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      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        종교와 사회갈등

        박양식(Yang Sik Park) 한국인문사회과학회 2013 현상과 인식 Vol.37 No.1/2

        개인 갈등과 집단 갈등에 관련한 연구가 갈등학과 평화학이란 학문 영역으로 자리잡은 상황에서 역사학적 접근의 시도를 하는 것이 본고의 목적이다. 종교와 사회 갈등 간의 관계를 역사적 검토를 함으로써 갈등의 실체를 보기 위함이다. 본고가 초점을 맞추는 것은 사회적 갈등에 관한 종교적 신념의 작동 양상이다. 특별히 종교로 인해 일어나는 갈등 양상을 후스파의 급진파인 타보르파의 천국왕국운동과 급진적 종교개혁자 토마스 뮌처의 난을 중심으로 살펴볼 것이다. 이는 종교 사상이 사회적 갈등을 야기하는 원인으로 작동할 수 있음을 보여주고, 근대 이전 사회의 갈등에서 종교의 역할을 파악하는데 도움을 준다. 이처럼 종교와 사회 갈등에 관한 역사적 해명을 통해 종교가 사회 갈등의 산물이 될 수 있다는 역사적 증거를 확인할 것이다. 종교가 역사 현실에서는 하나의 이데올로기로 작용하고 보수파나 급진파 어느 한 쪽의 편을 든다. 하지만 그런 가운데서도 그런 종교적 이상은 포기되지 않고 이데올로기를 넘어선 가치를 위해 자신의 시대적 역할을 추구하도록 만드는 점이 간과될 수 없다. 끝으로 시대의 전환기를 맞아 종교로 인한 사회갈등이 줄지 않고 있다. 이런 상황에서 어떤 특정한 종교 사상으로 미래의 평화와 새로운 질서를 만들어 갈 것인가를 고민하고 해법을 찾아 실천하는 것은 중요한 과제임에 틀림없다. Research related to individual conlficts and collective conflicts is gradually established as a field of the science of conflicts or peace. In this situation, the aim of this paper is to try to approach historically in order to grasp the historical facets of relationship between religion and social conflicts. What this paper noticed is how a religious belief is worked to the social conflict, dealing with the Taborite millenarian movement and Thomas Munzter’s Uprising. It shows that a religious thought causes a social conflict, helps us realizing the role of religion in the social conflicts of pre-modern age. This elucidation makes sure a historical evidence that a religion may be a direct cause of social conflicts. Religion operates a kind of ideology in the historical reality, and prefers to either the conservative or the radical. However, it cannot be regarded that it seeks to its role of the ages for a value beyond a ideology, holding on to its own ideal. Lastly, in the transition period, social conflicts raised by religion has not diminished. In this situation, it is important task that we concern about how to build peace for future and make new order, and then seek for a solution and practice it.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        감성의 형성 : 종교개혁 이전 시기 한 독일인의 불만 감정

        박양식 ( Yang Sik Park ) 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2009 호남학 Vol.0 No.45

