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      • 무술년(1598년) 이순신의 최후 結陣處 - ‘㹨島’에 관한 고찰

        박혜일(Bak Hae iLL),최희동(Choi Hee Dong),배영덕(Bae Young Dug),김명섭(Kim Myong Seop) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2013 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.20

        ‘유도(㹨島)’는 이순신이 무술년(1598) 9월부터 11월까지 순천왜성에 주둔한 코니시 유키나가(小西行長) 왜군의 퇴각로를 차단하고 공격을 주도하였던 진처로 전해지고 있다. 이 중요한 결진처의 위치에 대해 이순신의 일기 원문 판독본으로부터 숱한 번역본에 이르기까지 기존 문헌자료의 오류가 답습되어 온 것이 사실이다. 본 논문에서는 이순신의 일기 무술년 9월 20일조의 기록에 나타난 ‘유도(㹨島)’의 친필원문을 재검토하고 현재 위치에 관련된 추론을 제시하였다. 이순신의 전사 후 약 100년이 지난 뒤 쓰여진 필사본 「日記抄」를 통해 이 ‘유도(㹨島)’ 지명이 무술 11월 11일조 일기에도 나타남을 확인한 바, ‘유도(㹨島)’는 이순신이 노량해전에서 전사하기 직전 마지막으로 결진한 장소임을 밝혔다. 또한, ‘유도(㹨島)’의 위치에 관련해 서울대학교 규장각에 소장된 조선 후기 고지도를 전수조사한 바, 수 종의 고지도에서 현재 광양만에 위치한 ‘묘도(猫島)’ 위치에 ‘유도(㹨島)’가 기입되어 있음을 확인하였다. 이순신의 일기에 나타난 ‘㹨’자는 ‘猫’자와 구분되어야 함을 당대의 자전에 근거하여 밝혔으나, 현재로서는 ‘묘도(猫島)’의 옛 지명을 식별할 방법은 발견되지 않는다. 한편 지역민들의 구전 전승은 현재 묘도에의 연륙도인 ‘괴섬, 괴입섬’과 ‘유도(㹨島)’의 연관성을 나타내고 있다. ‘Yudo(㹨島)’ is known as a camp position where admiral Yi Sun-Sin pushed the siege to the Japanese military of Konishi Yukinaga(小西行長) stationed at the Japanese fortress in Suncheon with cutting off their retreat from the 9th month to the 11th month of the lunar year Mu-Sul(戊戌, 1598). Regarding the location of this important island, the mistakes in the existing literatures from deciphered versions of Yi Sun-Sin’s original handwritings to the several translations have been followed. In the present work, the original handwriting of the ‘Yudo(㹨島)’ presented in record of the 20th day of the 9th month of Mu-Sul(1598) of the Yi Sun-Sin’s Diary is re-examined, and a speculative opinion associated with its current location is given. It is confirmed that the place name, ‘Yudo(㹨島)’ had been used in the 11th day of the 11th month of Mu-Sul(1598) by 「Selected Copy of the Yi Sun-Sin’s War Diary(日記抄)」 that was written with a brush roughly 100 years after the Yi Sun-Sin’s death(1598). Thus, it is verified that ‘Yudo(㹨島)’ is the last place where Yi Sun-Sin’s naval fleet made a military camp(結陣) on record of the Yi Sun-Sin’s War Diary. Also, through a complete enumeration survey on the antique maps of late Joseon Period preserved at the Kyujanggak of the Seoul National University, we confirmed that the ‘Yudo(㹨島)’ had been used in several maps at the same location as ‘Myodo(猫島)’ in the Kwangyang Bay area. We showed that the character ‘㹨’ presented in the Yi Sun-Sin’s Diary should be distinguished from the character ‘猫’ on the basis of the Chinese Dictionary of the time. However, for now, the original name of the island is not identified. Additionally, the oral tradition of the local residents suggests that there is a link between ‘Goe-Seom, Goeip-Seom’, a region incorporated into ‘Myodo(猫島)’ and ‘Yudo(㹨島)’.

      • 史實에서 괴리된 근간의 ‘李舜臣’ 실명소설

        박혜일(Bak Hae iLL),최희동(Choi Hee Dong),배영덕(Bae Young Dug),김명섭(Kim Myong Seop) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2004 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.3

