기 때문이다. 그는 중산층 독자를 겨냥하여 여성혐오사상을 더 아래로 확산시켰다. 이에 반발하며 등장한 스페이트(Rachel Speght)와 소워남(Ester Sowernam), 문다(Constantia Munda)는 여성의 자질과 가치를 재평가했다. 스웨트남주장의 오류를 지적하기도 하고 성서를 재해석하여 여성의 존엄성을 입증할 뿐 아니라 여성의 우월성까지 시사했다. 하지만 남녀의 본성 차이를 강조함으로써 구성된 성이라는 젠더의식이 약했고 여성현실에 대한 비판적 시각도 부족했다. 그렇지만 페미니즘의 발전에서 여성옹호론자의 기여는 적지 않다. ‘스웨트남 논쟁’이 오늘날에도 의미 있는 이유는 이전과 다른 여성의 목소리를 우리에게 들려주기 때문이다. 이들은 여성을 차별받는 하나의 집단으로 인식하고 여성혐오사상에 맞서 여성의 위상을 높이고자 했다. 이런 점에서 ‘스웨트남 논쟁’에 참여한 여성옹호론자들은 페미니즘을 향한 첫걸음을 내딛었다고 볼 수 있다. The querelle des femmes from which the voices for women raised for the first time in public was a starting point of the feminist history in England. The noticeable counterattack of women against the traditional misogynist viewpoints was started in the so-called ``Swetnam Controversy`` in the 1610s. Because Swetnam blamed and denigrated women intensely. He spreaded misogynist thoughts widely, mainly targeting at the middle class. The defenders of women such as Rachel Speght, Ester Sowernam, and Constantia Munda refuted his misogynist arguments and defended the value of women. They tried not only to recover the dignity of women, but also to suggest the superiority of women, pointing out mistakes in his text and reinterpreting scriptural phrases. Despite the significance of their voices due to their earliest activities to announce feminine responses over the debate, however, they lacked critical perspective of the states of women in their time, while still remaining in adopting the natural differences between man and woman. However, we can`t underestimate their contribution to the development of a feminism. In these days, ``Swetnam Controversy`` is important in that they defended themselves and other women by woman voice. They reevaluated the nature and capacity of women and raised women`s pride, perceiving women as a disadvantaged group. The advocates for woman in ``Swetnam Controversy`` thus took the first step toward feminism.

      • KCI등재

        『로빈슨 크루소』와 부르주아 남성성

        배혜정(Bae, Hye jeong) 부산경남사학회 2017 역사와 경계 Vol.104 No.-

        디포의 『로빈슨 크루소』는 18세기 영국의 사회와 경제, 종교의 층위를 넘나드는 다면적인 지형도를 풍성히 그려낸 고전으로 읽혀 왔다. 하지만 젠더적 투시경으로 작품을 들여다보면, 신을 통해 거듭나는 크루소의 변모를 강조하건 근대적 ‘경제적 인간’ 혹은 제국주의자의 전형으로 해석하건 기존의 대립적인 견해들은 당대 ‘부르주아 남성성’이라는 수원으로 수렴된다. 이에 본고는 이 작품에서 젠더와 계급, 인종적 구별 짓기라는 방법론으로 18세기 영국의 부르주아 남성성이 구성되는 과정과 역사성을 읽어냈다. 『로빈슨 크루소』에서 디포는 강인한 남성으로 거듭나는 크루소를 통해 도약을 꿈꾸는 부르주아 남성성을 그려낸다. 고립무원의 섬에서 두려움에 떨던 크루소는 온갖 고난을 겪으며 식인종도 물리치는 강인한 사내로 탈바꿈한다. 그런데 크루소가 절대권을 휘두르는 존재가 되는 데는 자신의 노력과 희생이 다가 아니었다. 크루소는 여성성을 상징하는 섬과 섬의 부산물을 통해, 주변의 동물 가족을 통해, 또 식민지인 노예를 통해 강인한 남성성을 획득할 수 있었다. 한마디로 남성도 ‘태어나는 것이 아니라 만들어진다.’ 디포의 시대 부르주아 남성성은 젠트리 남성성의 가치를 전유하면서도 견제하는 한편, 여성성과 하층 계급 남성성, 다른 인종 남성성과의 차별화 전략 속에서 정체성을 만들어 가고 있었다. 여기서 부르주아 백인 남성성에 대해 타자로 정의된 여러 젠더범주들은 서로 교차되고 혼합되기도 한다. 이런 과정을 통해 형성된 부르주아 남성성은 이후 젠트리 남성성을 포섭하며 지배적인 남성성으로 도약할 것이었다. The purpose of this paper is to examine a construction of the bourgeois masculinity in 18th century England by looking at Daniel Defoe’s works from three viewpoints of gender, class, and race. I has focused particularly on Robinson Crusoe(1719) describing adventures of a hero from middle class and The Complete English Tradesman(1726/27) explaining the quality and skill of a big merchant. Robinson Crusoe, who had been frozen with fear on a remote island, was reborn a strong man through a variety of hardships. His success is due to his own hard work and effort, but that"s not all. He gains complete masculinity thanks to island as a female metaphor, animal family, and colonists. In short, Man also is made, not born. In 18th century England, the bourgeois masculinity is constructed out of otherization of femininity and marginal masculinities.

