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      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 철응(鐵凝) 소설 ≪분화(花)≫에 대한 신역사주의적 접근

        박창욱 ( Chang Uk Park ) 중국어문연구회 2015 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.67

        This thesis aimed at searching for narrative characteristics and significance of Tie Ning’s Novel Thickheaded Flower. In this paper, Chinese contemporary writer Tie Ning (1957-) novel Thickheaded Flower was investigated. Critics have mainly from the aspect of ‘feminism’ to explore fiction Tie Ning. But since 2005 when the Tie Ning’s Thickheaded Flower came out, this situation has changed. Thickheaded Flower narrative is involving not only the ordinary people during the Republic of China People’s family history, but also the history of female characters growth. And it is attempting to explore the ‘Dehistoricization’ and so meaningful. Therefore, by analyzing the Thickheaded Flower, we can examine the Tie Ning’s historical consciousness. I believe it is worthy work to study the Thickheaded Flower narrative for the exploring in the context of new historicism in contemporary Chinese literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        Toe entrapment and injury by plastic color rings in a Pale Thrush (Turdus pallidus) and a Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis)

        Chang-Yong Choi(최창용),Chang-uk Park(박창욱),Hyun-Young Nam(남현영),Se-Young Park(박세영),Gi-Chang Bing(빙기창),Sook-Young Cho(조숙영),Jong-Gil Park(박종길) 한국조류학회II 2018 한국조류학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        플라스틱 유색가락지는 수많은 생태학 및 조류학 현장 연구에 흔히 사용되고 있으나, 참새목 조류에서 유색가락지로 인한 부상에 대한 기록은 드문 실정이다. 본 연구는 전남 신안군 홍도에서의 가락지 부착조사 과정에서 최초 포획된 날로부터 596일 후 재포획된 흰배지빠귀(Turdus pallidus)가 분할식 다빅(Darvic) 유색가락지로 인해 발가락이 소실되었음을 확인하고 이를 처음으로 보고한다. 또 인접한 흑산도에서는 포획된 지 135일 후에 재관찰된 검은이마직박구리(Pycnonotus sinensis)의 왼쪽 뒷발가락이 유색가락지 안쪽에 끼어있는 사례도 함께 확인하였다. 유색가락지를 부착한 산새류 1,900여 개체에서 확인된 두 사례를 바탕으로, 향후 유색가락지의 사용과 부착에 있어서 일반적인 유색가락지 부착지침을 따르는 신중한 접근법을 강조한다. Color rings have been commonly and widely used in many ecological and ornithological studies in the field, but color ring-induced injury in passerines is poorly documented. In this report, we describe the first case of toe loss caused by a dislocated split Darvic ring in a Pale Thrush (Turdus pallidus) that was recaptured 596 days after its initial capture and release on Hong-do Island, the Republic of Korea. We also found that a left hind toe of a Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) was entrapped by a split color ring when the bird was observed 135 days after the marking at Heuksan-do Island. Based on these two cases out of the 1,900 color ringed birds, we emphasize a precautionary approach following general guidelines in the application and use of color leg rings for future studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        긴발톱멧새(Calcarius lapponicus) 아종 C. l. alascensis의 국내 첫 기록 보고

        박창욱(Chang-uk Park),진경순(Kyoung-Soon Jin),김양모(Yang-Mo Kim),박종길(Jong-Gil Park) 한국조류학회II 2018 한국조류학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        2017년 11월 13일 전남 신안군 흑산면 예리 일대에서 긴발톱멧새(Calcarius lapponicus) 아종인 C. l.alascensis 1개체(암컷, 1회 겨울깃)가 관찰되었다. 이는 국내에서 최초 관찰 기록이며, 본 아종의 국명은 알래스카긴발톱멧새로 제안한다. On 13 November 2017, a Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) subspecies C. l. alascensis observed 1 individual (Female, 1st-winter) at Yeri, Heuksan-myeon, Shinan-gun, Jeolla Province, Korea (34°41′23.03″N, 125°26′52.27″E). This observation is the first record of C. l. alascensis in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        방방(方方) 소설(小說) ≪연매(軟埋)≫에 나타난 ‘토지개혁서사(土地改革敍事)’의 의미(意味)

