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      • KCI등재

        고속철도교량의 상시재하시험 타당성 분석에 관한 연구

        배석복,박순응,정찬묵 한국철도학회 2020 한국철도학회논문집 Vol.23 No.6

        For the safety assessment of a bridge, detailed guidelines for safety and maintenance of the facility are based on field load tests that calculate the response correction factor from the static and dynamic response ratios. The actual deflection of the static response ratio uses the measured value of the static or pseudo-static test; the actual impact factor applies the maximum impact factor value for each load case by speed of the dynamic load test. However, because highspeed railway bridges have a fixed size load compared to road bridges, it is deemed efficient to utilize the measurement of a regular train (safety inspection train) that operates at 170 km/h per day instead of the static load test when calculating the static response ratio. Therefore, to compare the measured values of static and 170 km/h regular operation trains and to ensure their reliability, structural analysis and field load tests were conducted on a PSC Box Girder Bridge, RPF Composite Bridge, and Steel Box Bridge, which are representative superstructure types of high-speed railway bridges.

      • KCI등재

        들깨 개화후기 질소추비가 수량 및 성분에 미치는 영향

        배석복,이명희,황정동,심강보,김성업,이춘기,백인열 한국작물학회 2012 한국작물학회지 Vol.57 No.4

        유진들깨의 개화기 후 5일에 시용한 질소 추비(4 kg/10a)를 통해 생육특성과 단백질 함량, 지방 함량과 지방산 조성 등을 조사하여 들깨의 수량성과 품질 향상의 가능성을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 등숙기의 추비는 대조구에 비해 경장과 주경 마디수, 가지수, 경직경 등에서는 차이가 거의 없었으나 성숙기가 1일 늦었고, SPAD 값은 48.6으로 대조구보다 85% 더 높고 농녹색을 성숙후기까지 유지하였다. 2. 추비구의 수량구성요소 및 수량에서 화방군길이, 화방 군수, 군당삭수는 근소하게 더 많았으나 1000립중이 3.4 g으로 대조구 보다 0.8 g 더 무거워 종실수량은 123 kg/10a로 60% 더 많았다. 3. 추비구의 단백질함량은 33.3%로서 대조구 보다 11.5%나 많았으며 국내 유전자원 17.9~28.5%(Park, 1996) 범위를 능가하였으며 기름함량은 48.4%로서 6.2%나 더 높아 추비효과가 있었다. 4. 추비에 따른 지방산 조성은 대조구에 비해 포화지방산인 palmitic acid와 stearic acid이 감소하였고, 불포화지방산에서 linolenic acid와 oleic acids는 감소하였으나 linoleic acid는 증가한 경향을 보였다. 5. 이상의 결과로 미루어 보아 들깨의 등숙기는 최적생육량과 연계한 적정질소추비는 수량성과 품질 향상을 위해 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Perilla is an excellent oil crop for linolenic acid production but still needs more research to improve grain yield and chemical properties. We tried to estimate the possibility for improving grain yield and its quality by applying nitrogen top dressing(4kg per 10a) at 5 days after flowering stage of perilla, using a cultivar Yujin. This study investigated the growth characteristics and seed quality. Nitrogen top dressing on the flowering stage has little affected on such traits as length, node number and diameter of main stem, and branch, cluster and capsules numbers per plant. But compared with standard cultivation as a control, top dressing showed more leaf chlorophyll content by 85%, higher 1000-grain-weight by 31%, and one day extension of maturing period; consequently, grain outyielded by 60% with 123kg per 10a. Seed chemical components also showed 33.3% protein and 48% oil contents that were 11.5% and 6.2% higher than those of control, respectively. Also by top dressing, saturated fatty acid (palmitic and stearic acid) decreased and linoleic acid among unsaturated fatty acids increased. It is concluded that nitrogen topdressing at late flowering stage promotes grain yield and quality of perilla.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        조숙 대립 다수성 풋땅콩 ‘자선’