        혁명이나 개혁 운동이 일어나기 직전에 사람들이 갖고 있을 감정의 문제를 상정해보자. 그러면 개혁이나 혁명 이전 시기에 사회 속에 표출되는 불만 감정들을 볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 종교개혁 이전 시기의 한 독일인 하급성직자가 갖고 있는 불만 감정을 살펴보고자 한다. 이 독일인이 로마교회 체제 전반에 대해 갖고 있었던 불만 사항들에 얽힌 여러 감정을 통칭하여 불만 감정이라고 규정하여 접근해 가고자 한다. 이 글에서 말하는 불만 감정이란 감정 이론가들이 제시하는 구체적인 감정을 가리키는 것은 아니다. 그것은 현 상황에 대해 만족하지 못하는 사항에 얽힌 일군의 감정들을 지시하기 위한 편의상 용어이다. 이렇게 불만 감정이라고 규정한 것에 얽힌 감정선을 추적하며 그 감정선이 담고 있는 역사적 층위의 논점을 검토하는 것이 이 글의 목적이다. 첫째로 다룬 내용은 서신 발송 행위와 수신 대상에 얽힌 감정들이다. 서신 발송 행위 자체와 수신 대상의 혼란스런 기재에 관련하여 이중으로 교차되는 감정들이 있었음을 보여준다. 실망감과 희망이 교차하는 가운데 익명으로 서신을 보내는 부끄러움과 그래도 보내어 개혁을 요구해야 한다는 저항감이 부딪쳤으며, 추기경에 대한 강한 불신감과 종교회의에 대한 일말의 기대감이 얽혀 있었다. 이러한 독일인 하급성직자의 감정은 개인적인 감정이지만 사회적 관련성을 담고 있는 것이라고 보았다. 둘째로 세세한 불만 사항들에서 읽어낼 수 있는 독일인 하급성직자의 여러 감정들을 살폈다. 불만 감정의 주된 기조는 분노의 감정이지만 그 분노의 감정 그 뒤에 숨겨진 세밀한 감정들이 있음을 찾아보았다. 배신감, 실망감, 불신감, 모욕감, 동감 등이 그것이다. 또한 독일인 하급성직자의 그 감정이 개인적 차원에 머물지 않고 민족적 차원으로 발전되었다는 사실이 주목된다. 독일 민족에 대한 애정과 로마 교회와 이탈리아인들에 대한 적대감은 후스파와 같이 민족적 행동을 추동할 수 있는 민족 감정이었음을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 하급성직자의 불만 감정에 관련하여 앞으로 감정의 심층적 역사 연구를 위해서 생각해야 논점들을 제시하였다. 우선 역사현실 속의 감정 문제는 행동 유발 요인으로 중요한 역사적 동인으로 보아야 한다는 점이 제시되었다. 다음으로 심층적 역사연구를 위한 논점으로 감정에 담겨 있는 사회관계적 내용의 성격을 파악해야 하고 감정이 지닌 시간성의 문제는 역사적 논의에서 진지하게 고려해 볼 사항이라는 점을 다루었다. We can think about certain emotions that people come to have just before revolution or reformation. It is a dissatisfied emotion that especially discovered and noted in such peoriods. This essay aims to observe a dissatisfied emotion that a German lower clergyman had before the Reformation. It deals with the emotions that he had discontented against a system of the Roman church generally. a dissatisfied emotion is conveniently chosen. This essay tries to pursuit emotional lines dissatisfied with a current situation and historical layers included a dissatisfied emotion. Firstly, I deals with various emotions involved in behavior sent a letter by a German lower clergyman. His recipient was dual, Cardinal and church council. His confusion reflects his entangled emotions. Despair and hope were crossed. He felt shame that he send anonymously and had a feeling of resistance that he ought to send. Then to him, distrust of Cardinal and expentacy to church council were entangled. Those kind of feelings were social as well as personal. Secondly, I reads a cluster of emotions from dissatisfied articles that stimulated him. His main emotion was rage. However, there were variousemotions, a cluster of emotions behind his rage. Those were the betrayal, disappointed, distrustful, insulting, sympathy ones so and forth. Moreover he felt national sentiment as German compared with Italian. This means that his emotion did not confine to personal but to national. His affection toward Germany and antagonism to Roman Church and Italians became clear a national emotion that motivated national behavior as the Hussites. Lastly, I present the issues for deepening historical study of emotions. We insist to recognize that emotions in history are regarded as a kind of historical drives. To deepening historical study, historians try to grasp social relations and a matter of time in emotions seriously.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 민주 인사의 70년대 감옥 기억

        박양식(Yang Sik Park) 한국인문사회과학회 2010 현상과 인식 Vol.34 No.3

        짧은 기간에 역동적인 민주화 과정을 거친 한국의 특정한 역사상을 접근하기 위해서 구술사의 방법론을 적용한다. 그 역사상은 집합기억과 기억의 터란 개념에 입각하여 찾아 들어갈 수 있다. 본고는 박 형규 목사의 70년대 감옥 기억을 통해 외적ㆍ내적 역사 내용을 살펴보았고, 그 기억으로부터 확정된 역사 내용을 찾아보았다. 이런 내용에 관통하는 담론으로서 기억을 추적하는 관점과 이론에 관련한 문제와 구술사에 대한 역사적 성찰의 문제를 검토하였다. Korea went through a vibrant democratic process in a short time. I apply the methodology of oral history to approach to the particular history in it. The history written by memories challeges the established history and makes people see new kind of history. This history is grasped according to the ideas of collective memory and the sites of memory. Through Pastor Park’s memory of 70’s prison, I found the internal and external facts of the history, another historical contents extended from his memory of prison. The results are difficult to see them in the existing history. Students and christian activist for the Korean Democratic Movement did not accept regulation and punishment as they were, and did subversive acts in their own manner. As they were in the prison they still continue to struggle for demorcratization. I reviewed problems about perspective and theory tracing the memory, and the historical reflection of oral history as a discourse concerning contents that this paper made a proposal.