      • KCI등재

        성의학서 『아리스토텔레스의 걸작』(1684)으로 본 근대 초 여성 섹슈얼리티 담론

        배혜정 ( Bae Hye-jeong ) 한국여성사학회 2024 여성과 역사 Vol.0 No.40

        본 논문의 목적은 근대 초 대중의학서 『아리스토텔레스의 걸작』에 대한 젠더적 접근을 통해 당대 여성 섹슈얼리티 담론의 한 단면을 읽어내는 것이다. 이 책은 임신과 출산 정보를 제공하는 기능에 더하여, 성 가이드로 수용되며 근대 초 대중 의학서 중 가장 많은 판매와 재간행을 기록한 책이었다. 그럼에도 ‘싸구려 표절 책’으로 폄하되어 학술적 관심을 크게 받지는 못했다. 하지만 2세기 이상 풍미한 책의 인기와 대중성을 고려하고 여성의 몸과 생식에 중점을 둔 책 내용을 감안할 때, 여성 섹슈얼리티에 대한 대중 담론을 읽어내기에 적합한 책이다. 책에서 드러난 섹슈얼리티 인식은 여성의 ‘무성욕’으로 대변되는 근대의 태도와 확연히 구별되는 인상적인 지점을 보여준다. 섹슈얼리티의 목적을 두 성의 결합인 ‘생식’으로 정의하며, 여성의 생식능력을 인정할 뿐 아니라 성욕과 성적 쾌락을 당연한 것으로 전제했기 때문이다. 따라서 책에는 섹슈얼리티에 대한 근대적 수치심도 병리학적 사고도 없으며, 여성의 성욕을 억압하는 어떤 징후도 나타나지 않는다. 오히려 여성은 건강을 위해서 성욕을 더 발산해야 할뿐더러, 실제로도 씨를 사정하는 동시에 수용하기에 남성보다 두 배의 성적 쾌락을 경험하는 존재로 그려졌다. 물론 책의 기본 논지가 젠더 위계적인 체액론에 기초했던 탓에, 남성을 잣대로 여성 생식을 설명하고 여성의 몸과 섹슈얼리티에 대한 부정적 시선도 곳곳에 묻어난다. 하지만 젠더 차별적인 인식 속에서도 여성 생식과 섹슈얼리티를 능동적으로 이해한다는 점에서, 『아리스토텔레스의 걸작』은 근대 초 여성 섹슈얼리티에 대한 대중 담론의 고유성을 보여주는 하나의 지표로 역할 한다. This paper aims to examine the public discourse on female sexuality in Aristotle’s Masterpiece, the most popular sexology book of the early modern period. The perspective on female sexuality presented in this book is strikingly distinct from the modern attitude of women’s sexlessness. This not only recognized women’s reproductive capacity but also assumed that women’s sexual desire and sexual pleasure were natural for the purpose of procreation. Consequently, there was no modern shame or pathologizing of sexuality, nor was there a suppression of women’s sexuality. Rather, women are described as needing to be more sexually active for their health, and as actually experiencing twice the sexual pleasure of men because they can ejaculate and receive seeds at the same time. Of course, since Aristotle’s Masterpiece was based on a gender-hierarchical theory of humors, it explains female reproduction in terms of men, and it also shows some negative attitudes towards women’s bodies and sexuality. However, it is evident that Aristotle’s Masterpiece represents a strong and active, if sometimes threatening, understanding of female fertility and sexuality. This paradox in Aristotle’s Masterpiece may be indicative of the nature of public discourse on female sexuality in the early modern period.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 초 영국 페미니즘의 다른 목소리 - 『프리우먼』의 ‘진보적’ 페미니즘

