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남기우(K.W. Nam),문희준(H.J. Moon),박상현(S.H. Park),김은선(E.S. Kim),서현수(H.S. Seo),김종순(J.S. Kim) 대한기계학회 2009 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2009 No.11
Zinc coatings are widely used in practice for preventing the corrosion of steel. But the zinc coating can be involved by corrosion phenomena with the consequence that some steel surface is unprotected. The reduction of the corrosion rate of zinc is an important topic. In the past a very popular way to reduce the corrosion rate of zinc was the use of chemical conversion layers based on Cr??. However, there is the important problem that the use of chromium salts is now restricted because of environmental protection legislation. Therefore very important to develop new zinc surface treatments environmentally friendly to improve the corrosion resistance of zinc and the adhesion with the final organic protective layer. In this study, Urethane solution (only Urethane 20 % ; S-700) and organic/inorganic solution with Si (Si polysilicate 10 % + Urethane 6 % + hardner 4 % ; LRO317-1)are used. Based on the salt spray test of 72h, S-700 and LRO317-1 had a superior effect on EGI and HGI, respectively.
비정질실리콘 태양전지에 대한 장시간 성능예측: 확장지수함수 모형 및 컴퓨터 모의실험
박상현,유종훈,Park, S.H.,Lyou, Jong-H. 한국진공학회 2012 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.21 No.4
태양광에 노출되어있는 동안 비정질실리콘 태양전지에서 일어나는 장시간 성능변화에 대해서 연구하였다. 그리고 결함밀도의 운동학 모형을 통해서 태양광으로 인한 태양전지 성능변화를 예측하였다. 특히, 전하운반자 수명이 결함밀도에 의해서 크게 영향을 받기 때문에 비정질실리콘 태양전지의 광유도 성능감소(light-induced degradation)가 확장지수함수 완화법칙(stretched-exponential relaxation)을 따르는 결함밀도에 의해서 물리적으로 설명된다. 그리고 확장지수함수 완화법칙과AMPS-1D 컴퓨터 프로그램의 모의실험에 의해서 비정질실리콘 태양전지의 광유도 성능감소를 계산했고, 모의실험의 결과를 옥외에 설치한 태양전지의 측정데이터에 비교하였다. 본 연구는 상온에서 다음과 같은 특성을 갖는 전형적인 비정질실리콘pin 태양전지에 대해서 모의실험을 진행했다: 두께${\approx}$300 nm, 내부전위${\approx}$1.05 V, 초기 결함밀도${\approx}5{\times}10^{15}cm^{-3}$, 초기 단락전류${\approx}15.8mA/cm^2$, 초기 채우기비율${\approx}0.691$, 초기 개방전압${\approx}0.865V$, 초기 변환효율${\approx}9.50%$.
연속일체형 날개-동체 타입 UCAV 형상의 저속 종방향 공력특성에 대한 전산유동해석
박상현(S.H. Park),장경식(K. Chang),심호준(H.J. Shim),신동진(D.J. Sheen),박수형(S.H. Park) 한국전산유체공학회 2016 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.21 No.3
In the present work, numerical simulations were conducted on the scaled model of the BWB type UCAV in the subsonic region using ANSYS FLUENT V15. The prediction method was validated through comparison with experimental results and the effect of the twisted wing was investigated. To consider the transitional flow phenomenon, γ transition model based on SST model was adopted. The coefficients of lift, drag and pitching moment were compared with experimental results and the pressure distribution and streamlines were investigated. The twisted wing decreases the lift force but increases lift-to-drag ratio through delay of stall and leading edge vortex’s movement to the front, also the non-linearity of the pitching moment is decreased.
오픈 소스 Netgen 라이브러리 기반의 관상동맥 형상 비정렬 격자 자동 생성 기법 연구
박상현(S.H. Park),장경식(K. Chang),이상욱(S.W. Lee),한동진(D. Han),장영걸(Y. Jang),장혁재(H. Chang) 한국전산유체공학회 2017 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.22 No.2
In the present work, the algorithm for automatic tetrahedral mesh generation of the coronary artery geometry is proposed using open source software, Netgen library with LGPL license. Automatic processes include volume mesh generation and assignment of the boundary conditions, which are necessary for CFD simulation using in-house code. Automatic volume mesh generation is conducted based on Netgen library using STL-formatted file with surface elements information which is obtained through special treatment of coronary computed tomography angiography(CCTA) of the patient. For automatic assignments of the boundary conditions such as inlet, outlets and wall, the radius, the coordinate of center points and the normal vectors are used. With the arbitrary surface element, if two calculations are within the criteria; 1) the inner product with normal vector of selected surface element and one of inlet/outlet, 2)the distance between the selected element and the center point, the selected element is assigned inlet or outlet. Others which are not satisfied with above conditions are treated as the wall. The proposed algorithm is tested in the sample coronary artery. It is confirmed that generated volume mesh and boundary conditions are working well as the input file of in-house code.