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        딸기 검은 무늬병(病)(Alternaria alternata(Fr.) Keissler)에 관한 연구(硏究) (2) -배양적(培養的) 성질(性質), 영양생리(營養生理) 및 살균제(殺菌劑)의 방제(防除) 효과(效果)에 대하여-

        조종택 ( Chong Taik Cho ),배태웅 ( Tae Ung Bae ),하상영 ( Sang Young Hah ),한희세 ( Hee Se Han ),문병주 ( Byung Joo Moon ) 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 1981 石堂論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        딸기 검은 무늬病菌, Alernaria alternate (Fr.) Keissler의 몇가지 培養的 性質, 營養生理 및 葉劑防除 效果에 대하여 實驗한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 供試菌의 菌叢빛깔은 菌株, 培地, 溫度, vitamin 및 炭素源에 따라 差가 있었다. 2. 公試菌의 K-3菌株는 一般的으로 溫度, 培地, 炭素源 및 vitamin에 관계없이 K-2와 J-1菌株에 비하여 菌絲生長 速度가 빠르고 分生胞子가 많이 形成되었다. 3. 公試菌의 菌絲生長은 菌株 모두 天然培地에서는 良好하여 PDA에서 가장 效果的이었고 다음은 V-8 Agar, CMA의 順이었고 合成培地에서는 K-3菌株는 生長하였으나 K-2, J-1菌株는 극히 不良하였다. 分生胞子 形成은 菌株 모두 V-8 Agar에서 가장 많이 形成되었으며 그 외 公試培地에서는 저조하였다. 4. 公試菌의 菌絲生長과 分生胞子形成 溫度범위는 10~35℃이며 最適溫度는 28℃ 부근이었다. 5. 公試菌의 J-1, K-2菌株는 菌絲生長에 thiamine 결핍 菌株이었으나 K-3菌株는 pyridoxine 첨가에 의하여 生長이 촉진되는 경향이었다. 分生胞子形成은 菌株 모두 pyridoxine 添加에 의하여 촉진 되었고 inositol, biotin도 效果的 이었으나 thiamine은 오히려 胞子形成을 억제하였다. 6. 菌絲生長은 thiamine 濃度間에 뚜렷한 차이가 없었고 分生胞子形成은 K-3菌株에서는 pyridoxine 120r/l, J-1, K-2菌株에서는 100r/l에서 最高形成量을 나타내었다. 7 公試菌의 J-1, K-2菌株는 供試한 7種의 炭素源 모두 thiamine 또는 thiamine과 pyridoxine이 存在하지 않는한 菌絲生長과 分生胞子形成에 效果가 없었다. thiamine 添加될 경우 菌株 모두 菌絲生長에 있어서는 多糖類인 dextrin과 starch에서 가장 效果的이었고 分生胞子形成에 있어서도 多糖類인 starch, dextrin, 複糖類인 maltose, sucrose가 가장 效果的이었다. 8. 公試葉劑中 菌株에 관계없이 zineb, zimaneb가 本 病의 防除에 가장 效果的이었고 다음은 crovral, polpan, daconil, captan順이었다. The experiments were carried out to investigate the cultural characteristics, nutritional physiology and chemical control of Alternaria alternata, the causal fungus of strawberry black leaf spot. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The color of colony surface of the fungus varied with the isolates, culture media, temperatures, vitamins, and carbon sources. 2. Of the 3 isolates tested, in general, isolate K-3 grew better and produced more conidia than did the other two isolates. 3. Of the 5 media tested, P.D.A. gave the most radial growth, followed by V-8 Agar and C.M.A., Richard`s Agar and Czapek`s Agar were the least, whereas isolate K-3 grew well on 2 synthetic media. Most conidia formed on V-8 Agar. 4. Optimum temperature for the mycelial growth and conidial formation of the fungus was near 28℃. 5. Of the 3 isolates tested, isolate J-1 and K-2 were thiamine-deficient organism, but isolate K-3 didn`t require thiamine-hydrochloride. Pyridoxine hydrochloride was the most effective on conidial formation of all 3 isolates, followed by inositol and biotin. 6. No statistically significant differences were convinced among the concentration of thiamine-hydrochloride for the mycelial growth and the oprimum concentration of pyridoxine-hydrochloride for the conidial formation was about 120r/l in isolate K-3, and 100r/l in isolates K-2 and J-1. 7. Seven kinds of carbon sources tested were not utilized by isolate J-1 and K-2, so far as thiamine-hydrochloride was not added. When thiamine-Lydrochloride was added, dextrin and soluble starch were the most favorable for the mycelial growth. In the conidial formation, soluble starch, dextrin, maltose and sucrose were the most effective. 8. Under the condition of artificial infection, zineb and zimaneb were the most effective in controling the strawberry black leaf spot and followed by roval, polpan, daconil and captan.

