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        우울증의 비약물학적 치료

        박용천 대한의사협회 2011 대한의사협회지 Vol.54 No.4

        In treatment of depression, non-pharmacological treatment is as important as pharmacological treatment. However, in clinical practice in Korea, non-pharmacological treatment is not provided sufficiently and patients are not satisfied with psychiatric interviews. Accordingly, patients ask for more information from clinicians. Clinicians should be aware of the characteristics of depression in Korean patients, because the manifestations of symptoms are influenced by cultural factors. In particular, depressed patients complain about somatic symptoms more frequently than they complain about depressed mood itself. In order to establish a therapeutic relationship with depressed patients, clinicians should be aware of these characteristics of depressed patients and clinicians should also address the needs of their patients. The author introduces evidence-based self-care methods for Korean patients with depression. St. John’s wort, acupuncture, air ionization, light therapy, massage bibliotherapy, exercise, meditation, relaxation, and yoga can be helpful for overcoming depression. Among them, the Clinical Research Center for Depression, an organization supported by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, has recommended several nonpharmacological treatments for depression. First of all, exercise, such as walking more than 30min. everyday, is strongly recommended. Other recommendations include bibliotherapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and short-term psychodynamic supportive psychotherapy. For the nationwide management of depression, social bias against the treatment of depression should be reduced and non-pharmacological treatment for depression should be encouraged.

      • KCI등재

        한국 임상심리학자의 인지행동치료 전문성: 연구 역량

        박용천,송하림,이종선,최기홍 한국임상심리학회 2018 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.37 No.S

        Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the treatment option with strong empirical evidence for use with various mental illnesses. As in many other countries, such as the U.S. and the U.K, it has recently been announced that CBT will be covered bythe National Health Insurance Benefit in Korea, allowing many people with mental illness to receive CBT at a minimum cost. However, the expertise of CBT providers has not been understood and highlighted in the policy. The current study aimed toinvestigate the research competence of clinical psychologists as the most well-trained CBT providers by quantitatively analyzingthe number of primary authors (1st or corresponding authors) of peer-reviewed research articles about CBT outcome trialspublished in Korea. Among a total of 112 outcome studies and 50 Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) studies finally selected,the highest portion of the primary authors of CBT outcome trials in Korea were clinical psychologist (54.5%), followedby psychiatrists (8.9%) and counseling psychologists (2.7%). The results were also maintained for CBT RCT (e.g., clinicalpsychologists [58.0%]). The results demonstrate the research competence of Korean clinical psychologists and their leadingrole in CBT outcome trials. Future directions for mental health policy on CBT are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        서언 : 정신과 의사와 정신치료

        박용천 대한신경정신의학회 2010 신경정신의학 Vol.49 No.-

        Psychiatrists are expected to be willing to perform psychotherapy. However, psychiatrists maybe reluctant due to challenges involved in many situations. External factors such as policies related to the national health insurance system can be an obstacle to performing psychotherapy given that, the policy only tends to lower the cost of treatment. The other internal obstacle is the lack of self-confidence in the ability of therapists for performing psychotherapy. The reason for low self-confidence may stem from goals which were set excessively high and further from disappointment in their capabilities. Korean psychiatrists should feel confident in their professional ability with respect to psychotherapy because most of them not only have passed many exams successfully,but have also trained sufficiently. Psychiatrists should recall the motivation that they had when embarking on their career as a first year resident, when they were eager to learn about the human mind. The identity of psychiatry should bepsychotherapy itself. The study of psychotherapy was furthered by the findings of Eric Kandel, the Nobel laureate, who found thatneuronal development was affected by learning. With improved results from psychotherapy, as indicated by fMRI, a new mode of psychotherapy could be developed and should be applied not only to new those issues which cannot be treated successfully with biological treatments, but also in patients who may not want biological treatments. The contents of this volume have been introduced here. In making this supplement, the editors of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association should receive many thanks for providing effective guidelines for many young psychiatrists who are eager to learn psychotherapy.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19, 한국에서의 심리적 영향: 예비 연구

        박용천,박기호,김나은,이주희,조수린,장지희,정다운,장은진,최기홍 한국임상심리학회 2020 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.39 No.4

