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      • KCI우수등재

        공공개발지구 내 주차장용지에 주차전용건축물이 집합건물일 경우 부대시설 수분양자의 주차장 지분배분에 관한 연구

        박창률(Park, Chang-Yul),윤정득(Yoon, Jeong-Duck) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2020 國土計劃 Vol.55 No.7

        In the past, the implementers (public enterprises or local public corporations) of projects in public development districts sold parking lot land to local governments for free or at cost. However, after the parking-lot law was amended in 1999, the land was sold to the private sector under a general competitive bidding method. As a result, the provision of parking lot land in public development project districts did not do more to ameliorate the parking shortage than when it was supplied to local governments. While there are a variety of reasons for this, the most significant cause is that the development of parking lots involved parking-only buildings, but in most cases collective building were built. In general commercial land, semi-residential, or residential areas, the requirements for establishing an aggregated building are clearly defined in the Collective Building Act, but the requirements for parking areas are applied differently. That is, the law was often misinterpreted. In the case of parking-only buildings for parking lots, it is necessary to establish a system of laws to better ensure the securing of parking lots from the perspective of pre-sale consumers. This study argues that the conditions of collective buildings must be met for parking-only buildings. Local governments stipulate the allowable range of additional facilities for parking lots by ordinance, but if the construction of parking-only buildings involves a collective building, it cannot be sold under the same concept as the general commercial building. This study concludes that revision of the Enforcement Rules of the Parking Lot Law is requires to protect these rights by securing the parking lot shares of those receiving pre-sale facilities.

      • KCI등재후보

        공공개발지구 내 주차장용지의 이용실태와 토지공급방법 개선방안 연구

        박창률,김시진,Park, Chang Yul,Kim, Si Jin 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2019 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.10 No.4

        Parking lot within housing site contains public interest of relieving parking space shortage problem and subject to public restriction. If auctioned off at higher price by excessive competition in general competitive bid for land bidders, the development of parking lot will be made against its original purpose supply. The core issue is that a bid price is quite often to be blown out of proportion by 150%~ 250% due to extreme competition and, could face serious problem if a winning bidder runs sale business. If it is rental business, although about 30% of the total floor space of the whole building to be used as neighborhood facilities, too high winning bid price cause to lose transparency. In case of sale at aggregate buildings, most business operators would sell 30% of the neighborhood facilities, spare the parking lot and manages thereof separately. According to Aggregate Buildings Act, neighborhood facilities are allowed for individual registration and ownership of parking lot by business operator or designated person by business operator. In this case, the parking lot becomes 70% of the total floor space of the whole building and 70% of the land share which makes the mortgage very valuable and easier for business operator to get financial loan. There used to be many cases such as owners of neighborhood facilities (aggregate buildings partial owners) who run parking lot to repay their loan running parking lot to repay loan, but found that very tough and reached auction and relatively disadvantaged. For parking lot within housing site, it is recommend to exclude the public factors that land has and take into account of public restriction in area (housing site). Business opportunity for operators and protection of property rights for buyers in aggregate buildings, land supply method is recommended to replace from highest bid method into draw or private contract. In terms of price, supply at estimated price (construction price) and restriction on usage (Co-ownership of parking lot) proposals are submitted.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 투기예방을 위한 대토보상제도 활성화 방안 연구 - 토지보상법 개정 필요성 중심으로 -

