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      • KCI우수등재

        상수원관리지역 주민지원사업에 있어서 중 · 장기계획의 중요성에 관한 연구

        배경완(Bae, Kyungwan),정주철(Jung, Juchul) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2015 國土計劃 Vol.50 No.7

        This study explores to analyze the impact of planning on the effectiveness of community support program in water conservative zone. Water conservation zone is operating a community support program as apart of supporting policy for the residents of upstream area whose property rights are violated by water quality control and governmental regulations. However, there arose problems in many aspects. In this situation, the planning has been proposed as a method to facilitate smooth operation of the program. So this study seeks to analyze the impact of the planning prior to proposing the planning. Analysis of this study is based on advanced studies and its limitation has been modified regarding analysis model and parameter setting. So Multi-level Ordered Logit Model was used as analysis model. The result of the analysis with the degree of financial assistance was as a dependent variable, at the individual level period of residence and existence of direct support program have negative effects. And the planning appeared to be a variable had positive effects. Therefore we would like to present the ineffectiveness of the direct support program and the importance of the planning in the operation of community support program and to propose the planning prior to the implementation of the community support program.

      • KCI등재

        안전취약계층을 고려한 지진해일 긴급대피소 입지 적정성 평가

        배경완(Bae Kyung wan),박형준(Park Hyung jun),전선민(Jun Sun min),정주철(Jung Ju chul) 한국방재학회 2018 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구는 지진해일 대비 긴급대피장소의 입지 적정성을 안전취약계층의 관점에서 분석한 연구이다. 우리나라는 더 이상 지진해일의 위험에서 안전하지 않기 때문에 재난 발생 전에 대비가 필요하다. 특히 지진해일의 경우 신속한 대응(대피)이 필수적이기 때문에 긴급대피소의 접근성 부분을 사전에 평가할 필요가 있다. 특히 인명피해를 최소화하기 위해서는 대피에 취약한 안전취약계층에 대한 고려가 필요하다. 이에 주민대피지구 내 안전취약계층은 긴급대피소까지 10분 이내에 도달할 수 있는가? 라는 연구질문을 기반으로 연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구를 위해 지진해일의 위험성이 큰 부산광역시를 사례지역으로 부산광역시 내 지진해일 주민대피지구와 긴급대피장소를 분석대상으로 선정하였다. 연구방법으로는 GIS 네트워크 분석 및 중첩분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과, 부산시의 긴급대피장소는 안전취약계층의 관점에서 신속한 대피가 불가능한 곳에 입지하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 부산시의 총 주민대피지구 대비 약 38%의 지역에서 10분 이내에 긴급대피장소로 이동할 수 없었다. 특히 안전취약계층이 밀집하고 있는 위험지역에 상대적으로 긴급대피장소가 부족한 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 부산시는 지진해일 피해를 최소화하기 위해서 향후 지진해일 대비 주민대피계획 수립시 안전취약계층에 대한 고려를 통해 긴급대피장소의 입지를 선정하는 노력이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 재난계획과 도시계획의 연계가 필요하다. This study is to analyze the propriety of location of emergency evacuation shelter in terms of vulnerable people. Since Korea is no longer safe from tsunami, it needs to be prepared before the disaster. Especially, in case of tsunami, rapid response (evacuation) is essential, so it is necessary to evaluate the accessibility of the emergency shelter in advance. In particular, it needs to be considered about vulnerable groups to evacuate in order to minimize loss of life. Therefore, the research was conducted based on the question “Can the vulnerable groups in the evacuation area reach the emergency shelter within 10 minutes?” For the purpose of this study, we selected the tsunami evacuation zone and the emergency evacuation shelters as the case area of Busan Metropolitan City, which has a great risk of tsunami. We employed network analysis and overlay analysis by ArcGIS. Results showed that some of the emergency evacuation shelters are located in a inappropriate sites for vulnerable groups. It was impossible to move to the emergency evacuation site within 10 minutes from the area of about 38% of the total resident evacuation district in this study. Especially, it is analyzed that the emergency shelter is insufficient in the area where the vulnerable groups are concentrated. Therefore, in order to minimize the damage to the earthquake tsunami, Busan City should make efforts to select an emergency evacuation site by considering the vulnerable classes when establishing a resident evacuation plan against the tsunami. The relationship between disaster preparedness planner and urban planner should be enhanced.