        To investigate the impact on mental health of the prolonged COVID-19 outbreak, the current study investigated peritraumatic distress, preventive behaviors, and psychological distress (depression, anxiety symptoms, and suicidal risk) among 1,000 Koreans in May 2020 in comparison with the levels of psychological distress reported among 257 Koreans during the periods before COVID-19 in South Korea and with those reported in other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results indicated that 27.3%, 34.2%, and 28.8% of the participants reported at least mild peritraumatic distress and depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively. Of the participants, 23.6% were classified in the suicidal risk-positive group. Female participants and those in their 20s showed greater psychological distress than males or other age groups, respectively. Additionally, compared to the results reported from other countries, our results showed overall consistency in levels of psychological distress but relatively low anxiety symptoms and high depressive symptoms. Finally, our analysis indicates that psychological distress was exacerbated by job loss or decline in household incomes due to COVID-19.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서 정신치료 수련의 경험

        박용천 대한신경정신의학회 2010 신경정신의학 Vol.49 No.-

        In training for psychoanalytic psychotherapy, the same principle used in the psychoanalysis training system, the so called tripartite system (personal analysis, didactic instruction, and control analysis)is recommended. People are usually very reluctant to receive personal analysis and the opportunity to experience it is thus, quite limited. The author presented his own personal experience regarding psychotherapy training in Korea. He received psychotherapy from Dr. Dong-Shick Rhee and was trained at the Korean Academy of Psychotherapists. Individual supervision was conducted by Dr. Dong-Shick Rhee and group supervision by Drsa. Dong-Soon Kim and Hong-Se Moon. The author compared the supervision experience in the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program at the Cleveland Psychoanalysis Center, in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. The supervisor was the late Dr. Edward Schiff. The process of psychotherapy with Dr. Dong-Shick Rhee could be compared to psychoanalytic psychotherapy, but supportive features were more frequently used than analytic features. Purification of mind and handling of nuclear feelings were experienced. These were based upon Tao. The principles of Tao Psychotherapy were published in the book, “An Introduction to Taopsychotherapy” written by Dr. Dong-Shick Rhee. The author experienced religious enlightenment through his psychotherapy. Reading and discussing psychotherapy articles were guided by Dr. Dong-Shick Rhee. It was not only about accumulating the knowledge but rather learning how to study and how to read correctly. The author reflected the process of his own psychotherapy came to a point on the road less travelled.

      • KCI등재

        정신분석적 관점에서의 불안

        박용천,Park Yong-Chon 대한불안의학회 2005 대한불안의학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        By the influence of the descriptive approach of DSM-III, the anxiety became the same thing as the anxiety disorder to the clinicians. This unfortunate result sacrificed psychodynamic model of symptom formations and simplified the anxiety as one of the disease entity not as the overdetermined symptoms. These phenomenon awakened the psychoanalytic interest which was in sleep. Freud was the first major articulator of the basic significance of anxiety in human behavior. He attributed the particular quality of the anxiety experience to the trauma of birth, and subsequently to the fear of castration. Such classification of the anxiety according to the psychosexual development is helpful for the clinicians in understanding the origin of anxiety which the patient shows during the psychotherapy. The other analytical view of interpersonal psychoanalysis came from Sullivan. A large part of his therapy is taken up with recognizing and correcting parataxic distortions that interfere with realistic self-appraisal of events and of oneself in relation to others. Perhaps no explanation is the 'most basic' explanation for human anxiety. Anxiety is a multifaceted entity consisting of aspects of realm of discourse. Existential anxiety is inescapable in Western culture but it can be transcended by the cultivation of mind in Eastern culture. The analysts need to stay attuned to their own propensities for anxiety and must permit their own experiences with anxiety to be the grist for the psychotherapeutic mill.

      • KCI등재후보

        임신 전 부부의 스트레스 및 정신건강

        박용천,박선철,박문일 대한의사협회 2011 대한의사협회지 Vol.54 No.8

        The ultimate goal of the ‘baby plan’ is a healthy pregnancy and successful child rearing. Focusing on baby planning, this article covers issues concerning a successful and healthy pregnancy with a psychiatric point of view-the stress and mental health before the pregnancy. According to recent findings, stress influences a women’s infertility rate 10 to 15 percent, and a major psychological reason is found to be depression rather than anxiety disorder. The infertility of men is also influenced by stress, based on the research findings that the density and quality of sperm worsens after disasters. Excessive stress before and during pregnancy could result in pre-term labor, small for gestational age infants, or reduced infant weight. In order to prevent these preconception distresses, psychiatric care and treatment are needed. In this regard, Eastern traditional wisdom could be helpful in the view of psychotherapy, since it has been traditionally approved and welcomed for more than a thousand years. One of the insights is that a sound relationship between a husband and wife is a foundation of a good family, and this has already been determined from the moment when the two met for the first time. In conclusion,preconception stress could negatively influence fertility and could have a negative effect on a pregnancy. Thus stress should be alieviated for a healthy pregnancy and successful child rearing by psychotherapeutic intervention.

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