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박용순,최계광,Park, Yong-Sun,Choi, Kye-Kwang 한국금형공학회 2021 한국금형공학회지 Vol.15 No.3
The bending process of a press die is to bend a flat blank to the required angle. There are V-bending, U-bending, Z-bending, O-bending etc. for bending processing, and the basic principle of calculating the unfolding length of die processing is used as the neutral plane length. Since the constant of the length value of the neutral surface is different depending on the type of bending, it is impossible to accurately calculate it. In particular, Z-bending processing is performed twice, and it is set on the upper and lower surfaces of the blank, and bending processing occurs at the same time as the upward and downward bending, and the elongation of the material occurs and the material increases. It is not possible to check with the calculated value, and it occurs in many cases where the mold is modified after start-up. This study aims to minimize die modification by developing a formula to calculate the development length of Z-bend.
박용순,홍종원,김영석,노태석,나동균,Park, Yong-Sun,Hong, Jong-Won,Kim, Young-Suk,Roh, Tai-Suk,Rah, Dong-Kyun The Korean Society for Microsurgery 2010 Archives of reconstructive microsurgery Vol.19 No.1
Purpose: First introduced by Buncke and Rose in 1979, the neurovascular partial $2^{nd}$ toe pulp free tissue transfer has been attempted to reconstruct posttraumatic finger tip injuries. Although some surgeons prefer other reconstructive methods such as skin graft and local flap, we chose the partial $2^{nd}$ toe pulp flap owing to its many advantages. We report three successful surgical cases in which the patients had undergone this particular method of reconstruction. Methods: We retrospectively examined three cases of fingertip injury patients due to mechanical injury. Bone exposure was seen in all three cases, All had undergone partial toe pulp free flap for soft tissue defect coverage. Results: All flaps survived without any complications such as partial necrosis, hematoma or dehiscence. Although tingling sensation has returned in both cases, two-point discrimination has not returned yet. Currently no patient is complaining of any pain which gradually improved during their course of recuperation. All stitches were removed on postoperative 2 weeks. Patients are satisfied with the final surgical result and there are no signs of any edema or hematoma. Conclusion: The homodigital reconstruction of finger tip injury using the partial $2^{nd}$ toe pulp flap has numerous advantages compared to other reconstructive modalities such as its resistance to wear and tear and in that it provides a non-slip palmar digital surface. However it requires microsurgery which may not be preferred by surgeons. Advanced age of the patient can be a relative contraindication to this approach since atheromatous plaque from the donor toe can compromise flap circulation after surgery. We report three successful cases which patient age was considered appropriate. Further investigation with a larger number of cases and long term follow-up is deemed necessary.
차용훈(Yong-Hun Cha),박창선(Cang-Sun Park),성백섭(Back-Sub Sung),이재희(Jae-Hee Lee),최지현(Ji-Hyun Choi),박용순(Yong-Sun Park) 한국생산제조학회 2011 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.4
In this research, the friction characteristic of coating materials of anodizing were investigated. The test was conducted in air and un-lubricated state using the Ball-on-disc friction experiment tester. The hard anodizing coating specimen was suggested to be more advantageous coating than no treatment test specimen of aluminum. it is concluded that the hard anodizing brake disk has the most improved frictional performance and corrosion characteristics environment.
하아드 아노다이징 EV 브레이크 디스크 표면 성능 시험
차용훈(Yong-Hun Cha),성백섭(Back-Sub Sung),박창선(Cang-Sun Park),이재희(Jae-Hee Lee),최지현(Ji-Hyun Choi),박용순(Yong-Sun Park) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 지부 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.9
In this research, the friction characteristic of coating materials of anodizing were investigated. The test was conducted in air and un-lubricated state using the Ball-on-disc friction experiment tester. The hard anodizing coating specimen was suggested to be more advantageous coating than no treatment test specimen of aluminum. it is concluded that the hard anodizing brake disk has the most improved frictional performance and corrosion characteristics environment.