        박창률(Park, Chang Yul),박정준(Park, Jung Jun),손순금(Son, Sun Gum) 한국지적정보학회 2021 한국지적정보학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        대토보상이란 원주민의 토지가 공공개발사업구역에 편입되어 토지보상금 대신에 사업지구내의 개발이 완료된 후 현금대체보상수단으로 당해지구의 토지로 보상받는 권리를 대토보상이라고 한다. 원주민이 보상금대신 토지로 보상받는 권리는 토지보상법 제63조의 법적으로 정당한 권리이다. 그러나 현실의 대토보상제도는 각 사업지구의 토지보상실적을 보면 활성화 되지 못하고 있다. 그 원인은 여러 가지 복합적인 원인이 있지만 정부가 정책적으로 대토보상 활성화정책이 필요한 부분으로 정책적 문제는 연구의 대상에서 제외 하였다. 제도적인 문제에서 토지보상이 활성화를 위한 「토지보상법」제 63조제1항에서 제3항까지의 개정이 필요한 것이다. 법이 개정이 되어야 사업의 시행자(정부공기업 또는 지방공기업)의 대토보상 시행지침이 바뀌게 될 것이다. 본 연구의 목적은 토지보상법이 개정으로 인하여 대토보상 제도를 활성화 하고 신도시 개발지역의 부동산투기를 예방하고 더불어 개발지역의 원주민의 재정착기회와 개발이익을 향유할 수 있는 근본적인 대책을 강구하는 연구다. 더불어 사업의 시행자는 법의 규정에 앞서 개발지역 원주민의 특성(수도권, 비수도권)을 고려한 대토보상이 이루어져야 원주민의 재정착과 개발이익일부를 원주민에게 돌려주는 방안이 나올 것이다. Land compensation refers to the right of indigenous people to be compensated with land in the district as a means of cash replacement compensation after development in the project zone is completed. Indigenous people"s right to compensate with land in place of cash compensation is a legally valid right under Article 63 of the Land Compensation Act of Korea. However, the real land compensation system has not been activated based on the land compensation performance of each business district. There are a number of complicated reasons for this, but policy issues were excluded from the study as part of the government"s policy of promoting land compensation. In institutional matters, it is necessary to revise Articles 63 (1) through (3) of the Land Compensation Act for the Promotion of Land Compensation. Only when the law is amended will the implementer"s guidance on land compensation be changed. The purpose of this study is to revitalize the land compensation system due to the revision of the Land Compensation Act, prevent real estate speculation in new town development areas, and devise fundamental measures to enjoy resettlement opportunities and development profits. In addition, the implementer of the project will return some of the indigenous people"s resettlement and development profits to the indigenous people only when compensation is made in consideration of the characteristics of the indigenous people (metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas) before the law.

      • KCI등재후보

        비주거용 집합건물 대지지분의 적절한 배분이 구분소유건물가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 「집합건물법」 제12, 17, 21조 개정을 중심으로

        박창률,박정준,Park, Chang-Yul,Park, Jung-Jun 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2021 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.12 No.1

        집합건물의 입법의 동기가 1970년대의 아파트건립의 붐을 타고 1984년 「집합건물법」이 제정되고 「민법」상 공유등기를 구분소유의 구분등기가 가능하게 된 것이다. 1984년 「집합건물법」이 제정되고 구분소유의 개념과 함께 부동산시장에 큰 변화를 가져온 것이다. 즉 2020년 지금의 시대변화는 다양한 집합건물의 출현으로 부동산시장의 세분화, 투자패턴의 변화(분산투자), 그리고 집합건물의 다양한 모습으로 건축되면서 부동산시장을 주도하고 있다. 특히 초고층의 주상복합아파트의 경우는 건물의 공용부분(지하주차장 등)이 늘어나는 추세이며, 대지지분배분문제도 상당한 문제의식을 가지게 된다. 현행 「집합건물법」 제12조, 제17조 및 제21조는 공유면적과 대지지분의 배분기준이 각 구분소유자의 전유부분의 면적비율이라는 개념은 지금시대가 요구하는 집합건물에는 맞지 않는다. 본 연구는 집합건물의 공용의 공유부분과 공동소유의 대지 지분을 각 구분소유지의 전유면적 비율로 배분한다는 것이 바람작하지 못하다는 것을 사례를 통하여 입증하고 집합건물 전체가 가지는 가치에서 전유부분이 가지는 가치에 대한 기준으로 대지를 배분하고자 법의 개정을 요구하는 것이다. In 1984, the "Collective Building Act" was enacted in response to the boom in apartment construction in the 1970s. The Act enabled strata titling with partitioned ownership, which was a change from a shared title under the Civil Act. The 1984 Act brought about major changes in the real estate market and the use of property titles. Current changes in the real estate market, borne of collective buildings, are leading the market segmentation, new investment patterns (portfolio investment), and various designs in collective buildings. In particular, for high-rise mixed-use complexes, shared spaces (such as underground parking lots) are increasing, and, therefore, how the land share is allocated has become an important issue. Articles 12, 17, and 21 in the current Act are based on irrational methods that shared areas and land portions are allocated by the area of each partitioned owner. This study shows the irrationalities with case studies and proposes the revision of the Act - to be based on the percentage value of each partitioned property.

