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      • KCI등재

        SRN(Self Reflection Note)을 활용한 전공 일본어교육 ─ 비즈니스 일본어 수업 사례를 중심으로 ─

        방극철 ( Bang Geug Chol ) 한국일본어교육학회 2017 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.82

        This paper is a case study of the major Japanese language education using ‘SRN(Self Reflection Note)’. Specifically, [SRN] was applied to [Business Japanese 1], and the results of the operation and the learning effect were discussed. And suggested that ‘SRN’ could be one of effective teaching and learning methods in foreign language education. As a result of the lesson using ‘SRN’, the learner's satisfaction was improved by self-directed learning ability improvement through self-reflection notebooks, self learning diagnosis, and learning control through regular review. 61% of the students expressed satisfaction with the ‘SRN’ class, and only 13% were dissatisfied. Also, with the ‘SRN’ lesson, 86% were positive and 14% were negative. In the case of the instructor, the ‘SRN’ enabled the personalized instruction with level-specific learning guidance, and the interaction with the learner was active. Also, in the Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT), “SRN” is considered to be more helpful than traditional teacher- centered class. The performance of ‘SRN’ will be applicable to other Japanese major courses and Japanese language education in the future. Developing the ‘SRN’ questionnaire, establishing reasonable evaluation criteria, and motivating passive participant students about 15% remain as challenges. Finally, in accordance with the transition from the pedagogy to the learner centered on the achievements of this research, we will focus on ‘Collaborative learning’, ‘Flipped Learning’, ‘Blended Learning’(Eg, PBL (Project-Based Learning), (Problem-Based Learning)). I hope that this paper will contribute to the development of Convergence class models.

      • KCI등재

        대학에서 교양 일본어(제2외국어) 교육 개선을 위한 실천적 제안

        방극철 ( Geug Chol Bang ) 한국일본어교육학회 2015 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.74

        In this study, currently, Japanese liberal education as well as Japanese major education, it has been diagnosed with the crisis. So suggest that how to convert to learner centered, creative and spontaneous after innovating the quality of liberal education. Specifically, propose 6 practical points for Japanese liberal education in university. 1.Modifying the learner centered curriculum for motivation study. 2.Utilizing at the field of liberal education to studying the second language. 3.Managing peer and collaborative learning. 4.Attempting exploratory study for blended learning. 5.Forming development of textbook and curriculum to acquire sociolinguistics and pragmatics. 6.Writing to CQI(Continuous Quality Improvement)report and SRN(Self Reflection Note) After supported and improved the activity of teaching with systematic, continuous. Finally, It will be possible to expect the results of the management of education and liberal education of Japanese.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한일 양 언어의 감사와 사죄표현의 선택 메커니즘 - 대학생의 언어사용 실태조사를 중심으로 -

        방극철 ( Bang Geug-chol ) 한국일본근대학회 2020 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.67

        본 연구는 한국어와 일본어의 감사표현(Expression of appreciation), 사죄표현(Expression of apology)의 선택 메커니즘을 한일 양국 대학생들의 언어사용 실태조사를 바탕으로 규명하고자 하였다. 한일 양 언어의 감사와 사죄표현이 어떠한 장면에서 상대방(상하관계와 친소관계를 고려한 화자와 상대방1~6으로 구별)에게 어떻게 사용되고 있는지를 밝히고자 하였다. 그 결과, 한일 양 언어의 ‘감사’와 ‘사죄표현’에서는 다음과 같은 선택 메커니즘의 차이를 명확히 할 수 있었다. 먼저, 감사표현을 보면, 한일 양국 모두 상대방이 윗사람인 교수나 직원, 아랫사람인 후배인 경우는 감사표현에서 어느 정도 정형화된 표현이 사용되는 경향이 있다. 동료들 간 대화를 보면, 일본어가 한국어에 비해, 좀 더 정중하게 사용되고 있다. 일본어의 경우는 정형화된 3가지 표현만이 사용되었고, 이에 비해 한국어에서는 6가지 표현을 사용하고 있는 점이 주목된다. 사죄표현을 보면, 한국어에서는 남녀 모두 윗사람(상하관계)에 대한 정중한 사죄가 중요하며 정형화된 방식으로 사죄를 표현하며, 일본어에서는 상하관계와 더불어 화제의 중요성에 따른 점과 남녀에 의한 차이(여학생이 주로 ごめんなさい 사용), 즉 성차까지 반영된 결과라고 생각된다. 특히 연령을 기준으로 하는 한국어의 절대경어적 성격과 연령 이외에도 [內,外關係]라는 경어 기준, 심리적 거리, 친소관계에 의해 사용양상이 변화하는 상대경어인 일본어의 특성이 사죄표현에서도 한일 간의 차이로 나타나고 있다. 한일 양국에서 이러한 감사, 사죄 표현 선택 양상의 차이는 경어의 특성(절대경어, 상대경어)과 깊은 관련이 있으며, 본 논문에서 언급한 ‘politenesss strategy’ 의 차이로도 설명이 가능하다. 끝으로, 담화언어학의 관점에서 ‘감사’ ‘사죄’표현에 관한 상세한 분석의 필요성이 있으나, 향후 과제로 하고 싶다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the selection mechanism of expression of appreciation and expression of apology in Korean and Japanese. The research method was analyzed by conducting a survey of Korean and Japanese college students. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Korean-Japanese language of appreciation and apology are used for the other party (1-6). As a result, the differences between the following selection mechanisms can be clarified in both ‘expression of appreciation’ and ‘expression of apology’ in both languages. Looking at expression of appreciation, Korean and Japanese tend to be categorized and used to some extent, but Japanese are used more politely when used between colleagues. In particular, Korean honorifics based on age and the characteristics of Japanese honorifics that are strongly influenced by Uchi(內:うち) and Soto(外:そと) relationships other than age are also related to the choice of appreciation of apology. This difference in the expression of appreciation and expression of apology choice is closely related to the characteristics of honorific expressions. In addition, it can be explained by the difference of ‘politenesss strategy’ mentioned in this paper. Finally, there is a need for a detailed analysis of the expressions of appreciation and apology from the viewpoint of Discourse linguistics and Cognitive linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        日本における大学教養教育に関する基礎的研究 -M大学の教養教育を中心に-

