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      • KCI등재

        韓醫學用語의 發音과 讀音에 對하여

        박영환(Park YungHwan),강연석(Kang YeonSeok),맹웅재(Maeng WoongJae) 한국의사학회 2010 한국의사학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        In this paper, this writer looked into the initial law and fortification, which are two of the most important phonetic changes of Sino-Korean words. Pronunciation and inscription rules of Oriental Medical terminologies have also been studied. Moreover, several problems of meaningful rendering of Oriental Medical Chinese terminologies into Korean have been looked into. As a result, the following conclusions could be drawn. 1. The initial law only applies to Sino-Korean words that consist of more than one syllable. It does not apply to words borrowed from foreign languages. Especially, compound words like Jang-ssi-yu-gyeong(張氏類經) or Im-sin-yuk-hyeol(姙娠衄血) consist of already existing words such as Jang-ssi(張氏), Yu-gyeong(類經), Im-sin(姙娠), and Yuk-hyeol(衄血), and thus the initial law applies to these words. They are inscribed and pronounced ‘Jang-ssi-yu-gyeong’ and ‘Im-sin-yuk-hyeol’. 2. Fortification of Sino-Korean words can be applied variously according to the structure and meaning of the words. Words such as ‘科’, ‘格’, ‘氣’, ‘法’, ‘病’, ‘症’, and ‘證’ are often fortified and at the same time used frequently in Oriental Medicine. Also, many other words are derived from these words. However, there has not been a scholastic consent among the Oriental Medical society as to in which circumstances these words will be fortified. Therefore, a standardization process to stipulate the pronunciation of Oriental Medical terminologies is necessary. 3. Meaningful rendering of Oriental Medical Chinese terminologies into Korean also needs scholastic investigation. Especially, the word 兪should be meaningfully rendered and pronounced ‘su’ just like the words 輸and 腧, but is wrongly pronounced ‘yu’. Other than this, the words 井滎兪經合, 秦艽, 膻中, 共振丹, 成無已, and 麗澤通氣湯should respectively be pronounced ‘jeong-hyeong-su-gyeong-hap’, ‘jin-gyo’, ‘dan-jung’, ‘gong-sin-dan’, ‘Seong-mu-yi’, and ‘Yi-taek-tong-gi-tang’. Moreover, there are four pronunciations to the word 梴 of 李梴. This should also be standardized. This writer proposes that in the future, correct meaningful rendering of Chinese terminologies into Korean and phonetic signs be inscribed in dictionaries regarding Oriental Medical terminologies.

      • KCI등재후보

        鍼金銅人의 僕參, 大都, 太白의 穴位에 대한 고찰

        박영환(YungHwan Park) 한국의사학회 2016 한국의사학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        The location of BL61 has commonly known as directly under the BL60 (Gollyun) which is at the lateral side of the heel. SP2 is located at the front of the big toe joint and SP3 is located at the rear of the big toe joint. These locations are the same with the standard acupuncture points of the WHO/WPRO. However, according to Chimgeumdongin (鍼金銅人), BL61 is located at the center of calcaneal tuberosity, which is close to the bottom of the heel, not at the side. SP2 is located at the rear of the big toe joint, not at the front. SP3 is located at the rear of sesamoid bone, not at the rear of the big toe joint. These can be also found in Douningyou (銅人形) c-544 with the same locations. Moreover, these locations are precisely equal in reference to the acupuncture classics such as <Zhenjiujiayijing : 鍼灸甲乙經>, <Buzhutongrenjing : 補註銅人經>, whereas the descriptions of the standard acupuncture points of the WHO/WPRO and the locations of acupuncture points in Zhenjiutongren (鍼灸銅人), Zhinjiuxueweitongren (鍼灸穴位銅人) are totally different from the acupuncture classics. Therefore, there needs to be further examinations on WHO/WPRO Standard Acupuncture Point with various acupuncture bronze men.

      • KCI등재

        『鍼灸要覽』의 鍼灸要穴解에 대한 문헌고찰

        안상우(Sangwoo Ahn),박영환(Yunghwan Park) 한국의사학회 2020 한국의사학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        The Summary Handbook of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (鍼灸要覽) (SHAM) was written by an unknown folk healer who learned acupuncture about 100 years ago in Korea. The book discusses 79 acupoints and includes a table of contents, a text, and a pair of acupoint charts. The acupoints in the book are classed under two headings, 49 acupoints of 14 meridians and 33 acupoints. A number of the acupoints such as Gichoong (氣忠), Eumheobong (陰虛峰), Goowa (口卧), Cheonryang (天良) did not fit the then existing meridian system and were newly uncovered by the authors. The book also discusses needle insertion depth in a way that is quite different from how insertion depth is understood by clinicians today. Books such as SHAM that record new acupoints and treatments are rare among Korea s existing medical and clinical books and can be said to be very important in terms of medical history. 『鍼灸要覽』은 약 100여 년 전 우리나라에서 저술된 것으로 저자는 未詳이며, 총 79개의 경혈이 기재되어 있는데 目次, 鍼灸要穴解, 明堂銅人圖로 구성되어 있다. 『鍼灸要覽』의 경혈은 14經脈의 正經穴과 새로 만든 要覽穴로 구성되어 있다. 이 책의 특징은 氣忠, 陰虛峰, 口卧, 天良 등 기존 正經穴이나 新穴, 奇穴에서 알려지지 않은 경혈들을 33개나 기록하였다는 점이다. 이 책의 또 하나의 특징은 자침법에 관한 것이다. 이 책에는 刺鍼의 깊이가 각 經穴마다 상세하게 기술되어 있는데 현재 임상에서 일반적으로 사용하는 자침법과는 다르게 深刺하는 특징이 있다. 이렇게 새로운 경혈과 주치를 기록한 서적은 우리나라의 기존 침구의학 서적이나 임상서적에서는 쉽게 찾아볼 수 없는 것으로 의사학적으로도 매우 중요한 의미를 갖는다고 할 수 있다.

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