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        박희석 남서울대학교 1998 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper aims at analyzing the lengths of English vowels produced by Koreans and Americans. Specifically, Koreans have difficulty pronouncing English /æ/ and /o/. A great difference exists in the lengths of the English vowels /æ/ and /o/ when they are spoken by Koreans and Americans. In this paper I have examined two vowels, the front low vowel /æ/ and the diphthong/o/, and tried to find out the reason why the lengths of such vowels, when spoken by Koreans and Americans, are different. I have concluded that Koreans and Americans have different pronunciation habits in pronouncing /æ/ and /o/. Koreans pronounce the /æ/ like /e/; the front of the tongue is raised between the half-open and half-closed positions. With Americans, the mouth is slightly more open than for /e/; the front of the tongue is raised just below the half-open position. Also, Koreans have difficulty pronouncing English diphthongs. In fact, in the pronunciation of diphthongs the tongue moves from one position to another. The two articulations of a diphthong can be described as the nucleus plus a glide; the nucleus is that part of the diphthong which is sustained the longest, while the glide can be thought of as a more transient sound which provides a transition into(i.e. preceding) or out of (i.e preceding) or out of (i.e following) the nucleus. But most Koreans have no idea about this and pronounce the diphthong/o/ like two separate monophthongs[ou]. So there is a great difference in the lengths of the English diphthong/o/ between Koreans and Americans.

      • 제주산 원유의 유질개선에 관한 연구(I) : II. 산차(産次), 계절(季節) 및 사양조건이 유량과 유조성에 미치는 영향 II. Effect of Parity , Season and Feeding Conditions on the Milk Yield and Composition of Raw Milk

        박희석,이현종,양승주,윤영빈 한국낙농학회 1987 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        濟州地域에서 飼育되는 Holstein에 對하여 産次, 營養水準, 季節 및 粗飼料 種料가 乳量과 乳組成에 미치는 影響을 調査하기 爲하여 濟州市 中山間 地域에 위치한 2個所의 牧場에서 13頭의 Holstein 搾乳牛를 供試하여, 1986年 5月부터 1987年 4月까지 1年間 月 2回씩 24回에 걸쳐서 産乳量 測定 및 原乳의 一般組成分과 pH를 測定하였으며 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 1日平均 泌乳量은 21.66㎏, 305日 補正乳量은 6,255.64㎏(最高 8,382.87㎏, 最低 4,268.6㎏), 乳脂生産量은 235.21㎏이었으며, 産乳能力은 各 個體間에 有意한 差異가 認定되었다. 2. 2産次에서 最高 泌乳量을 나타내었고, 午後보다 午前 搾乳時에 다소 乳量이 많았으며, 充分한 營養供給과 飼養管理가 良好한 狀態의 그들은 不充分한 營養供給狀態의 그들에 비하여 高度로 有意한 産乳能力의 增加를 나타내고 있어서 濟州地域 乳牛飼育에 있어서는 飼養管理와 營養供給의 改善效果가 뚜렷할 것으로 判斷되었다. 3. 粗飼料 種類와 利用方法에 있어서는 乾草와 柑橋粕 사일리지 및 당근을 給與할 境遇에 가장 높은 産乳能力을 보이고 있어서 柑橘粕과 根菜類는 젖소에 대한 效果的 賦存飼料資源이 될 수 있을 것으로 期待되었다. 4. 季節別 泌乳量은 가을에 가장 낮고 겨울에 가장 높았으며, 分娩後 1.5∼2個月齡에 泌乳 peak에 이르고 있었다. 5. 平均乳脂率은 3.76%, 蛋白質 3.37%, 乳糖 4.64%, 總固形分 12.66%, 無脂固形分 8.90%, pH는 6.71이었다. 個體間 差異는 脂肪에서 가장 높았고(2.64%∼5.23%) 5∼6産次에서 乳脂率이 最高였으며, 午前보다 午後搾乳牛乳의 乳組成이 높은 傾向을 나타내었다. 6. 營養供給水準 差異는 乳組成에 큰 影響을 미쳤으며, 粗飼類 種類와 利用方法에 따른 乳組成 變化는 "乾草+柑橘粕 사일리지+당근" 의 境遇에 가장 높았다. 7. 305日 補正乳量과 1日 乳量, 乳脂率과 蛋白質 및 總固形分, 蛋白質과 總固形分間에는 高度의 有意한 正의 相關關係가 있었다. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of parity, level of feeding, season and kinds of roughages on the milk yield and composition of raw milk samples collected from Holstein cows in Cheju Do area from May, 1986 to March, 1987. The results obtained from this study are summarized as follows: 1. The average daily milk yield, 305 day corrected milk yield and milk fat yield were 21.66 Kg, 6,255.64 Kg (8,382.87 Kg - 4,268.60 Kg) and 235.21 Kg respectively. 2. The average values of raw milk composition were found to be fat 3.76%; protein, 3.37%; lactose, 4.64%; Total Solids, 12.66%; Solids Not Fat, 8.90%; pH, 6.71. 3. There were high significant differences between each trial cows in the performance of milk production and in the milk fat percentage. 4. The milk yield and contents of raw milk composition of 2th parity, morning milking and sufficient feeding cows were higher than that of other parity group in the effects of parity, evening milking in the effects of milking time and defficient feeding cows in the effects of level of feeding respectly. 5. In the effects of the kinds of roughages and system of roughage feeding, performance of milk production and contents of raw milk composition in "Hay + Citrus Byproducts Silage + Carrot" system were higher than those in other roughage feeding systems. 6. There were high significant correlationship between the daily milk yield and 305 day corrected milk yield, between the milk fat percentage and protein, and between protein and Total Solids, respectively.

