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      • KCI등재

        실리콘 나노 박막의 열-전계 방출효과를 이용한 분자 질량분석

        박종후 ( Jong Hoo Park ) 한국유화학회 2013 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        본 연구에서는 가속된 이온이 전기장이 걸려있는 freestanding 단결정 실리콘 나노 박막에 충돌했을 때 발생하는 열-전계 전자 방출 특성을 여러 전계 및 열적 조건 아래 체계적으로 분석하였다. 이온 충돌에 의한 열-전계 전자 방출은 쇼트키 효과 (schottky effect)의 선형영역의 특성에 의해 예측된 바와 같이 전계의 세기가 증가할수록 선형적으로 증가했으며, 이온 충돌에 의해 발생하는 열에너지의 제곱에 비례하는 특성을 보여주었다. 이러한 특성들은 실리콘 나노 박막의 질량 분석기용 이온 검출기로의 사용 가능성을 보여준다. This paper describes the characteristics of thermo-field emission in a freestanding silicon nanomembrane under ion bombardment with various thermal and field conditions. The thermal effect and field effect in thermo-field emission in silicon nanomembrane are investigated by varying kinetic energy of ions and electric field applied to the silicon nanomembrane surface, respectively. We found that thermo-field emission increases linearly as the electric field increases, when the electric field intensity is lower than the threshold. The thermo-field emission (schottky effect) increases proportionally to the power of temperature, which agree well with the predictions of a thermo-field emission model.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : "의" 명사구에서 논항 관계의 양상

        박종후 ( Jong Hoo Park ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원 2009 언어사실과 관점 Vol.23 No.-

        This study aims to take a look at `argument relation` in the `의`-noun phrase and its distribution. For this research a small-scale corpus was constructed, and the corpus includes both the spoken language and the written language. The article `의` is used to connect the front component(NP1) and the rear component(NP2) to form a noun phrase, which is called `uy`-Noun Phase in this study. There are a lot of the semantic relations between the NP1 and the NP2 in the `의`-Noun Phase, but the `argument relation` is taken a look at only as the subject of this study. The `argument relation` could be classified into a case where the predicative noun comes in the place of NP2(as `agent`, `theme`, `condition`) and a case where it represents the `subject as a meaning`. In the usage distribution, `agent` and `theme` which were of not of high notice till now, each showed relatively high shares of 11.9% and 9.2%. Especially the `theme` showed a considerable difference between written language and spoken language.

      • KCI등재

        서평논문 : 역사언어학과 언어유형론의 가로지르기

        박종후 ( Jong Hoo Park ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2015 언어사실과 관점 Vol.35 No.-

        This article is a review for _A Worldwide Perspective on Languages - Historical Linguistics and Linguistic Typology_. Organized in total 4 parts and containing 18 articles, this book shows the academic history of Katsumi Matsumoto who is eminent as a linguist in Japan. His major is a historical and comparative linguistics, but he has been interested in the universality of human lanuage, too. This book is to synthesize the achivement of a historical and comparative linguistics and a linguisic typology on the basis of the immense data such as case system, word order, type of liquid sound, vowel hormony and sibling terminology, etc. The review for this book is written on major themes contained in the book, ‘the past and present of the Indo-European languages’, ‘the typology of word order’, ‘anti-subjectism’, and ‘the grographical distribution of the world`s languages’. In this way, I could reveal the value of this book that contributes to reconider us the common sense of linguistic studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어에서 중첩의 유형 분류와 기능 분석

        박종후 ( Jong Hoo Park ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2013 언어사실과 관점 Vol.32 No.-

        Reduplication is a universal method of word formation that can be seen frequently in all languages of the world. But particularly in the Pacific Rim languages, which include Korean, there are numerous reduplicated words that are actively used. The aim of this study is to classify types and analyze functions of reduplication in Korean. Reduplication in Korean is classified into three types: whole reduplication; partial reduplication; and affix interposition reduplication. Whole reduplication is further divided into same-phone reduplication and similar-phone reduplication. Functions of reduplication in Korean are analyzed according to part of speech. Noun reduplication has among its functions ``making an adverb or the root of a word``, ``plural[ity]``, ``emphasis``. Adverb reduplication includes ``making a mimetic word``, ``emphasis``, and ``continuity``. Verb reduplication has the functions of ``making an adverb or the root of a word or a mimetic word``. Finally, adjective reduplication`s functions include ``making an adverb or a mimetic word`` and ``emphasis``.