        배석복,박장환,심강보,하태정,이명희,황정동,백인열,이종기 한국육종학회 2014 한국육종학회지 Vol.46 No.3

        간식용 대립 땅콩의 선호도가 높음에 따라 대립 양질 다수성 신품종 육성을 위하여 직립 대립인 ‘YG60’과 조숙 단경인 ‘YG55’를 인공교배하여 ‘Jaseon’육성하였다. ‘자선’은 신풍초형으로 초기 개화가 많고 잎이 농녹색이며 지상부 생장습성은 직립 소분지성이다. 주당 협수는 35개로서 팔광땅콩에 비해 2개 적으나 풋협중이 무겁고, 상품협비율(93%)이 높고, 100립중이 98 g인 대립품종이다. 생육후기까지 도복에 비교적 강한 특성을 나타내며 흑반병, 그물무늬병, 흰비단병에 비교적 강하다. ‘자선’의 조단백 함량이 26.3%, 조지방 함량이 43.2%이고 양질지방산인 올레산과 리놀산을 78.6% 함유하고 있다. ‘자선’은 3년간 지역적응시험 결과 전국평균 풋땅콩수량이 10.21 ton/ha로서 팔광땅콩에 비하여 15% 증수하였고 건조 종실중은 4.37 ton/ha로서 11% 증수하였다. ‘자선’은 대립종이므로 적기에 파종하고, 충분한 성숙을 위하여 성숙기병해 방제에 유의해야 하며 강원도와 산간 고냉지를 제외한 지역에서 적응성이 높은 품종이다. A new peanut variety ‘Jaseon’ (Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata.) was developed by the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2011. This was developed from the cross between the large grain cultivar ‘YG60’ and the short stem cultivar ‘YG55’. ‘Jaseon’, which is a Shinpung plant type, has 11 branch number and 43 cm in main stem length. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long-ellipse shaped large kernel and its 100 seed weight was 98 g in the regional yield trials (RYT). ‘Jaseon’ showed 43.2% of crude oil and 43.0% of oleic acid composition in dry peanut, and had 25.0 mg/g of Sucrose and 4.4 mg/g of tannin content in fresh peanut. In the regional yield trials, ‘Jaseon’ was outyielded by 15% with 10.21 MT/ha for fresh pod and by 11% with 4.37 MT/ha for dry grain, compared those of check variety.

      • KCI등재후보

        단경 직립 내도복 다수성 땅콩 ‘일평’

        배석복,황정동,이명희,하태정,박장환,정영근,박금룡,백인열 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        간식용 대립 땅콩의 선호도가 높음에 따라 대립 양질 다수성 신품종 육성을 위하여 단경 박피 다수성인 ‘팔광’과 직립다수성 ‘유데라카’를 인공교배하여 ‘일평’을 육성하였다. ‘일평’은 버지니아 초형으로 개화기가 빠르고 지상부 생장습성은 단경 다분지성이다. ‘일평’은 ‘대광땅콩’에 비해 성숙협수,협실비율, 100협립수 등 양호한 등숙특성을 보이며 100립중이 85 g인 대립품종이다. ‘일평’의 도복은 매우 강한 특성을나타내며 흑반병, 그물무늬병에 비교적 강하고 낙엽율도 낮아 생육후기까지 녹엽 유지에 유리하였다. ‘일평’은 단백질이27.6%, 기름함량이 49.5%이고 지방산은 올레산과 리놀산이비슷한 비율로 나타났다. ‘일평’을 3년간 지역적응시험 결과‘대광땅콩’에 비하여 전국평균 4.47 ton로서 8% 증수되었다.‘일평’은 경장이 짧고 병해에도 강한 편이나 충분한 성숙을위하여 강원도와 산간 고냉지를 제외한 지역에서 적응성이높은 품종이다. A new peanut variety ‘Ilpyeong’ ( Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2009. This cultivar was developed from a cross between the high-yielding cultivar ‘Palkwang’, and the high quality cultivar ‘Yudelaka’. ‘Ilpyeong’ which is Virginia plant type has 20 branch numbers per plant with long ellipse-shaped large kernel. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and 100 seed weight was 85 g in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 49.5% of crude oil and 27.6% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistance to late leaf spot and web blotch compared with check one. Especially it has resistance to lodging until harvesting owing to short stem and erect plant type. In the regional yield trials ‘Ilpyeong’ was outyielded than the check variety by 8% with 4.47 MT/ha for grain.

      • KCI등재후보

        단경 내도복 다수성 땅콩 신풍종 ‘연풍’

        배석복,황정동,이명희,하태정,심강보,박장환,박금룡,이학동 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회지 Vol.45 No.4

        간식용 대립 땅콩의 선호도가 높음에 따라 단경 대립 다수 성 신품종 육성을 위하여 대립 다수성인 ‘남광’과 ‘U2-12-6’ 의 교잡계통과 단경 품종인 ‘사도노카’를 인공교배하여 육성 한 ‘연풍’의 주요 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. ‘연풍’은 버 지니아 초형으로 개화기가 빠르고 지상부 생장습성은 단경다분지성이다. ‘연풍’은 ‘대광’에 비해 성숙협수, 협실비율, 100협립수, 100립중등 양호한 수량구성요소를 보이며 100립 중이 88 g인 대립품종이고, 도복은 매우 강한 특성을 나타내 며 흑반병, 그물무늬병에 비교적 강하고 낙엽율도 낮아 생육 후기까지 녹엽 유지에 유리하였다. ‘연풍’은 단백질이 31.9%, 기름함량이 49.8%이고 지방산은 올레산과 리놀산의 비율이 같은 특성을 가지고 있다. ‘연풍’은 3년간 지역적응시험 결과 ‘대광’에 비하여 전국 평균 4.81 ton로서 15% 증수되었다. ‘연풍’은 경장이 짧고 병해에도 강한 편이나 충분한 성숙을 위하여 경기북부와 강원도, 산간 고냉지를 제외한 지역에서 적응성이 높은 품종이다. A new peanut variety ‘Yeonpung’ (Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang 2010. This was developed from a cross between a hybrid of ‘Namkwang’ and ‘U2-12-6’, and a short stem cultivar ‘Satonoka’. The ‘Yeonpung’, which is a Virginia plant type, has 20 branch number and 36 cm in main stem length. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long ellipse-shaped large kernel, and its 100 seed weight was 85 g in the regional yield trials (RYT). ‘Yeonpung’ showed 49.8% of crude oil and 31.9% of protein contents. This Cultivar also showed more resistant to late leaf spot and web blotch, compared to a check cultivar. Furthermore it has resistance to lodging until harvesting owing to its short stem. In the regional yield trials, ‘Yeonpung’ outyielded by 15% with 4.81 MT/ha for grain yield compared to ‘Daekwang’ cultivar one.