      • KCI등재후보

        경산 대임공공주택지구의 대토보상결과를 통해 살펴본 대토보상제도 문제점과 개선방안 연구

        박창률,박정준,손순금,Park, Chang-Yul,Park, Jung-Jun,Son, Sun-Gum 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2020 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.11 No.4

        This study explores the outcome of the current Land Compensation Act for the indigenous residents of DAEIM Public Development Project Zone in Gyeongsan City. The purpose of the law is to return part of the development gains to the native residents and to support the re-settlement of the native residents. As the Land Compensation Act applies to each area with different standards, the monetary terms of land compensation which the native residents eventually receive varies across the region and development sites. That means the development gain is not fairly shared with the native residents of the redevelopment area and it does not necessarily support the settlement of the existing residents. It is supposed that the actual compensation for the native residents should be in full cash value but it is not in reality. The study demonstrates the outcomes of the land compensation that the residents received are far from the original purpose of the Compensation Act using the case example of DAEIM Public Development Zone in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbukdo. Only a small proportion of the natives managed to achieve the development gains. Accordingly the majority of the native residents has lost re-settlement opportunity. It suggests that the Compensation Act and the implementation procedure should be reviewed and revised accordingly. The details of compensation plan should be tested and set up in line with the characteristics of the project area. In particular, the compensation details in terms of the size and types of land, average value of land for indigenous residents receive, and the amount of compensation per household should be clearly demonstrated to the resident.

      • KCI등재

        대토 보상제도의 효율성에 관한 연구

        박창률(Park Chang Yul),최인호(Choi In Ho),김시진(kim Si Jin),정성훈(Jeong Seong Hoon) 한국지적정보학회 2016 한국지적정보학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 대토보상 제도의 현실적인 문제점을 파악하고, 효율적인 대토보상의 법적 개선방안을 제시하는데 있다. 공익사업에 있어서 사업시행자의 보상은 공시지가 수준의 보상이고, 대체 토지를 공급하고자하는 가격은 일반 분양가격(시장가격에 기준한 감정가격)이다. 또한 상업용 토지의 경우에는 일반경쟁 입찰 가격의 120%를 적용한다는 것은 형평성의 차원에서 타당하지 못할 것으로 판단된다. 손실보상 관련 선행연구의 공통점은 공공사업의 토지보상금은 미래가치로 환산하여 현실화 되고 난 다음의 현금대체보상이 이루어져야 한다는 것이었다. 대토보상제도에서 원주민인 피수용자가 공급받는 토지는 일종의 개발이익의 공유라는 개념이라고 볼 때 이것은 완전한 보상이 채워지지 않고 부분을 채워주는 역할, 즉 일종의 토지보상금의 다른 한 형태라고 밖에 볼 수 없다. 대토보상이 현금보상의 사회적 문제점을 보완하기 위한 수단으로 정착되어야 하며, 이 대토보상제도의 선행과제는 완전한 보상은 되지 못하더라도 정당한 보상에 근접하는 보상이 이루어져야 하는 것이다. The purpose of the study is to figure out the realistic problems of the substitute land compensation system, and to present a legal improvements of the effective substitute land compensation. It is not reasonable in terms of equitable compensation to the concessionaire that the general land sale price (based on the appraised value at market prices) for alternative land and compensation to 120% of the price competitive bidding for commercial land. Many previous studies have in common is that they compensate for the loss of land compensation of public service compensation should be made in cash alternative in terms of future value. When viewed as a kind of development of the concept of shared interests. Receive alternative land compensation system in indigenous inmates are fed land to other forms of land compensation which should fill some roles rather than full compensation. The researchers hope to replace the system of land compensation settlement as a means to supplement the social problems of the cash compensation and preferentially, should be made to compensate for proximity to preferentially fair compensation.

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