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      • KCI등재

        Identification and Molecular Properties of SUMO-Binding Proteins in Arabidopsis

        박형철,최원균,박희진,정미선,구윤덕,신길옥,정우식,김외연,김민갑,레이브레산,한스,이상열,윤대진 한국분자세포생물학회 2011 Molecules and cells Vol.32 No.2

        Reversible conjugation of the small ubiquitin modifier (SUMO) peptide to proteins (SUMOylation) plays important roles in cellular processes in animals and yeasts. However, little is known about plant SUMO targets. To identify SUMO substrates in Arabidopsis and to probe for biological functions of SUMO proteins, we constructed 6xHis-3xFLAG fused AtSUMO1 (HFAtSUMO1) controlled by the CaMV35S promoter for transformation into Arabidopsis Col-0. After heat treatment, an increased sumoylation pattern was de-tected in the transgenic plants. SUMO1-modified proteins were selected after two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) image analysis and identified using matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). We identified 27 proteins involved in a variety of processes such as nucleic acid metabolism, signaling, metabolism, and including proteins of unknown functions. Binding and sumoylation patterns were confirmed independently. Surprisingly, MCM3 (At5G46280), a DNA replication licensing factor, only interacted with and became sumoylated by AtSUMO1, but not by SUMO1GG or AtSUMO3. The results suggest specific interactions between sumoylation targets and particular sumoylation enzymes.

      • KCI등재

        Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattern (PAMP)- Triggered Immunity Is Compromised under C-Limited Growth

        박형철,이신영,박보경,최원규,김찬민,Sanghun Lee,정우식,이상열,Jamal Sabir,Ray A. Bressan,Hans J. Bohnert,Tesfaye Mengiste,윤대진 한국분자세포생물학회 2015 Molecules and cells Vol.38 No.1

        In the interaction between plants and pathogens, carbon (C) resources provide energy and C skeletons to maintain, among many functions, the plant immune system. However, variations in C availability on pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP) triggered immunity (PTI) have not been systematically examined. Here, three types of starch mutants with enhanced susceptibility to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 hrcC were examined for PTI. In a dark perioddependent manner, the mutants showed compromised induction of a PTI marker, and callose accumulation in response to the bacterial PAMP flagellin, flg22. In combination with weakened PTI responses in wild type by inhibition of the TCA cycle, the experiments determined the necessity of C-derived energy in establishing PTI. Global gene expression analyses identified flg22 responsive genes displaying C supply-dependent patterns. Nutrient recycling-related genes were regulated similarly by C-limitation and flg22, indicating re-arrangements of expression programs to redirect resources that establish or strengthen PTI. Ethylene and NAC transcription factors appear to play roles in these processes. Under C-limitation, PTI appears compromised based on suppression of genes required for continued biosynthetic capacity and defenses through flg22. Our results provide a foundation for the intuitive perception of the interplay between plant nutrition status and pathogen defense.

      • KCI등재

        Functional Analysis of the Stress-Inducible Soybean Calmodulin Isoform-4 (GmCaM-4) Promoter in Transgenic Tobacco Plants

        박형철,Man Lyang Kim,Yun Hwan Kang,Jae Cheol Jeong,정미선,Wonkyun Choi,이상열,Moo Je Cho,김민철,정우식,윤대진 한국분자세포생물학회 2009 Molecules and cells Vol.27 No.4

        The transcription of soybean (Glycine max) calmodulin isoform-4 (GmCaM-4) is dramatically induced within 0.5 h of exposure to pathogen or NaCl. Core cis-acting elements that regulate the expression of the GmCaM-4 gene in response to pathogen and salt stress were previously identified, between -1,207 and -1,128 bp, and between -858 and -728 bp, in the GmCaM-4 promoter. Here, we characterized the properties of the DNA-binding complexes that form at the two core cis-acting elements of the GmCaM-4 promoter in pathogen-treated nuclear extracts. We generated GUS reporter constructs harboring various deletions of approximately 1.3-kb GmCaM-4 promoter, and analyzed GUS expression in tobacco plants transformed with these constructs. The GUS expression analysis suggested that the two previously identified core regions are involved in inducing GmCaM-4 expression in the heterologous system. Finally, a transient expression assay of Arabidopsis protoplasts showed that the GmCaM-4 promoter produced greater levels of GUS activity than did the CaMV35S promoter after pathogen or NaCl treatments, suggesting that the GmCaM-4 promoter may be useful in the production of conditional gene expression systems.

      • KCI등재

        메추리에서의 Newcastle균 바이러스 $B_1$백신의 효능시험

        박형철,최정옥 한국가금학회 1992 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.19 No.1

        The efficacy of B$_1$l live vaccine which is used successfully in chicken was examined against Newcastle disease in quails. A total of 480 male quails were divided into 4 groups, of which 3 groups were vaccinated via drinking water, eye instillation and spraying method and the remaining was employed as a nonvaccinated control group. At 3 weeks after the first vaccination a part of quails in each group was revaccinated. Efficacy of the vaccine was evaluated by the antibody responses and the protection rates after challenge with a virulent NDV. Vaccination of quails with $B_1$ NDV at 10 days of age resulted in beneficial effect compared to nonvaccinated group regardness of vaccination methods adopted although general protection rates were considerably low. Twice vaccination gave higher protection than once vaccination. Hemagglutination inhibition antibody responeses were significantly higher in groups of quails vaccinated by spray and eye instillation method than by drinking water administration. Antibody responses were marked at 2 weeks onward and until 5 to 7 weeks after vaccination. Antibody responses were rapid and marked after second vaccination. However, antibody level did not last longer than 5 to 7 weeks postvaccination. Vaccine caused no adverse effect on quails in terms of growth'rate, body temperature or clinical signs.

