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        실험적 뇌좌상의 경과시간에 대한 면역조직화학적 검색의 의의

        박종태 大韓法醫學會 1996 대한법의학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The reactive pattern with the time sequential changes of the glial cells and neuronal structures after experimental cerebral contusion in the rats was investigated with immunohistochemistry for antibodies of GFAP, vimentin, and neurofilament. In the early stage of injuries, reactive cells were not observed, but fine loose fibrillary structures at the injured tissue and dense fine fibrillary structure with vacuolated changes in H&E stain. GFAP positive cells showed normal distribution in relatively intact brain and, at the injured tissue, its processes were fragmented Vimentin positive cells were not observed in the lesion site, but some cells of its surrounding cortex were reactive for vimentin. Neurofilament showed destruction of fibers or bundles just around the lesion site and was reactive along the nerve tracts. In the mid-stage of injuries, reactive cells were increased and mononuclear and microglial cells were infiltrated at the lesion site. GFAP and vimentin reactivity was prominent in the cells of periphery of the lesion site. Neurofilament reactivity was more distant from the lesion site. Microglial cells were reactive with GFAP and vimentin at the elsion site. In the late stage, fine glial fibrils and gemistocytes were characteristic. GFAP reactive cells were diffusely scattered but more compact in the lesion site rather than its periphery. GFAP was also expressed in the fine glial fibrils and gemistocytes of the lesion site. Vimentin reactivity was defined in the lesion site and not observed in its surrounding tissue. Neurofilament positive fibers or bundles were observed in the lesion site and connected neighboring bundles. From the above results, the GFAP and vimentin may be significant to identify the time sequential reactive changes of glial cells after brain injury. The neurofilament may be useful to examine the changes of the neuronal fibers or bundles.

      • KCI등재

        두부손상에 따른 뇌의 이차적 변화

        박종태 大韓法醫學會 1996 대한법의학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Head injuries are classified by three aspects such as missile and nonmissile injury, primary and secondary brain damage, or focal and diffuse damage of brain. Emphasis, in the past, has tended to be placed on primary or immediate impact damage, and secondary damage or complications of the original injury. Recently there is a trend for clinicians and pathologists to classify brain damages as focal or diffuse. It is important, however, to declare the cause or the manner of death because of the various clinical course of patients with head trauma and confused findings of injuries by long hospitalization in the developed intensive care unit or sustained brain death. Examiners must be a expert to identify the secondary changes after primary brain damage. The primary injuries of brain are concussion, contusion, diffuse axonal injuries, multiple small hemorrhages in the brain(diffuse vascular injury of brain), and unusually tear in the brain stem(at the pontomedullary junction) cranial nerves, pituitary stalk, and vessels. The secondary damage are intracranial hematoma by disruption of vessels, cerebral edema and brain swelling, brain damage secondary to raised intracranial pressure, ischemic brain damage, infection, and fat embolism. All of these primary or secondary damages of brain have time-sequential macroscopic and histologic changes and they may be a diffuse or focal changes. The diffuse changes are usually brain edema or welling, increased intracranial pressure, and the midline shifting or herniation of the brain with various type. These changes make the other complicated brain damages such as herniation contusion, discreted petechial hemorrhage, and/or hypoxic damages. The focal changes are, in early stages after trauma, destruction of tissue, inflammatory reaction by neutrophils and macrophages, hemorrhage. As the time is lapsed, proliferation of capillaries and fibroblasts make localized scar or fluid-filled cyst. Various degree of gliosis are noted at the periphery of the lesion. To identify these time-sequential changes which are focal or diffuse, proper fixation of total brain, multiple dissection, and special stains are necessary.

      • 천일국 사고(史庫)를 생각하며

        박종태 세계기독교통일신령협회 2003 統一世界 Vol.- No.12

        통일교회가 창립되어 50년이 세월이 흘렀다. 그리고 이제는 180개국 이상에서 선교활동을 하고 있으며 각종 자료가 홍수를 이룬다. 그리고 아직도 참부모님께서는 새로운 선포와 함께 폭포수 같은 말씀을 쏟아내고 계신다. 이런 원본자료들을 소중히 보관하고 있는 곳이 역사편찬위원회이다.

      • 국내 경제활동인구조사에 대한 소지역 추정의 경험적 비교 : 베이즈 방법을 중심으로 Focus on the Bayes Approach

        박종태 평택대학교 자연과학연구소 2001 자연과학연구 Vol.- No.1

        본 연구에서는 취업, 실업, 노동력 등과 같은 인구의 경제적 특성을 조사하기 위한 국내 경제활동인구조사의 개요를 살펴보고, 이 특성들 중에서 사회적으로 관심도가 높은 실업자수의 소지역 추정(small area estimation)의 하나로 베이즈 방법을 고려하고자 한다. 이 소지역에 대한 베이즈 추정을 위하여 통계모형으로 이항, 포아송, 정규분포 등을 가정하고 각 경우에 대하여 모의실험을 통해 편의와 평균제곱오차를 계산하고 그 효율성을 비교하며, 이 경험적 결과로부터 실업통계에 대한 적절한 통계적 모형을 제안하고자 한다. The study was undertaken to evaluate some Bayes approaches to produce stable estimates for unplanned small areas from the Economically Active Population Survey in Korea. In this paper, the Bayes estimator of the unemployed population for the urban areas which are unplanned sub-regional areas is considered for the following statistical models: binomial, poisson, normal, and the corresponding conjugate priors. For all the cases considered in this study, the average biases and average mean square errors were obtained in a Monte-Carlo study in which the sample design was simulated using data from the 1999 Economically Active Population Survey in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Rimmed 강의 편 석에 대하여