        박창욱 ( Park Chang-uk ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.88

        Ruan mai had a new perspective when compared with the existing land reform sanction novel. Fang Fang has fictionalized two kinds of life that a woman has suffered. The protagonist had to fill the time of his whole life with memories of history and repetition of oblivion. What has led a life of ordinary human to such a path? The novel made the readers question during the passage through the ‘18-story hell’ in the text. It is the story of people who are in the element of historical events to entirely dominate the individual memory. These stories, made among humans, have shown the violence with a conflict of uncertain humanity that could occur under extreme circumstances without filtration. Fang Fang talked about a historical event that occurred in China about 60 years ago with a word called Ruan mai. This novel, which was completed after a long period of elaboration, shows the traces of the writer struggling to find the truth buried between ‘individuals and groups’ or ‘individuals and individuals’ at the beginning of the new Chinese construction. It was a novel that made the readers reflect on the resentment and anger of individuals which should not be forgotten in the achievements recorded in the glory of the group. In short, what is most required when combining historical facts with novel forms is ‘veracity’. Ruan mai is a novel that matches this. It is impossible to reenact the readers without ensuring veracity. This work showed the writer’s willingness not to be shaken by the slope of ideology by borrowing the ‘diary’ symbolizing the civilian record and subconscious of the female character struggling with her emotional injury for entire life.

      • KCI등재후보

        다도해해상국립공원 칠발도의 바다제비 번식밀도 및 개체군 추정

        박창욱(Chang-uk Park),김미란(Miran Kim),김양모(Yang-Mo Kim),박종현(Jong-Hyun Park),여주한(Juhan Yeo),권영수(Young-Soo Kwon) 국립공원연구원 2015 국립공원연구지 Vol.6 No.4

        다도해해상국립공원 칠발도에서 번식하는 바다제비의 번식밀도 및 번식 개체군을 알아보기 위해 고정조사구 5개(5 × 5 m)를 설정하여 2년간 모니터링을 실시하였다. 바다제비의 평균 밀도(번식쌍수/1 ㎡)는 2014년에 0.7쌍, 2015년에 0.9쌍이었다. 이를 바탕으로 칠발도 전체의 바다제비 번식개체군을 추정한 결과 2014년과 2015년에 각각 9,825쌍과 12,787쌍이 번식하는 것으로 나타났다. 두 해 번식개체군은 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 칠발도는 바다제비의 개체군 보전을 위해 매우 중요한 지역으로 이들의 번식 및 피해현황을 파악하고 장기적으로 번식 개체군 변화 모니터링이 필요하다. This study is breeding density and estimation population size of the Swinhoe s Storm Petrel for monitoring on Chilbal-do(Is.), Dadohaehaesang National Park, from these two years. Average nest density per 1 ㎡ was 0.7 pairs in 2014 and 0.9 pairs in 2015. Estimation population size was 9,825 pairs in 2014 and 12,787 pairs in 2015, which no significant for two years. Chilbal-do is very important area for the populations conservation of the Swinhoe s Storm Petrel. Therefore, their breeding and damage status and need long-term monitoring of changes in breeding populations.

      • KCI등재

        遲子建(지자건) 소설 ≪僞滿洲國(위만주국)≫ 속 "滿洲敍事(만주서사)"의 意義(의의)

        박창욱 ( Chang Uk Park ) 중국어문연구회 2015 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.69

        The aim of this research is to understand better ‘Manchukuo’ without prejudice through looking deep into Chi Zi-jian’s novel The Puppet Manchukuo (2000) in which she narratives the Manchukuo as a special place that is sharing common painful history of Korea, China and Japan. This thesis has three objectives: (a) to find the forgotten memory about Manchukuo (b) to analyze Manchukuo’s cultural hybridity (c) to examine Chi Zi-jian’s consciousness as a writer. Also, this text tries to deliver a massage that the conflicts in the past should not be an obstacle to a mutual cooperation any more, but have to be a step stone for a common prosperity in future.