박창선(Chang Sun Park),성백섭(Back Sub Sung),차용훈(Yong Hun Cha),박용순(Yong Sun Park) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.5
다이캐스팅 공정은 정밀한 금형에 용탕을 압입시켜 고정도의 주조표면을 갖는 주물을 대량 생산하는 기공방식이다. 성형체의 정밀성과 주조 후처리 과정의 간소화, 자동화의 용이성 등의 장점으로 인해 산업 전반에 걸쳐 널리 사용되고 있다. 본 논문은 LPI 자동차 레귤레이터 제품은 고압의 내압을 받으며, 품질 성능에 따라 자동차의 가장 기본적인 연료공급 시스템의 핵심 역할을 한다. 고품질화된 성형제품 생산을 위하여 결함의 발생원인에 대한 이해를 통해 제조공정에서 발생하는 결함을 예측하고, 특히 오버플로우의 개소에 따라 제품의 성형에 관한 신뢰성을 증명하고자 하였다. This study examined the casting analysis of fuel pressure regulator of LPI vehicles. We aims to predict all the phenomenon accompanied by flow and solidification in die casting, and maximize productivity and quality through optimal casting design. As a result of comparing Types A and B of casting design, it was found that the number of overflow affected flow, flow speed and solidification temperature. And there was a minute difference between solidification temperatures at thick section of the spare parts. Solidification began at temperatures of 624℃ ~ 630℃, but after the casting was completed, temperatures at the center of the parts were 600℃ ~ 614℃. Temperature of molten metal showed optimal flow at temperature of 680℃. It began to solidify around at 650℃, and to be cooled between 580℃ ~ 550℃ in high speed. When the process was analysed through a computer simulation, it was found that hardness of regulators manufactured through Type B of overflow was above H<SUB>R</SUB>60.
Relaxin을 분비하는 아데노바이러스가 피판의 생존에 미치는 영향
윤인식,박용순,전영우,전여름,이원재,윤채옥,나동균,Yun, In-Sik,Park, Yong-Sun,Cheon, Young-Woo,Jeon, Yeo-Reum,Lee, Won-Jai,Yun, Chae-Ok,Rah, Dong-Kyun 대한성형외과학회 2010 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.37 No.5
Purpose: Of various effects of relaxin, we assumed that anti-fibrotic effects, neovascularization effects and vasodilatation effects of relaxin might enhance the survival rate of skin flap. In the current study, we used adenovirus expressing relaxin genes to examine whether these genes could enhance the survival rate of a skin flap. Methods: A total of 30 Sprangue-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: RLX group (10; relaxin virus injected group), CTR group (10; no gene coded virus injection group), and PBS group (10; PBS injected group). Each group was intradermally injected with the virus ($10^7$ PFU) and PBS 48 hours before and immediately before the flap elevation. A distally based flap $3{\times}9\;cm$ in size was elevated on the dorsal aspect of each rat. Following this, a flap was placed in the original location and then sutured using a #4-0 Nylon. A surviving area of the flap was measured and then compared on postoperative days 3, 7 and 10. Using a laser Doppler, the amount of blood flow was measured. On postoperative day 10, tissues were harvested for histologic examination and the number of blood vessels was counted. Results: There was a significant increase in the area of the flap survival in the RLX group on postoperative days 3 and 7. The Doppler measurement also showed significantly increased blood flow immediately after the operation and on postoperative days 7 and 10. The number of blood vessels was significantly greater in the RLX group in the tissue harvested on postoperative day 10. The VEGF concentration was significantly higher in the RLX group than others in the tissues harvested on postoperative day 10. Conclusion: Following an analysis of the effects of relaxin-secreting adenovirus on the survival of a flap, the surviving area of the flap and the blood flow also increased. A histopathology also showed an increase in the number of blood vessels and the concentration of VEGF.