      • 租稅와 企業形態의 選擇에 관한 硏究

        박희석 順天靑巖大學 1995 論文集-順天靑巖大學 Vol.19 No.-

        The aim of this study is derived from the needs for revising the current corporation tax system which is imposing dual tax and expected conflicts in trades. The following is theconclusion of the study. (1) Even if the corporation has to pay much tax than that of the individual enterprise, the type of enterprise will not be converted if there is a ransaction expense effect which can offset the difference. (2) The enterprise decision made for tax saving would generate new transaction expenses. Even if the taxation system had improved to which the corporation tax rate is higher than the income tax rate, the large corporations will not change the type of their enterprise just because of the transaction expense effects. The significance of this study can be found from presenting the factors beside the tax itself by introducing the transaction expenses theory while the existion taxation researches can not show the contrary influences from the tax effects. In conclusion, the limit of this study can be found in failing in presenting the divergingpoint where the transaction effects and tax expense effects cross together. This diverging point is extremely important in converting corporations to individualenterprises. Therefore, in the further studies, the continuous researches on the taxation policy makers, the investors and the managers which are important in understanding the effective diverging point should be followed.

      • KCI등재

        여행업의 인테넷 활용현황과 실증분석에 관한 연구

        박희석,충희 한국관광산업학회 2000 Tourism Research Vol.14 No.1

        This study deals with the relationship between categories of travel agencies, its performances and its ownership of internet homepages. It also covers how the travel agencies utilizes the homepage and how much they use the internet homepage. First, one research shows that 54 enterprises (12.3%) of the whole 500 industries own internet homepages. This shows a poor rate of internet use. Second, as the travel agencies show good performance in general travel agencies to them, the rate of having a homepage increases relatively. There is more relationship between having a homepage and types. Third, if we look at how much the travel agencies use the internet, we can easily find that they use their homepages mainly to utilize the information on tourist informations in communicating. Even the travel agencies which interchange with customers are more interested in finding information than satisfying each customer's needs and desires.

      • 이연법인세제도 도입으로 인한 법인세평준화 성향에 관한 연구

        박희석,조경식,정헌용 남서울대학교 2004 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        This study empirically examined the Tax Smoothing Propensity from Deferred Tax System Introduction. Samples are listed firms from 1993 throu 호 2002 in Korea Stock Exchange, resulting in 2,209 firms. T-test analysis is used to examine the mean difference between before and after of deferred tax system's introduction. The results are that Firms realized, on the average, higher Tax Smoothing after the deferred tax system(1999~2001 or 2002) than before the deferred tax system(1993 or 1996~1998).

      • 기독교인의 문화적 사명

        박희석 總神大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        종교와 문화의 관계는 무엇인가? 학자들은 “종교”를 “성스러운 감정을 표현하는 일종의 행위, 관행, 신념(그 예로 슐라이어 마하의 ‘의존 감정’이나 루돌프 오토의 ‘신비의 전율(mysterium trementum)’ 등을 들 수 있다.)이나, “인간 생존의 근본적인 양태”로 파악하려는 경향이 있다” 칼빈주의자들은 후자의 견해를 취한다. 인간은 근본적으로 종교적이다. 한 개개인의 종교적 활동의 방향은, 의식, 무의식적으로 그 삶의 다른 모든 양상들을 결정해 준다. 이러한 성서적인 입장은 기능론적 종교관을 허용하지 않는다. “문화는 종교를 결코 형성할 수 없으며, 오히려 종교가 항상 문화의 발전을 좌우한다.”

      • 인간공학적 VDT 작업장에 관한 여러 국가의 가이드라인 비교

        박희석,이윤근,옥동민,김대성 대한산업공학회 2008 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.11

        본 연구에서는 주요 국가들의 Video Display Terminal(VDT)에 대한 인간공학적 가이드라인을 우리나라 노동부의 VDT관련 고시와 비교하여 우리나라 고시에서 개선되어야 할 점을 도출하였다. 해외 16개의 가이드라인을 선정하였고, 우리나라 여건과 맞지 않는 수치 또는 규칙을 제외하고 노동부의 VDT관련 고시와 비교하였다. 노동부 고시에서 누락 또는 수정되어야 할 항목들을 발견할 수 있었고, 인간공학적 기준에 의거하여 수정되어야 할 사항들을 제시하였다.

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