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        근대 독일 오리엔트학자의 오리엔탈리즘

        박용희 한국사회역사학회 2004 담론 201 Vol.6 No.2

        During the 19th and early 20th century the study on the history and culture of the Islamic world was one of the well-known subjects for scholars. One of the pioneers in the district of the historical study of the Islamic civilization was Martin Hartman n, a professor in Seminar fr Orientalische Sprachen in Berlin. His sociology of Islam was the outcome of his efforts to understand t h e civilizational development in the Islamic world. Carl Heinrich Becker, an Orientalist and minister of the Weimar Republic, also not on ly had a speciality in the Islamic economic history as well as in the development of the Islamic civilization. Their study of Islam was an atempt to understand the Islamic civilization in the scientific way. They tried to find the historical raw materials in the Oriental society and employed a positivistic m ethod in the analysis of them. Obviously they showed the tendency to admit other cultures as itself and went so far as to demonstrate their belief in the objectivity of their study. The attitude of Martin Hartmann and Heinrich Becker toward the Oriental was far from objective, nevertheless. Sometimes it was contradictory. Behind the facade of their effort to see the Islamic culture as it was lay their biased impression that the Orient was regressive. They argued that the Islamic civilization “went wrong” after the Renaissance and the Reformation, while the European civilization was based on the universal development of humanity. It is safe to say that their viewpoint of Islam was basically eurocentric. In their understanding of the Oriental society, they were not reluctant to reveal their pride in the German culture and the political interests of Germany. Therefore, they failed to avoid completely the position as the Europeans and Germans. We can find some persisting aspects of Orientalism in their viewpoint. 이 글은 19세기 후반 활동한 두 명의 독일 오리엔트학자들의 타문화로서 이슬람문화에 대한 인식을 분석의 대상으로 한다. 서구의 “학문적 체계와 문화적 제도”로서의 오리엔트학이 실은 서구인들의 식민담론으로 “오리엔탈리즘”의 실질적 생산, 재생산 역할을 담당해 왔음을 역설한 사이드의 연구이래 서구 학자들의 학술적 연구 역시도 비판적 분석의 대상이 되어 왔다. 이 글은 독일 오리엔트학의 전성기인 19세기 후반, 이슬람의 역사와 문화를 주로 연구한 오리엔트 학자 마틴 하르트만과 칼 하인리히 베그러나 본고에서 다룬 두 연구자들은 다른 여행자나 문학가들과는 달리 타문화 인식에 있어 엄격한 학문적 객관성을 요구하는 학술적 차원의 이슬람 문화이해를 시도하였다. 그들은 오리엔트를 실재하는 하나의 문화권으로 이해함으로써 독자적인 연구대상으로 삼았으며, 아울러 실증주의적 방법론에 입각하여 엄격한 객관성에 입각한 오리엔트 문화권 형성, 발전사를 추구하였다. 또한 이들은 제국주의자도 아니었다. 비록 시대적 배경으로 보건대 이들의 연구는 명백히 독일 제국주의 팽창이라는 시대적 상황 속에서 이루어진 것이었다. 그러나 이들은 오리엔트의 직접적 식민지화를 반대했으며, 이슬람 사회의 자생적 발전에 대한 희망을 가지고 있었다.그러나 그럼에도 불구하고 그들은 “결코 모든 선입견을 부숴 버릴 수 있는 천사도 담론201 6(2) 박용희 251아니었고, 다양한 방식으로 그들의 인종적, 종교적, 정치적 견해를 가지고 있었던 인간들”이었으며, 따라서 오리엔트사회를 바라보는 유럽중심적 세계관으로부터 자유로울 수 없었다. 그들은 오리엔트 사회를 역사적으로 형성되었고, 화려한 과거를 가지고 있으며, 독자적 발전의 길을 가는 사회로 인정하였으나, 역시 현실 오리엔트사회를 유럽사회와는 비교될 수 없는 후진적 상태로 인식하였다. 특히 이들에게는 세속화와 근대적 민족국가를 이룬 유럽에 비해 그렇지 못한 오리엔트 사회는 잘못된 길을 가고 있는, 따라서 근본적 개혁이 필요한 대상으로 인식되었다. 또한 독일의 제국주의에 대한 태도 역시 이들의 이슬람관을 규정하고 있는 것이었다. 특히 양자는 현실 이슬람 문화권의 문제를 다루기 시작했으며, 이것은 당시 독일의 제국주의적 팽창과 그로 인한 현지에 대한 관심의 증가가 그 직접적 원인이기도 했다. 따라서 이들은 이슬람문화권에서 독일의 이해관계를 결코 도외시 할 수 없다고 생각하였으며, 독일의 열강화 정책을 지지했다. 물론 이들은 열렬한 제국주의자들과는 달리 독일의 이슬람에서의 위치를 상업적 제국주의, 오리엔트의 문명화 사업을 담당할 자로 위치지움으로써 독일을 유일한 이슬람사회 근대화의 조력자라 인식했으며, 이를 유럽의 문화적 사명의 일환이라 이해했다. 그러나 이들의 연구가 비록 제국주의적 요구와 직접적으로 연결되어 있지 않았다 하더라도 그들이 항상 자신들의 작업을 독일민족의 이해와 연관시켜 이해하고 합리화하려 했다는 점은 명백하다. 이러한 생각은 명백히 독일의 제국주의 정책을 시대적 소명으로 생각하던 당시의 지배적 담론으로부터 이들이 자유롭지 못했다는 점을 드러내는 것이었다.