      • KCI등재

        단경 내도복 검정땅콩 신품종 ‘흑생’

        배석복,김성업,이명희,황정동,오기원,정찬식,송득영,백인열,이영희 한국육종학회 2017 한국육종학회지 Vol.49 No.2

        A new peanut variety ‘Heuksaeng’(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 2014. This was developed from the cross between ‘Iksan 31’ with Virginia typed short stem and ‘Iksan 35’ with large grain. ‘Heuksaeng’ is the first purple testa variety developed in Korean. It has 25 branches per plant and its length of main stem was 32 cm. Each pod has two grains with puple testa and long ellipse-shaped kernel. Its yield components showed 60 pods per plant, 69 g of 100-seed-weight and 77% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 46.0% of crude oil and 26.9% of protein content. This variety has anthocyanins typed as delpinidin-3-glucoside (D3G) and cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) in seed testa. This variety showed more resistant to late leaf spot, web blotch, and lodging, compared to reference variety. In the regional yield trials for 2 years, ‘Heuksaeng’ with 4.25 MT/ha for grain production has the same productivity to reference variety.

      • KCI등재

        단경 소분지 대립 다수성 땅콩 신품종 ‘다안’

        배석복,이명희,김성업,황정동,오기원,정찬식,송득영,백인열,이영희 한국육종학회 2017 한국육종학회지 Vol.49 No.3

        A new peanut variety ‘Daan’(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang 2014. This was developed from the cross between ‘Iksan 31’ with Virginia typed short stem and ‘Dakwang’ with Shinpung-typed larger grain. ‘Daan’ which is a Shinpung plant type had 13 branches per plant and its length of main stem was 44cm. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long ellipse-shaped large kernel. Its yield components showed 34 pods per plant, 127 g of 100-seed-weight and 75% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 47.8% of crude oil and 28.3% of protein content. This variety showed resistant to early leaf spot and had more resistant to late leaf spot, stem rot and lodging, compared to reference variety. In the regional yield trials for 3 years ‘Daan’ was more productive than reference variety by 16% with 5.00 MT/ha for grain production.

      • KCI등재

        단경 다분지 대립 다수성 땅콩 신품종 ‘아원’

        배석복,이명희,김성업,오은영,정찬식,송득영,오인석,이영희 한국육종학회 2018 한국육종학회지 Vol.50 No.2

        A new peanut variety ‘Ahwon’(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang 2015. This was developed from the cross between ‘YG75’ with Shinpung-typed large grain and ‘YG46’ with Virginia-typed short stem. ‘Ahwon’ which is a Virginia plant type had 20 branches per plant and its length of main stem was 40 cm. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long ellipse-shaped large kernel. Its yield components showed 40 pods per plant, 108 g of 100-seed-weight and 77% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 47.7% of crude oil and 29.4% of protein content. This variety showed resistant to early leaf spot and had more resistant to web blotch, stem rot and lodging, compared to reference variety. In the regional yield trials for 3 years ‘Ahwon’ was more productive than reference variety by 10% with 4.74 MT/ha for grain production.

      • KCI등재

        자색종피 조숙 대립 다수성 풋땅콩 신품종 ‘세원’

        배석복,이명희,오은영,김성업,김정인,여운상,오기원,조광수,곽도연 한국육종학회 2020 한국육종학회지 Vol.52 No.2

        A peanut cultivar ‘Sewon’(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science,National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang, Korea, in 2017. The cultivar is a cross between the Shinpung-type red skin ‘Charmwon’and the Virginia-type large grain ‘Milyang27’. ‘Sewon’, which is a Shinpung type of plant, had 13 branches per plant, main stem lengthof 35 cm, and branch length of 51 cm. Each pod contained two grains with red testa and a large and long ellipse-shaped kernel. The cultivaryielded 38 pods per plant, 113 g of 100-seed-weight (dry), and 1.73 seeds per pod in the regional yield trials (RYT). Crude oil accountedfor 35.2% and protein 31.7% of the seed. This cultivar was resistant to early leaf spot, and it was more resistant to late leaf spot, stemrot, and lodging when compared with that of the reference cultivar ‘Palkwang’. In the three-year-long regional yield trials, ‘Sewon’ was moreproductive than the reference cultivar; it yielded 11.97 MT/ha of fresh pod and 5.23 MT/ha of dry grain, corresponding respectively to 21%and 16% increase compared with those of ‘Palkwang’. ‘Sewon’ is a promising high yielding peanut with early maturing and cultural stability(Registration No. 7926).

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