        배혜정 ( Bae Hye Jeong ) 부산대학교 여성연구소 2019 여성학연구 Vol.29 No.2

        The aim of this study is to find the different feminist voices in early twentieth century England by analyzing a critical journal The Freewoman that was published between November 1911 and October 1912. The Freewoman was a feminist weekly magazine that Dora Marsden founded in order to voice critiques of the WSPU and advanced feminist thoughts. The magazine dealt with controversial issues such as marriage, free love, and sexuality. In addition to political rights, it reflected the diverse needs and desires of women in social, economic and cultural aspects. Furthermore, the magazine hold an open forum to discuss all of these topics, creating the repercussions. Although its circulation was small, it had a significant influence in modernist circles and feminist societies. Notably, debates on the suffrage and sexuality in the magazine can be seen as an attempt to define the value and meaning of feminism, separate from the suffrage movement through ‘individualist planning,’ not long after the birth of ‘feminism.’ The feminist beliefs and ideals in The Freewoman anticipated the thoughts of future feminism such as social feminism and radical feminism that would developed afterwards.

      • KCI등재

        주물사업장 내 공기중 화학적 유해인자 노출 평가

        배혜정 ( Hye Jeong Bae ),남미란 ( Mi Ran Nam ),이상만 ( Sang Man Lee ),정유진 ( Yu Jin Jung ),손병현 ( Byung Hyun Shon ),피영규 ( Young Gyu Phee ),정종현 ( Jong Hyeon Jung ) 한국환경과학회 2015 한국환경과학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        This study was performed to identify the state of the exposure and characteristics of pollutants by each process at 4 casting sites located in Gyeongsang-do from April to November 2013. The concentrations of methanol, crystallized silica glass, formaldehyde and phenol were analyzed by different process - casting process, molding process, core process, and shakeout & finishing process. The highest concentration of methanol was found in casting and molding process, whereas the highest concentration of crystalline quartz(Silica) was observed in core process. The most oxidized steel dusts and the highest concentration of fume were found in shakeout & finishing process. As a result of this study, those labors working at the casting site were found to be constantly exposed to various forms of hazardous chemicals; therefore, it is considered that this is the time to manage and plan how to reduce them. In addition, it is required to thoroughly manage the local exhauster, and improve the process and working environment to reduce various forms of hazardous chemicals.

      • KCI등재

        자동차의 제품 품질, 서비스 품질이 서비스 충성도, 제품 충성도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        배혜정 ( Hye Jeong Bae ),임호순 ( Hosun Rhim ),신호정 ( Hojung Shin ),양인석 ( In Seok Yang ),유석천 ( Seuck Cheun Yoo ) 한국품질경영학회 2012 품질경영학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Purpose: We measure service quality based on service process and examine relationships among product quality product and service loyalty. Methods: We develop a construct to evaluate process based service quality. We collect data from customers of auto maintenance centers to measure perceived product quality service and product quality. We test relationships between constructs using structural equation model and regression analysis. Results: Relationships among perceived-product quality service quality service loyalty and product loyalty are all significant. Conclusion: Perceived-product quality has a indirect impact through service quality and loyalty in addition to a direct impact on product loyalty.