      • KCI등재

        Practical behavior of advanced non-linear hydraulic servo system model for a mold oscillating mechanism depending on line volume

        박용희,이헌기,박규태,박현철 대한기계학회 2016 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.30 No.3

        We studied a mold oscillating mechanism for continuous casting. An equivalent hydraulic servo system model was established including a non-linear property and line volume near the hydraulic cylinder. The analysis focused on a practical behavior of the system. To observe an oscillated object and dynamic responses, an equivalent stiffness, damping ratio and simple mass-damper-spring 1-DOF model were established by Karl-Erik Rydberg’s research, and showed hydraulic cylinder pressure and line volume near the hydraulic cylinder. Especially, hydraulic pressure including statue of a mechanical and hydraulic cylinder was analyzed in the time and frequency domain. The results were validated by comparing responses between the 1-DOF model and the nonlinear hydraulic servo system model. The line volume that connects the hydraulic cylinder and the hydraulic servo valve has great effect on damping ratio and natural frequency of the hydraulic servo system. When the line pipe has high volume compared to normal statue, the hydraulic cylinder pressure has sharp peak frequencies that are located on natural frequency and its duple-harmonic terms with sideband peaks; (±2×exciting frequency) space. Based on this fact, we investigated the model using sensitivity analysis, and explained an oscillating mechanism about the mold oscillator by applying additional spring. A design of robust control for the mold oscillator was suggested by Negative strip time criterion, and maximum additional spring stiffness was shown.

      • KCI등재

        Caster with non-sinusoidal profile for use in mold oscillator

        박용희,Hyun Chul Park 대한기계학회 2016 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.30 No.6

        The prototype of mold oscillator that uses a non-sinusoidal generator was modified using Inverse dynamics and Multi-body dynamics. We maintained a basic structure of the mold oscillator including the motor, the gear, the leaf-spring and the caster. To reduce the coupling effect, the non-sinusoidal generator was replaced by a hollow cylinder that had non-sinusoidal surface. The system parameters were obtained from previous research [1], and a new design of the connecting rod between the cylinder and the leaf spring was analyzed by sensitivity analysis. A definition of the detailed system component including gear mesh, and non-sinusoidal surface, Lagrange's equation, Fourier series, and Cam profile synthesis was used to define an equation of motion. The response of oscillating system was derived by a direct integration method. The model was simulated according a specific assumption for each component, and a control system corresponding to real operation was applied. Dynamic responses are displacement, velocity, and acceleration of each component. All responses from these simulations were analyzed in the time-frequency region by Fast Fourier transform. Using the model, sensitivity analysis about design variables was also executed about operating performance.

      • KCI등재

        Paleomagnetic evidence for local oroclinal bending in the eastern Korean Peninsula

        박용희,도성재 한국지질과학협의회 2017 Geosciences Journal Vol.21 No.5

        A paleomagnetic investigation has been carried out for the Lower Triassic Donggo Formation exposed in the Danyang area on the Yeongnam Massif to constrain local and regional tectonic history of the Taebaeksan Zone, Korean Peninsula. Among a total of 201 samples from 18 sites of the Donggo Formation, the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) components were obtained from 166 samples. Field tests such as tilt test and reversal test reveal that the ChRM of the Donggo Formation is of primary in origin. The Early Triassic paleomagnetic pole position calculated from the site-mean directions of the primary magnetization is at 40.7°N, 17.8°E (A95 = 5.3°). Comparison of the reliable paleomagnetic poles from the Danyang (this study), Taebaek, and Yemi areas in the Taebaeksan Zone reveals a regional division of the pole position, indicating the clockwise vertical-axis rotation of the Taebaek area by 47.2 ± 11.1° with respect to the Danyang and Yemi areas after the formation of the Pyeongan Supergroup. In addition, there is a significant relation between strike deviations and declination deviations with some flattening of the regression line in the southern Taebaeksan Zone. Thus, it is interpreted that the Pyeongan Supergroup in this region had a primary curvature at the timing of sedimentation and subsequently experienced post-Early Triassic oroclinal bending of approximately 47°.