        박종태,양훈영,이용학,박현순 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1976 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        세계의 철강생산량이 많은 부분이 rimmed강으로 생산되고 있어 rimmed강의 응고과정에서 일어나는 제현상을 이해한다는 것은 대단히 중요하다. 따라서 13t ingot의 편석도를 조사하였고 이 실험을 통하여 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 1) 최대편석위치는 Ingot top의 중심으로부터 15-25% 부위에 있음을 확인하였다. 2) 최대편석은 유황에 의해 발생하며 편석도는 580%였다. 3) 이 결과는 그간의 많은 시험 data를 기초로 하여 해석되었다. The greatest part of the steel produced in the world is teemed as rimmed steel. Therefore, the knowledge of the phenomena occurring during the solidification of this steel is most important. This study has been made of segregation ratio in 13t rimmed steel ingot and the results reported here are summarized as follows: 1) The maximum segregation as confirmed was appeared at the center part of 15-25% from the ingot top. 2) The maximum segregation is occurred by sulphur and the ratio ({max s/ladle s×100}) was 580%. 3) This results mentioned above are discussed referring to the experimental data on solidification in the core of rimmed steel ingot.

      • 소지역의 실업통계에 대한 상대위험도의 잭나이프 추정

        박종태 평택대학교 자연과학연구소 2004 자연과학연구 Vol.- No.4

        국내의 행정구역상 시군구 등과 같은 소지역(small area)에 있어서 실업통계에 대한 남녀별 공통 상대위험도(relative risk)를 추정하는데, 추정방법으로 합동추정량, 가중추정량과 잭나이프 추정량들을 고려하고 이 추정량들의 효율성을 편의와 평균제곱오차의 개념을 통해서 비교하고자 한다. 2002년 12월 경기지역의 경제활동인구조사 자료로부터 이 지역 내의 24개 시군단위 행정자치구역들의 남녀 실업률의 상대위험도에 대한 편의 및 평균제곱오차가 본 연구에서 제시된 추정절차에 의해 추정된다. 이들 추정치들의 안정성과 신뢰성은 상대편의(relative bias)와 상대평균오차제곱근(relative root mean square error)을 통하여 평가된다. 잭나이프 추정량이 다른 추정량들에 비해 매우 안정적임을 보였다. In this study, we suggest the estimation method of the relative risk for the unemployment statistics of a small area such as Si, Gun, Gu in Korea. The considered method are the usual pooled estimator, weighted estimator with the inverse of log-variance as weights, and the Jackknife estimator. And we compare with the efficiency of the three estimators by estimating the bias and mean square errors using real data from the 2002 Economically Active Population Survey of Kyonggi-do. We compute the unemployed rate of male and female in small areas, and then estimate the common relative risk for the unemployed rate between male and female. Also, the stability and reliability of the three estimators for the common relative risk was evaluated using the relative bias(RB) and the relative root mean square error(RRMSE) of these estimators. Finally, the Jackknife estimator turned out to be much more efficient than the other estimators.

      • KCI등재

        The Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Silicon Resistors

        박종태,최민성,이문기,김봉렬,Park, Jong Tae,Choi, Min Sung,Lee, Moon Key,Kim, Bong Ryul The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 1986 전자공학회논문지 Vol.23 No.6

        High value sheet resistance (Rs, 350\ulcorner/ -80K\ulcorner/) born implanted polysilicon resistors were fabricated under process conditions compatible with bipolar integrated circuits fabrications. This paper includes studies of sensitivity of Rs to doping concentration, the effect of thermal annealing temperature on Rs, temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), the effect of polysilicon thickness on Rs and the Rs variation within a run and between runs.

      • KCI등재

        Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Thermostable α-Amylase Exhibiting an Unusually High Activity

        박종태,AntoniusSuwanto,Irawan Tan,Tommy Nuryanto,Rudy Lukman,Kan Wang,Jay-lin Jane 한국식품과학회 2014 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.23 No.1

        An α-amylase gene was cloned from thethermophilic bacterium Bacillus subtilis isolated fromIndonesian oil palm shell waste. The gene expressed anextracellular enzyme. Optimal hydrolysis conditions for theenzyme were 70oC and pH 6.0. The specific activity of theenzyme was 16.0 kU per mg of protein, which was higherthan for other thermostable amylases. Hydrolytic productsof the enzyme using starch and glycogen were mainlymaltohexaose and maltopentaose. The enzyme had a Kmvalue of 0.099 mg/mL for amylopectin, more than 10 timeslower than for amylose. The catalytic efficiency of theenzyme using amylopectin was 39,200 mL/mg·s and was3,270 mL/mg·s using amylose. The enzyme liquefied cornstarch at pH 5.0, which was successfully converted toglucose using commercial glucoamylase and pullulanasewithout pH adjustment. The enzyme has advantages forindustrial applications.

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