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      • KCI등재

        러시아의 “권력당”과 한국의 집권여당 비교연구

        배정한(Bae Junghan) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2007 슬라브학보 Vol.22 No.2

        The strong presidentialism is characterized by the ubiquity of informal institutions beneath formal institutions of the 'democratic Rechtsstaat', reflecting unequal power relations among political actors. Although the degree to which the political power is concentrated in the executive and the autonomy of the parliament, the court or the civil society is guaranteed differs from country to country, it is a common feature of the strong presidentialism that political processes are highly informalized. Still, compared to authoritarian regimes, the strong presidentialism obtains its formal legitimation solely through regular elections, and in that sense it also belongs to 'democratized' regimes. Thus political power groups led by or supporting the president are forced to build a pro?government party, likely to take form of a 'presidential party' based on organizational and financial resources of the presidential or governmental administration. It means that a pro?government party plays a role not only in the sphere of formal institutions such as elections and the parliament, but also it is incorporated into informal political processes around the president. Comparing the “Parties of Power” in Russia and the ruling parties in Korea during the post?socialist transformation and the democratic transition, this study have found common factors of the poor institutionalization of political parties and the party system in those countries: shallow experiences of pluralistic party politics, party competitions focused on valence issues, and state?centered 'particularistic' political practices. Above all, the existence of particularistic social networks such as the 'neo?feudalism' or the 'neo?familism' has determined patterns of interactions between the administration led by the president on the one side and the parliament and political parties on the other. Organized under the tutelage of the presidential or governmental administration and on the basis of political cliques led by a strong political figure, a pro?government party under the strong presidentialism may lack the 'autonomy of subsystems' and suffer organizational weakness, easily degenerating into an electoral machine or a control instrument against the parliament. Namely, informal institutional constraints of the strong presidentialism have hindered the institutionalization of political parties and the party system indispensable for the democratic consolidation.

      • KCI등재

        암묵적 요소를 최소화시킨 명시적 운동학습 및 암묵적 운동학습 효과

        배정한 ( Junghan Bae ),김진구 ( Jingu Kim ) 한국스포츠심리학회 2017 한국스포츠심리학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        목적: 본 연구의 목적은 명시적 학습에서 암묵적 요소를 최소화시킨 명시적 학습과 암묵적 학습의 운동학습 효과를 비교하기 위함이었다. 방법: 36명의 피험자들은 암묵적 운동학습 집단, 명시적 운동학습 집단, 통제집단에 각각 12명씩 무작위로 할당되었다. 피험자들은 배드민턴 경험이 없는 여자 중학생으로 구성하였다. 과제는 배드민턴 서브라인에서 반대편 코트에 위치한 목표물을 향하여 쇼트 서브를 정확하게 넣는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 명시적 운동학습 효과와 암묵적 운동학습 효과를 비교하기 위해 습득단계 3(집단) × 4(분단), 파지단계 3(집단) ×2(분단), 그리고 지연파지검사단계에서 3(집단)×2(분단)에서 반복측정분산분석을 하였다. 결과: 연구결과 습득단계에서 암묵적 운동학습 집단이 명시적 운동학습 집단보다 수행이 우수한 것으로 나타났고, 파지단계와 지연파지단계에서도 암묵적 운동학습 집단이 명시적 운동학습 집단보다 오차 값이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare explicit learning strategy where implicit component minimized with implicit learning strategy on the performance and learning of a badminton serve. Methods: Thirty-six middle school students whose age ranged from 13 to 14 years, with a mean age of 13.87 years participated in this study. They were randomly assigned into one of three experiment groups: (1) explicit learning, (2) implicit learning, and (3) control group. All participant had no previous experience in badminton. Task was to serve a badminton shuttlecock from service line to a target placed on the opposite side of court. For acquisition, retention and relay retention, separate 3 x 4 (group x trial block), 3 x 2 (group x trial block), and 3 x 2 (group x trial block) ANOVAs with repeated measures on the last factor was conducted for absolute, variable and constant error on service performance. Results: The results of this investigation revealed that participants in the implicit learning group outperformed the explicit learning group on accuracy and consistency during the acquisition, retention and delayed retention phases. The findings indicated that implicit learning strategy may have more potentials for helping learners while motor skill learning than that of explicit learning strategy.

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