        본 논고는 근래에 출판된 李舜臣 實名소설 세 편에 대해 史實과 다르거나 또는 허위날조된 내용들을 검토, 정리한 것이다. 우선 2001년에 동인문학상을 수상한 김훈의 『칼의 노래』(2001년)와 김탁환의 『불멸』(1998년)에 대해 살펴보았다. 이 두 소설은 한국방송공사(KBS)의 역사드라마 ‘불멸의 이순신’(2004년 9월 4일 첫 방송)의 원작으로 선정되기도 하였다. 또 일본의 대중소설인 아라야마 토오루의 『조선비첩』 (原題 : 高麗秘帖, 1999년)에 대해서도 간략하게 검토하였다. 『칼의 노래』는 대통령과 K장관이 격찬한 책이라 하여 한동안 화젯거리가 되기도 하였으며, 지금까지 국어학자 이익섭과 소설가 송우혜의 비판과 함께 간략한 서평도 있었다. 본 논고에서는 소설의 내용 중에서 주로 이순신의 친필일기 또는 여타의 기록 사료와 현저한 차이가 있는 부분에 대해서만 간추려 보았다. 『불멸』에 대해서는 송우혜의 면밀한 검토가 있었으므로, 여기서는 몇몇 사항만을 추가 지적하였다. 『조선비첩』의 작가는 한국어판 저자 서문에서, 『조선비첩』은 정통 역사소설이 아니라 時代傳奇小說이며, 난중일기 등의 사료를 바탕으로 뼈대를 세우고 거기에 허구를 입힌 것이라고 솔직하게 언급하고 있다. 그러나 허구의 범위를 제외한 내용 중에서도 史實과 다른 부분이 허다하므로, 그러한 사항들을 간략하게 살펴보았다. In recent years, following three pseudo-historical novels using the real names of Admiral Yi Sun-Sin and others for the characters have been published: □ Song of Sword(Saenggakŭi namu ed., 2001) by Kim Hoon(김훈), □ Immortal(Miraejiseong ed., 1998) by Kim Tak-Hwan(김탁환), □ Korai Hicho(高麗秘帖, title of Korean version : Chosŏnbichŏp, Shodensha Inc., Japan, 1999) by Arayama Toru(荒山 徹). This review reveals the distortions as well as malicious fabrications that appear in these novels concerning the life history of Admiral Yi Sun-Sin. The authenticity of the historical contents of the three novels has been carefully examined by comparing with those recorded in Yi Sun-Sin’s War Diary and other relevant sources. The examination has identified and confirmed numerous historical descriptions in the novels to be false. Such items are specified and annotated with critical comments in the main text of this review. Kim Hoon, the author of the novel Song of Sword, depicts Yŏjin(女眞) who appears in Yi Sun-Sin’s War Diary, as a woman. He then describes numerous bizarre sexual scenes of Yi Sun-Sin and Yŏjin in his novel. Despite there being no evidence to assume Yŏjin to be a name of woman from the Yi Sun-Sin’s War Diary, the writer appears to take a lecherous pleasure in presenting perverted affairs between Yi Sun-Sin and Yŏjin. Such a fictional setup is utterly unacceptable, as it describes one of Yi Sun-Sin’s most unhappy times. At the time, not only was Yi Sun-Sin in mourning for the unexpected death of his mother, but also he had been dismissed from his office of Supreme Commander of Naval Forces(水軍統制使). In the War Diary, it is recorded that Yi Sun-Sin mourned and mourned over the mother’s death and over the misfortune of himself. In the Kim Tak-Hwan’s Immortal, historical distortions are too numerous to relate. This review will thus focus just on the 4th volume of the novel which is sufficient for surmising the outline of the novel and the intent of the author. It is evident that the author attempts to depict Yi Sun-Sin’s respect for Wŏn Kyun throughout the novel. However, the Yi Sun-Sin’s evaluation of Wŏn Kyun reflected in his memorials sent to the Court and in his War Diary, suggests such depiction is unfounded. The novel also includes other preposterous scenes such as the one in which Yi Sun-Sin plots a coup d’état with his staff officers, which is a pure fabrication. In reviewing the Japanese writer Arayama Toru’s Korai Hicho, it should be pointed out that the novel has many descriptions severely distorted from the historical facts. Additionally, the novel includes several scenes depicting the obscene sexuality as well as the brutality which are perhaps more befitting of typical Japanese popular novels. The author also seems to revel in concocting some ridiculous plots in the novel such as one in which a Japanese commander dispatches assassins to infiltrate the Yi Sun-Sin’s fleet to kill Yi Sun-Sin only to be defeated by another Japanese commander who tries to save Yi Sun-Sin. In conclusion, it is clear that the character Yi Sun-Sin in these novels does not depict the historical Admiral ‘Yi Sun-Sin’ who achieved the most distinguished victories during the Japanese invasion(1592~1598). Also, it is evident that the main aims of the three authors are not in presenting a story based on historical facts, but in writing popular novels and profiteering from using the name of ‘Yi Sun-Sin’ as a commercial brand to hoard popularity. Finally, it is emphasized that biography is the only true history and precise biography realizes a true historical novel.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        '통영'고옥에서 수집된 수군 고문서(1979년 발견)에 대한 몇 가지 추론적 소견

        박혜일 한국과학사학회 1999 한국과학사학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        In June 1979, there was new that over sixty sheets of old naval documents had been recovered from an old house in the city of Tongyoˇng by an antiquarian. These document sheets were being used as wallpapers in the old house. No systematic information directly related to the studies on the Yi Sun-sin's turtle-boats(1592-1597) was discovered in the sheets. The author's former work titled "Supplementary Remarks on the Iron-armour-clad of Admiral Yi Sun-Sin's Combat Turtle-boats" briefly introduces the only sheet with records of the length of the vessel's bottom plates and the height of the turtle-boat. This work was published in the Journal of the Korean History of Science Society Vol. 4 no. 1 (1982). Confronted with these scattered document sheets, the first task was to confirm the date of issue of each sheet or bundle of similar records to classify the sources in chronological order. However, except for a document of the crew assignment record for a turtle boat corresponding to year 1592, the dates of issue for other documents were indicated using kanji(干支: date or year termed in sexagenary cycle)and the corresponding years could not be uniquely determined. However, the dates may be surmised by critically analyzing specific items such as the length of the bottom plates for turtle-boat or battle-ship, and the types of firing arms appearing frequently in the records. The old documents concerning the turtle-boat and the special battle-ship are surmised to be issued over a period of two years starting at 60 years, for the early estimate, or 120 years after the end of the Japanese invasion of 1592-1598. The records on firing arms confirm that the shipboard weapons systems were gradually replaced by the systems equipped with lighter guns in the same period.

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