      • KCI등재

        해수욕장 유형별 이용객 만족도 및 재방문의사에 영향을 미치는 요소 분석

        배경완(Bae, Kyung-wan),강정은(Kang, Jung Eun),이상혁(Lee, Sang-hyeok),김종성(Kim, Jong-sung) 한국도시설계학회 2016 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 부산지역 해수욕장의 입지 및 배후지 특성 분석을 통해 도심형 및 비도심형으로 유형화하여, 두 유형간 해수욕장 품질에 대한 이용객 인식을 비교분석하고 이용객 만족도와 재방문 의사에 영향을 미치는 요소를 분석하였다. 유형별 현황파악을 위해 빅데이터를 기반으로 텍스트 마이닝 기법을 활용하였으며, 설문결과의 비교를 위해서 맨-휘트니 검정을 사용하였다. 또한, 이용객의 만족도와 재방문의사에 영향을 미치는 요소 도출을 위해 순서형 로지스틱 모형과 이항 로지스틱 모형이 활용되었다. 도심형 해수욕장은 주변 숙박 및 상업시설, 체험 및 테마프로그램에 대한 만족 정도가 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 비도심형 해수욕장 이용객들은 해수욕장의 수질과 안전성 측면에 대한 만족도가 높았다. 재방문의사에 영향을 미치는 요소로는 두 유형 모두 만족도가 재방문에 가장 중대한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과는 해수욕장 유형별 특성을 반영한 맞춤형 정책 수립에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study compared visitors’ perception on the quality of urban beaches with that of non-urban beaches. Also we examined factors affecting visitors’ satisfaction and revisit intention. This study employed text-mining for analyzing big text data and Man-Whitney test for comparing survey data between urban and non-urban beaches. In order to investigate factors influencing visitors’ satisfaction and revisit intention, we utilized ordinal logistic model and binary logistic model. While urban beach visitors showed a relatively high degree of satisfaction in comfort, accommodations and commercial facilities, and experience programs, non-urban beach visitors were highly satisfied with water quality and safety issues. The degree of visitors satisfaction is a critical factor which affects visitors’ decision to revisit both urban and non-urban beaches. The results can provide useful information to develop customized policies for each beach type.

      • KCI등재

        연안경관 개선을 위한 항만재생 방안 - 부산항의 항만기능 재편을 중심으로 -

        배경완 ( Bae Kyungwan ),하경준 ( Ha Gyoung-jun ),박형준 ( Park Hyung-jun ),정주철 ( Jung Ju-chul ) 한국경관학회 2017 한국경관학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 부산항의 노후한 항만기능 및 경관을 복원하고 항만과 배후지역 간 갈등 해결을 통한 조화로운 미항 조성을 위한 단기(항만기능 재편) 및 장기적인(미항 기본구상) 방향성을 모색하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 부산항의 배후지역은 항만과 함께 발전하여 그와 관련된 산업과 항만을 이용하는 선박, 선박과 관련된 산업시설이 주거지와 공존하고 있다. 그러나 항만시설 노후화 및 관련시설의 부정적 영향이 도시민들의 민원으로 이어지고 있으며, 항만 공간에 대한 새로운 가치창출의 수요가 증가함에 따라 미항조성에 대한 관심과 필요성이 야기되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 미항으로서 중요한 요인인 경관을 중심으로 배후지와 항만이 조화롭게 공존하기 위한 기능재편 방안 연구를 진행하였다. 연구방법으로는 첫째, 부산항의 현황분석을 통해 문제점을 도출하였다. 미항 조성에 있어서 부정적인 시설의 현황 및 주변지역과의 갈등문제를 파악하였다. 둘째, 경관개선을 위한 항만기능의 공간 재편문제를 해결하기 위해 관련 이해관계자들의 의견을 조사(인터뷰, 설문조사)하고 분석하였다. 셋째, 부산항이 겪고 있는 문제를 비슷하게 경험한 해외 항만재생 사례(문헌고찰, 현지답사, 인터뷰)를 분석하여 시사점을 도출하였다. 결과적으로 부산항을 미항으로 조성하기 위해서는 예부선 및 선박수리 시설에 대한 관리 및 이전이 선행되어야 하며, 장기적 비전과 계획수립을 통해 이전 부지 및 이전 이후 유휴지에 대한 단계적인 개발을 추진해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct old port functions and landscapes of Busan Port and to find a harmonious port of harbors through resolving conflicts between ports and hinterland. The hinterland of Busan Port is developed along with the harbor, and industrial facilities related to ships and vessels coexist with the residence. However, the deterioration of port facilities and the negative impacts of related facilities have led to the complaints of urban residents, and the increase in demand for new value creation in the port space has led to interest and necessity for beautiful port. Therefore, this study was carried out to find ways to coexist harmoniously with the port and hinterland focusing on the landscape, which is an important factor for the port.