      • KCI등재

        보조용언 ‘있다’의 결합 제약과 상적 의미 해석 -본용언의 개념구조와의 관계를 중심으로-

        박종후 ( Park Jong-hoo ) 국어학회 2016 국어학 Vol.77 No.-

        이 글은 본용언의 개념구조와의 관계를 중심으로 보조용언 ‘있다’의 결합 제약과 상적 의미의 해석 양상을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 상(相, aspect)을 상황유형(또는 어휘상)과 관점상(또는 문법상)으로 구분하고, 한국어에서 술어 전체의 상적 의미는 상황유형과 관점상의 상호작용에 의해 해석된다고 보았다. 보조용언구성은 본용언이 반영하는 사태구조에 초점을 맞춰 윤곽화하고, 거기에 상이나 양태 등과 같은 일정한 문법적 의미를 부가하는 기능을 가진다. 특히 보조동사 ‘있다’는 상적 보조동사로서 관점상(viewpoint aspect)을 부가한다. 본용언과 보조용언 ‘있다’의 결합 분포는 본용언의 사태 유형과 보조적 연결어미의 의미 기능에 달려 있는데, 시간의 흐름에 따라 두 개의 사태를 대등하게 나열하는 기능을 가지는 ‘-고’를 이용하는 ‘-고 있다’는 기본적으로 본용언이 개념구조에 ACT를 가지고 있으면 결합할 수 있고, 앞뒤 사태를 인과관계로 파악하여 그 둘을 결과로서 더 큰 하나의 사태에 포함시키는 기능을 가지는 ‘-어’를 이용하는 ‘-어 있다’는 CAUSE가 있거나 BECOME이 없으면 결합할 수 없었다. 술어 전체의 상적 의미 해석과 관련해서는 사건구조 자체가 개체화되어 초점을 받아 윤곽화되느냐 아니면 사건구조 내부의 의미술어가 초점을 받아 윤곽화되느냐에 따라 달리 해석되는데, 전자의 경우에는 사태의 반복 또는 계속을 나타내고, 후자의 경우에는 ACT에 초점이 놓이면 동작의 지속, 즉 진행상으로 해석되고, BECOME-BE에 초점이 주어지면 결과의 지속, 즉 결과상태상이 됨을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 분석을 통해 기존에 ‘-고₁있다’와 ‘-고₂있다’로 구분하였던 ‘-고 있다’의 상적 의미를 통합적으로 설명하고, ‘-고 있다’와 ‘-어 있다’ 사이에 보이는 본용언과의 결합 분포의 차이와 상적 의미 해석의 차이도 분명히 밝힐 수 있었다. The aim of this study is to clarify that auxiliary predicate itta focuses the event structure of main predicates and has the function which conveys ‘continuation’ of the focused event structure. This study attempts to give a comprehensive explanation on the use of -ko itta, which has been separated into two groups in previous studies: -ko₁ itta and -ko₂ itta. Also, this paper seeks to examine the differences between -ko itta and -e itta by analyzing combination restrictions and interpretation of aspectual meanings. Combination restrictions of itta are closely related to the interaction of its aspectual meaning with the conceptual structure of main predicates. While -ko itta can be combined with predicates having ACT, -e itta cannot be combined with predicates having CAUSE. Moreover, it is not allowed for -e itta to be combined with predicates not having BECOME. Interpretation of the sentential aspectual meaning tends to be influenced by the element that is focused; if the event structure as a whole is focused, the sentence gets ‘frequentative’ aspect, but if the semantic notion of LCS is focused, then the sentence gets ‘continuous’ aspect (focus on ACT) or ‘resultative’ aspect (focus on BECOME-BE).

      • KCI등재

        論文(논문) : 중형 기동 회전익기 로터회전수 제한 수립

        박종후 ( Jong Hoo Park ) 한국항공운항학회 2013 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The rotorcraft makes lift and control forces by the rotor thrust. At the development phase of the rotorcraft, the operational limitations have to be established. And it shall be demonstrated to operate the rotorcraft safely within the limitations. This paper introduces establishment and evaluation results of operational rotor speed limitations for the medium class utility rotorcraft. And it shows the follow-up activities after design changes of rotor speed indicators and aural warning systems for implementing the rotor speed limitations.

      • KCI등재후보

        국방획득 방법론의 변화

        박종후(Jong Hoo Park) 한국해군과학기술학회 2019 Journal of the KNST Vol.2 No.1

        This study evaluated very recent situation of transforming defense engineering methodology from system engineering to digital engineering in the developed countries’ defense organizations because they tried to utilize the maximum extent of digital technology from 4th industrial revolution into weapon systems thru TLC(Total Life Cycle) from capability analysis, design and manufacturing, operation and sustainment, and suggested a few recommendation how to adopt the digital engineering into our nation.

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