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        국어과 문화생산(文化生産) 교수(敎授)/학습론(學習論)

        방인태 ( Bahng Ihn Tae ) 한국어문교육연구회 2002 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.30 No.2

        국어교육은 文字文化財 생산을 통해 인류 문화 발전에 기여하고, 弘益人間의 이념을 文化的으로 具現한다. 이를 위해 本稿는 文化生産 國語敎育을 위한 敎授/學習을 1)原理, 2)方法, 3)模型으로 나누어 제시하였다. 1)은 批判的 理解의 원리, 創造的 思考의 원리, 生産的 表現의 원리로써 문화생산을 위한 교수/학습을 실천하기 위한 기본적 認識과 理念, 實踐的인 방법을 견인할 수 있는 것들이다. 2)는 교수/학습의 원리를 실천적으로 구체화한 여러 방법의 제시인데, 이것을 국어과의 중요 領域別로 言語, 文字, 文學, 文法으로 나누어 논의하였다. 3)은 교실 현장의 개별적 수업을 위한 標準 모델을 제시함으로써 실제의 교수/학습의 한 標本을 삼기 위한 것이다. 이것 역시 言語, 文字, 文學, 文法으로 나누어 논의하였다. Korean Language Education for Cultural Production develops the human culture through producing literary cultural assets. Its objective is to contribute to the culture and improve the ability for cultural production. To this end, Korean Language Education has to be devoted to humanistic cultural development and realize the concept of “Hong-Ik-In-Gan”(弘益人間;devotion to the welfare of mankind). I have suggested three principles of teaching/learning for cultural production. These are the principles of critical understating, creative thinking and productive expression. These principles can draw basic awareness, ideology and practical methods to put teaching/learning for cultural production into practice. I have suggested methods of teaching/learning for cultural production. These are a few suggestions to realize methods of teaching/learning for cultural production. These are divided into language, characters, literature, and grammar, areas significant in the Korean language. I have suggested models of teaching/learning for cultural production. These are the standards to help the individual class for teaching/learning for cultural production. These are also divided into language, characters, literature, and grammar.

      • 초등 논술교육론

        방인태 ( Ihn Tae Bahng ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2008 한국초등교육 Vol.18 No.2

        논술교육의 성격은 1) 문제 발견의 과정과 방법 학습 2) 문제 해결의 과정과 방법 학습 3) 합리적 생활 추구와 태도 학습 4) 문장 활용(표현)의 실제 학습 5) 사고와 논리 훈련 학습 6) 지식과 경험의 조화 학습이고, 논술교육의 지향점은 1) 문제해결력 향상 2) 창의적 사고력 향상 3) 문장력 향상 4) 통합적 지식 활용 능력 향상 5) 논리적 설득력 향상이며, 논술교육의 원리는 1) 즐거움의 원리 2) 문장의 원리 3) 창의성의 원리 4) 확장의 원리이고, 논술 지도 방법은 1) 즐거운 독서 2) 활발한 토론 3) 정리된 독서논술 4) 논제 따지기 5) 논술 써보기이며, 논술을 위한 독서 지도의 효과적인 방안은 1) 깊은 독서와 넓은 독서 2) 교과 독서와 교양 독서 3) 질적 독서 4) 표현 독서 5) 창의 독서에 있다. This research aims to discuss on discourse instruction in primary students. Conclusion of this paper are as follows; First, I have discussed the concepts of discourse instruction in primary schools; 1) the learning of method and the course of problem finding, 2) the learning of method and the course of problem solving, 3) the learning of attitude and the pursuit of reasonal life, 4) the practical learning of writing sentences, 5) the learning of exercise of thinking and logicality, 6) the learning of harmony knowledge and experience. Second, I have discussed the intention of discourse instruction in primary schools; 1) the improvement of ability of problem solving, 2) the improvement of creative thinking, 3) the improvement of skill of writing sentences, 4) the improvement of capacity of practical using in unifiable knowing, 5) the improvement of competence of logical persuasion. Third, I have discussed the principle of discourse instruction in primary schools; 1) the principle of interesting, 2) the principle of sentence, 3) the principle of creativeness, 4) the principle of enlargement. Fourth, I have discussed the practical teaching program of discourse instruction in primary schools; 1) the practical teaching program of interesting reading books, 2) the practical teaching program of brilliant discussion, 3) the practical teaching program of writing after reading books, 4) the practical teaching program of analyzing a topic for discussion, 5) the teaching program of practical writing a discourse. Last, I have discussed the effective program of instruction reading in behalf of teaching method for writing discourse; 1) the deeply and broaden reading, 2) the reading for learning subjects and reading for culture, 3) from reading many books to reading immersion reading, 4) from understanding reading to expressive reading, 6) from critical reading to creative reading.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초등학교(初等學校) 교과서(敎科書) 한자어(漢字語) 및 한자(漢字) 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)(1) -1, 2학년 국어(읽기) 및 수학을 중심으로-