      • KCI등재

        여성, 바지를 입다: 빅토리아기 합리주의 복식개혁운동

        배혜정(Bae, Hye-Jeong) 부산경남사학회 2020 역사와 경계 Vol.117 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 빅토리아기 합리주의 복식개혁운동 중에서도 가장 큰 논란과 반향을 일으킨 ‘여성바지 캠페인’을 당대의 맥락 속에 위치시켜 페미니즘 역사속에서 재평가하는 것이다. 그간 합리주의 복식개혁운동은 상반된 평가를 받아왔다. 한편에서는, 여성 예속의 상징인 코르셋을 폐기하고 바지 같은 실용적인 여성복을 대안으로 제시함으로써 당대 여성 패션의 문제, 나아가 여성 전반의 문제를 과감히 지적한 점에서 페미니즘 운동으로서의 가치를 상당히 인정받았다. 다른 한편에서는 순결과 정숙, 모성을 대의로 내세움으로써 여성성 및 여성 섹슈얼리티를 억압한 ‘반페미니즘 운동’이라는 반론도 만만치 않았다. 하지만 기존 연구는 공히 복식개혁가들의 다면적인 지향성을 크게 구별하지 않았을 뿐만 아니라, 젠더와 계급 둘 다를 아우르는 맥락 속에서 복식개혁을 제대로 평가하지 못하는 아쉬움이 있었다. 이에 본 연구는 영미권에서 합리주의 복식개혁을 상징했던 블루머(bloomers)와 치마바지(divided skirts)를 중심으로 복식개혁 과정을 꼼꼼히 추적하는 한편, 이런 개혁의상에 대한 반응을 면밀히 분석했다. 그 결과, 페미니스트 복식개혁가들이 기반한 (도)덕성은 빅토리아기 중상류계급의 젠더규범이 투영된 결과인 동시에 운동의 원동력이기도 했음이 드러났다. 그리고 이들에 대한 주요한 공격 지점은 순결과 정숙을 강조한 도덕성이 아니라, 남성의 권력을 넘본다는 ‘비도덕성’이었다. 곧 ‘바지’에 담긴 강력한 젠더적 함의로 인해 ‘여성바지 캠페인’은 ‘페미니즘’과 ‘남성성’ 둘 다를 추구하는 것으로 비치며 신랄한 조롱과 공격을 받았다. 이런 연유로 유행패션 그 자체를 대체하려는 운동의 주요 목표는 달성하지 못했다. 하지만 몸의 움직임을 극대화한 바지를 통해 여성의 자유 및 권리 향상을 시도한 점에서, ‘바지 캠페인’을 펼친 복식개혁가들은 남성의 권리, 곧 ‘인간의 권리’를 선구적으로 추구한 ‘빅토리아기 페미니스트’로 자리매김할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to reevaluate historically the dress reform movement for women’s trousers, which caused many controversies and responses in the Victorian era. While some historians argue that dress reform was a feminist movement for women’s rights advocates, others argue that dress reform used traditional gender norms to oppress women and was ‘anti-feminist movement.’ However, existing studies have not only put aside differences among dress reformers, but also failed to properly evaluate the dress reform in the context of both gender and class. Therefore, this study traced the process of dress reform and closely analyzed backlash against it, centering on campaign for bloomers and divided skirts which symbolized rational dress reform in the British and American world. The morality which feminist dress reformers emphasized was the driving force of the movement as well as the gender norms of the Victorian middle and upper classes. They were censured not for ‘morality’ emphasizing purity and chastity of women, but for ‘immorality’ that tried to seize man’s power. The dress reform movement for women’s trousers was seen as pursuing both ‘feminism’ and ‘masculinity’. Although they failed to achieve their main goal to replace fashion itself, feminist dress reformers deserve to be deemed as ‘Victorian feminists’ who recognized trousers as means to improve women’s health, freedom, and rights and pursued the ‘men’s rights’ or ‘human rights’.