      • KCI등재후보

        중간 기착지의 이동성 조류 체지방 연구 : 멧새과를 중심으로

        박창욱(Chang-Uk Park),조숙영(Sook-Young Cho),채희영(Hee-Young Chae) 국립공원연구원 2010 국립공원연구지 Vol.1 No.3

        조류는 매년 번식지와 월동지 사이를 봄철과 가을철에 정기적으로 이동하며 장거리를 이동하기 위해 많은 에너지를 필요로 한다. 에너지는 주로 지방으로 저장하며, 탄수화물이나 단백질에 비해 2 배 이상 많은 열량을 가지고 있어 장거리 이주를 하는 이동성 조류에게 효율적이다. 연구는 조류의 중간기착지로 이용되는 흑산도, 홍도에서 2년간의 가락지 부착 조사를 통해 멧새과 5종의 각 개체별 체지방을 파악하였다. 봄철에 비해 가을철에 체지방이 더 많은 경향을 나타냈고, 1년생보다 성조에서 체지방이 더 많은 경향을 나타냈다. 그러나, 성별에 따른 체지방의 차이는 노랑턱멧새를 제외한 나머지 4종에서는 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 각 개체별 체지방은 몸무게와 양의 상관관계를 나타내었다. Bird migration is a phnomenon on which a scheduled flight occur between breeding and wintering ground in spring and autumn season on each year. Birds store lipid as an energy reserve in large amounts for long-distance migration. Fat yields two times as much energy and water per gram metabolized as does either carbohydrate or protein. Fat is efficient energy for migratory birds. Study for emberizidae performed fat scoring in bird banding during two years on stopover site in Heuksando and Hongdo island. Fat score tended to highly more then at autumn than at spring. Degree of body fat accumulation tended to show seasonal and age difference; it was higher in autumn than in spring, in adults than in first years. However, there was no difference between sexes except for yellow-throated bunting. Body fat scores had positive relationship with body mass.

      • 다도해해상국립공원 흑산도에서 제비의 도래현황 분석

        이승연(Seung-yeon Lee),서슬기(Seul-Gi Seo),박창욱(Chang-uk Park),조숙영(Sook-Young Cho),박세영(Se-Young Park),빙기창(Gi-Chang Bing),홍길표(Gil Pyo Hong),권영수(Young-Soo Kwon) 국립공원연구원 2013 국립공원연구지 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구는 소형 산새류의 중간기착지로 이용되는 다도해해상국립공원 흑산도의 위치적·환경적 특성이 제비 (Hirundo rustica)의 모니터링 효율에 미칠 영향을 알아보기 위한 예비적 연구로 2012년 센서스와 가락지부착조사를 통한 모니터링을 실시하여 도래현황 및 도래시기를 분석하였다. 조류 모니터링 결과 제비는 봄철(4~5월)과 가을철(8~9월)에 집중적으로 도래하였으며, 가을철에 비해 봄철에 2배 이상 많은 개체수가 관찰되었다. 가락지부착조사 결과 제비는 4월에 전체 포획 개체수의 86.4%가 포획되었으며 가을철에는 3.8%만이 포획되었다. 이로서 제비는 흑산도를 봄·가을철에 이동경로 상의 중간기착지로 이용하는 것으로 보이며, 계절별 도래 개체수의 차이는 이동 전략의 다양성, 두 가지 방법의 조사 결과 차이는 계절별 서식지 이용에서 기인한 결과로 판단된다. We monitored migration status and timing of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) in Heuksan-do, which belongs to the Dadohaehaesang National Park and is a stopover site for migratory passerines. Daily bird census by count and bird banding during spring and autumn migration season were carried out in 2012. Barn Swallows were observed mainly during Apr~May and Aug~Sep, where the number of birds in spring were more than twice than in autumn. Most of swallows were banded in April (86.4%), and only 3.8% of swallows were banded in the autumn season. The monitoring results confirmed that Barn Swallows use Heuksan-do as a stopover site in both spring and autumn migration season, and the difference of monitoring results by the two methods may be caused by the differences in migration strategies and in habitat use between the two seasons.