      • 釜山地方의 土壤徵小節足運動 分布調査에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ)

        裵泰雄 東亞大學校 1983 東亞論叢 Vol.20 No.3

        우리나라 南部地方인 부산지역의 密度와 場所에 따른 微小土壤節足動物에 관한 調査를 實施한 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 범어사.통도사에서는 Acarina와 Collembola가 大部分이었으며 Acarina에는 Oribatei가 51.1%로 主種을 이루었다. Collembola는 8, 10地點과 13,14,15地點이 각각 優勢하엿다. 2. 태종대에서는 Acarina보다 Collembola가 많았으며 Collembola에는 Isotomidae가 69.1%로 가장 많았고 7,8,9,10,12地點이 優勢하였다. 3. 美小土壤節足動物의 全個體中 Acarina와 Collembola가 96.4%로 大部分을 차지하였으며 其他의 土壤動物은 3.5%에 불과하였다. 4. 以上의 實驗 結果에 의하여 有機物 咸量, 土壤濕度, pH에따라 土壤動物의 分布量에 많은 差異가 나타났으며 好酸性에 Collembola 의 集團棲息도 확인되었다. This study was corducted to investigate the density and location on the soil micro-arthropods in south-parts of Korea. results were obtained as follows; 1. At Mt But-ae and Tong--do temple. Acari and collembola was the most abundant orbatei in acari was the most abundant and they occupied the percentage of 51.1%, Collembola was respectively dominant at the collected sites 8.10 (Bum-ae temple) 13,14,15 (Tong-do temple) 2. At tae-Jong Dae Collembola was dominant than Acari isotomidae in collembola was the the most dominant with 69% (the collected sites 7,8,9,10,12,) 3. Acari and collembola of the total individuals of soil mico-arthropods was occupied of 96.4% and other soil microartiropods amounted to 3.5%. 4. According to organic material soil moisture pH, the invidual numbers of soil insect wase very variant. collective in habitation of acidophilic collembola was also comformed.

      • 抵抗性 벼 品種을 加害할 수 있는 벼멸구 生態型에 관한 硏究

        朴永道,裵泰雄 東亞大學校 1989 東亞論叢 Vol.26 No.1

        A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the distribution ratio of the biotypes of brown planthopper(BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stal, migrated into the rice field of Korean peninsula from southern Chinese continent during the rice crop growing season, the feeding amount, and the emergence rate of BPH biotypes fed on 60 to 70-day-old rice cultivars with different resistance genes. The percent biotype distribution of the female BPH collected in southern coastal regions of Korean peninsula showed that in 1986, 1987, and 1988 the BPH biotype-1 was predominant species accounting for 61.2%, 59.7%, and 52.4%, respectively. Whereas biotype-2 was 21.9%, 29.7%, and 26.2%, and biotype-3 was 17.0%, 12.6%, and 21.4%, respectively. Since Indonesian rice cultavars, IR 36, Cisadane, and Krueng Aceh, to the BPH female adults collected in southern coastal regions of Korean peninsula were shown partially susceptible reaction, the primary source seems to be migrated from the tropics to Korea by way of southern China and the subtropics. The feeding amount of biotype-2 on Cheongcheongbyeo with resistant Bph 1 gene and biotype-3 on Milyang 63 with resistant bph 2 gene was as high as Milyang 23 with no resistant gene. But Gayabyeo with resistant Bph 1 and bph 2 gene was highly resistnat to biotype-1,2,and3. The emergence ratio of the three BPH biotypes on Milyang 23 was higher than on the other rice cultivars, and that of biotype-2 on Cheongcheongbyeeo and biotype-3 on Milyang 63 was as high as on Milyang 23.