      • KCI등재

        척수 경막내 종양의 임상적 특징 및 수술결과

        김환정,구제윤,배경완,강종원,박건영,강성일,최원식 대한척추외과학회 2011 대한척추외과학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Study Design: A retrospective study about spinal intradural tumor. Objectives: We analyzed clinical symptom, findings of MRI, and surgical outcome of spinal intradural tumor. Summary of Literature Review: Intradural tumors are not commonly reported and they show non-specific clinical features. Materials and Methods: In this study, 18 patients who underwent surgical treatment and radiologically and pathologically diagnosed as spinal intradural tumor from 1997 to 2009 were reviewed. We evaluated pain, neurological symptoms, location of tumor as well as degrees of signal intensity and its enhancement of MRI(T1 and T2). And clinical outcomes were analyzed according to Klekamp-Samii scoring system and Visual Analogue Scale(VAS). Results: All patients were clinically suffered from back pain and radiating pain of lower extremity including 3 patients with neurological symptoms. We radiologically found single tumor in 16 cases and masses more than two lesion in 2 cases. 1 case was located on cord level(T7), 14 cases cauda equine level, and 3 cases sacral level. We performed laminectomy in 18 cases and posterior instrumentation was applied to 8 cases. In clinical features, mean Klekamp-Samii score was improved from 21.6 to 23.5(p<0.05) and VAS was recovered from 5.2 to 3.0 (p<0.05). Conclusions: Spinal intradural tumor has non-specific clinical symptoms. Therefore we should perform MRI to find intradural tumor and active management including surgical treatment should be performed due to clinically good results. Key Words: Spinal intradural tumor, MRI, Clinical symptom

      • KCI등재

        광범위 회전근 개 파열에서 인대보강술의 역할

        이광원(Kwang Won Lee),배경완(Kyoung Wan Bae),황윤섭(Yun Seob Hwang) 대한정형외과학회 2013 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        회전근 개 파열은 어깨 관절의 심한 통증과 기능 저하, 근력 약화를 유발하는 흔한 원인 중의 하나이다. 이 질환에 대한 이해와 수술적인 치료의 발전에도 불구하고, 광범위 회전근 개 파열의 수술적 치유 결과는 파열 크기가 작은 경우에 비하여 저조한 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 높은 실패율은 환자 자신의 내재적 치유 능력에 영향을 미치는 생물학적인 요인뿐 아니라 기계적인 요인에 기인한다. 최근 조직 공학적으로는 회전근 개 봉합의 치유를 돕기 위하여 지지체(scaffold)나 성장 호르몬, 간엽 줄기세포(mesenchymal stem cell) 등에 관한 연구가 활발이 이루어지고 있다. 지지체는 기계적인 강도와 생물학적인 치유를 증진시킬 목적으로 관심이 높아지고 있다. 저자들은 이 종설에서 회전근 개 복원술에 사용되는 지지체 중에서 가장 널리 사용되고 있는 세포 외 기질 지지체의 최근 연구 경향 및 임상적인 응용에 대하여 살펴보고자 한다. Rotator cuff tears are a common cause of debilitating pain, reduced shoulder function, and weakness. Despite improvements in the understanding of the disease process and advances in surgical treatment, recent studies have reported that healing of massive rotator cuff tears is not as predictable as that of smaller rotator cuff tears. These high failure rates are a result of both mechanical and biologic factors that may affect the patients’ intrinsic capacity to heal. Most research studies have concentrated on tissue engineering as a means for improvement of healing in rotator cuff repair, including the use of scaffolds, growth factors, and mesenchymal stem cells. There has been much interest in the development of various scaffolds that provide adequate strength as well as stimulate and enhance healing potential. The purpose of this paper is to review the current basic science and clinical application of extracellular matrix scaffolds, which are currently the most widely used scaffolds for repair of rotator cuff tears.