        房極哲 ( Bang Geug-chol ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.62

        本研究では、大学の総合(融合)の敎養敎育に関する研究の一環として、日本における大学教養教育に関する基礎的研 究を行った。具体的には日本の総合教育の流れと各大学の取り組み、M大学の教養教育の在り方について考察した。また、M大学の学生たちの教養教育に関する認識調査(2018年2月)を通じて、問題点と改善点などについて述べた。 2017年文部科学省のく学習指導要領〉の主たる改訂内容は融合教育を考慮したと考えられる。‘Active Learning’の視点に立って、中等教育の学習課程を質的に改善し、横断的、総合的、協同的な学習を指向する授業に移ろうとしている。 最近、日本の国立大学で文理系融合の教育が注目される。例えば、共創学部(九州大學)、倉I性学部(新潟大学)などの課題発見と課題解決の能力の育成を重視したカリキュラムである。東京大学の學術俯瞰講義、筑波大學の総合科目、慶應 義塾大学の「複合知」、宮崎大学の「課題発見科目」なども基本的にはそうである。 今回の調査で、M大学の大学生の教養教育の満足度は3.32(5点満点)であった。教材の満足は3.19教養授業の授業中に質問する程度は1.95として、学生と先生との相互作用が殆んど行われていないことが分かった。一方、教養教育の中で、融合教育の導入には3.70という高V愈値であった。比率を見ると、「非常に賛成14.8%」と「ある雛賛成43.9%」を合わせると58.7%であるが、反対意見はわずか2.6%にとどまっている。また、外国語でコミュニケ―ンヨンする能力(2.88)」と「ITを利用する能力(2.79)」の方は^改善が必要な部分である。 現在の教養授業は、アクティブ·ラーニングの視点から授業はあまり行われておらず、従来型の教授中心の授業のようである。解決の手がかりの一つとして、PBL(プロジェクト基盤授業)を積極的に導入し、学生たちの授業参加を励まし、SRN(Sef Reflection Note,自己省察ノート)のようなノート作成による自己省察が必要であろう。学生たちは教養教育で融合教育には肯定的な姿勢を表しているが、大学ではまだ融合教育があまり行われていないズレがある。最後に、 知識基盤社会.4次産業革命の時代に相応しい新たな融合教育のモデル作り(教養科目別のルーブリック評価のモデル作りを含む)を今後の課題としたい。 This paper was conducted as part of a study on university - Convergence education. It is a Fundamental Study on the General education in Japan universities. Specifically, I examined the trends of Convergence education in Japan, the activities of each university, and the way in which liberal arts education was conducted by M universities. In addition, I explained about the problems and improvement points through the cognitive survey (February, 2018) of the liberal arts education of M university students. In this survey, the degree of satisfaction of liberal arts education of university students of M university was 3.32 (full score of 5), the satisfaction of teaching materials was 3.19, and the degree of questioning during the lesson of the liberal arts class was 1.95,And it was found that there was almost no interaction. The present curriculum is not taught from the viewpoint of active learning, but it is like a traditional teaching-oriented class. One of the solutions is the PBL (project-based class), Self-reflection should be necessary by encouraging the participation of students in class and writing a notebook like SRN (Self Reflection Note). I would like to consider the modeling of new Convergence education that will correspond to the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (including the modeling of the Lubric evaluation for each liberal arts subject).