      • KCI등재

        석탄계 타르의 열처리 중 압력변화에 따른 변성 콜타르 핏치의 미세구조 및 물성 변화

        고효준,정성모,한지훈,박창욱,김명수,임연수,Ko, Hyo Joon,Chung, Sung Mo,Han, Ji Hoon,Park, Chang Uk,Kim, Myung-Soo,Lim, Yun-Soo 한국재료학회 2014 한국재료학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        Coal-tar pitch, a feedstock which can be heat-treated to create graphite, is composed of very complex molecules. Coal-tar pitch is a precursor of many useful carbon materials (e.g., graphite, carbon fibers, electrodes and matrices of carbon/carbon composites). Modified coal-tar pitch (MCTP) was prepared using two different heat-treatment methods and their properties were characterized and compared. One was prepared using heat treatment in nitrogen gas; the other was prepared under a pressure of 350 mmHg in air. The MCTPs were investigated to determine several properties, including softening point, C/H ratio, coke yield, formation of anisotropic mesophase and viscosity. The MCTPs were subject to considerable changes in chemical composition due to condensation and polymerization in the used-as-received coal-tar pitch after heat-treatment under different conditions. The MCTPs showed considerable increases in softening point, C/H ratio, and coke yield, compared to those of as-received coal-tar pitch. The MCTP formed by heat-treatment in nitrogen showed isotropic phases below $350^{\circ}C$ for 1 h of soaking time. However, MCTP heat-treated under high pressure (350 mmHg) showed isotropic phases below $300^{\circ}C$, and showed anisotropic phases above $350^{\circ}C$, for 1 h of soaking time. The viscosity of the MCTPs increased with increase in their softening points.

      • KCI등재

        콜타르로부터 탄소섬유 제조를 위한 프리커서용 석탄계 핏치의 제조

        고효준,박창욱,조효행,유미정,김명수,임연수,Ko, Hyo Joon,Park, Chang Uk,Cho, Hyo Hang,Yoo, Mi Jung,Kim, Myung-Soo,Lim, Yun-Soo 한국재료학회 2013 한국재료학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        Coal tar is the primary feedstock of premium graphitizable carbon precursor. Coal tars are residues formed as byproducts of thermal treatments of coal. Coal tar pitches were prepared through two different heat treatment schedules and their properties were characterized. One was prepared with argon and oxidation treatment with oxygen; the other was prepared with oxygen treatment at low temperature and then argon treatment at high temperature; both used coal tar to prepare coal tar pitches. To modulate the properties, different heat treatment temperatures ($300{\sim}400^{\circ}C$) were used for the coal tar pitches. The prepared coal tar pitches were investigated to determine several properties, such as softening point, C/H ratio, coke yield, and aromaticity index. The coal tar pitches were subject to considerable changes in chemical composition that arose due to polymerization after heat treatment. Coal tar pitch showed considerable increases in softening point, C/H ratio, coke yields, and aromaticity index compared to those characteristics for coal tar. The contents of gamma resin, which consists of low molecular weight compounds in the pitches and is insoluble in toluene, showed that the degree of polymerization in the pitches was proportional to C/H ratio. Using an oxidizing atmosphere like air to prepare the pitches from coal tar was an effective way to increase the aromaticity index at relatively low temperature.

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