      • 刑法 第27條의 解釋에 관한 一考察

        朴陽植 慶北大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        In early 19th century, Feuerbach, a german scholar, introduced the concept of "untauglicher versuch", "tauglicher versuch" in the case when an act cannot, from the beginning, any criminal result. Following studies reached a conclusion that Tauglicher versuch is of two kinds: "tauglicher" and "untauglicher versuchs", of which the former can be penalized, while the latter cannot be. This view was accepted in the german and later in the Japanese criminal Law. In japanese case, tauglicher versuch was translated as tauglicher versuch and untauglicher versuch as impossible crime or impossible Tauglicher versuch. The translation triggered a hot debate on the concept of impossible crime. Since japanese criminal Law had been applied in Korea till 1953, the debate was going on in Korean text also. The debate centers around how to differentiate Tauglicher versuch and impossible crime. Feuerbach's original idea was that "tauglichkeit" (possibility) is the criterion. However, with the emergence of the german criminal law in 1870's "Gefa¨hrlichkeit" (dangerousness) was accepted as the criterion. Now, the meaning of gefa¨hrlichkeit became the focal point in the debate. However, the concept of gefa¨hrlichkeit , a well as of tauglichkeit, has not yet been clarified. The debate became more complicated by the intervening of another idea which appeared in 1830. "mangel am tatbestand" (the theory of imperfect fact). Current criminal law of our country includes a new article, the article, 27. The article states that even when the resulting crime is impossible due to the mistakes of criminal means or object, the act intending to commit crime is to be penalized if there is a danger. This article, not provided in German or Japanese criminal Law, became the sourse of confusion about the nature of crime in that article. For, while the article 25 in our criminal Law permits a discretionary reduction of penalty in case of tauglicher versuch, the artide 27 permits reduction and immunity of penalty. As a result, the interpretation of Tauglicher Versuch in Korean Criminal Law must be different from that in German or Japanes system. This essay critically expleres various problems ceritening around the article 27: such as the nature of crime in that arlicle, Tauglicher versuch and impossible crime, the relationship between articles 25 and 27.

      • 刑法上 故意에 관한 一考察

        朴陽植 경북대학교 법정대학 1981 法大論叢 Vol.19 No.-

        The article 13 of Korean Criminal Law Prescribes as follows 「The action which does not cognize the fact-the constitutional element of crime-is not to be punished. But the case being specially prescribed by the law is exception.」 We commonly call "the cognition of the fact above" as "Criminal intention". Above article shows that Korean Criminal Law adopts the general principle of criminal responsibility. According to this principle, Psychological elements of criminals such as "Criminal intention" and "negligence" are considered as necessary conditions for blaming. This means that the actor who does not cognize "criminal intention" and "negligence" is not being punished. In this case, the content and meaning of subjective psychological condition such as "intention" and "Negligence" are not defined clearly by the positive prescriptions of criminal Law, but also the opinions about them are not agreed in theories. The "Criminal intention" is one of the most basic concepts of the criminal Law and Science. The concept of Criminal intention is at the state of not being defined uniformily, because multiple elements are considered variously due to the viewpoint of history of theories. Up to now, the criminal intention is only issued by the general principle of Criminal responsibility. But recently, the definition of criminal intention by common opinion is becoming more and more diflicult because of the development of subjective illegality theory of purposive action theory, and of constitational condition theory, etc. This study intend to analysis and to arrange the existing theories about "Criminal intention", and to suggest more concrete understanding of content and meaning of "Criminal in tention. This study is constituted of 8 chapters. The first is introduction of the study. The second is concept and entity of Criminal intention. The third is status of system of Criminal theory. The forth is scope and range of Criminal intention. The fifth is cognition of illegality and Criminal intention. The sixth is classifications of criminal intention. The Seventh is elements of subjective illegality. The eighth is Criminal intention in the case of special crime.

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