      • KCI등재

        近代日本語における男女差の形成 -明治20-30年代の小說及び新聞の性差を中心に-

        방극철 ( Geug Chol Bang ) 한국일본어교육학회 2012 日本語敎育 Vol.61 No.-

        本硏究は、近代日本語における男女差の形成という硏究の一環として、明治20-30年代の小說と新聞に焦点を當てて、そこに現れる男女差について考察したものである。とりわけ男女差の形成について、<女性性><男性性>というジェンダ―の{度合いの差}の槪念と文脈、談話內容を取り入れて考察した。考察の結果、次のようなことが分かった。明治期における女性らしい言葉遣いは女性(若い女性、若い主婦、上層婦人)に强く意識され、その結果、男女區別は明らかとなる。そして、男女區別の過程において、男女差の形成時期の推移、變遷の樣子はそれぞれの言語表現によって異っており、文末終助詞、感動詞などいわゆる情意表現を中心に男女差は形成された。また、ジェンダ―の{度合いの差}に注目して、<女性性>の强い言語表現を男性が使用するメカニズムと<男性性>の强い言語表現の女性使用のメカニズムについて考えることができた。このような明治20-30年代小說の男女差の形成は、ふだん言語生活で男女差をある程度意識することと、對話のストラデジ―における男女差を反映させた結果であると思われる。最後に新聞における男女差については、女性强調、女性隱し、女性に對する二重基準に分けて述べた。特に近代新聞は女性を取り上げない<女性隱し>のような女性の姿を新聞紙面から<見えなくする手法: 男女非對等的な扱い>が主流であったと言える。

      • KCI등재

        日本語教育における授業改善のための工夫 ― アクティブ·ラ-ニング型授業(Active Learning-based instruction:AL)の質の向上を中心に ―

        房極哲 ( Bang Geug Chol ) 한국일본어교육학회 2021 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.96

        In this study, the important point of learner-centered education is the introduction and operation of a new teaching and learning method, that is, Active Learning-based instruction (AL:AL-type class). As a part of the AL-type class practice strategy, I tried to concretely implement Collaborative learning in the subject of < Communication 日本語 >. And as an AL-type class, it was possible to describe the procedure of Flipped Learning. As a result, in the course of the AL-type class, a Rubric evaluation and Reflection/SRN course were required, and an example of a rubric for evaluating the subject was able to be proposed.Through such analysis and instructional practices, the quality of AL-type class is expected to improve. In addition, in implementing the < AL-type class >, it is necessary to examine the improvement of the class according to the characteristics of the subject, the affective characteristics and needs of the learners. For example, it reflects the results of the Learning Strategy Test (MLST) provided by the Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL). Teaching the learners according to their characteristics will be helpful in practicing AL-type classes. This remains a task for future research.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        東京語における終助詞の男女差 : 「わ」と「な」の使用を中心に Final Particles in Tokyo Japanese

        房極哲 韓國日本語文學會 2004 日本語文學 Vol.20 No.-

        本硏究は、明治期の東京標準語における終助詞の男女差について考察したものである。具體的には終助詞「わ」と「な」を對象に性差の觀点から分析した。考察の結果、終助詞「わ」は男性の場合、明治30年代に一時的に年配の人を中心に流行って使用され、明治40年代には次第に衰退した推移が讀みとれる。また、男性の使う「わ」には場面、文脈に使用制限があり、對話の中で多用することはなく、特殊な場面效果を狙って使用している。一方、女性の使う「わ」は明治20年代は流行りことであったが、明治30、40年代には上層の婦人層にまで浸透し幅廣く使用されるようになる。さらに男性のような人間關係の制約もなく、親しい女性の間では目上の人に對しても「わ」が用いられる。 次に、男性の使う「な」は、中心的な동きは詠嘆、感動、疑問など話し手の主觀を表すのが主である。明治期を通じて「な」は男性の使用が壓倒的に多いことから、男性語的な終助詞であるといえょう。女性の「な」の使用は時代が下るにつれ、使用範圍の狹まりがさらに進行に明治40年代になると若い知識人女性たちは「な」を使用していない。また、年配の女性たちが稀に使用する終助詞「な」も主に丁寧な命令表現形式にのみ付くようになり、「な」の使用が限られることが男性と對比される。

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