        방인태 ( Ihn Tae Bahng ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2011 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.27 No.-

        본 연구는 1,2학년 국어와 수학 교과서의 한자어를 구성하는 한자를 조사하여 그 실태를 파악한다. 한자어 조사 방법은 학년별로 국어와 수학 교과서에 나타난 한자어 총수를 조사한다. 그리고 1음절 한자어, 2음절 한자어, 3음절 한자어, 그 이상 음절 한자어의 수와 종류를 분류한다. 그 다음은 한자어를 구성하는 한자의 난이도를 조사하는데, 그 기준은 교육부 선정 한문교육용 중학교 900자와 고등학교 1,800자, 이 1,800자를 벗어난 한자로 구분한다. This article have studied on Chinese characters and Sino-korean words in elementary school textbooks and have centered on korean language & mathematics in 1st, 2nd grade. First, the method of research was counting the total sino-korean words in elementary school textbooks. Second, this have researched 1 syllable sino-korean words, 2 syllables sino-korean words, 3 syllables sino-korean words and more than syllables sino-korean words in textbooks. Three, this have researched the level of difficulty in chinese characters that consist of sino-korean words in elementary school textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 한국어(韓國語) 교육(敎育)의 지향(指向)

        방인태 ( Bahng Ihn-tae ) 한국어문교육연구회 2003 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.31 No.4

        韓國語 교육은 현재 제7차 敎育課程期에 있으나, 日製式 언어교육으로부터 美製式으로의 亞流와 追從의 역사였다. 이러한 韓國語 교육 현실을 認識하면서 本考는 다음의 문제점을 논의하고 그 對案을 제시하였다. 첫째, 한국어과는 美製 言語敎育論의 영향으로 使用 技能 중심의 교육과정으로 여러 문제점을 노정하고 있다. 둘째, 교육과정의 문제는 敎材로 轉移되어, 기능별 分冊과 교재 체제는 學校 현장 교사들에게 다양한 문제로 인식되었다. 셋째, 이와 같은 문제에 대한 對案으로 文化主義에 기반한 文字 文化 生産 지향의 국어과 敎育課程을 제안하였다. 끝으로 국어과 敎材의 바람직한 體裁를 위해 다양한 방안을 제안하였다. 그것은 통합형 교재, 主교재와 補助 교재, 知識型과 技能型 교재, 集團 학습용과 개별 학습용 敎材, 다양한 단원 구성, 檢認定 제도의 조속한 도입과 시행 등이다. Now Korean language education is the 7th curriculum age. But this was a history to American style follower from Japanese style. I recognized this Korean language educational reality. Therefore I discussed the issue and suggested the counter-proposal. First, Korean language class have many problems by the curriculum of centered skill to language arts. Second, many school teachers thought that the texts of skill parts have serious difficulties. Third, I suggested a new Korean language curriculum to literal culture production. Forth, I also suggested many valuable style of text. Those were unity pattern text, main-text and subtext, knowledgeable pattern text and skill pattern text, group learning text and individual learning text, many unit construction, introduction and enforcement to official certification system of text.

      • KCI등재

        文化生産 文學敎育論

        方仁泰 한국초등국어교육학회 2001 한국초등국어교육 Vol.19 No.-

        본고는 우리의 국어교육이 앞으로 문화생산을 지향해 문학교육은 그 핵심에 놓여야 한다고 보았으며, 이제까지의 이해와 감상 위주의 指能主義的관점에서 표현과 창작 위주의 文化生産的관점의 문학교욱으로 그 指向點이 바뀌어야 할 것을 주장하였다. 이러한 인식을 바탕으로 문화생산 문화교욱을 위한 원리로서 체험과 상상의 원리, 쾌락과 진실의 원리, 감동과 심미의 원리, 표현과 생산의 원리를 제시하였다. 그리고 그러한 원리에 바탕을 두고 문학교육의 方法을 두 가지 측면에서 이해와 감상, 표현과 창작으로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 이와 같은 논의는 문화생산 국어교육을 지향하는 것 (方仁泰,1999)으로서, 文字교육(2001a)과 言語교육 (方仁泰2001c), 그 하위 영역을 다룬 것으로 讀解교육 (方仁泰,2001b)과 作文교육을 함께 논의해야 그 일관된 논의를 확인할 수 있을 것이라 생각한다. Now Korean language deucation have to try for culture production from language art's education. And teaching literature is a core of Korean language education for culture production. Especially teaching literature has to transfer expression/creation form understanding/appeciation. And so I have discussed four principles that the first is experience and imagination, the second is pleasure and truth, the third is sympathy and appreciation of beauty, the last is expression and production. Next I have presented a few methods by two sides of understanding/appreciation and expression/ creation. To the end I would like to emphasized to have a unity of dixcussions. Because the nature of literature is harmony and equilibrium, it has to be consist of many literary elements structurally. This approach is bound for Korean language teaching for culture production. Next discussions ought to be continued to written language teaching(Bahng, 2001a), teaching composition and teaching comprehension(Bahng,2001b). This thesis have meaning and value, if the cultural ability of production leveled up, if culture have producted by teaching literature for culture production, and if Korean culture have developed and matured to one step.