      • SO₂ gas 가 釜山近郊의 街路樹에 미치는 影響

        裵泰雄,韓熙世 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1984 硏究報告 Vol.7 No.2

        The sulfur contents in leaves of street trees in Pusan city showed a remarkably higher value than those of the leaves in the non-polluted areas. Popular and Firmiana platanifolia showed the highest sulfur contents of leaves whereas those of Ginkgo bi-lola showed the least values. The sulfur contents in the leaves of the needle leaf tree in Busan city were higher than of those of the broad leaf tree. The leaves picked on August on may and November showed higher sulfur contents than those of leaves picked.

      • 燐酸質 强化堆肥의 分肥施用이 水稻의 收量 및 收量構成要素에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究...(基1) : Correlation of residual humus in soil and some factors related with yields. 旣存 土壤腐植 및 收量 構成要因調査

        金正基,裵泰雄 東亞大學校 1967 東亞論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        "燐酸質 强化堆肥의 分肥施用이 水稻의 燐酸利用度에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究" -(基1) (旣存土壤腐植 및 收量 構成要因 調査) 1. 基礎調査 ① 處理區의 酸性度는 實驗後에 大體로 0.5程度 pH 값이 中性에 가까워졌다.(5.5→6.0) ② 試驗前後의 生性은 處理內容에 따라 變化가 없었다. ③ 試驗前의 土壤中에 旣存하는 腐植含量을 檢定한 값은 2.0~2.3% 範圍였다. ④ 10穗當 粒 重量(乾物重)으로 본 P₂O??質 50% 增肥 및 强化 堆肥의 基追肥 處理 效果는 Chai(Z) 檢定에서 有意性이 없는 結論이었다.(Z²=0.137<3.84=P0.05) 그런데, 對比區와의 比率은 18% 程度의 間接 收量의 增收가 認定되었다. 2. 旣存 有機物 含量과 作況(結實期) ① 有機物 含量과 株當穗數와는 γ=0.67*>0.66=γ0.05)라는 正의 相關이 認定되었으며 Y=0.99X +1.36이라는 回歸가 成立되었다. ② 有機物 含量과 收量, 草長, 穗粒數와는 有意性있는 結論이 認定되지 않았다. (相關關係調査에서) 3. 結實形成要因(作況) 相互關係 ① 稈長과 穗粒重間에는 B區에서 負의 相關係數(γ= -0.438*>0.361=γ0.05, df. =28)가 有意性을 보였으며, 回歸도 또한 Y=1.35-0.037X 였다. ② 粒數와 粒重間에는 A, B, C區 共히 γ=0.581**, γ=0.439**, γ=0.901라는 1% 水準의 高度의 有意性이 認定되었으며, 回歸式도 또한 Y=0.016X + 0.465 (A區) Y=0.0152X + 0.452 (B區) Y=0.0274X + 0.216 (C區) 과 같이 表示되었다. ③ 稈長과 粒數間에는 相關關係가 負로 나타났으며 有意性이 없었다. ④ 株當穗當數와 草長間에는 B區에서 γ=0.641라는 1% 水準의 高度의 有意性 있는 正 相關關係가 認定되었고, A, C區에서는 認定되지 않았다. ⑤ 草長과 穗粒數間에는 A, B區에서 各各 γ=0.9139***, γ=0.693**라는 1% 水準의 有意的인 相關이 認定되었으며 C區에도 γ=0.464<0.514=γ0.05라는 5% 水準에 가까운 相關關係가 認定되었다. 또한 Y=1.75X +0.51 (A區)와 Y=2.49X +0.967 (B區)의 回歸도 認定되었다. 以上에서 草長과 穗粒間에는 有意性있는 正相關이, 그리고 稈長과 粒數間에는 有意性 없는 負의 相關이 認定되었다. ⑥ 草長과 收量間에는 γ=0.69*>0.66(=γ0.05)라는 正相關이, 그리고 Y=0.0293X + 0.602라는 回歸가 認定되었다. 以上에서 草長과 收量間에 有意性있는 正相關이, 그러나 稈長과 穗粒重(收量)間에는 有意性있는 負相關이 認定되는 것이다. ⑦ 各 處理間는 株當穗當數의 調査成績만이 F(처리)=4.52*>3.84(F(0.05))이라는 有意性을 보였으며, (L.S.D(0.05)=5.53) 10穗粒 重量(F=1.19<3.84)과, 草長調査(F=1.07<3.84)그리고 穗粒數(F=2.93<3.84) 등은 統計學的인 有意性있는 結論이 못 되었다. 1.Fundamental Survey ① The pH on treated plots have a tendency to neutralize the value of approximately 5.5 to 6.0. ② In Oil texture of each plot before and after the experiments there was not a big change according to each treatment. ③ Soil humans contents identified before the experimental treatments, have the range of about 2.0~2.3 percentage. ④ Treating efficiency of the enriched manure multiplied by 50% of superphosphate and applied partially was showed statistically significant conclusion (X²=0.137<384=p, 0.05), but 18% of increased yield in grain were convinced as compared with the control. 