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      • KCI등재

        단안증 1 예

        박충학(CH Park),최원도(WD Choi),장윤석(YS Chang),김강희(KH Kim),이영호(HY Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.8

        서울대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실 박충학·최원도*·장윤석·김강회·이영호 =Abstract= A Case of Cyclopia Park CH, Choi WD, Chang YS,* Kim KH, Lee YH Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology College of Medicine Seoul National University Cyclopia is a fetal ocular anomaly in which the eyes are fused together such a serious degree of maldevelopment is incompastible with survival Its name is derived from Cyclops the one eyed giant of Greek legned It is the severest from of holotelencephaly which is failure of cleavage of the prosencephalon with a deficit in midline facial development In cyclopia combined with an extrachromosome in the 13-15 group there are characteristically multipld congenital anomalies and it is called also Patau`s syndrome A case of cyclopia associated with hydramnios in a 25 years old para 1-0-0-1 woman is presented with brief review of literatures concerned.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신중 혈청 C-반응성 단백의 정량분석에 관한 연구

        박충학(CH Park) 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.6

        The objective of this study is to establish the normal level of serum C-reactive protein in Korean women with uncomplicated pregnancy. Serum C-reactive protein levels were determined by means of the turbidimetric immunoassay technique in 298 pregnant women at various gestational ages who visited the department of obstetrics and gynecology in Dae Han General Hospital during the period from September, 1988 to August, 1990. The range of gestational ages varied from 42 days(6 weeks) to 302 days (43+1 weeks). Followings are the results summarized. 1. The mean level of serum C-reactive protein in pregnant women was 0.48±0.45 mg/dl which was within normal limits. 2. There was statistically significant positive relation between gestational ages and serum C-reactive protein levels(r=0.194, P<0.01). 3. The mean levels of serum C-reactive protein were 0.35 mg/dl in the first trimester, 0.47 mg/dl in the second trimester, 0.57 mg/dl in the third trimester, and 0.48 mg/dl in the period of post-expected date of confinement. 4. The upper limit of C-reactive protein level defined as the ninty-fifth percentile was 1.38 mg/dl and the cases higher than 1.38 mg/dl were in 16 of 298 pregnant women.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        양막대증후군 1 례

        박충학(CH Park),허의종(EJ Hur),고경심(KS Ko),박진완(JW Park),이원기(WK Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.5

        The amnionic band syndrome is a rare and interesting anomaly, which is thought to becaused by rupture of the amnion. The amnionic band syndrome is a set of congennital malformations ranging from minor constriction rings and lymphedema of the digits to complex and bizarre multiple congenital anomalies that are attributed to amnionic bands that stick, entangle, and desrupt fetal parts. We have experienced one case of amnionic band syndrome in a 26-year-old multigravida, which is presented with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        CO2 레이저와 인터페론 알파-2b로 병합치료한 질에 발생한 다발성 첨형 콘딜로마 1 예

        박충학(CH Park),박혜영(HY Park),오현양(HY Oh),서흥식(HS Seo),고경심(KS Ko),진건(K Jin) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.6

        Condyloma acuminatum is a contagious viral infection caused by types 6 and 11 human papillomavirus[HPV], but may also be caused by types 16, 18, 30s group, 40s group, 50s group, and 60s group. The warts tend to occur most directly by coitus. Treatment of vulvar condyloma ranges from topical podophyllin, trichloroacetic acid, and 5-fluorouracil application to local excision, cryotherapy, electrosurgery, and carbon dioxide laser vaporization. The goal of treatment is removal of the warts;it is not possible to eradicate the viral infection. We have experienced one case of multiple condyloma acuminata in the vagina treated with carbon dioxide laser vaporization combined with intralesionally injected interferon alfa-2b, which is presented with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재

        자궁경관점액의 Canalization에 관한 연구

        박충학(CH Park),장윤석(YS Chang) 대한산부인과학회 1986 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.29 No.4

        자궁경관점액의 Canalization The importance of cervical mucus as an ovulation marker and its role in the survival and penetration of spermatozoa are today recognized everywhere. Human cervical mucus forms channels when dried under a cover-slip. The aim of the present investigation was to study the phenomenon of cervical mucus canalization in spontaneous ovulatory cycles and during treatment with gonadotropins for the induction of ovulation: to evaluate the correlation between this phenomenon of canalization and other parameters for the prediction of the time of ovulation such as measurement of plasma estradiol concentration, ultrasonic examination for monitoring of follicular growth, the measurement of the pattern of ferning and spinnbarkeit: and to verify the value of the clinical use of the phenomenon of canalization. The results were sumarized as follows: 1. Canalization appeared on the eighth day of the menstrual cycle and the number of the channels increased until the time of ovulation 2. The mean number of channels increased from 6 11 in AIH group, 18 11 in AID group, 26 16 in HMG group(Day -5) to a maximum of 24 9 in AIH group, 54 15 in AID group, 52 21 in HMG group(Day -1) and decreased to 14 10 in AIH group, 16 8 in AID group, 21 19 in HMG group(Day 0). 3. The maximum plasma estradiol(E2) concentration was 537 428 pg/ml in AIH group, 804 250 pg/ml in AID group, 1,234 521 pg/ml in HMG group(Day -2) and there was a good statistical correlation between the number of channels and plasma E2 concentration. 4. The maximum follicular diameter was 19.7 4.7mm in AIH group, 19.2 5.4mm in AID group, 16.6 3.8mm(Day -1) and after then decreased. There was a good statistical correlation between the number of channels and the follicular diameter. 5. The maximum grade of ferning was 2.1 1.1 in AIH group, 2.9 0.3 in AID group(Day -1) and 2.8 0.6 in HMG group(Day -2). The number of channels increased in proportion to the increase of the grade of ferning. 6. The maximum score of spinnbarkeit was 2.6 0.7 in AIH group(Day -1), 3.0 0 in AID group, and 2

