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      • KCI우수등재

        공공커뮤니케이션으로서 정부 광고 분석 연구

        배정근(Pae, Jung-Keun),조삼섭(Jo, Samsup) 한국언론학회 2017 한국언론학보 Vol.61 No.5

        The present study analyzed the previous three government’s advertisements to explore the theme, characteristic, communication style, communication objectives. The content analysis showed that the number of government advertising has become increasing over the governments and the controversial advertising such as propaganda style has been increasing as well. The use of advertising that supports government’s position seems to close to propaganda when the government policy or issues is in the middle of controversial that is not agreed in a society. Public sphere refers to open pro and con side toward the issue and attempt to lead public support in a market of public opinion, The value of the present study lies in the comprehensive data collection of government advertising and overcome previous studies’ weakness such as theme analysis of public advertising. Thus the study attempts to explore the essential purpose with the coding scheme: information, public interest, publicity, and propaganda purpose from the perspective of public communication.

      • KCI우수등재

        정보공개법을 통한 알권리 실현의 한계

        배정근(Jung-Kun Pae) 한국언론학회 2009 한국언론학보 Vol.53 No.1

        The right to know is a new interpretation of constitutional right in which a citizen, who used to be a passive receiver of information, is given the right of active requester of information. The Official Information Disclosure Act(OIDA) was introduced to ensure the people’s right of access to information compiled by public institutions. The main purpose of the study is to empirically evaluate how the OIDA, which has been in effect for 10 years now, as a system, realizes the citizen’s inherent right of free information, and what limitations are revealed. Through a research of the rulings of the Supreme Court on OIDA cases for the past 10 years, it was found that vast majority of cases were the disputes on the legitimacy of non-disclosure decision by public institution based on eight exemptions clause, showing the importance of the clause in OIDA. The Supreme Court has showed a general tendency to value the interest of publicity more than the interest to be closed in these cases, in which the public right to know clashed with other constitutional right or legal interests to be protected from disclosure. Among the cases judged in favor of non-disclosure, personal information was the most common cause. In addition, the ratio of the causes including information related to the protection of administration efficiency and national security was also revealed high. Finally, with a qualitative analysis, this study found that public institutions have tended to interpret exemption rules discretionally at their convenience. This tells some systematic imperfection of the non-disclosure clause. The implications of these findings for future research are discussed.

      • KCI우수등재

        광고가 신문보도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        배정근(Pae Jung-Kun) 한국언론학회 2010 한국언론학보 Vol.54 No.6

        This study examines how and which way advertising influences on news reports and what make differences of it's effect. It finds that most Korean daily newspapers become extremely vulnerable to advertiser's pressure and show tendency to utilize news report as an instrument of attracting advertisement. As the dependency of daily newspapers on advertising revenue has increased, influence of advertisers has been strengthened. While direct pressures of advertiser on news reports was the main concerns of the issue in the past, now internal news control by newspaper company to appease advertisers raises new serious concerns on the integrity of news report. This study also finds that the influence of advertiser varies considerably according to financial condition, type of ownership and ideological tendency of each newspaper company. Even though most journalists think there should be a firewall between newsroom and business activity, they also acknowledge the necessity to help marketing effort of their firms to survive in the crisis of newspaper. But their perception on the issue shows much difference according to company, department and rank.

      • KCI우수등재

        언론인의 외상성 사건 경험과 심리적 외상에 관한 연구

        배정근(Pae, Jung Kun),하은혜(Ha, Eun Hye),이미나(Lee, Mina) 한국언론학회 2014 한국언론학보 Vol.58 No.5

        This study investigated on journalists’ trauma after experiencing the Sewol ferry disaster. The degree of trauma was assessed among journalists who have worked on the news coverage of the Sewol ferry disaster. In addition, relevant variables were considered to examine how the experiencing of the traumatic event vary including the emotional sensation and occasion of being disapproved while covering the Sewol ferry disaster, job perceptions, and the types of journalists. Trauma was measured by the Impact of Event Scale-Revised-Korea and surveyed only with the journalists who have participated with the Sewol ferry disaster coverage (N = 270). The results of the analyses revealed that 45.9% of the sample were considered to suffer from the serious level of trauma. Regarding the effects of relevant variable to IES-R-K, it was found that first, the stronger negative emotion (angry, shocking, sad, frustrated, and guilty) are felt and the more experienced with being disapproved of news reporting, the greater is IES-R-K. Second, some dimensions of job perceptions are associated with IES- R-K: objectivism and macho-ism are positively related to IES-R-K. Finally, no significant differences in IES-R-K were found by the types of journalists. However, photojournalists were less emotional and less experienced with disapproval of news reporting than writer and videojournalists did. This study contributes to body of knowledge of the journalist’ job-related trauma, which has been rarely investigated in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 모바일 뉴스환경과 카드뉴스에 대한 연구

        배정근(Jung Keun Pae) 동국대학교 영상문화콘텐츠연구원 2018 영상문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구는 디지털네트워크 매체 환경에 적합한 방식으로 진화한 뉴스양식이라는 점에 주목해 카드뉴스에 대해 연구했다. 질적 분석과 양적분석을 동시에 실시하여 카드뉴스의 등장과 확산, 성격과 특성을 분석했다. 질적 분석 결과, 카드뉴스는 뉴스형태와 내용, 결정방식 등에서 상호작용을 유도하는 독자 지향적 뉴스라는 점이 파악됐다. 양적 분석 결과, 카드뉴스는 정보적 특성과 주제적 특성에서 모두 기존 기사와 차별화되는 새로운 뉴스 포맷임이 관찰됐다. 특히 카드뉴스는 독자들이 선호하는 공유형 뉴스라는 속성이 강조되는 것으로 분석됐다. This research studied card-news considering that card-news is the format suitable for digital media environment. Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis were conducted at the same time to analyze the emergence and spread of card news, and the characteristics of card news. As the results of the qualitative analysis, it was found that card-news is developed as a reader - oriented news which induces the interactions with readers in the form of formats and contents. The quantitative analysis revealed that in terms of informative features and thematic features, card-news is distinguishable from the traditional news while emphasizing the appeals to audiences.

