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        풍납토성의 성벽 축조기법 및 축조시기 검토

        박중균 ( Park Jung-gyun ) 중부고고학회 2021 고고학 Vol.20 No.3

        이글은 1999년과 2011년에 이루어진 풍납토성 동성벽 발굴조사 결과를 바탕으로 풍납토성 성벽 축조기법 및 축조시기, 증축 양상을 파악한 것이다. 풍납토성 성벽의 축조는 版築技法에 의해 축조된 것으로 보이며, 그 축조공정은 기저부 조성-중심토루 축조-중심토루의 내외에 分段式으로 몇 개의 토루를 덧 붙여 성벽 완성-완성된 성벽의 내외 벽면에 자갈을 피복하여 마감하였던 것으로 보인다. 기저부의 조성 방법에서는 성벽 진행방향을 따라 溝를 굴착하거나 지면을 얕게 굴착하여 지면과 성벽의 밀착을 강화시켰으며, 중심토루에서 내벽쪽으로는 점토(뻘)를 깔아 성벽 기초를 보강하였던 것으로 판단된다. 또한 토루의 축조와 관련한 판축틀(거푸집)의 설치는 수직으로 설치하여 토루를 축조한 후 벽면을 斜方向으로 깎아 냈다는 견해가 일반적이었는데, 당초부터 벽면의 기울기에 맞게 비스듬히 설치하였던 것으로 보인다. 초축성벽에 대한 증축은 내벽쪽으로 한 차례, 외벽쪽으로는 두 차례 정도 이루어진 것으로 보인다. 그리고 기존 내벽의 2차 증축부로 판단한 Ⅴ토루는 1차 증축토루로 파악한 Ⅳ토루와 공정상의 선후관계에 의해 동일시점에 축조된 것으로 판단된다. 끝으로 풍납토성의 축조시기는 2세기대 축조설, 3세기 후반설, 4세기 전반~중반설, 4세기 후반설 등이 있는데, 초축성벽에서 출토된 유물을 통해 볼 때 4세기 중엽~후엽에 축조되었을 가능성이 높다고 생각한다. This study investigates Pungnaptoseong Fortress(風納土城) in terms of its wall construction technique, time of construction, and extension pattern, based on the excavation survey results of the eastern wall in undertaken in 1999 and 2011. It appers that the walls of Pungnaptoseong Fortress were built using the panchuk (stamped earth) technique (版築技法). The construction process began with the establishment of the foundation, which was followed by the central earthwork (土壘) and the addition of more earthwork to partition inside and outside the central earthwork to complete the fortress walls. The finishing touches involved the covering of completed internal and external walls with gravel. The foundation was built by digging pits along the direction of the fortress walls or by digging the ground shallow to reinforce the contact between the ground and the fortress walls. Clay was laid out from the central earthwork to the internal walls to reinforce the basis of the fortress walls. The dominant opinion had been that the wooden frame (mold) was installed perpendicularly to the earthwork by cutting the walls of the completed earthwork in a slanted direction. The inclination of the walls, however, indicates that it had been installed obliquely. It is estimated that the original fortress walls were extended once in the case of the internal walls and twice in the case of the external walls. Earthwork V, which is considered to be the second extension of the old internal walls, seems to have been built at the same time as Earthwork IV, which is considered to be the first extension. Finally, there are different theories about the construction period of Pungnaptoseong Fortress, including the second century, the latter part of the third century, the early to middle part of the fourth century, and the latter part of the fourth century. It is highly likely that it was built in the latter part of the fourth century based on the artifacts excavated from the original fortress walls.

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