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이근배(Keun Bae Lee),배한일(Han Il Bae),이인혁(In Hyuk Lee),최형연(Hyung Yun Choi) 대한기계학회 2005 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2005 No.11
Head/Brain injury suffered from traffic accident has been usually assessed by HIC, Head Injury Criterion. HIC was formulated based on the statistical data of acceleration pulse applied to head and its injury outcomes. Because of the limited feature of HIC, it is known that there exists significant disagreement between prediction and actual occurrence of the injury. Human brain models with anatomical details have been adopted in this study in order to improve the understanding of head/brain injury mechanism. Contrary to the crash dummy, human body models provides additional injury measures such as CSDM, RMDM, DDM which are closely correlated with more physiological head/brain injuries. Three cases of head/brain injury analysis, free motion head form, side impact, and pedestrian impact have been selected to exhibit the application of human body models into the practical vehicle design process. The injury predictions obtained from human body models were then comparatively investigated for more bio-fidelic assessment of head/brain damage.
보행자 머리상해 저감용 액티브 후드 리프트 시스템 개발 연구
이근배(Geun-Bae Lee),배한일(Han-Il Bae),정한조(Han-Jo Jung) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
Up to recently severe pedestrian injury and death cases are seldom decreased because the structure of vehicles are increasingly stiffened to protect the driver and passenger. To overcome this problem, in this study the active hood lift system is developed composed of detecting sensor, algorithm, ECU and the actuator which lifts the hood. The operating time and the function of the discrimination of the pedestrian during impact are checked out after the developed system is integrated into the vehicles. Finally, the distinct decreasing of child headform injury could be identified through the EURO-NCAP headform tests and CAE simulations.
이근배(Keun Bae Lee),배한일(Han Il Bae),이인혁(In Hyuk Lee),최형연(Hyung Yun Choi) 한국자동차공학회 2005 한국자동차공학회 Symposium Vol.- No.-
Head/Brain injury suffered from traffic accident has been usually assessed by HIC, Head Injury Criterion. HIC was formulated based on the statistical data of acceleration pulse applied to head and its injury outcomes. Because of the limited feature of HIC, it is known that there exists significant disagreement between prediction and actual occurrence of the injury. Human brain models with anatomical details have been adopted in this study in order to improve the understanding of head/brain injury mechanism. Contrary to the crash dummy, human body models provides additional injury measures such as CSDM, RMDM, DDM which are closely correlated with more physiological head/brain injuries. Three cases of head/brain injury analysis, free motion head form, side impact, and pedestrian impact have been selected to exhibit the application of human body models into the practical vehicle design process. The injury predictions obtained from human body models were then comparatively investigated for more bio-fidelic assessment of head/brain damage.
보행자 머리상해 저감용 Active Hood Lift 메커니즘 개발 연구
이근배(Keunbai Lee),배한일(Han-Il Bae),정한조(Hyun-Tae Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2005 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2005 No.5_2
Recently, pedestrian protection is an important field for research and development. To cover the severe rules for pedestrian protection active hood lift mechanism was developed. Euro-NCAP headform test and equivalent FE simumations are done to check full functioning of this mechanism. Later, combining with detection part including sensor and ECU with algorithm this mechanism will be adapted as the solution of EC Directive phase Ⅱ pedestrian protection rules.
이근배(Keunbai Lee),배한일(Han-Il Bae),이인혁(In-Hyeok Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2004 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
Although whiplash is typically considered as a minor injury of AISI, it has become one of the most important types of injury to occupants due to the frequency of occurrences and the high cost for long-term remedies. In this paper we utilize the finite element simulation method to look into injury mechanism and design the seats mitigating whiplash injury. Based on the anatomical geometry and material properties from opened cadavers test data, we have developed a finite element model of human cervical spine. Using the calibrated seat and developed neck model, we have simulated the sled tests of rear end impacts under the various injury causing conditions. Through these simulations we evaluate the injury level of base seat. With the results of simulation results under various seat conditions we show that it is possible to suggest the guidelines for designing whiplash protective seats by adopting these numerical procedures.
박경택(Kyung-Taek Park),신문균(Moon-Kyun Shin),이근배(Keun-Bae Lee),배한일(Han-Il Bae),박경진(Gyung-Jin Park) 한국자동차공학회 2005 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2005 No.5_2
The majority of pedestrian fatalities and injuries are caused by vehicle-pedestrian accidents. Recently, it has been recognized as a serious problem. Injuries of occupants in a vehicle have been decreased considerably. However, efforts for protection of pedestrians are still insufficient. These days, many advanced industries are striving for a better protection of pedestrians by using an active hood lift system, rather than reforming the existing structure. In this research, the active hood lift system is designed to enhance the performance for protection. The active hood lift system is analyzed by using the nonlinear finite element method. An optimization problem is formulated by incorporation of the analysis results. Orthogonal arrays are utilized to solve the formulated problem. An iterative optimization algothrithm using orthogonal arrays is utilized for design in the discrete space. It is found that the method can remarkably decrease the number of function evaluations.
RCAR 저속 충돌시 Crash Zone 설계에 관한 연구
김헌영(Heon Young Kim),김상범(Sang Bum Kim),강우종(Woo Jong Kang),배한일(Han-il Bae) 한국자동차공학회 2003 한국자동차공학회 Symposium Vol.2003 No.5
The impact energy in low speed crash must be absorbed locally in the front structure with no damage in the rear part of an auto-body. The repair cost in a low speed crash could be reduced by establishing energy absorbing element such as a crash box. The front structure of an auto-body should be designed to reduce the repair cost in a low speed crash accident. The strength and energy absorbing ability of a crash box is also related with 5mph bumper performance. A compromised solution is acquired to satisfy the 5mph bumper and 15kph crash performance. Finally, to improve the repairability of crash zone, separable crash box and foam filled crash box was proposed.