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        박은주,탁혜진,박은하,백정미,이상휘,Park, Eun-Ju,Tak, Hye-Jin,Park, Eun-Ha,Baik, Jeong-Mi,Zhengguo, Piao,Lee, Sang-Hwy Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Re 2009 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.31 No.2

        In vertebrates, the face is mainly formed with neural crest derived neural crest cells by the inherent programs and the interactive environmental factors. Extracellular signaling-regulated kinase (Erk) is one of such programs to regulate the various cellular functions. And retinoic acid (RA) also plays an important role as a regulator in differentiation process at various stages of vertebrate embryogenesis. We wanted to know that the segregation as well as the patterning of maxillary and mandibular structure is greatly influenced by the maxillomandibular cleft (MMC) and the failure of this development may result in the maxillomandibular fusion (syngnathia) or other patterning related disorder. It has been well documented that the epithelium at this cleft region has significant expression of Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) 8, and it is essential for the patterning of the first arch derived structures. By the morphological, skeletal, cell proliferation and apoptotic, and hybridization analysis, we checked the effects of Erk inhibition and/or RA activation onto MMC and could observe that Erk and RA signaling is individually and synergically involved in the facial patterning in terms of FGF signaling pathway via Barx-l. So RA and Erk signaling work together for the MMC patterning and the segregation of maxilla-mandible by controlling the Fgf-related signaling pathways. And the abnormality in MMC brought by aberrant Fgf signaling may result in the disturbances of maxillary-mandibular segregation.

      • KCI등재

        플라스틱 광섬유용 클래드 재료 개발 - PMMA/THV 블렌드의 상용성과 계면 접착력 -

        박은주,박인철,이무성,박민,Park, Eun-Ju,Park, In-Cheol,Lee, Moo-Sung,Park, Min 한국섬유공학회 2008 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        We investigated the miscibility of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and random copolymers of tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene-vinylidene fluoride (THV) blends and their interfacial adhesion as part of the development of cladding materials for PMMA based plastic optical fiber. Three different types of THV with different copolymer composition were used as candidates for them. PMMA/THV blends being melt-mixed at $240^{\circ}C$ showed typical immiscible morphology and the glass transition temperatures of the component polymers did not change after mixing. However, tie chains connecting matrix and dispersed phase were identified when THV with high content of vinylidene fluoride, i.e., THV220 was used. In spite of the intrinsic immiscibility of PMMA/THV blends the interfacial adhesion obtained from peel test was above $10^4N/m^2$ at the adhesion temperature of $240^{\circ}C$ and increased with increasing the temperature for THV220. From the melt viscosity data of the polymers it was recommended that the extrusion temperature of THV should be higher than that of PMMA in order to obtain smooth interface between core and cladding layer.

      • 우리아파트 녹색아파트-개포1,2차 우성아파트

        박은주,Park, Eun-Ju 에너지절약전문기업협회 2007 esco Vol.48 No.-

        서울시 강남구 대치동에 위치한 개포1,2차 우성아파트는 넓은 입구는 물론 어느 곳을 둘러봐도 반듯하게 정리돼 있다. 1983년에 입주, 25년차를 맞는 아파트라고 믿기지 않을 정도로 산뜻하고 깔끔하다. 특히 이 아파트는 서울시 에너지절약 실천 모범아파트에 선정돼 에너지절약에도 앞장서고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        가정의학 임상실습과정에 대한 구조화된 평가

        박은주,이상엽,임선주,윤소정,감비성,백선용,김윤진,우재석,이정규,정동욱,조영혜,이유현,탁영진,Park, Eun Ju,Lee, Sang Yeoup,Im, Sun Ju,Yune, So Jung,Kam, Beesung,Baek, Sun Yong,Kim, Yun-Jin,Woo, Jae Seok,Lee, Jeong-Gyu,Jeong, Dong-Wook,Cho, Yo 연세대학교 의과대학 2017 의학교육논단 Vol.19 No.1

        This study was conducted to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a 3-week family medicine clerkship program based on the results of an online survey taken by the students (N=127) and a structured interview with a focus group (n=10), aimed to improve the quality of the clerkship program. The online survey contained questions pertaining to goals, schedule, contents, arrangement, atmosphere, environment, evaluation, and satisfaction regarding the clerkship. The focus group interview addressed the schedule and achievements of the program. Scores were reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Most students were highly satisfied with the overall quality of the clerkship. The structured interview results showed that 97.6% of the clerkship program was executed according to the schedule. The focus group reported a perfect score of 5 points on several measures including: accomplishment of the educational goals of the family medicine clerkship, providing many chances to obtain medical histories and perform physical examinations on real patients, experience with various symptoms and diseases, positive attitudes of faculty members when teaching, notification of the guidelines for evaluation beforehand, well-constructed and effective clerkship schedule, and reflection of student feedback. However, the focus group gave low scores on: support for health accidents of students, access to patient information, enough opportunities to practice clinical skills, appropriate rest facilities for students, and fairness of clerkship evaluation process. In conclusion, the structured evaluation performed after the 3-week clerkship program motivated students and helped them ensure an efficient clerkship. This structured evaluation also suggested basic data to make the professor who is subject of the assessment. This study shows that structured assessment is an effective method which can be used to improve the quality of clerkships.