2. Residual soil humus and rice status. ① Soil humus contents and head numbers by stump showed positive correlation as (γ=0.67*>0.66=γ0.05), and Y =0.95x + 1.36, the linear regression above. ② Correlation coefficients betwen soil humus(residual) and yield, total length, grain numbers per ear were insignificant. 3. Relation of some factors affected with yields. ① Linear regression and correlation coefficient (negative) between culm-length and grain weight per ear indicated significant effect showing (γ= -0.438*>0.361=γ0.05, df. =28), and Y=1.35-0.037X. ② Between grain numbers and grain weight in all plots (A, B, C), correlation coefficients showed significance of high degree at 1% level indicating γ=0.581**, γ=0.439**, γ=0.901** respectively, and Y=0.016X + 0.465······at plot A Y=0.0152X + 0.452······at plot B Y=0.0274X + 0.216 ······at plotC the above regression equation were approved. ③ No corelation coeficient between culm-length and grain number was approved statistically significant. ④ Between ear numbers and total-length, only in plotB, they showed highly significant correlation coefficient. ( γ=0.641**) ⑤ In plots A, B; total length and grain numbers per ear indicated highly significant correlation coefficient showing γ=0.9139**, and γ=0.693** respectively, and also showed regression equation like below Y=1.75X + 0.51······ A plot Y=2.49X + 0.967······ B plot The following were approved by this; positive correlation coefficient between total length and grain numbers showed significant, and negative correlation coefficient (insignificant) between culum-length and grain numbers. ⑥ Linear regression and correlation coefficient between total length and yields indicated positive significance showing γ=0.69*>0.66(=γ0.05)and Y=0.0293X + 0.602. The following were approved by this; positive correlation coefficnent were significant between total length and yields and negative correlation coeficient were significant between culm-length and yields. ⑦ In each treatment, only the ear-number per stump, respectively showed statistically significant, (F(t) = 4.52*>3.84 ( = F0.05), (L, S, D) = 5.53), and grain weight per 10 ears (F=1.19<3.84), total length(F= 1.07<3.84), grain number per ear (F = 2.93<3.84) were showed insignificant respectively.

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