      • KCI등재

        코르셋을 입은 ‘집안의 천사’: 빅토리아 시기 ‘코르셋 논쟁’과 여성담론

        배혜정 ( Bae¸ Hye-jeong ) 대구사학회 2020 대구사학 Vol.140 No.-

        This study aims to find the correlation of corsetry and “the angel in the house” in the Victorian “corset controversy.” This controversy covered a number of conflicting arguments, showing the complexity of discourses on Victorian female body and sexuality. Previous researches were largely divided into claims that corsetry was the “instrument of oppression of women” and that it implied the sexual liberation. This paper revaluated the corset controversy, revealing the ambivalent role of corset in constructing Victorian femininity and female sexuality. Despite numerous attacks against corset made by doctors and feminists, the winner of the controversy was corsetry. On the one hand, the triumph of corsetry may have been due to its ability to reconstruct femininity and sexuality in aesthetic, moral and sexual aspects. On the other hand, the arguments of corset criticism were distorted or weak. In particular, excluding arguments of feminist dress reformers, many of the anti-corset arguments, whether health or moral, stood on the side of the dominant gender ideology, supporting the role of corset in strengthening an appropriate Victorian femininity. It was also inevitable that the subversive character of corsets against the dominant female sexuality discourse would be greatly weakened. In short, the Victorian corset displayed its ability to complete the beauty as well as the virtue of “the angel in the house.”

      • KCI등재

        결혼에 대한 메리 아스텔(1666-1731)의 비판적 고찰

        배혜정 ( Hye Jeong Bae ) 대구사학회 2015 대구사학 Vol.119 No.-

        At the beginning of eighteenth century, Astell asked, ``If all Men are born Free, how is it that all Women are born Slaves?`` While she is a famous proto-feminist today, Astell was well-known as a pamphleteer for the Anglican Church and Tory in her time. It is her Reflections on marriage(1700) that contains her contradictory thoughts. The recent scholars have claimed that Astell``s Reflections is a political work criticizing Whig contractrianism rather than a feminist work criticizing traditional marriage. But I think they failed to note that marriage and family were hotly disputed topics of public debate in Astell``s time. My purpose is to revaluate Astell``s contribution to the development of feminism, situating her Reflections in the contexts of the querelle de femmes and the political debate in her time. Astell regarded a marriage as a form of slavery in the Lockean sense. Her criticism is like killing two birds with one stone. One is to undermine contract theories of political right. The other is to expose the real condition of a marriage. Furthermore, Astell told women the wisdom of avoiding an unhappy marriage. Reading her message literally, she advises women to receive a higher education in order to choice a marriage seriously. Reading it deeply, she encourages women to receive a higher education and to have a higher purpose in life than to marry. Astell contributed to the advance of the proto-feminism, not merely by refuting misogynist points at their time, but also by recognising the inferior situation of women and arguing for the elevation of their status. (Pusan National University / imbaessi@daum.net)

      • KCI등재

        17세기 영국 초기페미니시트, 바슈아 메이킨 (Bathsua Makin)의 여성교육론

        배혜정(Bae Hye-Jeong) 효원사학회 2008 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.34

        As pamphlets criticizing a culture that viewed woman as the weaker vessel and advocating women's education had published in the seventeenth century, what is called "the controversy over women's education" started. Bathsua Makin was the first English woman who entered into the controversy. Makin, a highly educated woman, was referred to as "England's most learned lady." In her An Essay to Revive the Ancient Education of Gentlewomen(1673) advertising her school, Makin attacked on the custom of "breeding women low" and argued for the equal right of women to obtain an education. However, Makin have been criticized because of her acceptance of woman ideology that regarded women as subordinated to man, her use of a masculine persona, and her call for the education of rich women. But, in consideration of a historical context which had reinforced the sexual discrimination according to public and private spheres, and the current of "Querelle des Femmes" in seventeenth-century England, it seems that criticisms of Makin's arguments have the possibility of misunderstanding. The purpose of this paper is to convey the meaning of Makin's arguments for women's education exactly by examining her An Essay closely. Makin sometimes negotiated and sometimes challenged woman ideology of those days in order to realize her purpose, women's education. First, Makin stressed the need of women's learning by using various rhetorical methods. For example, the male voice gave Makin more freedom and was effective in supporting her pro-education argument. Second, Makin argued that regardless of status, economic condition, and marriage, all women had to learn. Her arguments contributed to the emerging criticism of woman's position in domestic and public spheres in seventeenth-century England.

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