      • KCI등재

        호스피스 완화의료에서의 초기평가와 돌봄 계획의 수립: 평가도구를 중심으로

        박은주,고수진,천재경,Park, Eun Ju,Koh, Su Jin,Cheon, Jae Kyung 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2019 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        포괄적이고 총체적 돌봄을 제공하는 호스피스 완화의료의 경우 평가도구를 사용하여 문제목록의 객관화하고 돌봄 계획의 구체화하는 것이 필요하다. 초기평가는 입원 당일 혹은 1일 이내에 환자의 증상과 사회적, 영적 문제, 완화의료에 대한 요구가 무엇인지 파악하며 개괄적인 돌봄의 방향을 설정하는 과정이다. 현재 병에 대한 인식과 예후를 파악하는 것부터 연명의료계획서 작성까지 함께 검토한다. 초기평가도구로는 간단하지만 포괄적으로 신체적, 정신적, 사회적, 영적 영역을 아우르는 13개의 간단한 질문으로 구성된 NEST를 추천한다. 초기평가에서 파악된 문제에 대하여 구체적인 평가도구들을 활용하여 돌봄 계획을 수립하며 입원 후 3일이내 시행하는 것이 좋다. 신체적 영역의 경우 기능상태를 포함하여 통증과 비 통증 증상, 삶의 질을 함께 파악할 수 있는 다증상 평가도구가 도움이 될 수 있다. 환자의 증상은 단독으로 의미를 가지는 것이 아니라 복합적인 상호작용으로 발생하며, 그에 따라 포괄적으로 접근해야 하기 때문이다. 정신심리적 영역은 심리적 고통과 불안, 우울을 평가한다. 사회적 영역의 평가는 의사결정, 사회경제적 환경 파악, 가족 평가 및 임종 준비의 단계로 이루어진다. 영적 평가 역시 중요한데 FACIT-Sp나 SHI를 사용할 수 있다. 평가도구를 활용하는 것은 환자의 고통을 경감시키고 삶의 질을 향상시킬 뿐 아니라 의료진이 체계적으로 훈련되는 방안이 될 수 있으며 그 과정 자체가 더 나은 돌봄 제공을 위한 발판이 될 수 있다. For hospice palliative care that provides comprehensive and general care, it is necessary to use assessment tools to objectively list issues and detail care plans. The initial assessment is a process of establishing an overall direction of care by identifying the patient's symptoms, social and spiritual issues and palliative care needs on the admission day or within one day of admission. This process is also used to identify the patients' and families' awareness of the illness, prognosis, treatment options and if the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) has been drafted. Consisting of 13 simple questions regarding the physical, mental, social, and spiritual domains, the Needs at the End-of-Life Screening Tool (NEST) is recommended as an initial assessment tool. Using specific assessment tools, a care plan is established for the issues identified in the initial assessment within three days of admission. A multidisciplinary assessment tool can be helpful in the physical domain. The psychosocial domain evaluates psychological distress, anxiety and depression. The social domain examines an ability to make decisions, understanding of the socioeconomic circumstance, family relationship, and death preparedness. A spiritual evaluation is also important, for which the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual WellBeing Scale (FACIT-Sp) or the Spiritual Health Inventory (SHI) can be used. The use of an assessment tool could not only contribute to pain mitigation a better quality of life for patients, but also provide systematic training for a multidisciplinary team; And the process itself could be a stepping stone for the better care provision.

      • 화제의 ESCO현장을 가다-1-김해 장유쓰레기소각장

        박은주,Park, Eun-Ju 에너지절약전문기업협회 2007 esco Vol.48 No.-

        김해시가 장유면 '장유쓰레기소각장'의 열병합발전시설을 ESCO사업으로 진행, 연간 6억원의 예산절감을 할 것으로 보여 주목된다. 특히 이 시설은 전력과 온수를 동시에 생산하게 되어 고유가시대에 에너지 이용 효율을 높이고, 에너지비용을 절감할 수 있는 이점 때문에 앞으로 각 지방자치단체에 그 파급효과가 클 것으로 기대되고 있다.

      • ESCO탐방-LIG엔설팅

        박은주,Park, Eun-Ju 에너지절약전문기업협회 2007 esco Vol.48 No.-

        2002년도에 ESCO사업을 시작한 LIG엔설팅(전 티알씨코리아, 대표 최승기)은 발주자지만 에너지관리공단 진단용역을 통한 전문성 강화와 유능한 인재로 단기간 ESCO시장의 선두권에 진입하고 있다. 특히 이번에는 LIG엔설팅으로 사명을 바꾸고 본격적인 시장 공략에 나서고 있다.

      • 우리아파트 녹색아파트-서울하계동 한신동성아파트

        박은주,Park, Eun-Ju 에너지절약전문기업협회 2007 esco Vol.47 No.-

        6개동 498세대가 거주하고 있는 서울 하계동 한신동성아파트는 지난 2006년 12월 327kW급 열병합발전기를 도입했다. 기존에 스팀보일러로 중앙난방을 하던 방식에서 발전기로 대체한 이 아파트는 가동한지 7개월만에 2억 원 이상 비용절감을 하고 있다. 한신동성아파트를 찾아가 보았다.

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