      • KCI등재

        文化生産 作文敎育論

        方仁泰 한국초등국어교육학회 2002 한국초등국어교육 Vol.21 No.-

        作文은 종래의 국어과 교육과정에서 일반적으로 의사소통을 위한 글쓰기나 문제해결을 위한 實用性에 主 목적을 두고 지도하여 왔다. 그러나 작문은 일간의 중요한 문화 행위로 볼 때, 文化(文字)의 生産을 위한 교육의 지도 방법의 고찰이 요청된다. 그러므로 본 연구는 文化의 生産力을 향상시키기 위한 作文의 성격과 그 나아갈 방향을 살펴보고, 그에 적합한 지도 원리와 방법을 논의하였다. 첫째로 문화생산 문자교육의 개념을 규정하고 그에 따른 작문지도의 목표와 그 방향을 밝혔다. 둘째로 문화생산 작문 지도 원리를 제시하였다. 그것은 이해와 批判의 원리, 獨創과 普遍의 원리, 節次와 完結의 원리, 價値와 形象의 원리이다. 셋째로 문화생산 작문 지도 방법을 제시하였는데, 첫 단계는 計劃하기이다. 두 번째 단계는 실제로 집필하고 서술하는 草稿쓰기 단계이다. 세 번째 단계는 修訂하기 단계이다. 네 번째 단계는 文化生産을 위한 작문 지도에서 최종의 중요한 단계로서 발표와 출판하기 단계이다. 그리고 작문교육의 실제로 日記文, 讀書創作文, 文藝文, 實用文 指導 方法을 다루었다. Generally speaking, writing(composition) is instructed by problem-solving strategy in our curriculum from now, its teaching target is practicality for everyday's usual communication. But composition is acted a important role for cultual life. So we have to study the teaching methods for cultural(literal) production. I have studied the nature of composition and its way for the ability of cultural production. And I have discussed the teaching principles and methods. First I suggested that literary education's object is to product literal effects. Second I suggested that the principles of teaching composition are understanding and criticism, originality and universality, formality and completion, value and concreteness. Third I suggested the methods of teaching composition. The first step is planing. The second step is writing a draft. The third step is revising. The forth step is announcement and printing. This last step is very important practical performing for cultural production. And last I suggested many practical teaching methods of composition: Diary, Creative writing after reading book. Literary writing, Practical writing.

      • KCI등재

        교육대학 국어과 교육과정(심화) 構成案

        方仁泰 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2000 한국초등교육 Vol.11 No.2

        This thesis have studied to make of curriculum plan in Korean primary school language teachers. Language teaching is very important that it is a basic of other lesson. Because language teacher's instructional ability interrelates other lesson's achieved result. Therefore the curriculum of 1anguage teaching is directly related a success of primary education in Korea. So I have tried to consist of curriculum in adopting our educational condition. To conclusion is as belows: First, primary Korean language education is a basic of all language teaching and a role of instrumental learning in other subject. So we ought to cultivate capability to do the culture production activity of language-literate. Therefore primary teachers must have a technical method and a professional personality. Second, at present the training of primary school teacher is shortage of many aspects. So it is necessary to be change of recognition and environment of our primary school. So to speak, primary school teacher may to take charge of only one subject. This has relation to the educational revolution. Third, it is much shortage for practical lesson of Korean language teaching that a future primary teacher are completed the whole course by a curriculum in teacher's training college. This is our task. But it is not difficult to solve, if we had have a valuable target to future along with our educational reality. Fourth, 1 have proposed a practical curriculum plan. It has planed to double folded hours and lectures are taken to all teacher's trainee. That is a bottom for primary language teaching. Because it is difficult to lesson Korean language sincerely.

      • KCI등재

        初等 漢子 敎育論

        방인태 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 1997 한국초등교육 Vol.9 No.1

        1. Personality of teaching chinese-charcters on primary school are multi-subject or sub-subject of korean language teaching and vocabulary teaching. 2. Principle of teaching chinese-charcters on primary school is understanding of chinese-charcters words' meaning. Therefore student-centured meaningful working should be practical in teaching of chinese-charcters and chinese-charcters words. 3. Teaching &earning in chinese-charcters on primary school is taken 3 steped by chinese-charcters - chinese-charcters words - korean language-chinese charcters language sentence, but unification of mutal method should be needed. 4. Curriculum in chinese-charcters on primary school are consist of teaching chinese-charcters' personality, object, content, method of learning-teaching, evaluation. 5. Entry letters in chinese-charcters on primary school are presented of selection 600 charcters.

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