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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        가정환경 특성에 따른 아동의 성장발육과 성인신장 추정치

        박순영(Sun Young Pak),이종인(Jong In Lee),이신재(Shin Jae Lee),김희경(Hee Kyoung Kim),안홍석(Hong Seok An) 한국발육발달학회 2008 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        This research explored effects of home environmental characteristics on physical growth and adult stature estimates of sixth-graders. The sample children have been the research participants of Seoul Child Panel Study that has been conducted since 2004. The children`s physical growth was measured by Height for Age Z Score (HAZ), Body Mass Index for Age Z Score (BMIZ), and adult stature estimates. Their home environmental characteristics were measured by parents` education levels, family`s experiences of poverty, type of family (i.e. biparental or single parental type), and number of child` siblings. The data for this study were collected in the year of 2006 by collecting school records on the height and weight of 1,092 children and conducting self-administered surveys to the children`s parents. The data analysis methods employed include descriptive statistics, t test, One-Way ANOVA, and multiple stepwise linear regression analysis. The results suggest that variables such as parents` education level, family poverty, and number of child` siblings significantly explain children`s physical growth. However, type of family was not found to be statistically significant factor for physical growth in children. Father`s college education positively predicted children`s current stature and estimated adult height. Family`s experience of poverty at the time of research and high number of siblings negatively predicted BMIZ scores. The research results suggest that father`s education level is significant for long-term growth of Korean children while family poverty and number of siblings are significant for their short-term growth.

      • KCI등재

        가정환경 특성이 만 3세 유아의 성장발육에 미치는 영향

        박순영(Sun Young Pak),이종인(Jong In Lee),김희경(Hee Kyoung Kim) 한국아동복지학회 2007 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.24

        본 연구는 초기 아동의 성장발육 상태가 아동의 생애에 걸쳐 미치는 광범위하고 장기적인 영향에 주목하면서, 만 3세 유아를 대상으로 이들의 가정환경 변인과 성장발육 특성 간의 관계를 탐구한다. 가정환경은 부모의 학력, 가족경제(가족빈곤 여부), 가족구조(양친부모가족 여부, 아동의 형제자매수), 가족의 사회적 지지 수준, 부모와 아동의 상호작용 특성(부모수용거부척도)으로 측정되었으며, 성장발육 특성은 주요 성장발육 지수인 연령별 신장 표준편차 점수, 연령별 체중 표준편차 점수, 신장별 체중 표준편차 점수, 그리고 연령별 체질량지수 표준편차 점수로 측정되었다. 연구 자료는 2006년 7월과 8월에 만 3세 유아 278명을 대상으로 실시된 신체측정과 유아의 부모에 대한 설문조사를 통해 수집되었다. 수집 자료는 기술통계, t 검증, 피어슨 상관계수 계산, 선형회귀분석을 통해 분석되었다. 분석결과에 따르면, 가족빈곤 여부, 형제자매 수, 부모 교육수준은 성장발육에 유의한 변인으로 나타난 반면, 양친부모가족 여부, 사회적 지지수준, 부모와 아동의 상호작용 특성은 아동 성장발육 특성에 유의한 영향을 주지 않았다. 특히 부모 교육수준이 낮은 유아는 그렇지 않은 아동에 비해 체질량지수가 높은 경향이 있는데 이는 계층과 과체중이 반비례로 나타나는 선진 산업사회의 체위형태가 한국의 유아들에게서 나타나고 있다는 점에서 주목할 만한 현상이다. 만 3세 유아들에서 이미 이러한 관계가 포착된다는 것은 우리의 아동들이 이상적(理想的)인 성장발육과정을 거쳐 건강한 성인으로 자랄 수 있도록 돕기 위한 정책적 차원의 관리와 개입이 학령기 이전부터 이루어져야 한다는 점을 시사하고 있다. This research explored the relationship between home environmental characteristics and the physical growth of 3 year-old toddlers. Physical growth was measured by four major indicators including Height for Age Z Score, Weight for Age Z Score, Weight for Height Z Score, and Body Mass Index for Age Z Score. The data for this study were collected during July and August of 2006 by measuring the height and weight of 278 children and conducting self-administered surveys to the parents. The data analysis methods employed include descriptive statistics, t test, Pearson correlation analysis, and linear regression analysis. The results suggest that variables such as perceived social support, parental acceptance of child, or number of parents do not significantly explain children`s physical growth. However, family poverty, number of siblings, and parents` education level were found to be statistically significant factors for physical growth in children. Children whose parents attained a high level of education tended to be slimmer and taller. The positive correlation between the parents` high level of education and the slimness of the 3 year old children suggests that the negative relationship between socioeconomic status and obesity found in most western societies may begin from the early stages of child development in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인류 진화사 모델에 나타나는 여성의 모습 : 변한 것과 변하지 않은 것