      • KCI등재

        한스 우르스 폰 발타살과 캐빈 밴후저의 드라마 이론에 나타나는 구원론에 관한 연구 - 두 드라마 이론의 요소들(elements)을 중심으로

        박형철 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과문화연구원 2012 장신논단 Vol.44 No.4

        This study explores the soteriology in Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theo-drama and Kevin J. Vanhoozer’s drama of doctrine. Basically, two drama theories are expanded by salvation history and that narrative is composed of various elements. In this paper,after comparing, analyzing and summarizing two theories’ elements of Balthasar and of Vanhoozer, I am trying to synthesize both theories and newly develop those in the view of the soteriology. I am also trying to reconstruct and explain those elements:Core Elements(God, Jesus Christ and Bible(script)), Groud Element(world stage),Acting Subject Element(human actor). This explains two shapes of soteriology divided into salvation by faith and salvation by sanctification. It explains already accomplished salvation and not yet accomplished salvation through world stage(ground element)and human actor(acting subject element) because two elements have characters both fixed and changeable by the stages of salvation history. Bible-era is the past and the salvation was accomplished through Jesus Christ. That stage and actors’ role were fixed. But, the life in here and now is still processing and salvation by sanctification is also processing. This stage and actors’ role are changeable. This study suggests one whole soteriology that includes the concepts of sanctification and discipleship in postmodern-era through drama theory. 본 논고는 한스 우르스 폰 발타살(Hans Urs von Balthasar)의 신적-드라마(Theo-Drama)와 캐빈 밴후저(Kevin J. Vanhoozer)의 교리의 드라마(Drama of Doctrine)에 나타나는 구원론을 연구한다. 기본적으로, 두 드라마 이론은 구속사를 기반으로 전개되며 그 이야기는 다양한 요소들로 구성된다. 본 논고는 발타살과 밴후저의 두 이론의 ‘요소들’을 비교, 분석, 요약하고, 구원론의 관점에서 새롭게 종합하고 발전시키려는 시도를 한다. 필자는 그 요소들을 핵심 요소(하나님, 예수 그리스도, 성경), 기반 요소(세계 무대) 그리고 행위 주체 요소(인간 배우)로 재구성해서 설명하고, 이를 통해 일반적으로 믿음에 의한 구원과 성화에 의한 구원으로나뉘는 구원론의 두 양상을 함께 설명한다. 특별히, 기반 요소인 ‘세계 무대(world stage)’와 행위 주체 요소인 ‘인간 배우(human actor)’들의 역할을 통해 이미 이루어진 구원을 넘어서 아직 이루어지지 않은 구원을 설명하는데 이는 세계 무대와 인간 배우가 구속사의 ‘막(stage)’에 따라 고정적일 수도 가변적일 수도 있는 특징을가지기 때문이다. 성서 시대는 지나간 과거이고 예수 그리스도를 통한 구원은 ‘이미’ 이루어졌다. 그 무대와 배우들의 역할은 ‘고정된(fixed)’ 것이다. 하지만, 지금그리고 여기에서의 삶은 진행 중이며 성화를 통한 구원은 ‘아직’ 이루어지지 않았다. 이 무대와 배우들의 역할은 ‘가변적인(changeable)’ 것이다. 본 논고는 드라마이론을 통해 현 포스트모던 시대에 성화와 제자도의 개념을 포함하는 온전한 하나의 구원론을 제시하려 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Novel MAP kinase substrates identified by solid-phase phosphorylation screening in Arabidopsis thaliana

        박형철,Xuan Canh Nguyen,Sunghwa Bahk,Byung Ouk Park,김호수,Min-Chul Kim,Hans J. Bohnert,정우식 한국식물생명공학회 2016 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.10 No.6

        Phosphorylation of substrate proteins by mitogen-activated protein kinases (MPKs) determines the specific cellular responses elicited by a particular extracellular stimulus. However, downstream targets of plant MPKs remain poorly characterized. In this study, 29 putative substrates of AtMPK3, AtMPK4 and AtMPK6 were identified by solid-phase phosphorylation screening of a k phage expression library constructed from combined mRNAs from salt-treated, pathogen-treated and mechanically wounded Arabidopsis seedlings. To test the efficiency of this screening, we performed in vitro kinase assay with 10 recombinant fusion proteins. All proteins were phosphorylated by AtMPK3, AtMPK4 and AtMPK6, indicating the efficiency of this screening procedure. To confirm phosphorylation of isolated substrates by plant MPKs, we performed in-gel kinase assays. All test substrates were strongly phosphorylated by wounding or H2O2-activated AtMPK3 and AtMPK6. Three substrates, encoded by genes At2g41430, At2g41900, and At3g16770, were strongly phosphorylated, suggesting a function as AtMPK substrates. The type of screening provides a powerful way for identifying potential substrates of MAP kinases responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses.

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