      • KCI등재

        Clinical and Radiological Evaluation after Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Using Suture Bridge Technique

        이광원,Dong Wook Seo,배경완,Won Sik Choy 대한정형외과학회 2013 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.5 No.4

        Background: We retrospectively assessed the clinical outcomes and investigated risk factors influencing retear after arthroscopic suture bridge repair technique for rotator cuff tear through clinical assessment and magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA). Methods: Between January 2008 and April 2011, sixty-two cases of full-thickness rotator cuff tear were treated with arthroscopic suture bridge repair technique and follow-up MRA were performed. The mean age was 56.1 years, and mean follow-up period was 27.4 months. Clinical and functional outcomes were assessed using range of motion, Korean shoulder score, Constant score, and UCLA score. Radiological outcome was evaluated with preoperative and follow-up MRA. Potential predictive factors that influenced cuff retear, such as age, gender, geometric patterns of tear, size of cuff tear, acromioplasty, fatty degeneration, atrophy of cuff muscle, retraction of supraspinatus, involved muscles of cuff and osteolysis around the suture anchor were evaluated. Results: Thirty cases (48.4%) revealed retear on MRA. In univariable analysis, retear was significantly more frequent in over 60 years age group (62.5%) than under 60 years age group (39.5%; p = 0.043), and also in medium to large-sized tear than small-sized tear (p = 0.003). There was significant difference in geometric pattern of tear (p = 0.015). In multivariable analysis, only age (p = 0.036) and size of tear (p = 0.030) revealed a significant difference. The mean active range of motion for forward flexion, abduction, external rotation at the side and internal rotation at the side were significantly improved at follow-up (p < 0.05). The mean Korean shoulder score, Constant score, and UCLA score increased significantly at follow-up (p < 0.01). The range of motion, Korean shoulder score, Constant score, and UCLA score did not differ significantly between the groups with retear and intact repairs (p > 0.05). The locations of retear were insertion site in 10 cases (33.3%) and musculotendinous junction in 20 cases (66.7%; p = 0.006). Conclusions: Suture bridge repair technique for rotator cuff tear showed improved clinical results. Cuff integrity after repair did not affect clinical results. Age of over 60 years and size of cuff tear larger than 1 cm were factors influencing rotator cuff retear after arthroscopic suture bridge repair technique.

      • KCI등재후보

        원위부 중족골 쉐브론 절골술을 이용한 무지 외반증의 치료

        안재훈,최원식,김하용,이도현,배경완,Ahn, Jae-Hoon,Choy, Won-Sik,Kim, Ha-Yong,Lee, Do-Hyun,Bae, Kyoung-Wan 대한족부족관절학회 2009 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Purpose: The authors intended to analyze the operative results of mild to moderate hallux valgus treated with distal chevron metatarsal osteotomy. Materials and Methods: Twenty six feet of twenty three patients were followed for more than 1 year after the distal chevron metatarsal osteotomy. Biplanar osteotomy with wedge resection was done when the distal metatarsal articular angle (DMAA) was increased. The mean age was 39 years, and the mean follow up period was 27 months. Clinically preoperative and postoperative AOFAS hallux MP-IP scale and satisfaction after the surgery were analyzed. Radiologically hallux valgus angle, the 1st intermetatarsal angle, DMAA and sesamoid position before and after the operation were analyzed. Results: Distal chevron osteotomy was done in 15 cases and biplanar osteotomy was done in 11 cases. Clinically AOFAS scale was increased from 65.3 points preoperatively to 92.2 points postoperatively. Two patients were not satisfied with the results. Radiologically hallux valgus angle was decreased from $21.9^{\circ}$ preoperatively to $8.5^{\circ}$ postoperatively. The first intermetatarsal angle was decreased from $11.8^{\circ}$ preoperatively to $6.7^{\circ}$ postoperatively. DMAA was decreased from $11.8^{\circ}$ preoperatively to $5.5^{\circ}$ postoperatively. There was one case of minor wound infection. Conclusion: Distal chevron metatarsal osteotomy appears to be safe and satisfactory procedure for mild to moderate hallux valgus.

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