      • KCI우수등재

        대기업 광고주가 자사 신문기사에 미치는 영향에 대한 기자 인식 연구

        배정근(Jungkun Pae) 한국언론학회 2012 한국언론학보 Vol.56 No.5

        This study aims to explore the influence of large corporate advertisers on news reporting and to investigate whether the organizational characteristics and internal cultures of newspaper companies cause differences on the level of the influence. To achieve this purpose, this study conducted a survey of business news reporters of seven national daily newspapers in Korea. The results show that the financial stability of newspaper companies has positive association with the reporters’ perception on the influence of large corporate advertisers on corporate news reporting. Meanwhile, the ideological position of newspaper companies does not significantly associate with reporters’ perception on the influence of large corporate advertisers. The findings also support the hypothesis that the perceived level of editorial independence may be positively related with the perceived level of advertisers’ influence. In addition, as a reporter thinks its company’s management and senior editors are much concerned about the advertisers, he tends to believe it’s less likely that a serious negative news for large corporate advertisers can be printed. on its newspaper. However, the financial stability of newspaper companies does not affect on reporters’ perception on the practice of connecting news-reports with advertising.

      • KCI등재

        성긴 뉴스그물의 구멍 메우기

        배정근(Jung Kun Pae) 한국언론학회 2018 커뮤니케이션 이론 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구는 그동안 국내 저널리즘 연구에서 전혀 다루지 않았던 뉴스제보의 특징과 취재관행을 이론화하려는 탐색적 시도이다. 이를 위해 한국기자협회의 기자상 공적서에 나타난 제보의 특성을 파악하는 한편 언론사 제보접수시스템 조사와 취재기자 심층면접을 통해 취재관행을 파악했다. 그 결과 제보는 언론의 제도화된 취재원이 아닌 제보자로부터 주로 나오고 사적인 동기와 피해구제 목적에서 기인하며, 인권유린과 안전에 대한 위험, 비리를 고발하는 내용이 많았다. 제보를 취재보도하는 관행에서 언론은 제보의 공적가치와 특종 가능성을 중요시하면서도, 이를 적극적으로 수집하는 체제가 미비하고 뉴스가치에 대해서도 별로 기대하지 않는 소극적 태도를 보였다. 제보자가 제보 매체나 기자를 선택하는 데는 영향력, 기사화 가능성, 제보자 의도 반영, 제보자 비밀 보호 등이 중요하고 이는 결국 신뢰 문제로 귀결된다. 기사화 과정에서 기자들은 여러 윤리적 딜레마에 직면하는데 제보동기와 사실관계를 분리하는 실용적 접근 등으로 이에 대응하지만 이 과정에서 편향되고 부정확한 뉴스가 생산될 위험성이 존재한다. This study is an exploratory attempt to describe and analyze the jaebo practice of Korean news media, which has been in the blind spot of journalism research in Korea until now. Jaebo means to disclose or deliver secret information to news media for publicity. It has considerable similarity with leaks or whistle blowing, but also has some differences. For this objective, content analysis were conducted on records of excellent news gathering stories to find characteristics of jaebo, while in-depth interviews with journalists were paralleled to examine the practice of dealing with jaebo. The results show that jaebo comes mostly from informal sources and inside whistle blowing strongly motivated by personal reasons and damage recovery, and are often concerning human rights abuses, safety issues, and the exposé of corruption. In the practice of turning jaebo into concrete news stories, journalists lay importance on public value of the disclosed information and on creating exclusives stories, and they think a stricter verification process is needed on the disclosed facts in order to check their credibility. The criteria for disclosers choosing media companies or journalists are determined by the companies’ and journalists’ levels of influence, the likelihood of whether the story will be published or not, reflection of the disclosers’ intent in the news, protection of disclosers’ identities, etc., all of which are related to the issue of trust. Journalists face various ethical dilemmas when they transform disclosed information into news articles. Although they respond to such challenges through practical approaches, such as separating the motive behind disclosure from the actual facts, there is a risk that this pratice will lead to biased and inaccurate news.

      • KCI우수등재

        국내 종합일간지와 대기업 광고주의 의존관계 형성과 변화과정

        배정근(Jung Kun Pae) 한국언론학회 2012 한국언론학보 Vol.56 No.4

        This study attempts to analyze the changes of the advertising resource dependence structure of newspapers on large corporate advertisers. For this, an independent research model has been proposed, according to which newspapers and advertisers are in an interdependent relationship with advertising resources and news report resources. Upon analyzing the resource environment, which is determined by factors of munificence (scarcity), dynamics and complexity, it was most stable and predictable during 1980~1987. However, was dramatically deteriorating since 2002, as total amount of resource turned to decline. The interdependence relationship between newspapers companies and large corporate advertisers was formed from late 1970s and maintained mutual dependent relationship type. Large corporate advertisers was difficult to influence on newspaper companies until 1987 because newspaper companies was enjoying upper hand. From 2002 to present, it also has changed to unilateral relationship in which newspapers depend desperately on large corporate advertisers and the advertisers’ influence is maximized.

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