      • KCI등재

        자기누설검출법을 이용한 금속 표면결함 검출시스템 설계적정성 검토

        박용희,이창우,안현준,김동욱,이재혁,이주섭 대한기계학회 2019 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.43 No.8

        Magnetic Flux Leakage is used to detect corrosion, defects, and mechanical deformation of steel products by detecting the magnetic leakage signal on them due to the change in shape. After the steel product is magnetized by a permanent magnet, a hall sensor is generally used to detect the signals. This technology has been developed to inspect gas pipelines and domestic piping. However, other industries such as steel plants and automobile industries have started to apply it to secure the robustness and structure of steel products. The present study used the finite element method to analyze the defects on the thick plate of a novel machine having rotating kinematics. Two engineering problems were solved by the fact that the distribution of magnetic leakage signal depends on the shape of defect. First, the magnetic leakage signal and force between the machinery and plate were analyzed by changing the design of magnetic sensor. Second, the dynamic characteristics of the rotating kinematics were checked. Especially, coupled electromagnetic-structural analysis was used to solve the multi-physics problem. 자기누설 탐상법은 금속재 내·외부에 존재하는 부식, 결함 또는 기계적 변형을 탐지하기 위한 비파괴검사 중 하나로 투자율이 큰 금속재에 자기장을 형성하고 결함이 있는 부분에 발생하는 누설 자속 신호를 홀센서로 검출하는 방식이 보편화되어 있다. 국내에서는 노후화된 강관 또는 배관의 결함 검출을 위한 장비개발에 중점 투자해왔으나, 최근 금속 구조물의 건전성 확보가 주요해지면서 철강, 에너지 플랜트, 자동차 부품 등 산업 전반에 걸쳐 자기누설 탐상기술 적용이 이루어지고 있는 상태다. 본 논문에서는 철강제품 중 하나인 후판의 표면결함 검출을 위해 개발한 회전식 검출시스템의 설계 타당성 검토를 수행하였다. 결함형상에 따른 자기누설변화 이해를 토대로, 자기센서 케이스 설계에 따른 누설 자기량 및 전자기력 변화와 회전식 전달부 진동특성의 두 가지 공학 문제에 대해 유한요소해석과 전자기-구조 연성 해석법을 이용하여 검출장비 설계 타당성 검토방안을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        전후 고등교육의 재개와 미국의 역할- 독일과 한국 대학교육 재편과정에 대한 비교 -

        박용희 한국독일사학회 2013 독일연구 Vol.- No.26

        Any analysis of American cultural policy toward occupied lands needs to take into account the occupier’s motives and goals and the reaction of the occupied peoples. Because cultural policy, even in an occupation setting, involves interactions and transactions, the will of the occupied peoples as well as the occupier’s intention in occupied lands must be considered. The aim of this paper is to compare American influences on German and Korean education system from 1945 to 1955, focusing on the American policy of Higher education in both countries. American cultural policy in occupied Germany and South Korea was based initially on the plans to reverse any authoritarian social and political traditions before 1945 and to build “a psychological foundation on which political and economic reform could rest”. This form of cultural policy was called “reeducation” and it involved numerous measures to democratize German and Korean education system and reorient various areas of cultural life in both countries. However, there can be no doubt that the American policy of higher education in both countries have shown more contrasts than similarities. Originally composed of American Soldiers, the Education and Religious Affairs Branch(E&RA) of OMGUS in Germany considered its primary concern in denazifying and democratizing the education system. But reform measures at the early stage of the occupation period failed to achieve its goals, because German conservative educator rejected American reform plans. Convinced that German education system differed from American one, they did not hesitate to condemn the Americans’ reform plans. So, the German education system at this stage was less affected by the works of OMGUS. In 1948 U.S. cultural policy had moved away from “reeducation” and become a less ambitious plan of “reorientation” toward anticommunism. Unlike “reeducation”, this “reorientation” was devoid of any aspects of the denazification program, which had been abandoned as the Cold War heated up and anticommunism became a higher priority than anti-Nazism. But American cultural policy was ultimately most successful when it involved Germans in cultural exchange since 1948. Such policy probably had the most impact on young German intellectuals. By contrasts, U.S. Military Government in Korea sought from the beginning of the occupation period earnestly to alter Korean education, especially higher education, under the banner of democratization. Seeing the occupation policy as a kind of means that could make a partner state in Korea, American officials exerted also in the field of education to build a group of pro-american leaders and tried to reform the Korean education on the model of American universities. This reform effort continued though resisting groups of Korean nationalists and progressive intellectuals rejected american initiative in education reform. After the Korean War 1950-1953 American officials concentrated more on education-aid programs that reflected the American policy amid the onset of the Cold War. As a result, the Korean society in 1950s experienced more and more a process of cultural and social cultural adaptation, especially in the field of education, to the standards set by the society of the United States.

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