        박순영 한국문화인류학회 1998 韓國文化人類學 Vol.31 No.2

        The study of human evolution, or paleoanthropology, has always been at the core of physical anthropology. The ultimate goal of paleoanthropology is to reconstruct human evolutionary history in an attempt to account for the very nature of what it is to be human. For the last 100 years, several models have been proposed which focus on the behaviors and relative contributions of males and females in human evolution. In these models, early women were portrayed as bystanders in the evolutionary process, being limited by the reproductive demands. On the other hand, early men were credited as active agents of evolutionary change, being responsible for the many uniquely human innovations such as bipedalism, enlargement of brain, the making of tools, cooperative communication, symbolic representation, and so on. These explanations of evolutionarily-based sex roles and gender differences are particularly problematic because theories of human origins do function as symbolic statements about human nature. For example, the highly influential "Man the Hunter" model of human evolution attributes the evolution of Homo sapiens to those activities and behaviors engaged in and exhibited by male ancestors. Such accounts place women in the realm of nature. This definition of women's functions as natural negates any further analysis of them. Females were ignored within evolutionary models by the association of their activities with nature; thus, they were not relevant to the evolutionary process. In part due to the increasing number of women in the field and also in part due to the impact of rising feminism in the society at large, some female investigators attended differently to the data and began to consider women in human evolution less as passive reproductive agents than as central participants in human evolution. Some female paleoanthropologists proposed a counter model called "Woman the Gatherer," in which the evolutionary significance of gathering activities art recognized. Androcentric models of human evolution have also been undermined by the findings of female primatologists. Research on female primates challenged the sex-stereotypes of male aggression, dominance and alliance, and female passivity. These female primatologists have demonstrated that the females of many species are not just the passive recipients of the attention of dominant males but are endowed with sexual strategies of their own. In doing so, they demonstrated the centrality of women and female primates in social life and in the evolutionary process alike, and successfully addressed major issues regarding female and male behavior. By providing human females with plausible animal models, their efforts transformed women from a passive, sexual resource for men to active agents and creators. Because paleoanthropology conducts its research within the realm of science, it is often assumed that it is objective and that paleoanthropologists are concretely stating ,"this is the way it was in the past." However, the reconstruction of past behavior entails a long chain of inferences. Worse yet, the inferential basis on which our knowledge of past behavior is based is, to say the least, less than secure. Due to limited evidence of early hominid social life, human evolution models depend heavily on speculation, which often is culturally informed. More often than not, unacknowledged stereotypes of modern male/female roles are used to interpret the past so that the past becomes a cultural construct. This way, evolutionary models function to reify images of modern men and women. Paleoanthropology must be made internally honest. It is crucial to examine the inferential bases upon which knowledge of human evolution is constructed. The assumptions of any theory must be made explicit so that one can test or debate them. When there is no direct or indirect information, reconstruction might include a variety of possibilities. Ambiguities must be made explicit. When researchers must choose between or among alternatives, the criteria for choice must be made explicit too. However, it seems unlikely that increased scientific data, or rigor, would solve the problem of speculative interpretations because most of the important features that define sex-role differentiation are intangible. When reconstructing human evolutionary history, we must be aware of biases, gender-based or otherwise. This awareness by no means undermines the value of scientific research. To say that the practice of science is marked by gender and politics is not the same as claiming that it arises out of ideological concerns. A scientific theory can provide consistent methods for obtaining reliable knowledge, yet be iufluenced by certain values or interests.

      • KCI등재

        한국 도시 아동의 성장 발육상의 특성과 행동 발달간의 상관관계

        박순영 한국문화인류학회 1996 韓國文化人類學 Vol.29 No.2

        This study analyzes the rate of growth in height and the timing of adolescent growth events using school health files of 752 children in Seoul, Korea. Subjects were born between March 1, 1975 and February 29, 1976. The Preecd-Baines model is used to estimate values for rates and timing of childhood and adolescent events. The mean age at peak height velocity (PHV) is 13.13 and 11.55 years for boys and girls respectively. The corresponding velocities are 9.28 and 7.31 cm/year. There is a significantly negative correlations between age at PHV and PHV itself. There is a marginally significant correlation between age at PHV and the estimated adult height among boys but not among girls. The difference of adult height between the sexes arises mainly from the boys' delay in adolescent spurt, which contributes to 8.71cm to the total dimorphism of 11.41cm. The influence of environmental factors on height attainment disappears among boys and socioenvironmental gradient in height is not found among themm at the mean age of 17.7. On other hand, a moderate socioenvironmental influence remains evident among girls up to the time of final measurement at the mean age of 17.7. This difference between the sexes may result from a differential environmental growth advantages for male children. The relationship of height and relative maturity to mental performance from grade 1 to grade 12 is assessed by retrospective data from the school records of 352 subjects. The results indicate that the association of height and relative maturity (as measured by the age at PHV) with intellectual performance (as measured by IQ and GPA) are limited to childhood and early adolescence. The influence of the father's educational level on GPA is limited to grade 1 among boys, while remaining significant to the 11th grade among girls. This result indicates that the environment in which the boys in this study group have been brought up is closer to the optimal condition than the girls'.

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