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        전치태반에 관한 임상적 연구

        박충학(CH Park),허의종(EJ Hur),고경심(KS Ko) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.8

        Background: Placenta previa is one of the leading causes of third trimester bleeding and can result in serious maternal morbidity and increased risk of maternal, feta, and neonatal death. Our purpose was to make preparations for proper emergency care and delivery in order to improve maternal and fetal well-being. Methods: We analyzed thirty-seven cases of placenta previa from June 1,1994 to September 30, 1995 from the retrospective study. Results: The incidence of placenta previa was 2.21%. Placenta previa has occured more often in multigravida(83.8%), than primigravida(16.2%). The mean gestational age at the first bleeding episode was 32.1 weeks(range, 19.9 to 39.70, The mode of delivery for placenta previa was emergency cesarean section(51.4%), planned elective cearean secion(43.2%), emergency hysterotomy(2.7%), and vaginal delivery(2.7%). The type of placenta previa was totalis(75.0%), partialis(19.4%), marginalis(2.8%), and low-lying(2.8%). There was no maternal mortality and perinatal mortality rate was 135.1/1000 deliveries, mainly due to the incidence of prematurity(27.0%). Conclusions: This study indicates that the obstetrician, the anesthesiologist and the pediatrician should all be prepared for emergency care and delivery of the placenta previa patient, with the improvement of delivery floor and neonatal intensive care unit.

      • KCI등재

        지상아와 제대난맛부착을 합병한 쌍태임신 1 예

        박충학(CH Park),박준우(JW Park),문신용(SY Moon),이필한(PH Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.9

        Fetus papyraceus is a small mummified and compressed fetus ocurring as a result of the death of one fetus during multiple gestation due to a certain cause Also velamentous insertion of the cord is a rdlatively infrequent condition in which the vessels at the placental end of the cord are separated and pass between the chorion and the amnion for some distance before entering the placenta Recently we had a chance to study a case of fetus papyraceus with velamentous inserion of the cord in monochorial twin pregnancy A cases of fetus papyraceus with velamentous insertion of the cord is presented with brief review of the literatures conccerned.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        난소임신 2 례

        박종하(JH Park),이광준(KJ Lee),임병남(BN Lim),박충학(CH Park) 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.4

        Primary ovarian pregnancy is comparatively rare in etopic pregnancy. We have experienced two cases of ovarian pregnancy, which are presented with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        제대염전과 진결절을 동반한 일양막성 쌍태임신 1 례

        박종하(JH Park),이광준(KJ Lee),박충학(CH Park) 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.1

        Entanglement and true knots of umbilical cord are very rare complications of cord abnormalities. We have experienced one case of monoamniotic twin with severe entanglement and true knots of umbilical cord, which is presented with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임산부의 신체비만지수 및 체중증가 양상과 조산과의 관계

        고경심(KS Ko),박충학(CH Park) 대한산부인과학회 1997 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.40 No.10

        Objective:To examine the association between maternal body mass index, gestation-al weight gain pattern and preterm delivery, using Institute of Medicine(IOM) guidelines. Methods:We used data collected from 937 pregnant women delivered without comp- lications in Dankook University Hospital from December 1994 to October 1995. Results:The mean maternal weight gain was 12.9 kg. The mean maternal weight gain in the underweight group(BMI>19.8), in the normal weight group(BMI:19.8∼26.0) and in the overweight group(BMI>26.0) was 13.5 kg, 12.6 kg and 11.5 kg, respectively. Compared to the IOM recommendations for total weight gain, we classified objects into groups of the Under-gain, the Recommended gain and the Over-gain. The Under-gain gr- oup was 3.23 times more likely to preterm birth than other groups;the odds ratio was 3.23 and 95 % confidence interval was 2.16∼4.84. Pre-pregnancy body mass index was not associated with the increased risks of preterm birth. Conclusions:The results suggest that maternal Under-gain during pregnancy, but not pre-pregnancy BMI, was associated with the increased risks of preterm birth. Therefore, it is important to identify women, whose weight gain are inadequate to the recommended ranges and to encourage them to take adequate nutritional intakes.

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